Price: AED1,056.00 — AED 999.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 01:40:43 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

matepad 11.5

matepad 11.5

11.5-inch Eye-soothing HUAWEI FullView Display

11.5-inch Eye-soothing HUAWEI FullView Display

All-metal Integrated Body

All-metal Integrated Body

Detachable HUAWEI Smart Keyboard

Detachable HUAWEI Smart Keyboard

11.5‑inch Eye-sooth­ing HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play

Feast your eyes on a 11.5‑inch HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play, round­ed into form by an opti­mised 3:2 aspect ratio, and ren­dered in gor­geous detail by a 2.2K res­o­lu­tion and 120 Hz high refresh rate.

All-met­al Inte­grat­ed Body

HUAWEI MatePad 11.5″ adopts a uni-body design, with the body made out of a whole piece of alu­mini­um alloy. It’s even more than meets the eye, pack­ing an anten­na array and easy-to-grip micro-curved mid­dle frame. Sleek, slim, and slight as air, at 499 g and 6.85 mm,5 it’s where pow­er meets porta­bil­i­ty.

Detach­able HUAWEI Smart Key­board

The HUAWEI Smart Key­board is ver­sa­tile as it can be attached or detached to the tablet, to stream­line usage in dif­fer­ing sce­nar­ios.



HUAWEI M-Pencil (2nd generation)

HUAWEI M-Pencil (2nd generation)

Multi-Window Multi-Tasking

Multi-Window Multi-Tasking


HUAWEI Notes now comes with more new fea­tures. Access your notes with cus­tomised cov­ers at a light­ning speed, with Quick Notes. Make eye-catch­ing marks on the tablet with the high­lighter, and get speech record­ed as notes in real time. Thanks to Split-screen Notes, proof­read­ing and revi­sion can be eas­i­er than ever. Zoom in on the can­vas by 15 times, to draw out your mindmap in great detail.

HUAWEI M‑Pencil (2nd gen­er­a­tion)

Pair your MatePad with an HUAWEI M‑Pencil (2nd gen­er­a­tion) sty­lus, which cap­tures the full nuance of each line, dash, dot, and brush-stroke, thanks to 4096-lev­el pres­sure sens­ing.

Mul­ti-Win­dow Mul­ti-Task­ing

Open mul­ti­ple app win­dows on the tablet with Mul­ti-Win­dow, so that you can jot down notes dur­ing a meet­ing, or com­pose an email while reply­ing to work mes­sages. It even allows you to open com­mon split-screen com­bos with just a tap.

FollowCam to Keep You Front and Centre

FollowCam to Keep You Front and Centre

Immersive Quad-Speaker Setup

Immersive Quad-Speaker Setup

Blazing-fast 4 nm Processor

Blazing-fast 4 nm Processor

Fol­low­Cam to Keep You Front and Cen­tre

The 8 MP 105° wide-angle front cam­era keeps video con­fer­enc­ing as clear as can be, with its Fol­low­Cam fea­ture to keep you in focus even as you move and walk around. And don’t for­get the 13 MP rear cam­era, per­fect for scan­ning files.

Immer­sive Quad-Speak­er Set­up

The HUAWEI MatePad 11.5″ comes with quad-speak­er sur­round sound and the HUAWEI His­ten 8.1 algo­rithm, to gen­er­ate soul-stir­ring sounds that keep you on the edge of your seat. Huawei’s self-devel­oped AI noise can­cel­la­tion tech­nol­o­gy fil­ters out unwant­ed noise in your envi­ron­ment, to keep you focused dur­ing work­ing or study­ing.

Blaz­ing-fast 4 nm Proces­sor

The HUAWEI MatePad 11.5″ is equipped with a 4 nm high-per­for­mance proces­sor, so that you can make Pow­er­Point slides, take notes, play games, or watch videos on this tablet with no sweat.

SuperHub, Seamless Content Transfers

SuperHub, Seamless Content Transfers

Soaring Wi-Fi 6

Soaring Wi-Fi 6

Super­Hub, Seam­less Con­tent Trans­fers

Super­Hub is your idea col­lec­tor. Drag text, images, videos, and songs to Super­Hub at will, or copy and paste text and images across apps or devices to eas­i­ly com­plete your pro­pos­al.

Soar­ing Wi-Fi 6

The Cav­i­ty Slot Mag­net­ic (CSM) Anten­na and the enhanced Wi-Fi 6 give you dou­ble the band­width and 368% the down­load rate, so that files and web­pages appear on screen ahead of sched­ule.

Launch Offer: FREE M‑Pen Pack­age (with charg­er) + Gift Box + VIU 6 months + 200GB Cloud Stor­age only with sold by
11.5″ 120 Hz HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play: Feast your eyes on a 11.5‑inch HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play, round­ed into form by an opti­mised 3:2 aspect ratio, and ren­dered in gor­geous detail by a 2.2K res­o­lu­tion and 120 Hz high refresh rate.
Easy-to-Use Detach­able Key­board & M‑Penci: Pair your MatePad with an HUAWEI M‑Pencil (2nd gen­er­a­tion) sty­lus, which cap­tures the full nuance of each line, dash, dot, and brush-stroke, thanks to 4096-lev­el pres­sure sens­ing. The HUAWEI Smart Key­board is ver­sa­tile as it can be attached or detached to the tablet, to stream­line usage in dif­fer­ing sce­nar­ios.
Mul­ti-task­ing, Smart Office: Open mul­ti­ple app win­dows on the tablet with Mul­ti-Win­dow, so that you can jot down notes dur­ing a meet­ing, or com­pose an email while reply­ing to work mes­sages. It even allows you to open com­mon split-screen com­bos with just a tap
Sleek and Sim­ple Met­al Uni­body: HUAWEI MatePad 11.5″ adopts a uni-body design, with the body made out of a whole piece of alu­mini­um alloy. It’s even more than meets the eye, pack­ing an anten­na array and easy-to-grip micro-curved mid­dle frame. Sleek, slim, and slight as air, at 499 g and 6.85 mm,5 it’s where pow­er meets porta­bil­i­ty.