Price: AED 1,649.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:04:51 UTC — Details)

Dis­trac­tion-Free Read­ing Expe­ri­ence: The Note Air3 is equipped with a 10.3″ Car­ta 1200 E Ink screen, offer­ing excep­tion­al black and white con­trast for sharp­er text and bet­ter focus. The thin­ner glass pan­el enhances clar­i­ty and con­trast, sim­u­lat­ing the sen­sa­tion of read­ing on paper. The glare-free dis­play ensures clear vis­i­bil­i­ty even under direct sun­light, while the E Ink tech­nol­o­gy reduces eye strain and fatigue dur­ing extend­ed read­ing ses­sions, offer­ing ulti­mate read­ing com­fort.
Smooth User Expe­ri­ence and Long Bat­tery Life: Designed with user expe­ri­ence in mind, the Note Air3 is equipped with a high-per­for­mance Octa-core CPU, clock­ing speeds of up to 2.4GHz, which out­per­forms the capa­bil­i­ties of the Note Air2 Plus. Addi­tion­al­ly, it upgrades to Android 12, ensur­ing greater app com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and enhanced secu­ri­ty. These improve­ments guar­an­tee a smoother and more effi­cient usage expe­ri­ence. With a 3700mAh bat­tery, the Note Air3 offers an impres­sive stand­by mode that can last up to 4 weeks. The upgrad­ed CPU and long bat­tery life of the Note Air3 pro­vide a seam­less user expe­ri­ence that lasts longer between charges.
Ergonom­ic Com­fort and Paperthin in a Clas­sic Pack­age: Con­tin­u­ing the clas­sic thin design of the Note Air2 Plus, the Note Air3 boasts a slim pro­file of only 5.8mm. Housed in a pre­mi­um alu­minum shell, it presents a sleek, chic look. Its light­weight con­struc­tion makes it effort­less to car­ry and hold for extend­ed peri­ods. The wide grip ensures a com­fort­able and secure hold, enabling you to write or draw with ease.