Price: AED799.00 — AED 479.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:08:53 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

See more. Hear more.

Make video stream­ing more enjoy­able with a 10.1″ FHD LCD dis­play that deliv­ers vivid, accu­rate col­ors com­pli­ment­ed by dual speak­ers fea­tur­ing immer­sive Dol­by Atmos audio. Togeth­er, it makes the Tab M10 Gen 3 a great choice for long stream­ing ses­sions, with the high­est mobile stream­ing qual­i­ty avail­able for Net­flix, Prime Video, Dis­ney+ and more.

Screen time with less eye strain

Shop, play, and stream for hours with­out strain­ing your eyes. The Tab M10 Gen 3 is TÜV Rhein­land Low Blue Light-cer­ti­fied, emit­ting great­ly reduced lev­els of harm­ful blue light so you can enjoy more time with your device.*

*Claim not ver­i­fied.

Fun, healthy space for kids

Google Kids Space*—preloaded on Leno­vo tablets—helps chil­dren dis­cov­er, cre­ate, and grow with a library of qual­i­ty con­tent and ideas to explore their fas­ci­na­tions in new and engag­ing ways. You can guide their expe­ri­ence from your own device using the Fam­i­ly Link app’s parental con­trols to man­age avail­able con­tent, set screen time lim­its, etc.

Greater pow­er. Longer hours.

Mul­ti­task for hours and pow­er through your favorite apps and games on the Tab M10 Gen 3. You get a speedy octa-core proces­sor, up to 4GB RAM, and an ample bat­tery with juice enough for a whole day of stream­ing.

Stand out in a crowd

The Tab M10 Gen 3 sports a clean, mod­ern look that sets it—and you—apart. It’s light­weight and portable, start­ing just 460g / 1.01lbs, and the stur­dy alu­minum chas­sis comes in attrac­tive, dual-tone Storm Grey.

Comes with the most help­ful Google apps

Into pho­tog­ra­phy? Astron­o­my? Look­ing for new ways to keep up with friends? Google Play has apps for all that—and more. Plus, Google Play Pro­tect keeps your device clean and your data safe. With over 100 bil­lion apps scanned dai­ly (even ones you haven’t installed yet), it helps pro­tect you from mis­be­hav­ing apps.

See more. Hear more- 10.1“, FHD IPS LCD,100sRGB col­or. Dual speak­ers opti­mized with Dol­by Atmos
High­est mobile stream­ing qual­i­ty avail­able- Net­flix, Prime Video and Dis­ney+ stream­ing at up to 1080p
Built-in kid’s mode with Google Kids Space- A tablet expe­ri­ence with qual­i­ty con­tents to help kids dis­cov­er, cre­ate and grow.
Parental con­trol- Help your fam­i­ly cre­ate bet­ter dig­i­tal habits with Fam­i­ly Link from Google
Con­tem­po­rary design with great mobil­i­ty- Dual-tone design with alu­minum chas­sis. Thin and light with around 460g
Long bat­tery life- Up to 10 hours of video play­back with 5100mAh bat­tery capac­i­ty