Price: AED2,999.00 — AED 1,999.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 01:15:48 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



For Planet Earth

For Planet Earth





For Plan­et Earth

Made from recy­cled mate­ri­als for less harm and more earthy good­ness, we use 30% PCR plas­tic in our chas­sis and screen bezel and 50% on our key­caps to become a pio­neer of full PCR inte­gra­tion into a lap­top device.


Thought­ful­ly designed to adapt to the planet’s needs, upgrade the sys­tem your­self and reduce need­less waste. Flip the lid and see our sig­na­ture ‘R’ and ‘E’ keys, echo­ing: Reduce, Reuse, and Recy­cle.

Pack­ag­ing That Goes a Bit Fur­ther

The 100% recy­clable pack­ag­ing goes fur­ther for max­i­mum reuse, allow­ing for part of the box’s con­tents to reshape into a full-func­tion­ing lap­top stand. This inno­v­a­tive approach to min­imis­ing waste has earned the Vero’s pack­ag­ing a Red Dot Design award.



Rock Solid

Rock Solid





Switch to Eco+

Take con­trol of your ener­gy effec­tive­ness with VeroSense and low­er that car­bon count (and elec­tric bill).

Rock Sol­id

Go the dis­tance with Aspire Vero. Sub­ject to the same rig­or­ous dura­bil­i­ty test­ing and made to last so that you can use less for longer.

Green But Mean

Pow­ered by an 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sor & Intel Iris Xe graph­ics for bound­ary-break­ing per­for­mance in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Keep up-to-date with Win­dows 11 and stay con­nect­ed with the ultra-reli­able Wi-Fi 6, a Type‑C and two Type‑A ports, with one sup­port­ing pow­er-off charg­ing.

Looks Good, Does Good

Looks good with the 15.6” FHD IPS dis­play and sounds bril­liant with Acer True­Har­mo­ny, and Acer Puri­fied­Voice with AI noise reduc­tion. Man­age your day-to-day with Microsoft’s Cor­tana and enjoy con­ve­nient secu­ri­ty at your fin­ger­tip.



Acer Earthion

Earth­ion is Acer’s ini­tia­tive for us all to engi­neer a bet­ter tomor­row. Togeth­er, we can achieve our mon­u­men­tal goal of leav­ing no foot­print behind. To achieve this, we have set our­selves a series of ambi­tious goals:

60% renew­able ener­gy use by 2025 & 100% renew­able ener­gy use (RE100) by 2035
30% PCR plas­tic con­tent in core prod­ucts by 2025
80% car­bon reduc­tion by 2050 (Com­pared with the base­line year of 2009)
100% of note­book pack­ag­ing is made from sus­tain­able mate­ri­als







Acer Earthion

Earth­ion is Acer’s ini­tia­tive for us all to engi­neer a bet­ter tomor­row. Togeth­er, we can achieve our mon­u­men­tal goal of leav­ing no foot­print behind. To achieve this, we have set our­selves a series of ambi­tious goals:

60% renew­able ener­gy use by 2025 & 100% renew­able ener­gy use (RE100) by 2035
30% PCR plas­tic con­tent in core prod­ucts by 2025
80% car­bon reduc­tion by 2050 (Com­pared with the base­line year of 2009)
100% of note­book pack­ag­ing is made from sus­tain­able mate­ri­als









Award Win­ning Prod­uct : iF Design Award 2022, Good Design Award 2021, red­dot Win­ner 2021 & 2022, epeat Sil­ver Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion
For Plan­et Earth With EPEAT Sil­ver reg­is­tra­tion, the envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly Aspire Vero is made with post-con­sumer recy­cled plas­tic.
Switch to Eco+ Take con­trol of your ener­gy effi­cien­cy with VeroSense, our smart bat­tery man­age­ment app.
Rock Sol­id Sub­ject to the same dura­bil­i­ty test­ing, our green PC is made to last so that you can use less for longer.
Green But Mean Pow­ered by 13th Gen Intel Core proces­sors & Intel Iris Xe graph­ics for bound­ary-break­ing per­for­mance in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Stay fresh with Win­dows 11 and stay con­nect­ed with Wi-Fi 6E.