Scientists identify security flaw in AI query models

Scientists identify security flaw in AI query models

Overview of our pro­posed meth­ods: (A) We pro­pose four types of mali­cious trig­gers with­in the joint embed­ding space for attack decom­po­si­tion: tex­tu­al trig­ger, OCR tex­tu­al trig­ger, visu­al trig­ger, and com­bined OCR tex­­tu­al-visu­al trig­ger. (B) We employ an end-to-end gra­di­ent-based attack to update images to match the embed­dings of mali­cious trig­gers in the joint embed­ding space.…

Boosting faith in the authenticity of open source software

Boosting faith in the authenticity of open source software

Cred­it: Alex Shipps and Kelsey Mer­rill via Midjourney/Massachusetts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Open source software—software that is freely dis­trib­uted, along with its source code, so that copies, addi­tions, or mod­i­fi­ca­tions can be read­i­ly made —is “every­where,” to quote the 2023 Open Source Secu­ri­ty and Risk Analy­sis Report. Of the com­put­er pro­grams used by major indus­tries, 96%…

Engineers’ new approach brings images into focus

Engineers’ new approach brings images into focus

Cred­it: Whit­ing School of Engi­neer­ing Johns Hop­kins researchers have devel­oped an effi­cient new method to turn blur­ry images into clear, sharp ones. Called Pro­gres­sive­ly Deblur­ring Radi­ance Field (PDRF), this approach deblurs images 15 times faster than pre­vi­ous meth­ods while also achiev­ing bet­ter results on both syn­thet­ic and real scenes. “Often­times, images are blur­ry because aut­o­fo­cus…

Vulnerability in virtual reality systems identified

Vulnerability in virtual reality systems identified

Incep­tion Attacks: A user thinks they are inter­act­ing direct­ly with a VR app launched from the VR home screen, when they are in fact run­ning a sim­u­lat­ed VR app inside the attacker’s incep­tion lay­er. Cred­it: arX­iv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2403.05721 A team of com­put­er sci­en­tists at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go has uncov­ered a poten­tial vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in…

Intel introduces approach to boost power efficiency, reliability of packaged chiplet ecosystems

Intel introduces approach to boost power efficiency, reliability of packaged chiplet ecosystems

Cred­it: Das Shar­ma et al The inte­gra­tion of elec­tron­ic chips in com­mer­cial devices has sig­nif­i­cant­ly evolved over the past decades, with engi­neers devis­ing var­i­ous inte­gra­tion strate­gies and solu­tions. Ini­tial­ly, com­put­ers con­tained a cen­tral proces­sor or cen­tral pro­cess­ing unit (CPU), con­nect­ed to mem­o­ry units and oth­er com­po­nents via tra­di­tion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion path­ways, known as front-side-bus (FSB) inter­faces.…

How long you got? Danish AI algorithm aims to predict life, and death

How long you got? Danish AI algorithm aims to predict life, and death

Cred­it: Tara Win­stead from Pex­els Researchers in Den­mark are har­ness­ing arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and data from mil­lions of peo­ple to help antic­i­pate the stages of an indi­vid­u­al’s life all the way to the end, hop­ing to raise aware­ness of the tech­nol­o­gy’s pow­er, and its per­ils. Far from any mor­bid fas­ci­na­tions, the cre­ators of life2vec want to…

Who wrote this? Engineers discover novel method to identify AI-generated text

Who wrote this? Engineers discover novel method to identify AI-generated text

Raidar detects machine-gen­er­at­ed text by cal­cu­lat­ing rewrit­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tions. This illus­tra­tion shows the char­ac­ter dele­tion in red and the char­ac­ter inser­tion in orange. Human-gen­er­at­ed text tends to trig­ger more mod­i­fi­ca­tions than machine-gen­er­at­ed text when asked to be rewrit­ten. Cred­it: Yang and Von­drick labs Com­put­er sci­en­tists at Colum­bia Engi­neer­ing have devel­oped a trans­for­ma­tive method for detect­ing AI-gen­er­at­ed…

Top computer scientists say the future of artificial intelligence is similar to that of Star Trek

Top computer scientists say the future of artificial intelligence is similar to that of Star Trek

Research fields con­tribut­ing to ShELL. Cred­it: Nature Machine Intel­li­gence (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42256-024–00800‑2 Lead­ing com­put­er sci­en­tists from around the world have shared their vision for the future of arti­fi­cial intelligence—and it resem­bles the capa­bil­i­ties of Star Trek char­ac­ter “The Borg.” Experts from the likes of Lough­bor­ough Uni­ver­si­ty, MIT, and Yale say we are set to see…

New software enables blind and low-vision users to create interactive, accessible charts

New software enables blind and low-vision users to create interactive, accessible charts

The Umwelt inter­face. A) The data, visu­al, and audio tabs of the edi­tor. B) The editor’s fields tab, where users spec­i­fy field def­i­n­i­tions and encod­ings. C) The view­er, where users ana­lyze data with inter­ac­tive mul­ti­modal data rep­re­sen­ta­tions. Cred­it: arX­iv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2403.00106 A grow­ing num­ber of tools enable users to make online data rep­re­sen­ta­tions, like…

Machine learning, quantum computing may transform health care, including diagnosing pneumonia

Machine learning, quantum computing may transform health care, including diagnosing pneumonia

The image on the left shows a nor­mal chest X‑ray, where­as the one on the right shows lungs with pneu­mo­nia opac­i­ty (Bre­viglieri, 2019). Cred­it: Fron­tiers in Com­put­er Sci­ence (2024). DOI: 10.3389/fcomp.2023.1286657 Pneu­mo­nia, an infec­tion in the lungs that caus­es dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing, is most com­mon­ly diag­nosed through chest X‑rays. Typ­i­cal­ly, those chest X‑rays are read by…

Proof-of-principle demonstration of 3D magnetic recording could lead to enhanced hard disk drives

Proof-of-principle demonstration of 3D magnetic recording could lead to enhanced hard disk drives

Schemat­ic view of (top) cur­rent­ly used HAMR and (bot­tom) three-dimen­­sion­al mag­net­ic record­ing sys­tems. In the three-dimen­­sion­al mag­net­ic record­ing sys­tem, the Curie tem­per­a­ture of each record­ing lay­er dif­fers by about 100 K and data are writ­ten to each lay­er by adjust­ing the laser pow­er. Cred­it: Acta Mate­ri­alia (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119869 Research groups from NIMS, Sea­gate Tech­nol­o­gy,…

Game theory research shows AI can evolve into more selfish or cooperative personalities

Game theory research shows AI can evolve into more selfish or cooperative personalities

Large-scale lan­guage mod­els enable AI agents to evolve var­i­ous types of per­son­al­i­ties in social inter­ac­tions. Cred­it: Reiko Mat­sushi­ta Researchers in Japan have effec­tive­ly devel­oped a diverse range of per­son­al­i­ty traits in dia­logue AI using a large-scale lan­guage mod­el (LLM). Using the pris­on­er’s dilem­ma from game the­o­ry, Pro­fes­sor Takaya Ari­ta and Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Rei­ji Suzu­ki from…

Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained?

Tech companies want to build artificial general intelligence. But who decides when AGI is attained?

Dr. Pei Wang teach­es a arti­fi­cial gen­er­al intel­li­gence class at Tem­ple Uni­ver­si­ty in Philadel­phia, Thurs­day, Feb. 1, 2024. Main­stream AI research “turned away from the orig­i­nal vision of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, which at the begin­ning was pret­ty ambi­tious,” said Wang. Cred­it: AP Photo/Matt Rourke There’s a race under­way to build arti­fi­cial gen­er­al intel­li­gence, a futur­is­tic vision…

Researchers 3D print key components for a point-of-care mass spectrometer

Researchers 3D print key components for a point-of-care mass spectrometer

MIT researchers have 3D print­ed a minia­ture ion­iz­er, which is a key com­po­nent of a mass spec­trom­e­ter. The new minia­ture ion­iz­er could some­day enable an afford­able, in-home mass spec­trom­e­ter for health mon­i­tor­ing. Pic­tured are parts of the new device, includ­ing a green print­ed cir­cuit board (PCB) with orange cas­ing on top. Under the cas­ing is…

Flexible microspectrometer for mobile applications

Flexible microspectrometer for mobile applications

The fiber-cou­­pled microspec­trom­e­ter array maps 39 spec­tra onto a CMOS sen­sor. Cred­it: Fraun­hofer IOF Researchers at the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Applied Optics and Pre­ci­sion Engi­neer­ing IOF have devel­oped a very com­pact spec­trom­e­ter mod­ule. It maps spec­tra from 39 opti­cal fibers onto one cam­era sen­sor in a small space. This is made pos­si­ble by a spe­cial…

Quiet-STaR algorithm allows chatbot to think over its possible answer before responding

Quiet-STaR algorithm allows chatbot to think over its possible answer before responding

Qui­et-STaR. We visu­al­ize the algo­rithm as applied dur­ing train­ing to a sin­gle thought. We gen­er­ate thoughts, in par­al­lel, fol­low­ing all tokens in the text (think). The mod­el pro­duces a mix­ture of its next-token pre­dic­tions with and with­out a thought (talk). We apply REINFORCE, as in STaR, to increase the like­li­hood of thoughts that help the…

AI generates high-quality images 30 times faster in a single step

AI generates high-quality images 30 times faster in a single step

With their DMD method, MIT researchers cre­at­ed a one-step AI image gen­er­a­tor that achieves image qual­i­ty com­pa­ra­ble to Sta­bleD­if­fu­sion v1.5 while being 30 times faster. Cred­it: Illus­tra­tion by Alex Shipps/MIT CSAIL using six AI-gen­er­at­ed images devel­oped by researchers. In our cur­rent age of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, com­put­ers can gen­er­ate their own “art” by way of dif­fu­sion…

Large language models use a surprisingly simple mechanism to retrieve some stored knowledge

Large language models use a surprisingly simple mechanism to retrieve some stored knowledge

Cred­it: AI-gen­er­at­ed image Large lan­guage mod­els, such as those that pow­er pop­u­lar arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence chat­bots like Chat­G­PT, are incred­i­bly com­plex. Even though these mod­els are being used as tools in many areas, such as cus­tomer sup­port, code gen­er­a­tion, and lan­guage trans­la­tion, sci­en­tists still don’t ful­ly grasp how they work. In an effort to bet­ter under­stand…

Novel quantum algorithm proposed for high-quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems

Novel quantum algorithm proposed for high-quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems

The pro­posed algo­rithm com­bines vari­a­tion­al sched­ul­ing with post-pro­cess­ing to achieve near-opti­­mal solu­tions to com­bi­na­to­r­i­al opti­miza­tion prob­lems with con­straints with­in the oper­a­tion time of quan­tum com­put­ers. Cred­it: Tat­suhiko Shi­rai / Wase­da Uni­ver­si­ty Com­bi­na­to­r­i­al opti­miza­tion prob­lems (COPs) have appli­ca­tions in many dif­fer­ent fields such as logis­tics, sup­ply chain man­age­ment, machine learn­ing, mate­r­i­al design and drug dis­cov­ery, among…

AI models need not be so power hungry

AI models need not be so power hungry

Each dot in this fig­ure is a con­vo­lu­tion­al neur­al net­work mod­el with the ener­gy con­sump­tion on hor­i­zon­tal axis and per­for­mance on ver­ti­cal axis. Con­ven­tion­al­ly, mod­els are select­ed only based on their performance—without tak­ing their ener­gy con­sump­tion into account—resulting in mod­els in the red ellipse. This work enables prac­ti­tion­ers to select mod­els from the green ellipse…

A game changer for the insurance industry and people’s well-being

A game changer for the insurance industry and people’s well-being

Fig­ure 1. Vehi­cle insur­ance frame­work with­out blockchain. Cred­it: Expert Sys­tems with Appli­ca­tions (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120651 Blockchain, a dis­rup­tive tech­nol­o­gy of our time, holds the poten­tial to change our lives for the bet­ter. The insur­ance sec­tor is a prime illus­tra­tion. Ever won­dered how vehi­cle insur­ance claims could become a seam­less, user-con­trolled process? Tra­di­tion­al­ly, man­ag­ing insur­ance claims…

AI image generators can be tricked into making NSFW content

AI image generators can be tricked into making NSFW content

Cred­it: Pixabay/CC0 Pub­lic Domain A new test of pop­u­lar AI image gen­er­a­tors shows that while they’re sup­posed to make only G‑rated pic­tures, they can be hacked to cre­ate not suit­able for work (NSFW) con­tent. Most online art gen­er­a­tors are pur­port­ed to block vio­lent, porno­graph­ic, and oth­er types of ques­tion­able con­tent. But Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty researchers…

Learning to forget—a weapon in the arsenal against harmful AI

Learning to forget—a weapon in the arsenal against harmful AI

Cred­it: Pixabay/CC0 Pub­lic Domain With the AI sum­mit well under­way, researchers are keen to raise the very real prob­lem asso­ci­at­ed with the technology—teaching it how to for­get. Soci­ety is now abuzz with mod­ern AI and its excep­tion­al capa­bil­i­ties; we are con­stant­ly remind­ed its poten­tial ben­e­fits, across so many areas, per­me­at­ing prac­ti­cal­ly all facets of our…

Accelerating AI tasks while preserving data security

Accelerating AI tasks while preserving data security

SecureLoop is an MIT-devel­oped search engine that can iden­ti­fy an opti­mal design for a deep neur­al net­work accel­er­a­tor that pre­serves data secu­ri­ty while improv­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy and boost­ing per­for­mance. This could enable device man­u­fac­tur­ers to increase the speed of demand­ing AI appli­ca­tions, while ensur­ing sen­si­tive data remain safe from attack­ers. Cred­it: Jose-Luis Oli­vares, MIT With…

Monitoring nuclear weapons stockpiles with radio waves

Monitoring nuclear weapons stockpiles with radio waves

In this con­tain­er, the researchers test­ed how robust and how repro­ducible the radio fin­ger­print is. The tech­nol­o­gy detects move­ments of the blue bar­rel. Cred­it: RUB, Mar­quard An inter­na­tion­al research team has pro­posed a new method for mon­i­tor­ing nuclear dis­ar­ma­ment treaties. The IT secu­ri­ty experts devel­oped a mech­a­nism that uses radio waves to remote­ly mon­i­tor whether…

Your smart speaker data is used in ways you might not expect

Your smart speaker data is used in ways you might not expect

Smart speak­ers offer amaz­ing convenience—from play­ing your favorite tunes to re-order­ing toi­let paper—with only a sim­ple voice com­mand. But that con­ve­nience can come with a steep cost in pri­va­cy that many con­sumers aren’t even aware they’re pay­ing. We’ve all had the uncan­ny expe­ri­ence of search­ing for some­thing on the inter­net and then sud­den­ly ads for…

Sabotage tool takes on AI image scrapers

Sabotage tool takes on AI image scrapers

Exam­ple images gen­er­at­ed by the clean (unpoi­soned) and poi­soned SD-XL mod­els with dif­fer­ent # of poi­son data. The attack effect is appar­ent with 1000 poi­son­ing sam­ples, but not at 500 sam­ples. Cred­it: arX­iv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2310.13828 Artists who have stood by help­less­ly as their online works remained ripe for the pick­ing with­out autho­riza­tion by AI…

This tiny, tamper-proof ID tag can authenticate almost anything

This tiny, tamper-proof ID tag can authenticate almost anything

After pass­ing through the tag and strik­ing the objec­t’s sur­face, ter­a­hertz waves are reflect­ed, or backscat­tered, to a receiv­er for authen­ti­ca­tion. Cred­it: Ruo­nan Han, Eun­seok Lee, et al A few years ago, MIT researchers invent­ed a cryp­to­graph­ic ID tag that is sev­er­al times small­er and sig­nif­i­cant­ly cheap­er than the tra­di­tion­al radio fre­quen­cy tags (RFIDs) that…

New, super-smart hardware could provide drastic cuts in power consumption

New, super-smart hardware could provide drastic cuts in power consumption

The high-per­­for­­mance com­put­ing facil­i­ty at the Nor­we­gian Uni­ver­si­ty of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy (NTNU) has helped researchers to run real­is­tic sim­u­la­tions using enor­mous­ly large data sets. They used the sim­u­la­tions to devel­op hard­ware to cut com­put­er pro­gram run­times. Cred­it: NTNU Green­er data pro­cess­ing requires sys­tems that work smarter, faster, and are more ener­gy effi­cient. Researchers from…

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 Intel Core i5 with Windows 10 Pro 13.3 Inch Touchscreen Laptop 8GB RAM 256GB Storage Silver (UK Version)

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 Intel Core i5 with Windows 10 Pro 13.3 Inch Touchscreen Laptop 8GB RAM 256GB Storage Silver (UK Version)

Thin, light, yet reli­able. It’s a 2‑in‑1 con­vert­ible designed with a 360° hinge in a class of its own. Being 11.5 mm thick and weigh­ing 1,042g, the Galaxy Book Pro 360 deliv­ers the mobil­i­ty of smart­phones and mil­i­tary-grade dura­bil­i­ty. Fea­tur­ing a true-to-life, accu­rate, and vibrant 13.3” and 15.6” Super AMOLED touch screen that has a 120 % Colour Vol­ume. Become flex­i­ble in how and where you work and stay on top of things with the always con­nect­ed fea­ture. Enjoy Wi-Fi 6E ready’s unmatched peak speed, mas­sive capac­i­ty, along with sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tions in laten­cy and increased respon­sive­ness. Get more done with a mul­ti-screen expe­ri­ence with the inte­grat­ed Sec­ond screen fea­ture using your Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+. Galaxy Book Pro 360’s fast-charg­ing bat­tery runs for up to 21 hours. Charge for just 30 min­utes and get up to 9 hours of bat­tery life.
2‑in‑1 — designed with a 360° hinge in a class of its own. Being 11.5 mm thick and weigh­ing 1,042g, the Galaxy Book Pro 360 deliv­ers the mobil­i­ty of smart­phones and mil­i­tary-grade dura­bil­i­ty.
Super AMOLED dis­play — Fea­tur­ing a true-to-life, accu­rate, and vibrant 13.3” and 15.6” Super AMOLED touch screen that has a 120 % Colour Vol­ume
Boost­ed mobil­i­ty — Become flex­i­ble in how and where you work, and stay on top of things with the always con­nect­ed fea­ture
Sec­ond screen — Get more done with a mul­ti-screen expe­ri­ence with the inte­grat­ed Sec­ond screen fea­ture using your Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+.
Long-last­ing bat­tery — Galaxy Book Pro 360’s fast-charg­ing bat­tery runs for up to 21 hours. Charge for just 30 min­utes and get up to 9 hours of bat­tery life.

Umiio 10.1″ Android Smart Tablet PC Dual SIM 5G Wifi 6GB RAM 128GB ROM Game and Music A10 Pro Kids Tab (Gold)

Umiio 10.1″ Android Smart Tablet PC Dual SIM 5G Wifi 6GB RAM 128GB ROM Game and Music A10 Pro Kids Tab (Gold)

Price: (as of — Details) Descrip­tion: Smart tablet comes with 10.1 inch HD IPS touch screen with HD(3000*1440) res­o­lu­tion for a great view. Full HD 3000*1440 IPS res­o­lu­tion is immer­sive, high-def­i­n­i­­tion pic­ture qual­i­ty and high fideli­ty dual-speak­er design gives you a more pow­er­ful visu­al & audi­to­ry expe­ri­ence when watch­ing movies and lis­ten­ing to songs.Excellent 13MP…

Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio With 14″ Pixelsense Display/Intel I5-11300H Processor/16Gb Ram/256Gb Ssd/Windows 11 Home/Platinum — [Thr-00013]

Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio With 14″ Pixelsense Display/Intel I5-11300H Processor/16Gb Ram/256Gb Ssd/Windows 11 Home/Platinum — [Thr-00013]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


Powerful, fast, and infinitely flexible




Every detail fuels inspi­ra­tion

See and do more on the bright, vibrant 14.3”[1] touch­screen with true-to-life col­or. Look and sound your best on video calls. Plus, enjoy cin­e­mat­ic sound for movies and shows.

Built for per­for­mance

Bring big ideas to life with­out break­ing a sweat, thanks to quad-core pow­ered 11th Gen Intel Core H Series proces­sors and blaz­ing NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti lap­top GPU.

Design and deliv­er the way you want

Work, play, and cre­ate the way you want. Sur­face Lap­top Stu­dio and Win­dows 11 enable you to express your­self in the ways most nat­ur­al to you.

The most powerful Surface Laptop





Immerse your­self in your work like nev­er before

Enjoy true-to-life col­or and con­trast on the beau­ti­ful fac­to­ry-cal­i­brat­ed Pix­elSense Flow touch dis­play with a refresh rate up to 120Hz, plus remark­able Dol­by Vision and Dol­by Vision IQ.

Design, ani­mate, and ren­der at top speed

Step up to the award-win­ning Ampere – NVIDI­A’s 2nd gen RTX archi­tec­ture, enabling ray-traced graph­ics and cut­ting-edge AI fea­tures.*

*Claim is not ver­i­fied.

New USB 4.0 ports with Thun­der­bolt 4 sup­port

Sur­face Lap­top Stu­dio quick­ly adapts to your needs. From con­nect­ing exter­nal mon­i­tors to unique acces­sories, just plug in and get going.

Win­dows 11 brings you clos­er to what you love

Fam­i­ly, friends, pas­sions, music, cre­ations – Win­dows 11 is the one place for it all. With a fresh new feel and tools that make it eas­i­er to be effi­cient, it has what you need for whatever’s next.

Complete your experience with Surface accessories





Sur­face Slim Pen 2

Write, sketch, nav­i­gate, and recharge. Take hand­writ­ten notes and draw with the same feel­ing you get with pen on paper, with excep­tion­al accu­ra­cy and a new stor­able design.

Microsoft Blue­tooth Ergonom­ic Mouse

Light, mod­ern design meets wire­less per­for­mance and all-day com­fort. Take con­trol with pre­cise detent scrolling, soft thumb rest, and two pro­gram­ma­ble buttons.[3]

Microsoft Design­er Com­pact Key­board

A pre­mi­um key­board opti­mized for mod­ern pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Slim, ele­gant design fea­tures built-in expres­sive input key, [3] plus a Screen snip­ping key to quick­ly cap­ture, copy, paste, and share.

Sur­face Dock 2

All the next-gen ports you need, includ­ing USB‑C. Plug in mon­i­tors, acces­sories, and more, plus charge your device, with Sur­face Con­nect cable. [3]


New laptops from Surface, now with Windows 11

Inspi­ra­tion meets orig­i­nal­i­ty on new Sur­face lap­tops, designed to light up the best of Win­dows 11 and adapt to you.

Quad-core pow­ered 11th Gen Intel Core H Series proces­sors han­dle your most com­plex work­loads. Get the incred­i­ble pow­er and per­for­mance to focus on the things you love.
Cre­ate at top speed. Step up to the award-win­ning Ampere — NVIDI­A’s 2nd gen RTX archi­tec­ture, enabling ray-traced graph­ics and cut­ting-edge AI fea­tures from NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti.
Play the lat­est games with graph­ics that rival real­i­ty. With Direc­tX 12 Ulti­mate and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti lap­top GPU, expe­ri­ence excep­tion­al image qual­i­ty and incred­i­ble per­for­mance.
With up to 32GB RAM and up to 2TB SSD.³ Con­fig­ure your Sur­face Lap­top Stu­dio to fit your needs per­fect­ly.

C idea 7 inch Kids Tablet,CM75 Kids Tablets Android,Children’s Tablets With IWAWA,64GB ROM/4GB RAM/Smart Tablet PC With 4 Hours for Gift (Red)

C idea 7 inch Kids Tablet,CM75 Kids Tablets Android,Children’s Tablets With IWAWA,64GB ROM/4GB RAM/Smart Tablet PC With 4 Hours for Gift (Red)

Price: (as of — Details) Prod­uct descrip­tion Enjoy Par­ent-Kid Time C idea Android kids tablet spe­cial­ly designed for kids to learn and grow in plea­sure. Inno­v­a­tive dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion con­tent pro­vid­ed in kids edi­tion tablet fits for child aged 2–12. Fil­ter age lim­it, dif­fi­cul­ty set and brows­ing chan­nels to make the tablet pc more suit­able for…

ASUS ROG Strix SCAR 17 G733PZ-LL048W Off Black, Gaming Laptop, R9 7945HX, 32GB, 1TB Performance SSD, NV RTX4080, WIN11 HOME, 17.3 inch WQHD (2560 x 1440) 16:9, 240Hz, HD Webcam, RGB-Eng-Arb-KB

ASUS ROG Strix SCAR 17 G733PZ-LL048W Off Black, Gaming Laptop, R9 7945HX, 32GB, 1TB Performance SSD, NV RTX4080, WIN11 HOME, 17.3 inch WQHD (2560 x 1440) 16:9, 240Hz, HD Webcam, RGB-Eng-Arb-KB

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX 16-core proces­sor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Lap­top GPU with 175W max TGP, DLSS 3 and NVIDIA Advanced Opti­mus See a clear path to vic­to­ry with WQHD 240Hz dis­play Dol­by Vision HDR sup­port and Spa­tial sound via Dol­by Atmos bring your con­tent to life

ROG Strix SCAR 17

Draw more frames and win more games with the gam­ing horse­pow­er of the 2023 ROG Strix SCAR 17 with Win­dows 11 Home. Tack­le any­one with an AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX proces­sor, paired with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Lap­top GPU pow­ered by an incred­i­ble 175W max TGP. A ded­i­cat­ed MUX Switch with NVIDIA Opti­mus sup­port lets the SCAR 17 intel­li­gent­ly pri­or­i­tize gam­ing per­for­mance or bat­tery life auto­mat­i­cal­ly.




Peer­less Per­for­mance

The SCAR 17 comes with some of the world’s most pow­er­ful gam­ing hard­ware straight from the fac­to­ry. But ROG wasn’t fin­ished tun­ing the per­for­mance of this machine. In Tur­bo mode, the AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX has a pow­er bud­get of 55W, while we’ve boost­ed the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Lap­top GPU to an impres­sive 175W max TGP with Dynam­ic Boost. When con­fig­ured in Man­u­al mode, the CPU can be allo­cat­ed an addi­tion­al 10W, for an incred­i­ble total sys­tem pow­er bud­get of 240W. Trust ROG to deliv­er the ulti­mate gam­ing machines.

ROG Intel­li­gent Cool­ing

Pow­er­ful com­po­nents require a robust cool­ing solu­tion. The 2023 ROG SCAR 17 uti­lizes Ther­mal Grizzly’s Con­duc­to­naut Extreme liq­uid met­al on both CPU and GPU. An ultra-high per­for­mance ther­mal inter­face mate­r­i­al, Con­duc­to­naut Extreme can keep these com­po­nents up to 15°C cool­er than tra­di­tion­al ther­mal pastes. When paired with a cus­tom vapor cham­ber and four ded­i­cat­ed exhaust vents, this ther­mal solu­tion trans­fers heat out of the sys­tem incred­i­bly effi­cient­ly. ROG’s Intel­li­gent Cool­ing tech­nol­o­gy allows crit­i­cal com­po­nents like the CPU and GPU to main­tain high­er boost fre­quen­cies for longer peri­ods of time, keep­ing your fram­er­ates smooth and steady even dur­ing extend­ed gam­ing ses­sions. The SCAR 17 keeps noise in check, too: when in Per­for­mance mode, the machine does not exceed 40 dB.[GN1]

updat­ed [GN1]

Light­ning Fast, Crys­tal Clear

You can’t beat the ene­my if you don’t see them com­ing. The Strix SCAR 17 has ultra-fast pan­el options for every sce­nario, mak­ing sure you’ll nev­er miss a moment. This 17-inch machine offers a WQHD 240Hz pan­el. With refresh rates that fast and response times as low as 3ms, you can make pix­el-per­fect deci­sions even in the most fre­net­ic fire­fights. Each IPS pan­el offers fan­tas­tic col­or, Dol­by Vision HDR, and Adap­tive-Sync for a stel­lar gam­ing and view­ing expe­ri­ence.




Stealth mode

The stealthy Off Black col­or­way on the SCAR 17 keeps your laptop’s true poten­tial under wraps, while per-key RGB and a light­bar allow you to bright­en up the mood at a moment’s notice.

Stu­dio-qual­i­ty Sound

Dol­by Atmos-pow­ered speak­ers cre­ate an authen­tic sound stage for your games. Hi-Res audio ensures you hear your music in the same qual­i­ty it was record­ed. Two-Way AI Noise Can­ce­la­tion process­es both incom­ing and out­go­ing audio to fil­ter any errant back­ground nois­es, mak­ing sure that your calls, chats and streams come through with­out dis­trac­tion.

Press the Attack

Built to last, the Strix SCAR’s key­board switch­es are rat­ed to last over 20 mil­lion press­es. The WASD keys can rest easy, durable enough to stand the test of time. Per-key RGB light­ing allows for unlim­it­ed flex­i­bil­i­ty via Aura Sync, includ­ing game spe­cif­ic light­ing lay­outs.

ROG Strix SCAR 17 Gam­ing Lap­top with an AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX Mobile Proces­sor (16-core/32-thread, 64MB L3 cache, up to 5.4 GHz max boost) and GeForce RTX 4080 GPU pow­ered by an incred­i­ble 175W max TGP, 12GB GDDR6 Graph­ics Card, 32GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 Per­for­mance SSD, 17.3 inch WQHD (2560 x 1440) 16:9.
The 2023 Strix SCAR 17 fea­tures Ther­mal Grizzly’s cut­ting-edge Con­duc­to­naut Extreme liq­uid met­al on both the CPU and GPU. Com­pared to tra­di­tion­al ther­mal pastes, this indi­um- and gal­li­um-based com­pound offers 17X high­er con­duc­tiv­i­ty, in addi­tion to CPU and GPU tem­per­a­ture reduc­tions of up to 15 degrees.
The WASD keys can rest easy, durable enough to stand the test of time. Per-key RGB light­ing allows for unlim­it­ed flex­i­bil­i­ty via Aura Sync, includ­ing game spe­cif­ic light­ing lay­outs. The Strix SCAR’s key­board switch­es are rat­ed to last over 20 mil­lion press­es.
Two-Way AI Noise Can­ce­la­tion process­es both incom­ing and out­go­ing audio to fil­ter any errant back­ground nois­es, mak­ing sure that your calls, chats and streams come through with­out dis­trac­tion.
2 Year War­ran­ty

Wacom Intuos Small Drawing Tablet — Digital Tablet for Painting, Sketching and Photo Retouching with pressure sensitive pen, black — Ideal for Work from Home & Remote Learning

Wacom Intuos Small Drawing Tablet — Digital Tablet for Painting, Sketching and Photo Retouching with pressure sensitive pen, black — Ideal for Work from Home & Remote Learning

Price: (as of — Details) From the man­u­fac­tur­er Where the mag­ic hap­pens Wacom Intu­os is designed for those who are draw­ing, paint­ing and pho­to edit­ing with their Mac, PC or Chrome­book for the first time. Bring your wildest ideas to life with a light super-accu­rate pen and up to four free unique cre­ative appli­ca­tions to…

Dell XPS 15 9500 (2021) Intel Core i7-10750H 15.6 Inch FHD 16 GB RAM 1 TB SSD NVIDIA® GeForce GTX™ 1650Ti 4GB Graphics USB‑C to USB‑A Adapter 3.0 (White) Windows 11 Home Silver (RENEWED)

Dell XPS 15 9500 (2021) Intel Core i7-10750H 15.6 Inch FHD 16 GB RAM 1 TB SSD NVIDIA® GeForce GTX™ 1650Ti 4GB Graphics USB‑C to USB‑A Adapter 3.0 (White) Windows 11 Home Silver (RENEWED)

This pre-owned or refur­bished prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new. How a prod­uct becomes part of Ama­zon Renewed, your des­ti­na­tion for pre-owned, refur­bished prod­ucts: A cus­tomer buys a new prod­uct and returns it or trades it in for a new­er or dif­fer­ent mod­el. That prod­uct is inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new by Ama­zon-qual­i­fied sup­pli­ers. Then, the prod­uct is sold as an Ama­zon Renewed prod­uct on Ama­zon. If not sat­is­fied with the pur­chase, renewed prod­ucts are eli­gi­ble for replace­ment or refund under the Ama­zon Renewed Guar­an­tee. a replace­ment or refund with­in 90 days of receipt if it does not work as expect­ed.
The prod­uct is refur­bished, ful­ly func­tion­al, and in excel­lent con­di­tion. Backed by the 90-day Ama­zon Renewed Guar­an­tee.
- This pre-owned prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed, test­ed and cleaned by Ama­zon qual­i­fied ven­dors.
- This prod­uct will have a bat­tery that exceeds 80% capac­i­ty rel­a­tive to new.
- Acces­sories will be orig­i­nal, com­pat­i­ble and ful­ly func­tion­al. Prod­uct may come in gener­ic box.
- This prod­uct comes with a 15-day mon­ey-back war­ran­ty, allow­ing you to return it for a full refund with­in 15 days if you’re not sat­is­fied with your pur­chase.

Polaroid Originals Polaroid Instant Color I‑Type Film — 40X Film Pack (40 Photos) (6010)

Polaroid Originals Polaroid Instant Color I‑Type Film — 40X Film Pack (40 Photos) (6010)

Price: (as of — Details) From the man­u­fac­tur­er The fridge is your film’s best friend. Tem­per­a­ture affects how Polaroid film works. To keep your film in shape for shoot­ing, we rec­om­mend stor­ing it in the fridge (not the freez­er) and allow­ing it to reach room tem­per­a­ture (13–28°C / 55–82°F) before load­ing it into your cam­era.…

Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO340, All in One Desktop, 23.8 inch FHD Touch Display, Intel Core i5-10400T, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD Storage, AMD Radeon 625 2G GDDR5 Graphics, Win10, White Color — [F0EU00ATAX]

Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO340, All in One Desktop, 23.8 inch FHD Touch Display, Intel Core i5-10400T, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD Storage, AMD Radeon 625 2G GDDR5 Graphics, Win10, White Color — [F0EU00ATAX]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


Perfect for any home

Ele­gant yet sim­ple, the stand and base of the Idea­cen­tre A340 is sure to impress—and save on desk space. Whether it’s for work, enter­tain­ment, or fam­i­ly video-chats, this eye-catch­ing PC will look great in any room.


Goodbye, messy cables

Con­nect­ed to smart­phones, back­up dri­ves, and oth­er devices, a PC can look very messy. Not so with the A340. It has a con­ve­nient cable col­lec­tor built into the stand, enabling you to have a more orga­nized, clut­ter-free desk.


Makes light work of heavy work

The A340 is engi­neered with high-speed per­for­mance in mind. With up to the lat­est Intel Core i5 pro­cess­ing and the option of dis­crete graph­ics, this pow­er­ful all-in-one runs seam­less­ly and smooth­ly, even when mul­ti­task­ing.


Room for up to 40,000 photos

With up to 1 TB of hard dri­ve, you can store up to 1,000 movies, 30,000 songs, or 40,000 photos—more than enough stor­age for most fam­i­lies. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can opt for sol­id-state dri­ve, where you’ll find every­thing’s faster, from boot­ing up to run­ning apps and trans­fer­ring files.


1. Opti­cal disc dri­ve 2. Pow­er but­ton 3. USB 3.1 4. 3‑in‑1 card read­er (SD, SDHC, SDXC) 5. Micro­phone / ear­phone com­bo 6. Opti­cal disc dri­ve

7. 1000M LAN 8. HDMI-Out 9. USB 2.0 10. USB 3.0

Ele­gant yet sim­ple, the stand and base of the Idea­Cen­tre A340 is designed to impress and save you space. Whether it’s used for work, enter­tain­ment, or video-chats with the fam­i­ly, this very styl­ish PC will look great in any room.
Thanks to an almost bor­der­less design, the view­ing expe­ri­ence on the AIO A340 has been total­ly enhanced. At just 9.5 mm on the slimmest side, the thin bezel deliv­ers an impres­sive 90% screen-to-body ratio, enabling you to enjoy every­thing in crisp, clear, and vibrant detail.
With a stun­ning Full-HD dis­play and wide-angle view­ing, you can see every detail with amaz­ing col­or from almost any angle—great for shar­ing videos or pho­tos with fam­i­ly and friends. More­over, with the touch­screen option, you can use your A340 more intu­itive­ly by click­ing or drag­ging files on screen.
Intel Core i5 10th Gen Proces­sor
Wire­less Eng­lish & Ara­bic Key­board and Mouse includ­ed

Kids Tablet 10.1″ HD Touchscreen Eye Protection LCD Android 12 Tablets for Kid Quad Core Processor 5000mAh Battery WiFi Bluetooth Dual Cameras Shockproof Case (Blue)

Kids Tablet 10.1″ HD Touchscreen Eye Protection LCD Android 12 Tablets for Kid Quad Core Processor 5000mAh Battery WiFi Bluetooth Dual Cameras Shockproof Case (Blue)

Price: (as of — Details) Rec­om­mend­ed Age Grade: Over 3 years Why Choose Our Kids Tablet? a) Our kids tablet fea­tures WiFi con­nec­tiv­i­ty and com­plete access to Google ser­vices. Par­ents can down­load a large num­ber of up-to-date edu­ca­tion­al apps from Google Play. b) Durable and light­weight case will pro­tect the kids tablet against drops and…

Panasonic Toughbook G2, Fully Rugged FZ-G2, 10.1 In Touch+Digitizer, Intel Core i5-10310U 1.7GHz vPro, 16GB, 512GB Opal NVMe, WiFi, BT, 4G LTE, Dual Pass, 2 Cameras, TPM 2.0, Win 10 Pro

Panasonic Toughbook G2, Fully Rugged FZ-G2, 10.1 In Touch+Digitizer, Intel Core i5-10310U 1.7GHz vPro, 16GB, 512GB Opal NVMe, WiFi, BT, 4G LTE, Dual Pass, 2 Cameras, TPM 2.0, Win 10 Pro

Pana­son­ic’s all-new TOUGHBOOK G2 push­es rugged mobile com­put­ing to the next lev­el. Build­ing on the rev­o­lu­tion­ary mod­u­lar design devel­oped for the TOUGHBOOK 55, the TOUGHBOOK G2 is a high­ly cus­tomiz­able ful­ly-rugged tablet or 2‑in‑1 that enables cus­tomers to lever­age the best of both worlds. Three expan­sion areas offer 36 dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tions of fea­tures. The new TOUGHBOOK G2 is the evo­lu­tion and merg­ing of the pop­u­lar TOUGHBOOK G1 and ver­sa­tile TOUGHBOOK 20 prod­uct lines. For those cus­tomers need­ing a slight­ly small­er and lighter-weight solu­tion from the indus­try leader in rugged mobil­i­ty, look no fur­ther than a cus­tomized TOUGHBOOK G2. About this item: Mod­el Num­ber: FZ-G2 MK1 CPU: Intel Core i5-10310U @1.7GHz (up to 4.4GHz) O/S: Win­dows 10 Pro 64-bit Stor­age: 512GB OPAL NVMe SSD Cam­era: 1080p web­cam with Pri­va­cy Cov­er and 8MP rear cam­era with aut­o­fo­cus & LED flash Mem­o­ry: Fac­to­ry Installed 16GB (DDR4) Dis­play: 10.1″ WUXGA 1920 ×1200 – Capac­i­tive gloved mul­ti touch + dig­i­tiz­er Graph­ics: Intel UHD Graph­ics for 10th Gen Intel Proces­sors Wire­less: Wi-Fi 6, Blue­tooth 5.1, 4G LTE, Dual Pass Colour: Silver/Black Inter­face: USB‑C 10Gbps (w/PD), USB‑A 5Gbps, 1Gbps Eth­er­net RJ-45, Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF x1, eSIM x1) Weight & Dimen­sions: 11.0″ x 7.4″ x 1.1″ (tablet only) — 2.9 lbs About the con­di­tion: Brand New 3‑year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, parts and labor
CPU: Intel Core i5-10310U @1.7GHz (up to 4.4GHz), O/S: Win­dows 10 Pro 64-bit
Stor­age: 512GB OPAL NVMe SSD, Mem­o­ry: Fac­to­ry Installed 16GB (DDR4)
Wire­less: Wi-Fi 6, Blue­tooth 5.1, 4G LTE, Dual Pass, Cam­era: 1080p web­cam with Pri­va­cy Cov­er and 8MP rear cam­era with aut­o­fo­cus & LED flash
Dis­play: 10.1″ WUXGA 1920 1200 – Capac­i­tive gloved mul­ti touch + dig­i­tiz­er
Inter­face: USB‑C 10Gbps (w/PD), USB‑A 5Gbps, 1Gbps Eth­er­net RJ-45, Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF x1, eSIM x1), Key­board and acces­sories not included.Memory stor­age capac­i­ty: 16.0.Hard disk size: 512.0 GB.Ram mem­o­ry installed size: 16.0 GB.System ram type: ddr4_sdram.Display size: 10.1 inch­es

3.5mm to RCA Cable,CableCreation 6 Feet Angle 3.5mm Male to 2RCA Male Auxiliary Stereo Audio Y Splitter Gold-Plated for Smartphones, MP3, Tablets, Speakers,Home Theater,HDTV,2m CC0829

3.5mm to RCA Cable,CableCreation 6 Feet Angle 3.5mm Male to 2RCA Male Auxiliary Stereo Audio Y Splitter Gold-Plated for Smartphones, MP3, Tablets, Speakers,Home Theater,HDTV,2m CC0829

Price: (as of — Details) From the brand RCA Cable 3.5mm Aux Cable Adapter Cable­Cre­ation Oth­er Is Dis­con­tin­ued By Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ No Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 0.6 x 24.6 x 19.6 cm; 18.14 g Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 12 Feb­ru­ary 2018 Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ Cable­Cre­ation ASIN ‏ : ‎…

Samsung Chromebook Plus V2 2‑in‑1 Laptop- 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC, 13MP Camera, Chrome OS, 12.2″, 16:10 Aspect Ratio- XE520QAB-K03US Light Titan

Samsung Chromebook Plus V2 2‑in‑1 Laptop- 4GB RAM, 64GB eMMC, 13MP Camera, Chrome OS, 12.2″, 16:10 Aspect Ratio- XE520QAB-K03US Light Titan

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


KVKV Spec­i­fi­ca­tions Oper­at­ing Sys­tem: Chrome OS Proces­sor: Intel Celeron Proces­sor 3965Y Sys­tem Mem­o­ry: 4GB LPDDR3/Max 4GB Stor­age: 32GB eMMC Dis­play: 12.2″ FHD (1920 x 1200)

Samsung Chromebook Plus (V2), 12.2″, 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC (XE520QAB-K01US)

Up for any­thing. Any­time.

Get more done any­where, any­time, with the light­weight 2‑in‑1 Chrome­book Plus (V2). Stay on top of your projects with the built-in pen, two cam­eras and full Google expe­ri­ence right at your fin­ger­tips. And cross more off your list with­out slow­ing down with a pow­er­ful bat­tery and an Intel Celeron proces­sor.


From laptop to tablet to sketchbook and more

At just under 3 pounds, the Chrome­book Plus (V2) is incred­i­bly light­weight. You can eas­i­ly fold it into tablet mode for com­fort­able view­ing and brows­ing.

S PenS Pen

The power of the pen

Expe­ri­ence the pow­er of the incred­i­bly pre­cise built-in pen that nev­er needs charg­ing. It’s always ready to write, sketch, edit, mag­ni­fy and even take screen­shots.


Two cameras, unlimited views

Fold your lap­top into tablet mode to cap­ture clear shots and even zoom in for a clos­er look with the rev­o­lu­tion­ary 13MP world-fac­ing cam­era with aut­o­fo­cus. Or video chat with class­mates and clients with the front cam­era.


Get the most out of Google

Cre­ate, explore and browse on a big­ger screen with the tools you use every day —all on the secure Chrome OS. Plus, eas­i­ly down­load your favorite movies and games from Google Play.


Do more. Store more.

Tack­le any­thing with a long-last­ing bat­tery and an Intel Celeron proces­sor. Store more with 32GB of built-in mem­o­ry and add more with a microSD card.*

*Sold sep­a­rate­ly.

TWEIGHT 2‑in‑1 DESIGN At just under 3 pounds, the Chrome­book Plus is incred­i­bly light­weight. You can eas­i­ly fold it into tablet mode for com­fort­able view­ing and brows­ing
BUILT-IN PEN Expe­ri­ence the pow­er of the incred­i­bly pre­cise built-in pen that nev­er needs charg­ing. It’s always ready to write, sketch, edit, mag­ni­fy and even take screen­shots
DUAL CAMERA Fold your lap­top into tablet mode to cap­ture clear shots and even zoom in for a clos­er look with the rev­o­lu­tion­ary 13MP world-fac­ing cam­era with aut­o­fo­cus
CHROME OS AND GOOGLE PLAY STORE Cre­ate, explore and browse on a big­ger screen with the tools you use every day —all on the secure Chrome OS
POWER AND PERFORMANCE Tack­le any­thing with a long-last­ing bat­tery and Intel Celeron proces­sor. Store more with 64GB of built-in mem­o­ry and add up to 400GB with a microSD card.Bluetooth v4.0

Redmi Pad SE (Mint Green 8GB RAM, 256 Storage) — 11″ FHD+ eye-care display |6nm Snapdragon® 680 Mobile Platform | Smooth 90Hz refresh rate | Quad speakers with Dolby Atmos®

Redmi Pad SE (Mint Green 8GB RAM, 256 Storage) — 11″ FHD+ eye-care display |6nm Snapdragon® 680 Mobile Platform | Smooth 90Hz refresh rate | Quad speakers with Dolby Atmos®

Price: (as of — Details) From the man­u­fac­tur­er Sim­ply enter­tain­ing Red­mi Pad SE is sim­ply enter­tain­ing: It’s the per­fect device for all your bing­ing, brows­ing, surf­ing, and scrolling needs. Beau­ti­ful­ly designed and effort­less to use, Red­mi Pad SE deliv­ers an incred­i­ble audio­vi­su­al expe­ri­ence that brings your favorite con­tent to life. Enter­tain­ing audio-visu­al expe­ri­ence Red­mi Pad…

ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H Tablet PC Android11 10.4inch 2000x1200 IPS Screen 8GB+128GB/ 5MP+8MP/ 2.4Ghz/5Ghz/ Bluetooth5.0 WiFi

ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H Tablet PC Android11 10.4inch 2000x1200 IPS Screen 8GB+128GB/ 5MP+8MP/ 2.4Ghz/5Ghz/ Bluetooth5.0 WiFi

ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H Tablet PC,10.4 inch 2K Android11 tablet, 8GB RAM 128GB ROM,Dual Wifi Tablet, Octa Core CPU,5MP8MP Cam­era, GPS, Bluetooth5.0, 6200mAh, Black.
🥇【New Android 11 OS tablet】The GMS-cer­ti­fied ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H tablet offers the lat­est Android 11 ver­sion with basic Google apps that are already acti­vat­ed and with­out bloat­ware. Get rid of unex­pect­ed ads and have full access to Google Play. Down­load the apps you love, such as: Skype, Net­Flix, YouTube, kids app and more.
🥇【High-per­for­mance Android tablet】The 10.4‑inch ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H tablet is pow­ered by a 64-bit octa-core high-per­for­mance proces­sor with 2.0 GHz and 8 GB of RAM and offers fast app starts, smooth games and videos and excel­lent over­all per­for­mance .
🥇【Vibrant 10.4‑inch 2K display】Enhanced 2000x1200 FHD widescreen, high-bright­ness, mul­ti-touch screen that makes you hap­py to scan pho­tos, surf the web and watch videos. Read com­fort­ably at night with Eye Health, an addi­tion­al fea­ture that auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts and opti­mizes the back­light for a more com­fort­able read­ing expe­ri­ence at night.
🥇【Full-fea­tured portable tablet】This 10.4 inch tablet has a light­weight design that you can take with you wher­ev­er you go. Equipped with 5MP front / 8MP rear cam­eras that meet the basic needs of video speak­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. With the tablet’s built-in GPS mod­ule, you can use it wher­ev­er you want while dri­ving or out­doors. Con­nec­tion: WIFI 2.4 / 5 GHz; Blue­tooth 5.0, Type‑C con­nec­tion.
🥇【Large stor­age space and long bat­tery life】 The ALLDOCUBE iPlay40H tablet offers a huge stor­age space of 128GB ROM as well as a microSD card slot that can expand the stor­age space to 2TB GB. A 6200mAh lithi­um poly­mer bat­tery, togeth­er with the low pow­er con­sump­tion CPU, offers an aver­age bat­tery life of 8 to 10 hours — a good trav­el com­pan­ion for you.

HP Pavilion x360 14” Touchscreen Laptop, 11th Gen Intel Core i5-1135G7, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD Storage, Full HD IPS Display, Windows 10 Home OS, Long Battery Life, Work & Streaming (14-dw1024nr, 2021)

HP Pavilion x360 14” Touchscreen Laptop, 11th Gen Intel Core i5-1135G7, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD Storage, Full HD IPS Display, Windows 10 Home OS, Long Battery Life, Work & Streaming (14-dw1024nr, 2021)

Price: (as of — Details) We sell com­put­ers with upgrad­ed con­fig­u­ra­tions, so the orig­i­nal fac­to­ry box will be opened and resealed to install the upgrades to achieve the spec­i­fi­ca­tions as adver­tised. Defects & blem­ish­es are sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced by our pro­fes­sion­al inspec­tion & test­ing.Inno­v­a­tive­ly engi­neered to rotate 360 degree so that you can use your device…

Acer Aspire 5 Spin 14 Convertible Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i7-1355U 10 Cores Upto 5.0GHz/16GB LPDDR5 /1TB SSD/Intel Iris XE/14“IPS Touch/Win 11/Steel Grey + Inbuilt Acer Stylus Pen

Acer Aspire 5 Spin 14 Convertible Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i7-1355U 10 Cores Upto 5.0GHz/16GB LPDDR5 /1TB SSD/Intel Iris XE/14“IPS Touch/Win 11/Steel Grey + Inbuilt Acer Stylus Pen

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Aspire 5 SpinAspire 5 Spin

Thin, Light, and VersatileThin, Light, and Versatile

Easy-to-Use TouchscreenEasy-to-Use Touchscreen

Practical PerformancePractical Performance

Thin, Light, and Ver­sa­tile

With its ver­sa­tile 360° hinge design, eas­i­ly tran­si­tion between lap­top or tablet mode—or any­thing in between! And at 18.9 mm thin and 1.5 kg1 light, this 2‑in‑1 con­vert­ible lap­top is made to keep up with you!

Easy-to-Use Touch­screen

Take notes, sketch, or share your work with ease on the ultra-respon­sive 14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS touch­screen —with Acer Active Sty­lus , Acer Blue­Light­Shield, and a 16:10 aspect ratio to boot.

Prac­ti­cal Per­for­mance

The SmartsThe Smarts

The ConnectivityThe Connectivity

The Smarts

Be pos­i­tive­ly pro­duc­tive with Win­dows 11, fea­tur­ing new ani­ma­tions, but­tons, and tog­gles. And expe­ri­ence clear video call­ing with a 1080p FHD cam­era with Acer Puri­fied­Voice AI noise can­cel­la­tion.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 6 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for what­ev­er life throws at you.

Easy-to-Use Touch­screen Take notes, sketch, or share your work with ease on the ultra-respon­sive 14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS touchscreen—with Acer Active Sty­lus, Acer Blue­Light­Shield, and a 16:10 aspect ratio to boot
Thin, Light, and Ver­sa­tile With its met­al cov­er and ver­sa­tile 360° hinge design, eas­i­ly tran­si­tion between lap­top or tablet mode—or any­thing in between! And at 17.99mm thin and light weight, this 2‑in‑1 is made to keep up with you!
Prac­ti­cal Per­for­mance Meet your dai­ly tasks head-on with the reli­able per­for­mance of Lat­est 13th Gen Intel Core i5, Processor—along with Intel Iris Xe graph­ics, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD to pow­er your cre­ativ­i­ty.
The Smarts Be pos­i­tive­ly pro­duc­tive with Win­dows 11, fea­tur­ing new ani­ma­tions, but­tons, and tog­gles. And expe­ri­ence clear video call­ing with a 1080p FHD cam­era with Acer Puri­fied­Voice AI noise can­cel­la­tion.
The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 6E and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for what­ev­er life throws at you.

C idea 10.0 Inches Tablet, Android Adults Tablet 512GB Storage Supports Sim Dual Camera Long Battery Life Gaming Tablet With Keyboard Red

C idea 10.0 Inches Tablet, Android Adults Tablet 512GB Storage Supports Sim Dual Camera Long Battery Life Gaming Tablet With Keyboard Red

Price: (as of — Details) Gift:Keyboard, Mouse, BT ear­phone, Leather CaseMemoryDDR:8GB EMCPEMMC:512GB WiFi:highperformance 802.11b/g/n+B/T/N 2.4/5GHz cam­era: Front:8MP Rear:13MP 4G mod­ule GSM:850/900/1800/1900MHz OS:Android 12 Screen: 800*1280 IPS incell TP :Five point touch capac­i­tive screen G+G Language:Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional),English,French,German,Italian,Japanese,Korean ‚Russ­ian, Spanish,Polish ‚Czech ect. G‑SENSER:support GPS:support BT:support FM:support 【Lat­est Android System】C idea tablet equipped with Android 12 Sys­tem…

Bigmachine 10.1 Inch Portable Quad Core 8GB Computer Laptop Mini PC Android 6.0 Netbook Lightweight Notebook WiFi Webcam Netflix YouTube Google Player Flash (Silver)

Bigmachine 10.1 Inch Portable Quad Core 8GB Computer Laptop Mini PC Android 6.0 Netbook Lightweight Notebook WiFi Webcam Netflix YouTube Google Player Flash (Silver)

Great Gift for Friend, Stu­dent, Chil­dren, Kids, Per­fect Choice for Christ­mas or Birth­day Gift
Com­pared with oth­er lap­top in the same price range, You can’t find bet­ter in this plan­et
We start­ed man­u­fac­tur­ing and sol­ding it back in 2009 and we kept improv­ing our qual­i­ty day after day

This fan­tas­tic prod­uct allows you to:

Browse the Inter­net — WiFi, exter­nal 3G 4G
It’s per­fect for trav­el, light­weight and slim
Down­load and watch Movies
Down­load and lis­ten to music
and oth­er social net­work­ing web­sites
Man­age your busi­ness
Check your emails
Use over 100.000 free appli­ca­tion avail­able from GOOGLE ANDROID MARKET
And many more oth­er things…


CPU All­win­ner Quad-core A33, 1.2GHz
OS Android 6.0
Mem­o­ry DDR3 1GB
Flash NAND Flash 8GB includ­ed
LCD Size: 10.1 inch TFT-LCD 16:9 wide screen
Pix­els: 1024*600
LAN Sup­ports exter­nal 10M/100M Eth­er­net
WiFi Built-in WiFi (802.11b/g/n)
3G Sup­port exter­nal 3G Dongle–TD-SCDMA;WCDMA;CDMA2000
Buit-in Cam­era 0.3M pix­els
USB Port 2.0 x 2 usb ports
Card Port SD CARD slot(can sup­port 1G-32G)
Oth­er Ports RJ45, Micro­phone-in, Head­phone, DC Port
Key­board Stan­dard Eng­lish 84 keys, sup­ports exter­nal key­board
Point­ing Device Inte­grat­ed Touch­pad Left key , Right key
Audio Sup­port Sup­port MP2, MP3, WAV, AAC, WMA
Video Sup­port Sup­port MPEG1/2/4、MJPG、H.263、H.264
Pho­to Sup­port Sup­port JPEG / BMP / GIF
Adapter AC 100–240V, DC 9V 2A
Bat­tery Lithi­um-ion 3500maH/7.4v
Lan­guages 7 lan­guages sup­port­ed: Eng­lish, Span­ish, Ger­man, French, Ital­ian, Dutch, Por­tu­guse
Dimen­sions 280mm(L)*190mm(W)*25.3mm(H)

Pack­age Con­tents:
1 x 10 Inch Lap­top
1 x Opti­cal Mouse
1 x AC Charg­er
1 x Man­u­al
1 x Led Key­chain Light

We are Pro­fes­sion­al Com­put­er lap­top Sell­er Since 2009, Keep Improv­ing Our Qual­i­ty and Ser­vice Day After Day
Cus­tomized Large Capac­i­ty Bat­tery, Able to Watch Video for 2–4 Hours Con­tin­u­ous­ly
An Opti­cal Mouse and Charg­er and Key­chain Light Includ­ed, Every­thing are Ready, Use it Out of the Box
Built-in WiFi and Eth­er­net Port to Access Inter­net, Front Cam­era, Make Life Easy
Four Col­or Avail­able, Ultra Slim and Light­weight, A Cheap but Excel­lent Lap­top

C idea 8 Inch Tablet, Google Android 12.0 Dual Cameras 256GB Storage Long Battery Life Tablet For Adults Teenagers CM822 Red

C idea 8 Inch Tablet, Google Android 12.0 Dual Cameras 256GB Storage Long Battery Life Tablet For Adults Teenagers CM822 Red

Price: (as of — Details) Prod­uct descrip­tion C idea 8 Inch Tablet, Google Android 12 Dual Cam­eras 256GB Stor­age Long Bat­tery Life Tablet For Adults Teenagers CM822 CPU:MTK8321(Cortex A7) 4* 1.3GHZMemoryDDR:4GB EMCP:EMMC:128GB WiFi:2.4G 802.11a/b/g/n camera:Front 2MP Rear 5MP Screen:8 inch 800*1280 IPS 1 x TYPE-CUSB Interface:support 1x SIM Card Slot:support1 x TF Card Slot:Upward sup­port…

HUAWEI MateBook 14 2021 Laptop, 14 inches 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,Intel® Core™ i5-1135G7 processor,8GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics,Win 10 Home, Space Gray

HUAWEI MateBook 14 2021 Laptop, 14 inches 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,Intel® Core™ i5-1135G7 processor,8GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics,Win 10 Home, Space Gray

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





2K Ful­lView dis­play

The 2K Ful­lView dis­play deliv­ers a feast for your eyes. The 3:2 aspect ratio push the lim­its to reveal more. Images are ren­dered in accu­rate, vivid detail thanks to the 100% sRGB colour gamut.

The high-pre­ci­sion mul­ti-touch screen

You can select, zoom, scroll, all using your fin­gers. Swipe down with 3 fin­gers to cap­ture a screen­shot and have any writ­ing con­vert­ed into text for­mat, for con­ve­nient copy­ing and edit­ing.

11th Gen Intel core proces­sor

The 11th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i5 proces­sor takes the pow­er and per­for­mance of HUAWEI Mate­book 14 to a new lev­el. The advanced 10 nm SuperFin CPU boosts mul­ti-core per­for­mance by up to 29%.




Slim and Sleek Met­al Body

HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 is a lap­top designed for the go. Weigh­ing just 1.49 kg, and 15.9 mm thin, iit’s ide­al for zip­ping off for the week­end or tak­ing on that next busi­ness trip.

Huawei Share

Tap your phone to the touch­pad and you’ll see your phone’s screen pop up on the Mate­Book 14. Great for video calls, mul­ti­task­ing with up to 3 phone app win­dows, and fast drag-and-drop file trans­fers.

Mul­ti-screen Col­lab­o­ra­tion

With just a sim­ple tap, your smart­phone and Huawei Mate­Book will trans­form into “ONE” super device even with­out Inter­net con­nec­tion. Your phone screen appears on your lap­top which allows you to drag and drop files between them, and edit the files on your lap­top while mes­sag­ing col­leagues on your phone using the same key­board and mouse. This cross-device col­lab­o­ra­tion makes life and work eas­i­er




It’s All Cool

The HUAWEI Shark fin cool­ing fans and dual heat-pipe design boosts heat dis­si­pa­tion per­for­mance by up to 50%. All this while main­tain­ing super-low noise lev­els, to ensure you nev­er lose your cool too.

Impres­sive across the board

Expe­ri­ence what a cut­ting-edge key­board can do. With three lev­els of back­light­ing, opti­mised key trav­el and sur­faces, and a large touch­pad, typ­ing is both com­fort­able and nat­ur­al.

Proud of its Ports

You can con­nect your ear­phones, exter­nal hard dri­ve, you name it. And thanks to the reverse charg­ing tech­nol­o­gy, you can charge your phone through the Mate­Book, even when it’s pow­ered off.




Bat­tery & Charg­er

The large 56 Wh bat­tery lets you play local Full HD video for up to 11 hours. And with just a 15-minute charge you get a cool 2.5 hours of use. It can be used to charge all your USB‑C com­pat­i­ble devices.

Get Set to Con­nect

Fin­ger­print Access

Recessed Cam­era

Wi-Fi 6 & 2 × 2 MIMO Fast, Sta­ble Wi-Fi

Fn + P, Dual Mode Machine

16 GB Dual Chan­nel Mem­o­ry, 512 GB NVMe PCIe SSD

Tried, Test­ed and Approved

HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 has been put through mul­ti­ple dura­bil­i­ty tests to ensure long-term sta­ble per­for­mance under rig­or­ous con­di­tions

【Pro­fes­sion­al Performance】HUAWEI Mate­book 14 2021 11th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core proces­sor is man­u­fac­tured with the 10nm process, which boosts mul­ti-core per­for­mance by up to 29%*, allow­ing for a smoother expe­ri­ence, even when run­ning mul­ti­ple large pro­grams.
【Ultra-thin and Lightweight】This sleek metal­lic-body Huawei Mate­book 14 lap­top weighs just 1.49 kg and has a thick­ness of 15.9 mm. Its Shark Fin cool­ing fans and dual heat-pipe design boosts heat dis­si­pa­tion per­for­mance by up to 50%.
【Capturing& Edit­ing Screen­shots Easily】The high-pre­ci­sion mul­ti-touch sceen allows for a ful­ly intu­itive inter­face between you and HUAWEI Mate­book 14 2021 . Swipe down with 3 fin­gers to cap­ture a screen­shot Sim­ply swipe three fin­gers to take a screen­grab, and then cap­ture spe­cif­ic areas of the screen by draw­ing shapes**.
【Large Pow­er】 The large 56 Wh bat­tery inside HUAWEI Mate­book 14 Intel 2021 lets you play local Full HD video for up to 11 hours. And with just a 15-minute charge you get a cool 2.5 hours of office use. The com­pact-yet-pow­er­ful 65 W charg­er can be used to charge USB‑C com­pat­i­ble devices any­where you go.
【Mul­ti-screen Col­lab­o­ra­tion】 Tap your phone to the touch­pad and you’ll see your phone’s screen imme­di­ate­ly pop up on the Mate­Book 14 screen via Huawei Share. Great for video calls, mul­ti­task­ing with up to 3 phone app win­dows, and fast drag-and-drop file trans­fers.

Huawei MatePad SE 10.4″, Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 Processor, 128GB ROM + 4GB RAM, Black

Huawei MatePad SE 10.4″, Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 Processor, 128GB ROM + 4GB RAM, Black

Price: (as of — Details) HUAWEI FullView1 2K dis­play with eye com­fort. Sur­round sound opti­mized by His­ten 8.0 | 6nm proces­sor. Fam­i­ly cin­e­ma in the palm of your hand. HUAWEI MatePad SE fea­tures an impres­sive 10.4‑inch HUAWEI Ful­lView 2K dis­play with 83% screen-to-body ratio, pro­vid­ing a ful­ly immer­sive visu­al expe­ri­ence. With the dual sym­met­ri­cal speak­er…

ZTHY 230W Laptop Charger 3‑Prong AC Adapter Compatible with Razer Blade Pro 17 Razer Blade 15 Base Advanced 2018 2019 2020 2021 GTX1060 GTX1070 RTX2070 RTX2080 RZ09-02386 RC30-0248 Power Supply

ZTHY 230W Laptop Charger 3‑Prong AC Adapter Compatible with Razer Blade Pro 17 Razer Blade 15 Base Advanced 2018 2019 2020 2021 GTX1060 GTX1070 RTX2070 RTX2080 RZ09-02386 RC30-0248 Power Supply

Output:19.5V 11.8A
Pow­er: 230W
Con­nec­tor type: 3‑Prong
Pack­age includes:1x 230W lap­top adapter for Raz­er & 1x pow­er cable

Com­pat­i­ble with HP lap­top mod­els: (“ctrl”+ “F”)
Replace­ment for Raz­er Lap­top Adapter RC30-0248
Raz­er Blade Pro 17
Raz­er Blade Pro 4k Lap­top
Raz­er Blade 15 GTX1060/GTX1070/RTX2070/RTX2080
RZ09-0287 RC30-0238 RZ09-02886 RC30-024801 RZ09-0300
RC30-02380100 RC30-02480100 RZ09-02386 RZ09-02386W91
RZ09-02385 RZ09-02385E92-R3U1

Replace­ment for Raz­er Blade 15

(Base Mod­el)
Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el
Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el 2018
Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el 2019
Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el 2019(i7)

(Advanced Mod­el)
Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mode
Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mode 2018
Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mod­el 2019
Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mod­el 2019(i7)

Raz­er Blade 15(Silver)
Raz­er Blade 15(Silver) 2019
Raz­er Blade 15(Silver) 2019(i7)
Raz­er Blade 17
Raz­er Blade 17 2019
Raz­er Blade 17 2019(i7)
Raz­er Blade pro 17
Raz­er Blade E75

Pack­age Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 23.6 x 16.2 x 5.4 cm; 780 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 18 Novem­ber 2022
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ ‎Shen­zhen God­Mo­bi Tech­nol­o­gy Co., Ltd
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BMV1P55Q
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ GM-APD650-G02B

【Specification】AC Input: 100–240V (Nom­i­nal Volt­age), 3.6A(Max), 50/60Hz(Nominal Fre­quen­cy); DC Out­put: 19.5V 11.8A 230W(Max)
【Com­pat­i­ble Model】Replacement for Raz­er Blade Pro 17/4K Lap­top Series; Raz­er Blade 15 Base Series; Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Series; Raz­er Blade 15 GTX1060/GTX1070/RTX2070/RTX2080 Series.
【Com­pat­i­ble Model】Replacement for Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el 2019, Blade 15 Advanced Mode 2019, Raz­er Blade 15 Sil­ver RZ09-0287 RC30-0238 RZ09-02886 RC30-024801 RZ09-0300 RC30-02380100 RC30-02480100, Raz­er Blade 17 Pro 17 RC30-0248, Raz­er Blade 14 mod­els, Raz­er Blade 15 RTX equipped lap­tops, Raz­er Blade Pro 17 mod­els, Raz­er Blade 15 GTX 1660Ti and GTX 1070(2018).
【Security】100% New Direct from Man­u­fac­tur­er. Replace­ment charg­ers man­u­fac­tured with the high­est qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and include mul­ti­ple smart fea­tures safe­guard­ing against IV — incor­rect volt­age, SC — short cir­cuit, IO — inter­nal over­heat­ing.
【ZTHY Adapter Charg­er Return Policy】Rest assured with 30 days Refund and 12 months War­ran­ty. If you need to con­tact us, please click on “ZTHY TECH”, you can see “Ask a ques­tion” on the page.

(USED LIKE NEW) Microsoft Surface Pro 5, 2 in 1 Tablet — Intel Core-i5-12.3 Inch — 256GB SSD — 8GB RAM — Intel® HD Graphics 615 — Windows 10 ‑With Keyboard, Silver [Intl. Version]

(USED LIKE NEW) Microsoft Surface Pro 5, 2 in 1 Tablet — Intel Core-i5-12.3 Inch — 256GB SSD — 8GB RAM — Intel® HD Graphics 615 — Windows 10 ‑With Keyboard, Silver [Intl. Version]

Price: (as of — Details) Con­di­tion : Used Like NewDimen­sions11.50” x 7.93” x 0.33” (292.10mm x 201.42mm x 8.45mm)Dis­playScreen: 12.3” Pix­elSense Dis­play Res­o­lu­tion: 2736 x 1824 (267 PPI) Aspect Ratio: 3:2 Touch: 10 point mul­ti-touch­Mem­o­ry8GB DDR4 1866MHZProces­sor2.4GHz Intel Core i5-7300U (dual-core, 3MB cache, up to 3GHz with Tur­bo Boost)Secu­ri­tyTPM chip for enter­prise secu­ri­ty Enter­prise-grade pro­tec­tion…

Acer Aspire 3 A315-24P-R7VH Slim Laptop | 15.6″ Full HD IPS Display | AMD Ryzen 3 7320U Quad-Core Processor | AMD Radeon Graphics | 8GB LPDDR5 | 128GB NVMe SSD | Wi-Fi 6 | Windows 11 Home in S Mode

Acer Aspire 3 A315-24P-R7VH Slim Laptop | 15.6″ Full HD IPS Display | AMD Ryzen 3 7320U Quad-Core Processor | AMD Radeon Graphics | 8GB LPDDR5 | 128GB NVMe SSD | Wi-Fi 6 | Windows 11 Home in S Mode

Choose the ready-to-go Aspire 3 with the lat­est Ryzen™ 7000 Series Proces­sors made for prac­ti­cal mul­ti­task­ing and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. With ease-of-use at its core, this fam­i­ly-friend­ly lap­top is ready when you are. This Aspire 3 can tack­le any job no mat­ter how com­plex. Cre­ativ­i­ty soars to new heights with sharp, crisp visu­als show­cased on the 15.6″ Full HD IPS screen, while the thin bezel pro­vides you with more space to work with wher­ev­er inspi­ra­tion strikes. It’s the per­fect com­pan­ion to take with you wher­ev­er you go With Win­dows 11 Home in S mode, you’ll expe­ri­ence fast start-ups, a famil­iar yet expand­ed Start menu, and great new ways to get stuff done. And with auto­mat­ic updates enabled, you get all the lat­est fea­tures and secu­ri­ty has­sle-free. Work, play and share all in one device (NX.KJBAA.001).
Pur­pose­ful Design: Trav­el with ease and look great doing it with the Aspire’s 3 thin, light design.
Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance: The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est AMD Ryzen 3 7320U Proces­sor with Radeon Graph­ics-ide­al for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core.
Vis­i­bly Stun­ning: Expe­ri­ence sharp details and crisp col­ors on the 15.6″ Full HD IPS dis­play with 16:9 aspect ratio and nar­row bezels. | Inter­nal Spec­i­fi­ca­tions: 8GB LPDDR5 Onboard Mem­o­ry; 128GB NVMe sol­id-state dri­ve stor­age to store your files and media | The HD front-fac­ing cam­era uses Acer’s TNR (Tem­po­ral Noise Reduc­tion) tech­nol­o­gy for high-qual­i­ty imagery in low-light con­di­tions. Acer Puri­fied­Voice tech­nol­o­gy with AI Noise Reduc­tion fil­ters out any extra sound for clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion over
Inter­nal Spec­i­fi­ca­tions: 8GB LPDDR5 Onboard Mem­o­ry; 128GB NVMe sol­id-state dri­ve stor­age to store your files and media
The HD front-fac­ing cam­era uses Acer’s TNR (Tem­po­ral Noise Reduc­tion) tech­nol­o­gy for high-qual­i­ty imagery in low-light con­di­tions. Acer Puri­fied­Voice tech­nol­o­gy with AI Noise Reduc­tion fil­ters out any extra sound for clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion over online meet­ings.

Latest reMarkable 2 — The Next Generation Paper Tablet — 10.3″ Digital Notepad, Paper-Feel with Low Latency and Glare-Free Touchscreen , Wi-Fi, Convert Handwritten Notes to Typed Text with marker +

Latest reMarkable 2 — The Next Generation Paper Tablet — 10.3″ Digital Notepad, Paper-Feel with Low Latency and Glare-Free Touchscreen , Wi-Fi, Convert Handwritten Notes to Typed Text with marker +

Price: (as of — Details) The paper tablet for peo­ple who pre­fer paper. Here to replace your note­books, sketch­books and print­outs. Paper-like read­ing, writ­ing and sketch­ing with dig­i­tal pow­ers. Learn more on Dig­i­tal note tak­ing with a paper feel. reMark­able is the first dig­i­tal device that gives you a pen-and-paper note tak­ing expe­ri­ence. But,…

HP Victus Gaming Laptop 15-fb1002ne, 15.6″ FHD, 7th Gen AMD Ryzen™ 5, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 4GB NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2050 Graphics, Windows 11 Home Single Language, En ‑Ar KB, Mica silver — [8L9N8EA]

HP Victus Gaming Laptop 15-fb1002ne, 15.6″ FHD, 7th Gen AMD Ryzen™ 5, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 4GB NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2050 Graphics, Windows 11 Home Single Language, En ‑Ar KB, Mica silver — [8L9N8EA]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP VictusHP Victus

HP VictusHP Victus

HP VictusHP Victus

HP VictusHP Victus

Supe­ri­or pro­cess­ing com­po­nents

Play at your best with a pow­er­ful AMD Proces­sor, a mod­ern graph­ics card, and plen­ty of mem­o­ry.

Sophis­ti­cat­ed and refined design

With a small­er foot­print and up to three col­ors options, this sprite­ly device looks good any­where.

Every fea­ture you could need

From the updat­ed ther­mal design to the HD cam­era, this lap­top has every­thing.

HP VictusHP Victus

Get a fresh per­spec­tive

From a reju­ve­nat­ed Start menu, to new ways to con­nect to your favorite peo­ple, news, games, and con­tent – Win­dows 11 is the place to think, express, and cre­ate in a nat­ur­al way.

FHD IPS dis­play

Enjoy crys­tal-clear images from any angle. With 178° wide-view­ing angles and a vibrant 1920 x 1080 res­o­lu­tion, you’ll always have a great view of your favorite con­tent.


Using DC Dim­ming tech­nol­o­gy that con­trols bright­ness by adjust­ing direct cur­rent rather than cycling the back­light, we can elim­i­nate screen glim­mer­ing for more com­fort­able view­ing.

HP VictusHP Victus

HP Wide Vision HD Cam­era

The 88-degree, wide-angle field of view lets you video chat with the entire fam­i­ly or group of friends in crys­tal clear detail.

USB Type‑C 5Gbps sig­nal­ing data rate

Plug in your exter­nal stor­age with this USB Type‑C port, fea­tur­ing 5Gbps sig­nal­ing data rate. And it’s reversible, so you nev­er have to wor­ry about plug­ging in upside down.

PCIe SSD stor­age

Boot up in sec­onds with light­ning fast speed with up to 512 GB PCIe SSD stor­age.

HP VictusHP Victus

External I/O Ports

1 USB Type‑C 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (Dis­play­Port 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge);1 USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (HP Sleep and Charge);1 USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate;1 AC smart pin;1 HDMI 2.1;1 headphone/microphone combo;1 RJ-45

The HP Vic­tus 15.6″ Gam­ing Lap­top PC is a per­for­mance pow­er­house, per­fect for both new­com­ers and those who demand the best of their gam­ing machine. Desk­top pow­er in one portable pack­age.
This sleek machine touts a pow­er­ful AMD proces­sor and NVIDIA graphics​. This laptop’s design is just as impres­sive as its hard­ware with plen­ty of col­or options, updat­ed ther­mals and a HD cam­era with Tem­po­ral Noise Reduc­tion
With 178° wide-view­ing angles and a vibrant 1920 x 1080 res­o­lu­tion, you’ll always have a great view of your favorite con­tent.
With HP Dual Speak­ers, HP Audio Boost, and cus­tom tun­ing by the experts at B&O, you can expe­ri­ence rich, authen­tic audio
Using DC Dim­ming tech­nol­o­gy that con­trols bright­ness by adjust­ing direct cur­rent rather than cycling the back­light, we can elim­i­nate screen flick­er­ing for more com­fort­able view­ing.

Atouch Kids Tablet, 8 inch Android 12 Tablet for Kids, Bluetooth, WiFi, Parental Control, Dual SIM, Dual Camera, Educational, Games, Toddler Tablet With EVA Case (Pink)

Atouch Kids Tablet, 8 inch Android 12 Tablet for Kids, Bluetooth, WiFi, Parental Control, Dual SIM, Dual Camera, Educational, Games, Toddler Tablet With EVA Case (Pink)

Price: (as of — Details) Atouch KD55 tablet for kids is per­fect for kids’ enter­tain­ment and online learn­ing. It comes pre-installed appli­ca­tion that offers edu­ca­tion­al con­tent and more apps can be down­loaded from Google Play Store.This kids edi­tion tab comes with parental con­trol func­tion. It can be adjust­ed as kids grow with con­tent accord­ing to…

ASUS ROG Strix G16 (2024) Gaming Laptop, 16” Nebula Display 16:10 QHD 240Hz, GeForce RTX 4060, Intel® Core™ i9-14900HX, 16GB DDR5-5600, 1TB PCIe SSD, Wi-Fi 6E, Windows 11, G614JVR-ES94

ASUS ROG Strix G16 (2024) Gaming Laptop, 16” Nebula Display 16:10 QHD 240Hz, GeForce RTX 4060, Intel® Core™ i9-14900HX, 16GB DDR5-5600, 1TB PCIe SSD, Wi-Fi 6E, Windows 11, G614JVR-ES94

Raise your game and car­ry your squad with the new ROG Strix G16, a pow­er­ful gam­ing lap­top that fea­tures Win­dows 11, a 14th Gen Intel® Core™ proces­sor, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series Lap­top GPU. With DDR5-5600MHz mem­o­ry and PCIe 4x4, this lap­top is designed to pro­vide light­ning-fast per­for­mance and min­i­mize load­ing times. The ROG Intel­li­gent Cool­ing sys­tem with upgrad­ed liq­uid met­al on the CPU and Tri-Fan Tech­nol­o­gy, ensures that the lap­top can han­dle the pow­er it can deliv­er. The ROG Neb­u­la Dis­play guar­an­tees a pre­mi­um visu­al expe­ri­ence, and the MUX Switch with Advanced Opti­mus opti­mizes both gam­ing per­for­mance and bat­tery life. The lap­top’s design is inspired by cyber­punk aes­thet­ics and graf­fi­ti accents, and fea­tures unique ele­ments such as a dot matrix design on the lid and cross-hatched vents.
POWER UP YOUR PLAY — Win more games with Win­dows 11, a 14th Gen Intel Core i9-14900HX proces­sor, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Lap­top GPU at 140W Max TGP.
BLAZING FAST MEMORY AND STORAGE – Mul­ti­task swift­ly with 16GB of DDR5-5600MHz mem­o­ry and 1TB of PCIe 4x4.
ROG INTELLIGENT COOLING – The Strix G16 fea­tures Ther­mal Grizzly’s Con­duc­to­naut Extreme liq­uid met­al on the CPU, and a third intake fan among oth­er pre­mi­um fea­tures, to allow for sus­tained per­for­mance over long gam­ing ses­sions.
ROG NEBULA DISPLAY – The Neb­u­la stan­dard guar­an­tees a pre­mi­um dis­play with high specs for the best visu­als. Fea­tur­ing QHD 240Hz/3ms, 100% DCI-P3, Pan­tone Val­i­da­tion, among oth­er pre­mi­um fea­tures on the Strix G16.
MUX SWITCH WITH ADVANCED OPTIMUS — A MUX Switch increas­es lap­top gam­ing per­for­mance by 5–10% by rout­ing frames direct­ly from the dGPU to the dis­play. Advanced Opti­mus enables an auto­mat­ic switch between iGPU and dGPU based on the task, opti­miz­ing bat­tery life.