Samsung Galaxy Book3 360 Wi-Fi Laptop, 13.3 Inch, 13th gen Intel Core i5 Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage, Graphite — Official

Samsung Galaxy Book3 360 Wi-Fi Laptop, 13.3 Inch, 13th gen Intel Core i5 Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage, Graphite — Official

Sam­sung Galaxy Book3 360 Wi-Fi Lap­top 13 Inch Intel Core Proces­sor 8GB RAM 256GB Stor­age Graphite
Jump right into the action through the immer­sive FHD Super AMOLED dis­play Feel the rush in movies and games, brought to life in vibrant colours, superb con­trast and with a fast response time; Stay in your fun zone as long as you like thanks to reduced blue light emis­sion for extra eye care
Make the most of your day with the lat­est 13th Gen Intel Core proces­sor, deliv­er­ing super fast and reli­able per­for­mance for extreme pro­duc­tiv­i­ty; The hybrid-core archi­tec­ture lets you mul­ti­task quick­ly and pow­er through heavy work­loads
With a wide range of built-in ports, get the plugs and ver­sa­til­i­ty you’ve been search­ing for — HDMI, USB‑A, microSD slot and even a Thun­der­bolt 4 port for blaz­ing-fast 40 Gbps file trans­fers No don­gle need­ed
Com­plete your enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ence with the depth and clar­i­ty of the dual-speak­er audio sys­tem Tuned with Dol­by Atmos, the stereo speak­ers lev­el up your con­tent with stun­ning sound detail
Stu­dio Mode gets you cam­era-ready with smart fea­tures — from enhanced AI Noise Can­celling, to Auto Fram­ing and back­ground effects Com­bined with the wide-angle cam­era and dual array mics, it ensures you look and sound your best on every video call

(GENUINE) HP 6EU57AA#ABB Pavilion 15 Gaming Backpack 400 For Laptop With Zippered pocket — Black

(GENUINE) HP 6EU57AA#ABB Pavilion 15 Gaming Backpack 400 For Laptop With Zippered pocket — Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

Fits up to 15″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal laptop.31 x 16 x 45.5 cm0.68 kg

HP Pavilion Gaming Backpack 400

Access your gear. Any­where.

Designed for those who game any­where and every­where, the HP Pavil­ion Gam­ing Back­pack 400 fea­tures a water-resis­tant exte­ri­or, com­fort­able fit, and spa­cious com­part­ments for all your gam­ing gear, includ­ing lap­tops up to 15.6″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal.

Mesh pock­ets on each side for a water bot­tle or umbrel­la. Pro­tect your gear from the ele­ments with a rugged, water-resis­tant exte­ri­or. Car­ry it all com­fort­ably with a padded, mesh back pan­el for air flow and ergonom­ic shoul­der straps. Designed to con­ve­nient­ly stack on top of lug­gage with its trol­ley han­dle pass-through. Stay safe and be seen at night with reflec­tive trim and accents.

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

Ulti­mate orga­ni­za­tion

Store more with icon labeled slots for 15.6″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal lap­top, tablet, phone, mouse, and writ­ing uten­sils.

Holds your head­set and more

Fea­tures a strap to secure­ly hold your head­set in place and a zip­pered pock­et for oth­er acces­sories.

Keep your essen­tials close

Front zip­per pock­et makes it quick and easy to access essen­tials like your phone, keys, and wal­let.

Fea­tures a strap to secure­ly hold your head­set in place and a zip­pered pock­et for oth­er acces­sories.
Car­ry it all com­fort­ably with a padded, mesh back pan­el for air flow and ergonom­ic shoul­der straps.
Tai­lored for trav­el: Designed to con­ve­nient­ly stack on top of lug­gage with its trol­ley han­dle pass-through.

UGREEN USB C Hub, 4 Ports USB C Adapter Type C Hub to USB 3.0 Extention Compatible for Steam Deck, MacBook Pro/Air 2022, iPad Pro/Air 2022, Samsung S22/S23 Ultra, Huawei Mate XS 2/P50/MateBook, Dell

UGREEN USB C Hub, 4 Ports USB C Adapter Type C Hub to USB 3.0 Extention Compatible for Steam Deck, MacBook Pro/Air 2022, iPad Pro/Air 2022, Samsung S22/S23 Ultra, Huawei Mate XS 2/P50/MateBook, Dell

From the brand



USB Hub 3.0 USB Extension Hub

USB Hub Multiport Adapter

USB Hub USB Port Extender

Describe our brand in 3 words.

Val­ue, Inno­va­tion, Warmth

What makes our prod­ucts unique?

At UGREEN, we believe there’s an opti­mal com­bi­na­tion of val­ue and inno­va­tion.

Why we love what we do?

Since our foun­da­tion in 2012, we’ve been ded­i­cat­ed to build­ing con­sumer elec­tron­ic devices and acces­sories with lead­ing tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions, and mak­ing them acces­si­ble to our every­day con­sumers. The user-cen­tered phi­los­o­phy runs in our blood and through our R&D, design, man­u­fac­tur­ing, sales, and mar­ket­ing.

Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 1.8 x 9.09 x 16 cm; 60 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 24 June 2019
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ UGREEN GROUP LIMITED
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PY87TBD
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ 70336

【Extend­ed 4 Port USB C Hub】: This slim USB c hub mul­ti­port adapter bridges the gap between USB‑A and USB‑C to con­nect the mouse, key­board, USB disk, and oth­er USB devices to your USB‑C phones and tablets, eas­i­ly expand­ing sin­gle type c or thun­der­bolt 3 port into four stan­dard female USB 3.0 ports and ful­fill your dai­ly use.
【Light­weight and Portable】:The slim body and a fash­ion look with a space gray cas­ing make the UGREEN USB c hub split­ter per­fect­ly match with your Mac­book. Easy to fit in any bag or brief­case with your lap­top, com­fort­able to car­ry around with the light­weight design. It’s great for dai­ly use and work-from-home sit­u­a­tions.
【5Gbps Data Trans­fer】: The 4 Ports USB 3.0 exten­sion hub is built with an OTG func­tion chip, which sup­ports high-speed data trans­fer up to 5Gbps — 10X faster than USB 2.0 (480 Mbps). It can down­ward com­pat­i­ble with USB 2.0/USB 1.1 and allow you to trans­fer HD movies or large files in just sec­onds.
【Pow­er­ful USB C Hub Exten­sion】: There is build­ing a PD charg­ing port in this USB‑C pow­er hub, which can sup­port max 5V 2.4A pow­er to this 4 port hub adapter spe­cial­ly for those pow­er-hun­gry devices such as 2.5” 3.5” USB HDD/SSD. (Please NOTE: Pow­er adapter and cable are NOT includ­ed)
【Type C Wide Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty】: This USB‑C expan­sion hub is with dri­ver­less set­up, and can be com­pat­i­ble per­fect­ly with major oper­at­ing sys­tems includ­ing Mac­Book Pro/Air, iPad Air 5/4, iPad Pro, Dell XPS 15/XPS 17,HP Spectre/Envy/13/X360, ASUS Chrome­book Flip/ZenBook 3/Pro/Flip, Leno­vo Yoga 920/720/, Sam­sung Galaxy S20+/S20/S10/S10 Plus/Note 9 8,and almost USB C enabled devices.
【What You Get】:1*UGREEN 4 Ports USB Hub , 1*user man­u­al, 24-month war­ran­ty, 24-hour cus­tomer ser­vice, life­time tech­ni­cal sup­port.

Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ITL6, 15.6“FHD Display, Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11, English-Arabic, Arctic Grey Color — [82H803W5AX]

Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ITL6, 15.6“FHD Display, Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11, English-Arabic, Arctic Grey Color — [82H803W5AX]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


Performance with no limits

Take on any task with the Idea­Pad 3i Gen 6 (15″ Intel) lap­top and enjoy the unmatched speed and intel­li­gence of 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sors, while you take in the views of inte­grat­ed Intel Iris Xe graph­ics. Strong enough to run the most demand­ing apps and AAA-title games, and smarter than ever to keep your lap­top run­ning opti­mal­ly, these cut­ting-edge proces­sors blaze the trail for in-home enter­tain­ment and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Get more on your screen:

See more detail with less clut­ter, with nar­row bezels on all four sides of a 15.6″ FHD dis­play with option­al touch­screen. It’s a plea­sure to watch and use. This com­mit­ment to screen real estate gives the Idea­Pad 3i Gen 6 (15″ Intel) one of the high­est active area ratios of its class.


Wellness is the priority

The Idea­Pad 3i Gen 6 (15″ Intel) lap­top tack­les the phys­i­cal and men­tal effects of increased screen time with smart fea­tures that help rem­e­dy eye strain and envi­ron­men­tal dis­trac­tions. These include eye care, which pro­tects your eyes from strain dur­ing long bouts of screen time, and noise can­cel­la­tion which elim­i­nates back­ground noise and cross talk dur­ing con­fer­ence calls.


Cool performance

Smash top scores in your favorite games, edit video, and more with­out burn­ing out your proces­sor. The Idea­Pad 3i Gen 6 (15″ Intel) lap­top is equipped with mechan­i­cal and intel­li­gent cool­ing fea­tures, which always keep your proces­sor cool and work­ing opti­mal­ly. You can also fine-tune even fur­ther with Q‑control, which lets you cycle through fan speeds to opti­mize for either per­for­mance or sav­ing bat­tery pow­er.

Mas­ter your own pri­va­cy — Pro­tect your lens and guar­an­tee your pri­va­cy with the built-in pri­va­cy shut­ter, which safe­guards against mali­cious actors and eas­es any lin­ger­ing anx­i­ety over whether your camera’s still rolling after a video call.
Strength­en your dig­i­tal well­ness — Effec­tive­ly rem­e­dy the chal­lenges relat­ed to aches and pains, eye strain and stay­ing focused with Idea­Pad 3i’s suite of well­ness solu­tions. These include Eye Care and Noise Can­celling.
Intel­li­gent ther­mals to cool and qui­et — Keep your sys­tem even cool­er and qui­eter with mechan­i­cal air­flow enhance­ments and intel­li­gent ther­mals, which push­es out air with­out cross­ing over the intake vents. You can also fine-tune even fur­ther with Q‑control, which lets you cycle through fan speeds to opti­mize for either per­for­mance or bat­tery life.

(GENUINE) HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2006ne, 16″ 3K+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Intel® UHD Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nightfall black — [7Q7A2EA]

(GENUINE) HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2006ne, 16″ 3K+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Intel® UHD Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nightfall black — [7Q7A2EA]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

HP Glam­Cam with Auto Frame and Appear­ance Fil­ter

Look your best on video calls with HP Glam­Cam, an intel­li­gent 5MP cam­era with Back­light Adjust­ment and Auto Frame.

Screen reminders to help pro­tect your well-being

With screen time and dis­tance reminders, you know when it’s time to take a screen break or if you’re too close.

Made with the plan­et in mind

Because bet­ter feels bet­ter, we’ve includ­ed ocean-bound plas­tic and recy­cled alu­minum in this PC design.

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

Get a fresh per­spec­tive

Win­dows 11 pro­vides a calm and cre­ative space where you can pur­sue your pas­sions through a fresh expe­ri­ence. From a reju­ve­nat­ed Start menu, to new ways to con­nect to your favorite peo­ple, news, games, and con­tent – Win­dows 11 is the place to think, express, and cre­ate in a nat­ur­al way.

Excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence, any­where

The Intel Evo plat­form brings togeth­er the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of per­for­mance, respon­sive­ness, bat­tery life and stun­ning visu­als in a new class of lap­tops. These designs are ver­i­fied by Intel for an excep­tion­al lap­top expe­ri­ence, any­where.

Intel Iris Xᵉ graph­ics

Impres­sive per­for­mance for cre­at­ing, gam­ing, and enter­tain­ment. A new lev­el of graph­ics per­for­mance and crisp, stun­ning visu­als – with the con­ve­nience of a thin & light lap­top.

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

All-in-One Key­board

Con­trol your pri­va­cy, secu­ri­ty and mul­ti­me­dia with the touch of a but­ton. With all your hotkeys in one area, seam­less­ly nav­i­gate with no dis­trac­tions.

Adap­tive Col­or

Easy on the eyes – Adap­tive Col­or auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts screen col­or and bright­ness based on your envi­ron­ment for more com­fort­able view­ing. To ease eye strain, the screen shows a cool­er light when it’s day­time and gets warmer when the sun goes down.

HP True Vision 5MP with cam­era shut­ter

Video chat with peace of mind with a pri­va­cy cam­era you can close when not in use.

HP Spectre x360HP Spectre x360

External I/O Ports

2 Thun­der­bolt 4 with USB4 Type‑C 40Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (USB Pow­er Deliv­ery, Dis­play­Port 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge);1 Super­Speed USB Type‑A 10Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (HP Sleep and Charge);1 HDMI 2.1;1 AC smart pin;1 headphone/microphone com­bo

The HP Spec­tre x360 Lap­top is pow­ered by an Intel 13th Gen­er­a­tion Proces­sor that adapts to you for supe­ri­or mul­ti-task­ing. With a taller dis­play, you can view more con­tent with less scrolling
One of HP’s best 2‑in‑1 lap­tops for look­ing and feel­ing your best, and keep­ing pro­duc­tive with intel­li­gent fea­tures like Auto Frame, a pow­er­ful Intel Proces­sor and screen time and dis­tance reminders
With its smart fea­tures and long last­ing bat­tery, the HP Spec­tre x360 16 inch 2‑in‑1 Lap­top PC is pow­er­ful enough to han­dle your whole day
3072 x 1920 res­o­lu­tion deliv­ers incred­i­ble details and life­like col­ors. And with touch, you can con­trol your PC right from the screen.
Designed to make you look good with uncom­pro­mised con­nec­tion

Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 Gaming Laptop With 16″ FHD+ 165Hz, Intel Core i7-13620H, Ram 16GB DDR4, SSD 512GB NVMe, Nvidia RTX 4060 8GB GDDR6, Windows 11 home, English, Eclipse Gray (GU603VV)

Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 Gaming Laptop With 16″ FHD+ 165Hz, Intel Core i7-13620H, Ram 16GB DDR4, SSD 512GB NVMe, Nvidia RTX 4060 8GB GDDR6, Windows 11 home, English, Eclipse Gray (GU603VV)

Dis­play: A stun­ning 16-inch FHD+ screen with a refresh rate of 165Hz. It sup­ports NVIDIA G‑SYNC tech­nol­o­gy for smoother gam­ing visu­als. The res­o­lu­tion is 1920 x 1200 pix­els, ensur­ing crisp and detailed images. Proces­sor and Graph­ics: Pow­ered by an Intel Core i7-13620H proces­sor with 16 cores and 22 threads. The lap­top boasts an NVIDIA RTX 4060 GPU with 8GB GDDR6 mem­o­ry. This com­bi­na­tion ensures excel­lent per­for­mance for both gam­ing and cre­ative tasks. Mem­o­ry and Stor­age: Equipped with 16GB DDR4 RAM, allow­ing for smooth mul­ti­task­ing. The 512GB NVMe SSD pro­vides fast stor­age access and quick boot times. Oper­at­ing Sys­tem and Design: Comes pre-installed with Win­dows 11 Home for a mod­ern and user-friend­ly expe­ri­ence. The lap­top fea­tures an ele­gant Eclipse Gray alu­minum chas­sis. With its slim pro­file and pre­mi­um build qual­i­ty, the Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 is a blend of style and pow­er. In sum­ma­ry, the Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 is a high-per­form­ing gam­ing lap­top that com­bines sleek design, pow­er­ful com­po­nents, and a daz­zling OLED dis­play. Whether you’re gam­ing or work­ing, this lap­top is ready to impress! 🎮💻🔥
The Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 is a pow­er­house that seam­less­ly blends per­for­mance, aes­thet­ics, and inno­va­tion. As a pas­sion­ate gamer, I’ve put this lap­top through its paces, and it has exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions. Let’s dive into the details.
The Eclipse Gray alu­minum chas­sis screams sophis­ti­ca­tion. It’s slim, light­weight, and turns heads wher­ev­er I go. The key­board is com­fort­able, and the RGB light­ing adds a touch of flair. Plus, the track­pad is pre­cise.
Play­ing AAA titles on the Zephyrus G16 is like step­ping into anoth­er dimen­sion. The fans keep things cool, and the G‑SYNC tech­nol­o­gy elim­i­nates screen tear­ing. The lap­top han­dles esports games effort­less­ly, and I’ve nev­er expe­ri­enced lag or stut­ter.
The Asus ROG Zephyrus G16 is more than a lap­top; it’s an expe­ri­ence. Whether you’re a gamer, con­tent cre­ator, or pow­er user, this machine deliv­ers. Just be pre­pared to turn heads when you whip it out at your local cof­fee shop. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed! 👾🔥

Microsoft Surface Pro 9 | 13” 2‑in‑1 Laptop/Tablet PC | Intel Core i7-1255U, Fast processor for Multi-tasking | 16GB RAM | 256GB SSD | Windows 11 Home | Black | QIL-00025 UAE Version | Device Only

Microsoft Surface Pro 9 | 13” 2‑in‑1 Laptop/Tablet PC | Intel Core i7-1255U, Fast processor for Multi-tasking | 16GB RAM | 256GB SSD | Windows 11 Home | Black | QIL-00025 UAE Version | Device Only

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


mod_2_dmod_2_d The most pow­er­ful Pro does it all

Sur­face Pro 9 gives you the tablet flex­i­bil­i­ty you want and the lap­top per­for­mance and bat­tery life you need to move through your day — all in one ultra-portable device.

Designed for the details mod_3_1mod_3_1 Your style—complemented

Clas­sic, bold, or nature-inspired, express your­self with a choice of rich, vibrant col­ors like For­est, Sap­phire, Plat­inum, and Graphite.

mod_3_2mod_3_2 Plays well with oth­ers

There are times when you need a larg­er screen. We’ve designed Sur­face with high-speed ports to con­nect eas­i­ly to mul­ti­ple mon­i­tors.

mod_3_3mod_3_3 All the feels. Lit­er­al­ly.

Add rich touch of warmth, col­or, and excep­tion­al typ­ing com­fort to your Sur­face with a Sur­face Pro Sig­na­ture Key­board cov­ered in lux­u­ri­ous Alcan­tara.

mod_3_4mod_3_4 Hinges on your every move

From hands-free view­ing to hands-on cre­ation, Sur­face effort­less­ly adapts to you. Set your per­fect angle for inspi­ra­tion.

mod_4_1_d The lap­top-lev­el per­for­mance you need

Sur­face Pro 9 with Intel is built on the Intel Evo plat­form, with 12th Gen Intel Core proces­sors, deliv­er­ing blaz­ing-fast Pro per­for­mance.

mod_4_2_d Open your eyes to stun­ning Dol­by Vision

With remark­able pic­ture qual­i­ty comes a stronger con­nec­tion to the char­ac­ters and worlds craft­ed by film-mak­ers, game design­ers and cre­atives for you to enjoy.

mod_4_3_d Smoother on-screen expe­ri­ences

Tap into flu­id on-screen writ­ing and ele­vate your gam­ing with Dynam­ic Refresh Rate up to 120Hz.

mod_4_4_d Built for desk­top pro­duc­tiv­i­ty

Eas­i­ly use or charge acces­sories, dock to high-pow­ered dis­plays, and trans­fer large cre­ative files fast with Thun­der­bolt 4 ports.

Designed for per­for­mance mod_5_1mod_5_1 Because some­times more is more

See more on a big­ger screen — or two. With Sur­face, there’s no lim­it to what you can do.

mod_5_2mod_5_2 Stay unplugged

Do your thing any­where. Sur­face Pro 9 gives you up to 15.5 hours bat­tery life for real life.

mod_5_3mod_5_3 The best way to Win­dows

Dive in with the best of Win­dows 11 at your fin­ger­tips — faster mul­ti­task­ing, bet­ter video calls, incred­i­ble on-screen writ­ing, and more.

mod_5_4mod_5_4 There’s fast and faster

Get the pro-lev­el speed you need for the things you love to do.

mod_6_1_d More apps, more of what you love

From your favorite apps and the lat­est games to stream­ing shows and movies, Win­dows 11 offers more selec­tion than ever before.

mod_6_2_d Got an idea? Cap­ture it fast.

Jot down a quick note or sketch using Sur­face Slim Pen 2 and Jour­nal.

mod_6_3_d Bring your ideas to life

Design stun­ning visu­als with Adobe Pho­to­shop, the all-in-one tool for cre­atives.

mod_6_4_d Stay con­nect­ed to what mat­ters most

Make bet­ter con­nec­tions with the 1080p HD cam­era, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Teams.


Sur­face Pro 9 com­bines lap­top-lev­el per­for­mance with the flex­i­bil­i­ty of a tablet for peo­ple who want both pow­er and ver­sa­til­i­ty to move through­out their day – all in one device
Expect more from your com­put­er — Immerse your­self in the vir­tu­al­ly edge-to-edge dis­play. Adjust to the per­fect angle with the built-in Kick­stand. Pair with Sur­face Pro Key­board. Sign, sketch, or nav­i­gate with Sur­face Slim Pen 2. Feel like pen on paper with tac­tile sig­nals and Slim Pen 2. Adapt nat­u­ral­ly to any posi­tion with Win­dows 11
The most pow­er­ful Pro does it all — An immer­sive tablet, Ultra-thin and light with long bat­tery life, Video Call­ing , Per­fect on-the go enter­tain­ment set up. A high-per­form­ing lap­top, Choice of proces­sor, Built for pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with Ports and Microsoft 365
Intel Evo (12th Gen) for ultra-fast Pro per­for­mance. Pen stor­age & tac­tile sig­nals with Sur­face Slim Pen 2. Neur­al Pro­cess­ing Unit deliv­ers dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed expe­ri­ences. Microsoft Secured Core PC
Device only, Type Cov­er sold sep­a­rate­ly
Cam­era descrip­tion: Front
Includ­ed com­po­nents: Device, Charg­er, Doc­u­men­ta­tion
Con­nec­tiv­i­ty tech­nol­o­gy: Thun­der­bolt


Lenovo Tab M9 with Clear Case and Protective Film, 9″ HD (1340x800) IPS 400nits Anti-fingerprint, Touch display, MediaTek Helio G80 processor, 4GB RAM, 64GB SSD, Android 12 — [ZAC30052AE]

Price: (as of — Details) From the man­u­fac­tur­er Styl­ish design With the choice of a dual-tone Arc­tic Grey or Frost Blue, max out your chic fac­tor with the Leno­vo Tab M9 tablet. A thin and light design make this device per­fect for on-the-go use any­where life takes you. Immer­sive cin­e­mat­ics Enjoy a stun­ning­ly mobile cin­e­mat­ic…

SAMSUNG Galaxy Book Go Laptop Computer PC Power Performance 18-Hour Battery Compact Light Shockproof Design WFH Ready WiFi 5, Silver, 128GB

SAMSUNG Galaxy Book Go Laptop Computer PC Power Performance 18-Hour Battery Compact Light Shockproof Design WFH Ready WiFi 5, Silver, 128GB

Why can’t lap­tops be more like phones? Small but rugged, the Sam­sung Galaxy Book Go packs PC pow­er into a thin, shock­proof lap­top that helps you seize the day like you mean it. Work. Cre­ate. Shop. Unwind. What­ev­er the task, Galaxy Book Go helps you do it with gus­to. Designed to keep its cool with­out a fan, Galaxy Book Go com­put­er fea­tures an advanced ener­gy-effi­cient Qual­comm Snap­drag­on com­pute plat­form that deliv­ers respon­sive, instant-on per­for­mance that draws less pow­er, keep­ing the bat­tery charged longer – and you in charge of your to-do list. The design also makes for a lighter, qui­eter lap­top com­put­er, which means more Zen-like moments of com­plete con­cen­tra­tion for you, wher­ev­er you hap­pen to be.
POWERFUL, YET QUIET: Keep your cool with a pow­er­ful Qual­comm Snap­drag­on 7c Gen 2 com­pute plat­form that deliv­ers respon­sive, instant-on per­for­mance that runs with­out a fan — for a light­weight device that’s fast and qui­et.
POWER FOR HOURS: Email, hold vir­tu­al meet­ings, stream videos, check social media and more; Sam­sung Galaxy Book Go helps you stay con­nect­ed and cord­less with up to 18 hours on a ful­ly charged bat­tery.
SLEEK, SLIM, SHOCKPROOF: Durably designed and shock­proof with a con­ve­nient 180-degree hinge, this com­pact and light lap­top com­put­er spells sophis­ti­ca­tion in Sil­ver.
PAIR YOUR GALAXY DEVICES: Eas­i­ly jump from work to per­son­al life with your paired Galaxy devices; Set it up as a sec­ond screen with your phone and tablet, share doents with Quick Share, play mobile games on a larg­er dis­play, and con­nect your Galaxy Buds Pro ear­buds.
LOOK LIKE A PRO, EVEN IN YOUR LIVING ROOM: Make WFH work for you with tools that help you look, sound, and do your best, includ­ing its cam­era beau­ty fil­ter, back­ground noise removal, and more..BETTER WI-FI CONNECTIVITY: Do more on the go with fast speeds and smooth con­nec­tiv­i­ty; Backed by Wi-Fi 5, the Galaxy Book Go lap­top com­put­er makes it easy to con­nect and com­plete work in a flash..

Acer Aspire 3 A315 Laptop 11th Gen Intel Core i3-1115G4 Dual Core Upto 3.10GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/128GB SSD Storage/Intel UHD Graphics/15.6″ FHD Display/Win 11S/WiFi‑6/Silver

Acer Aspire 3 A315 Laptop 11th Gen Intel Core i3-1115G4 Dual Core Upto 3.10GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/128GB SSD Storage/Intel UHD Graphics/15.6″ FHD Display/Win 11S/WiFi‑6/Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance

The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processors1 with Radeon graphics—ideal for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core. Per­fect to get more out of work, study, or play.

Improved Ther­mals

With a 78% increase in fan sur­face area, enjoy an improved ther­mal sys­tem and an addi­tion­al 17% ther­mal capacity3. Allow­ing for longer, more effi­cient work ses­sions while not plugged in4.

Pur­pose­ful Design

With a sleek met­al cov­er avail­able in new vibrant colors1, the Aspire 3 is lighter and thin­ner than ever before at 1.48kg1 and 17.8mm1. While a long-last­ing bat­tery allows for the fam­i­ly to get more done between charges.



The Dis­play

The 1080p FHD1 dis­play is per­fect for casu­al web brows­ing and stream­ing videos, allow­ing for sharp, detailed images. And with Acer Blue­Light­Shield, low­er the lev­els of blue light expo­sure to you and your loved ones.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 61,2 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for the whole fam­i­ly.

15″ FHD Com­fyView Slim­Bezel LED LCD
Pow­er­ful Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty For bet­ter per­for­mance, the Aspire 3 uses the lat­est Intel Proces­sors, and deliv­ers enough pow­er to see you through your work­day. Work, play, or relax; do it all with pow­er­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Col­or-rich Dis­play The Full HD dis­play keeps images and videos stun­ning while the nar­row bor­der offers-up more view­able space. To pro­tect user’s eyes from harm­ful blue light, it also includes Acer Blue­Light­Shield
High-speed Stor­age With the Inte­gra­tion of M.2 PCIe SSD users have plen­ty of stor­age for all of their media, work files, and more.
Plen­ty of Ports With three USB ports, includ­ing two USB 3.2 Gen 1 and one USB 2.0, you’re always pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion – whether plug­ging in for a pre­sen­ta­tion or using the lat­est periph­er­als. If need­ed, you can also con­nect to an exter­nal dis­play via the HDMI port when the occa­sion calls for a larg­er screen.

Razer Blade 15 Gaming Laptop 2020: 15.6″ Fhd-144 Hz Base Model, Intel Core I7-10750H 6‑Core, Nvidia Geforce Rtx 2060, 16GB RAM, 512GB Ssd, Chroma RGB Lighting — Qwerty Us-Layout

Razer Blade 15 Gaming Laptop 2020: 15.6″ Fhd-144 Hz Base Model, Intel Core I7-10750H 6‑Core, Nvidia Geforce Rtx 2060, 16GB RAM, 512GB Ssd, Chroma RGB Lighting — Qwerty Us-Layout

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


xx More Pow­er. More Frames. Raz­er Blade 15 Base Mod­el

The new Raz­er Blade 15 fea­tures NVIDIA GeForce RTX graph­ics and the new 10th Gen Intel Core i7 6 core proces­sor, to deliv­er amaz­ing pow­er and porta­bil­i­ty. The 15.6″ smooth 144Hz Full HD dis­play pro­vides an immer­sive and insane­ly fast visu­al expe­ri­ence for gam­ing and beyond.



Ulti­mate Per­for­mance

6‑Core 10th Gen Intel Core i7 proces­sor with up to 5.0 GHz Tur­bo Boost and Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201


Ray Tracing

RTX. It’s On.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX graph­ics with Max‑Q design (8GB GDDR6 VRAM) brings real-time ray trac­ing to games



Fast 2933MHz RAM

Expand­able 16GB 2933MHz dual-chan­nel mem­o­ry and 512GB PCIe SSD for per­for­mance



Open SSD Slot

Add more stor­age with an open M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 slot for easy SSD upgrade.


0.78″ Thin

Thin and Com­pact

The CNC alu­minum uni­body frame hous­es incred­i­ble per­for­mance in the most com­pact foot­print pos­si­ble

1 Proces­sor 2 Graph­ics 3 Mem­o­ry and Stor­age 4 Upgrade­abil­i­ty 5 Ultra-Small

xx 144Hz Dis­play High-FPS Gam­ing

With the 144Hz Full HD, 1920 x 1080 dis­play, on-screen action is incred­i­bly smooth and flu­id. Game or cre­ate with the col­or­ful and accu­rate visu­als of the thin bezel, fac­to­ry cal­i­brat­ed 15.6” dis­play, with sup­port for up to 100% sRGB col­or.

Blade 15 x Anodized CNC Alu­minum

Craft­ed from tem­per 6 alu­minum the CNC uni­body allows for a more rigid & durable frame. The col­or is elec­tro­chem­i­cal­ly bond­ed to strength­en the fin­ish and to pre­vent minor scratch­es while on the go.

x Zero Bloat­ware

Zero bloat­ware allows you to max­i­mize resoures and stor­age out of the box–save time installing appli­ca­tions you need rather than unin­stalling those you don’t.

x Raz­er Care

“Raz­er has done the impos­si­ble. With its stel­lar web, phone and social pres­ence, the com­pa­ny has dethroned Apple from the top spot in Tech Sup­port Show­down” — #1 in Tech Sup­port Show­down by Lap­top­Mag.

x Raz­er Chro­ma

The Raz­er Blade lap­top seam­less­ly inte­grates with your exist­ing light­ing via the Raz­er Synapse soft­ware. With Per-key RGB Raz­er Chro­ma syn­chro­nize your lap­top with the rest of your ecosys­tem.


More Pow­er. The 10th Gen Intel Core i7-10750H proces­sor pro­vides the ulti­mate lev­el of per­for­mance with up to 5.0GHz Max Tur­bo and 6 cores.
Ray-Trac­ing: The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 is pow­ered by the NVIDIA Tur­ing GPU archi­tec­ture and brings cin­e­mat­ic-qual­i­ty ren­der­ing to the most visu­al­ly intense games.
More Frames: Incred­i­ble per­for­mance paired with the fast 144Hz 15.6″ Full HD thin bezel dis­play helps edge out the win.
Ready To Con­nect: Ful­ly loaded with Wi-Fi 6, Giga­bit Eth­er­net, Thun­der­bolt 3, USB Type‑A and Type‑C ports, and HDMI, for a desk­top-class expe­ri­ence
Make It Yours: Cus­tomize the back­light col­or of the key­board with Raz­er Chro­ma, and expand the mem­o­ry and stor­age, mak­ing the Raz­er Blade 15 unique­ly yours.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14 Laptop: 14″ Ultrabook with HUAWEI Eye Comfort FullView Display, 8GB RAM, 512GB, Intel Core i5-12th Gen, 1.39kg Sleek Metallic Body, Mystic Sliver

HUAWEI MateBook D 14 Laptop: 14″ Ultrabook with HUAWEI Eye Comfort FullView Display, 8GB RAM, 512GB, Intel Core i5-12th Gen, 1.39kg Sleek Metallic Body, Mystic Sliver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

matebook D14 2023matebook D14 2023

Eye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview DisplayEye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview Display

Eye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview Display

90% high screen-to-body ratio** 1920 × 1200 resolution16:10 gold­en aspect ratio***TÜV Rhein­land Low Blue Light Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

Sleek Metallic BodySleek Metallic Body

New 13th Gen Intel Core ProcessorNew 13th Gen Intel Core Processor

HUAWEI Metaline AntennaHUAWEI Metaline Antenna

Sleek Metal­lic Body

This lap­top comes with an all-new sleek design, with its metal­lic body being applied with a sand­blast­ing and anodized process, to deliv­er fine tex­tures while becom­ing resis­tant to wear and tear, tak­ing your on-the-go life to excit­ing new places.

12th Gen Intel Core proces­sor

The 12th Gen Intel Core proces­sor gives you more pow­er to play with, and fea­tures like Super Turbo16 and max­i­mum 30 W TDP.*

HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 packs a spe­cial anten­na* that expands the con­nec­tion range, increas­es file down­load speed by 43%,**and boosts anti-inter­fer­ence and wall pen­e­tra­tion per­for­mance, so that you can stay online, wher­ev­er life takes you.

Let your fingers fly on this highly type-able keyboardLet your fingers fly on this highly type-able keyboard


Fingerprint power buttonFingerprint power button

Let your fin­gers fly on this high­ly type-able key­board

1.5 mm high key trav­el pro­vides springy rebounds that give your fin­gers per­fect feed­back, honed by five-mil­lion-tap endurance and touch con­sis­ten­cy tests.*


HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 has passed more than 10 thou­sand times of dura­bil­i­ty tests, which means that key parts such as the screen and key­board are durable enough to resist drops

Fin­ger­print pow­er but­ton

access to desk­top with sin­gle press

56 Wh large-capacity battery, 65 W multi-purpose charger56 Wh large-capacity battery, 65 W multi-purpose charger

Super DeviceSuper Device

Mobile Personal Voice EnhancementMobile Personal Voice Enhancement

SuperHub,easy cross-device transferSuperHub,easy cross-device transfer

56 Wh large-capac­i­ty battery,65 W mul­ti-pur­pose charg­er

The ful­ly charged lap­top can play up to 13 straight hours of local video or tack­le 6 straight hours of inten­sive office work.

With Super­Charge sup­port for a num­ber of Huawei devices, you’ll nev­er have to wor­ry about run­ning out of pow­er when you go out.

Super Device

Drag to seam­less­ly con­nect the lap­top to ear­phones, smart­phones, tablets, mon­i­tors, and HUAWEI Visions, and form a Super Device – your mobile office of the future is lit­er­al­ly at your fin­ger­tips!*

Mobile Per­son­al Voice Enhance­ment

This next-lev­el fea­ture, which fil­ters out unwant­ed noise and chat­ter, is now sup­port­ed on wire­less ear­phones.*

SuperHub,easy cross-device trans­fer

Drag any text, images, and files to Super­Hub at will, and sim­ply paste, trans­fer, and share them to your con­nect­ed devices, such as your smart­phone or lap­top in batch­es with remark­able ease.*

【HUAWEI Eye Com­fort Ful­lView Display】HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 comes with 16:10 gold­en aspect ratio,to serve as the per­fect com­pan­ion for your work, leisure, and studies.Also,this lap­top is designed to relieve eye strain and vision fatigue,thanks to the low blue light and flick­er-free tech­nolo­gies
【Sleek Metal­lic Body】This lap­top comes with an all-new sleek design, with its metal­lic body being applied with a sand­blast­ing and anodized process, to deliv­er fine tex­tures while becom­ing resis­tant to wear and tear, tak­ing your on-the-go life to excit­ing new places.
【HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na, 270 m long-range net­work connections】HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 packs a spe­cial anten­na that expands the con­nec­tion range, increas­es file down­load speed by 43%,and boosts anti-inter­fer­ence and wall pen­e­tra­tion per­for­mance, so that you can stay online, wher­ev­er life takes you.
【Super Device】Drag to seam­less­ly con­nect the lap­top to ear­phones, smart­phones, tablets, mon­i­tors, and HUAWEI Visions, and form a Super Device – your mobile office of the future is lit­er­al­ly at your fin­ger­tips!
【12th Gen Intel Core Processor】MateBook’s 12th Gen Intel Core proces­sor gives you more pow­er to play with, and fea­tures like Super Tur­bo and max­i­mum 30 W TDP.

CHUWI Laptop Notebook 14.1 inch, Herobook Pro PC Intel Celeron N4020 Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage, 1TB SSD Expand, Windows 11, 4K 1920*1080 IPS, WiFi, USB 3.0, 2.4G WiFi/5G, 38Wh, BT4.2, TF Card

CHUWI Laptop Notebook 14.1 inch, Herobook Pro PC Intel Celeron N4020 Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage, 1TB SSD Expand, Windows 11, 4K 1920*1080 IPS, WiFi, USB 3.0, 2.4G WiFi/5G, 38Wh, BT4.2, TF Card

CHUWI Her­o­Book Pro lap­top is thin­ner and lighter. It weighs just 3.06lb and has an amaz­ing­ly thin 0.84 inch pro­file. It is very con­ve­nient to car­ry with it when you are trav­el­ing. This avoids plac­ing more addi­tion­al bur­dens on you whether inside or out­side.
♥ [Pow­er­ful Proces­sor lap­top ] Chuwi lap­top fea­tures Intel Gem­i­ni lake N4020 proces­so up to 2.8 GHz. The lat­est gen­er­a­tion UHD Graph­ics 600 and the high­est fre­quen­cy can reach 750MHz, excel­lent graph­ics pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties to run hard decod­ing of 4K video smooth­ly
♥ [Large Capac­i­ty Stor­age] This lap­top note­book with 8GB RAM+256GB SSD stor­age helps make mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions exe­cute seam­less­ly. Up to 512 GB of TF expan­sion, enough space for files, pho­tos, and videos. It pro­vides wider space and high­er read/write speeds for that e‑books, songs, videos, pho­tos, music
♥ [Mul­ti-Func­tion & Larg­er Bat­tery] Our note­book lap­top has large 38Wh poly­mer lithi­um ion bat­tery last over 9 hours, built-in fast charg­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Ver­sa­tile con­nec­tion, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, BT3.0, Micro-HD, high Speed M.2, Fast Charg­ing DC Port. 5G dual-fre­quen­cy WiFi to pro­vide high-speed wire­less net­work expe­ri­ence, to improve the data trans­mis­sion
♥ [FHD Screen & Size Key­board ] Chuwi her­o­book pro lap­top 14.1 inch 1920×1080 Full HD IPS screen. PC weighs only 1.3kg and thick only 21.3mm (0.83 inch). Full-size key­board, 5.75-inch over­sized track­pad, deliv­ers you a smooth touch and oper­a­tion per­for­mance. In addi­tion, 7 ports meet dai­ly needs
♥ [Peace of Mind War­ran­ty] Chuwi note­books have passed strict tests, one year war­ran­ty, please rest assured to buy. If you have any ques­tions with goods, con­tact us, we will serve you whole­heart­ed­ly. CONTACT US: Login your ama­zon account > choose “Your orders” > find the order ID > click “Con­tact sell­er”

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10


Prod­uct Num­ber: 405F6UAProduct Name: HP Lap­top 15-dw3033dxMi­cro­proces­sor: Intel Core i3-1115G4 (up to 4.1 GHz with Intel Tur­bo Boost Tech­nol­o­gy, 6 MB L3 cache, 2 cores)Chipset: Intel Inte­grat­ed SoCMem­o­ry, Stan­dard: 8 GB DDR4-2666 MHz RAM (1 x 8 GB)Video Graph­ics: Intel UHD Graph­ics, Inte­grat­ed

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10


Hard Dri­ve: 256 GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSDOp­ti­cal Dri­ve: Not included­Dis­play: 15.6″ diag­o­nal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSCWire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Real­tek RTL8821CE‑M 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1) Wi-Fi and Blue­tooth 4..2 com­boNet­work Inter­face: Inte­grat­ed 10/100/1000 GbE LAN­Ex­pan­sion Slots: 1 mul­ti-for­mat SD media card read­erEx­ter­nal ports: 1 Super­Speed USB Type‑C 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate; 2 Super­Speed USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate; 1 HDMI 1.4b; 1 RJ-45; 1 AC smart pin; 1 headphone/microphone com­bo­Min­i­mum dimen­sions (W x D x H): 35.85 x 24.2 x 1.99 cmWeight: 1.75 kg

HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10HP 15-dw Laptop Intel Core i3-1115G4 8GB 256GB SSD 15.6 Full HD WLED Win 10


Pow­er Sup­ply Type: 45 W Smart AC pow­er adapter­Bat­tery Type: 3‑cell, 41 Wh Li-ion­Bat­tery life mixed usage: Up to 7 hours and 15 min­utesVideo Play­back Bat­tery life: Up to 9 hour­sWe­b­cam: HP True Vision 720p HD cam­era with inte­grat­ed dual array dig­i­tal micro­phone­sAudio Fea­tures: Dual speak­ers

【15.6″ FHD Anti-glare micro-edge Display】The 1920 x 1080 res­o­lu­tion boasts impres­sive col­or and clar­i­ty. The thin and light­weight lap­top packs a 6.5 mm micro-edge bezel dis­play to show­case your media in high def­i­n­i­tion. | 【Intel Core i3-1125G4 Processor】Create. Play. Work. Edu­cate. Enter­tain. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are infi­nite. Be any­where, go any­where. Pow­ers ultra­thin note­books that offer supreme per­for­mance, aston­ish­ing bat­tery life, and mod­ern fea­tures you need on-the-go. | 【Tech Specs】2 x Super
【Intel Core i3-1125G4 Processor】Create. Play. Work. Edu­cate. Enter­tain. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are infi­nite. Be any­where, go any­where. Pow­ers ultra­thin note­books that offer supreme per­for­mance, aston­ish­ing bat­tery life, and mod­ern fea­tures you need on-the-go.
【Tech Specs】2 x Super­Speed USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate, 1 x USB Type‑C, 1 x HDMI 1.4b, 1 x headphone/microphone com­bo; SD card Read­er; Audio by B&O; Web­cam
【Oper­at­ing System】Windows 11 Home — Beau­ti­ful, more con­sis­tent new design, Great win­dow lay­out options, Bet­ter mul­ti-mon­i­tor func­tion­al­i­ty, Improved per­for­mance fea­tures, New videogame selec­tion and capa­bil­i­ties, Com­pat­i­ble with Android Apps
【Intel UHD Graphics】Get world-class per­for­mance with Intel UHD graph­ics, designed to deliv­er breath­tak­ing­ly life­like visu­als, new lev­els of immer­sion, and must-have fea­tures for the ulti­mate enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ence.

Azonee Magnetic Phone Holder for Laptop Designed for iPhone 15/14/ 13/12 for MagSafe, Adjustable Portable Foldable Computer Monitor Side Mount Expansion Bracket for Home Office, Silver

Azonee Magnetic Phone Holder for Laptop Designed for iPhone 15/14/ 13/12 for MagSafe, Adjustable Portable Foldable Computer Monitor Side Mount Expansion Bracket for Home Office, Silver

Prod­uct descrip­tion

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Laptop extension stand side mount magnetic phone holder

This mon­i­tor mount web­cam helps your phone works as a web­cam for Mac !

This mag­net­ic phone mount for lap­top helps your phone works well with con­ti­nu­ity cam­era !

This mag­net­ic mon­i­tor mount helps you enjoy the dual screen. A use­ful cam­era mount for mon­i­tor!

This phone mount for com­put­er is not only a lap­top phone hold­er but aslo for tes­la mod­el y for magsafe phone mount !

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Magnetic Phone HolderMagnetic Phone Holder

Upgrated Rotated Angle Compatible with Continuity Camera

Magnetic Phone Holder  Magnetic Phone Holder

Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 10.5 x 8.5 x 2 cm; 80 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 5 Decem­ber 2023
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ Azonee

[Mul­ti func­tion­al] — This phone stand can be used as a stand­alone stand (hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal), or can be mag­net­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed to a met­al sur­face for wall mount­ed video or self­ie, free­ing up hands. It is com­pat­i­ble with Mac­books, tablets, and any com­put­er, and is also suit­able for Tes­la Mod­el 3 and Y.
[Super Mag­net] — This brack­et is made of ultra durable alu­minum alloy with an inte­grat­ed com­pact mag­net­ic ring, pro­vid­ing strong mag­net­ic attrac­tion. Even on bumpy roads, the phone can be firm­ly fixed and won’t fall off, allow­ing you to dri­ve with peace of mind.
[Portable Design] — This brack­et can be used in con­junc­tion with met­al 3M stick­er mag­nets, can be past­ed inside the car or else­where, and can be removed at any time. Fold­able, small in size, 82X62X7mm, weigh­ing only 60g, easy to car­ry, wor­ry free stor­age.
[Dual Screen Office] — This fold­able phone stand is suit­able for stick­ing to lap­top screens or com­put­er mon­i­tors, achiev­ing dual screen office, avoid­ing screen obstruc­tion, free­ing hands, and allow­ing for work and enter­tain­ment at the same time. You can also make some space avail­able on your desk to make it clean­er.
[Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty] — This mag­net­ic phone hold­er is com­pat­i­ble with MagSafe and is suit­able for iPhone 12, 13, and 14 series phones with­out a phone case, or phone cas­es with offi­cial mag­net­ic phone cas­es or oth­er phone cas­es with met­al rings.

Jumper Laptop13.3 Inch Full HD 1920 x 1080 IPS Microsoft 365 4GB RAM 128GB ROM Windows 10 Intel Celeron Processor Thin and Light Laptop Dual Band 5GHz WiFi,Supports 256GB TF Card, 1TB SSD Expansion

Jumper Laptop13.3 Inch Full HD 1920 x 1080 IPS Microsoft 365 4GB RAM 128GB ROM Windows 10 Intel Celeron Processor Thin and Light Laptop Dual Band 5GHz WiFi,Supports 256GB TF Card, 1TB SSD Expansion

Lap­top EZbook X3;

Proces­sor: Intel Celeron Proces­sor N3350 (1.1GHz,up to 2.4 GHz,Dual-core)

Oper­at­ing sys­tem: Windows10 home


Mem­o­ry: 128 GB mem­o­ry space (64GB eMMC+64GB SSD,part of the oper­at­ing sys­tem is occu­pied by the oper­at­ing sys­tem)

Mem­o­ry expan­sion:sup­ports 256 GB TF card and 1TB SSD

Dis­play size: 13.3 inch­es;

Dis­play Tech­nol­o­gy: FULL HD

Dis­play res­o­lu­tion: 1920 * 1080 pix­els;

Front cam­era: 2.0 M

WiFi:Inte­grat­ed WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n+AC;

Blue­tooth: 4.2

Speak­er: Dual Speak­er

Charg­ing port:DC3.5mm

USB inter­face:USB3.0*2

Head­phone jack:3.5MM×1

HDMI inter­face:mini HDMI×1

SD/TF inter­face:TF Card inter­face

【High Per­for­mance Laptop】Windows 10 lap­top equipped with Intel Celeron dual-core proces­sor, can achieve mul­ti-task­ing. Ultra-low-pow­er high-per­for­mance proces­sor, with up to 2.4GHz peak tur­bo fre­quen­cy.
【High Speed RAM And Enor­mous Space】4GB high-band­width RAM to smooth­ly run mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions and brows­er tabs all at once; 64GB EMMC and 64GB SSD allows to fast boot­up and data transfer,in addition,In addi­tion, this machine can also sup­port up to 1 TB SSD and 256 GB TF card expan­sion, super-large capac­i­ty with­out wor­ries.
【Slim and light Lap­top】 This lap­top is ultra-thin, weigh­ing only 1.23kg; it has a 13.3‑inch 1920×1080 full HD res­o­lu­tion andand 82% screen to body ratio max­i­mizes view­ing are.
【Comes with Microsoft 365】Comes with a 1 year licence of Microsoft 365 pre-installed, for all your dai­ly com­put­ing needs. An ide­al lap­top for basic home use and kids school work with Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNote、Publisher、Access.
【 Long Bat­tery Life】This lap­top with a large pow­er of 4500mWh, 6–8 hours of com­pre­hen­sive use life; it has high-speed wire­less trans­mis­sion such as ac dual-band WiFi, Blue­tooth 4.2, two stan­dard USB3.0 for easy con­nec­tion to var­i­ous periph­er­als, HDMI out­put high-def­i­n­i­tion audio and video.One year war­ran­ty.

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet — Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home, Silver with English Keyboard Black and S Pen

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet — Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home, Silver with English Keyboard Black and S Pen

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

Prod­uct Spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Intel Core m3128GBFront Cam­era 5 MP4000 mAh10.6 Inch4GB RAMWin­dows 10 Home

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

Built to Meet your Demands

Because you need a tablet you can trust, the 10.6 Sam­sung Galaxy book is equipped with a pletho­ra of fea­tures which allow you to trust it blind­ly. Boast­ing a 128GB of inter­nal stor­age, you can store all the data you need, from music to movies to doc­u­ments and images. Backed up with a 4GB RAM, you can be sure your Galaxy Book will work seam­less­ly, with­out any signs of lag. The 7th Gen Intel Core m3 proces­sor makes sure you enjoy a fast response at all times. And now fea­tur­ing Win­dows 10 Home, you will be able to access all the fea­tures it offers. Fin­ished off with a USB‑C port, you can con­nect all your devices and enjoy a smooth life all over!

Smart­ly Con­nect­ed

If you have Sam­sung smart­phone, it is your lucky day! The Sam­sung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet con­nects with your smart­phone via the Sam­sung Flow fea­ture. With this inno­v­a­tive addi­tion, you will be able to share files wire­less­ly, whether you have a Wi-Fi con­nec­tion or not. You will also be able to receive and reply to noti­fi­ca­tions from Sam­sung native and some third par­ty appli­ca­tions.

More Options, More Capa­bil­i­ties

Now a lap­top, tonight a tablet! You can now switch between touch and type with a detach­able key­board that con­nects to the lap­top when­ev­er you want it to on con­tact. So, if you need to get work-relat­ed tasks done, you can sim­ply con­nect the key­board, and when you want to play a game or surf the net, remove the key­board and enjoy your super-smart tablet. The pres­sure-respon­sive S Pen makes cre­ativ­i­ty and nav­i­ga­tion eas­i­er than ever before. Both of these items come with the Galaxy Book and will nev­er require you to charge them!

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

A Battery that Goes On

The thor­ough lab test done in the Sam­sung labs have shown that the mighty 4000mAh bat­tery on this lap­top will pow­er through up to 9 hours of video watch­ing on one full charge. Ran out of bat­tery? Not a prob­lem! With the Adap­tive Fast Charg­ing fea­ture, get­ting a full charge will take less than 3 hours.

Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 HomeSamsung Galaxy Book 10.6 Tablet - Intel Core m3, 10.6 Inch, 128GB, 4GB RAM, 4G LTE, Windows 10 Home

Captivating Picture

Pre­pare for an unmatched view­ing expe­ri­ence with a Full HD 10.6‑inch dis­play. Whether you are watch­ing a movie, play­ing a game, stream­ing online con­tent, brows­ing the inter­net, view­ing doc­u­ments, or look­ing at pic­tures, every­thing you see is going to come to life!

Dis­play Size: 106 inch­es
Dis­play Res­o­lu­tion max­i­mum: 1920 x 1080
Dis­play Tech­nol­o­gy: LCD
Com­put­er mem­o­ry Size: 40 GB
Dis­play Size: 106 inch­es
Dis­play Res­o­lu­tion max­i­mum: 1920 x 1080

Acer Aspire Lite NB 13th Gen Intel Core i3-N300 Octa Cores Upto 3.8GHz/8GB DDR5 RAM/512GB SSD/Intel UHD Graphics/14“WUXGA/Win 11 Home/Silver

Acer Aspire Lite NB 13th Gen Intel Core i3-N300 Octa Cores Upto 3.8GHz/8GB DDR5 RAM/512GB SSD/Intel UHD Graphics/14“WUXGA/Win 11 Home/Silver

Acer Aspire Lite AL14 Note­book with 13th Gen Intel Core i3-N305 Octa Cores Upto 3.8GHz/8GB DDR5 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/Intel UHD Graphics/14″ WUXGA IPS Slim­Bezel Display/Win 11 Home/Pure Sil­ver
14″ WUXGA IPS Slim­Bezel LED LCD Full Met­al Cha­sis
Pow­er­ful Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty: 13th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i3-N300 Core proces­sor deliv­ers unmatched speed and intel­li­gence, enabling impres­sive cre­at­ing, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and gam­ing expe­ri­ences. With Tur­bo Boost Tech­nol­o­gy, get up to 3.8GHz for your high-demand appli­ca­tions. Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Tech­nol­o­gy: Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth, HDMI
Vis­i­bly Stun­ning: Expe­ri­ence sharp details and crisp col­ors on the 14″ Full HD+ IPS dis­play, 16:9 aspect ratio, ultra-slim design and nar­row bezels.
Pre­mi­um Met­al sleek body on both A & D Cov­er for light­weight expe­ri­ence
Pro­longed Bat­tery Life You can stay pro­duc­tive on the go with the Acer Aspire Lite’s 45W bat­ter­ies. These bat­ter­ies deliv­er up to 12 hours of bat­tery life, ensur­ing that you can work, study, or enter­tain your­self with­out the con­stant need for charg­ing.

MSI GF63 Thin 11UCX Gaming Laptop, Intel Core i5-11260H, 15.6 Inch IPS-Level FHD, Anti-Glare, 512GB M.2 PCIe SSD, 8GB RAM, RTX2050, GDDR6 4GB, Wi-Fi 6 + BT5.2, Windows® 11, Eng/Arabic KB — Black

MSI GF63 Thin 11UCX Gaming Laptop, Intel Core i5-11260H, 15.6 Inch IPS-Level FHD, Anti-Glare, 512GB M.2 PCIe SSD, 8GB RAM, RTX2050, GDDR6 4GB, Wi-Fi 6 + BT5.2, Windows® 11, Eng/Arabic KB — Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



Cooler Boost

Cooler Boost



Refresh Rate

Refresh Rate


NVIDIA GeForce RTX Lap­top GPUs offer a step up in per­for­mance for gamers and cre­ators. Expe­ri­ence life­like vir­tu­al worlds with ray trac­ing and high­er frame rates with AI-pow­ered DLSS. Dis­cov­er amaz­ing new ways to cre­ate in pop­u­lar appli­ca­tions with work­flow accel­er­a­tion.


Fine-tuned to be notice­ably qui­eter and cool­er under load, eas­i­ly blend­ing into any envi­ron­ment.

*Mea­sured dur­ing CPU+GPU burn-in with­out throt­tle

*Low­er is bet­ter. The result may vary by con­fig­u­ra­tion and envi­ron­ment.


GF63 Thin pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive con­nec­tiv­i­ty to let you con­nect all your devices eas­i­ly.


Our gam­ing lap­tops tai­lor-made and high­ly opti­mized for gamers. The dis­play comes with a high refresh rate and smooth visu­als, allow­ing you to expe­ri­ence the next lev­el of gam­ing.

GF63 Thin 11UCX (RTX2050, GDDR6 4GB),Black- i5-11260H, (W/O‑DRAM)512GB M.2 PCIe SSD,15.6(144Hz),IPS-Level FHD,Anti-Glare„RTX 2050,GDDR6 6GB,Wi-Fi 6+BT5.2,3 Cell,15IN1®,W11

NATNO 65W 45W USB TYPE C Laptop Charger for Lenovo Chromebook ThinkPad X1 Carbon Yoga ADLX65YDC2A, Fit for HP Dell Acer Asus Laptop with USB‑C Charging

NATNO 65W 45W USB TYPE C Laptop Charger for Lenovo Chromebook ThinkPad X1 Carbon Yoga ADLX65YDC2A, Fit for HP Dell Acer Asus Laptop with USB‑C Charging

Pow­er: 65W max, Out­put: 5V 3A / 9V 3A / 15V 3A / 18V 3A / 20V 3.25A, Con­nec­tor: USB Type‑C , 65W AC Adapter design for most lap­top, tablet, phone, switch and oth­er devices that sup­port USB‑C charg­ing.
For Leno­vo Mod­el: ThinkPad T470 T470s T480 T480S T490 T490s T495 T495s T590 T570 T580 E480 E485 E490 E490s E590 E580 E585 E495 E595 X270 X280 X380 X390 L380 L390 L480 L580 L490 L590 A485 P51s P52s P43s P53s, ThinkPad X1 Car­bon 1th 5th 6th 7th Gen 2017 2018, Chrome­book 100e 300e 500e C330 S330 C340 S340 C930 C940 C740 S730 S940 C340-11 C340-15 S340-14, Chrome­book N23 Chrome­book Flex 11, Yoga 720 730 720–13 730–13 S730-13 910 920 C930 910–13 920–13 c930-13 Lap­top.
For HP Mod­el: Chrome­book 11 11A G1 G6 EE 14 G5 13 G1 14-db0070nr 12-f014dx. Spec­tre X2 12-a008nr 12-a001dx 12-a009nr 12-ab010nr 13- v111dx 12-a0xx 13-v001dx 13-v010­ca 13-v011dx 13-v018­ca 13-v021nr 13-ac023dx 13-v024­tu 13t-v000, Spec­tre x360 13-w063nr 13-ac076nr 13-ac075nr Con­vert­ible Lap­top; Elite x2 1012 G1 Tablet, x2 10-p012nr 10-p010nr 10-p018wm 10-p020nr 10-p000 14-ca061dx 14-ca020nr 14-ca060nr 14-ca043­cl 14-ca051wm 14-ca052wm, Elite­Book 830 840 850 G5.
Com­pat­i­ble with Asus C204MA C213SA C213NA C214MA C223NA C302CA C403NA C423NA C425TA C434TA C523NA Zen­Book 3 UX390 UX390U UX390UA UX490UA UX490 UX490U, Acer Chrome­book Spin 11 13 R 13 R13 14 15 311 314 511 512 CB311 CB314 CB315 CB514 CB515 CB713 CB714 CB715 CB5-312 CB5-312T CP311 CP315 CP511 CP713 C721 C732 C733 C771 C851 C933, Dell XPS 13 9333 9370 9360 9350 9365 9380 Type‑c Lap­top.
Ser­vice & Sup­port: 12-months prod­uct war­ran­ty. If you are not sat­is­fied with our prod­uct for any rea­son, just let us know. We will be always here to sup­port, and make solu­tions for you.