Price: AED 20,989.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 04:06:42 UTC — Details)

Lat­est and Best: Released in 2023 The XPS 9730 is Dell lat­est release in the 17″ XPS fam­i­ly and comes with all the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy, includ­ing DDR4 mem­o­ry with clock fre­quen­cy at 3200MHz and a 13th gen­er­a­tion Intel 14-core proces­sor. The four­teen cores of the Core i9-13900H proces­sor enable excep­tion­al mul­ti­task­ing. To save pow­er and extend bat­tery life, the proces­sor will run at 4.1GHz under low use, but will boost to 5.4GHz under heavy use for pow­er­ful per­for­mance
[Dis­play & Graph­ics] This XPS 9730 lap­top comes with a 17-inch touch­screen dis­play with 4K res­o­lu­tion (3840 x 2400) for incred­i­bly clear images and a ded­i­cat­ed Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 graph­ics card with 12GB RAM of ded­i­cat­ed graph­ics, ide­al for gam­ing or pho­to and video edit­ing
[High Speed RAM & Huge Space] 64GB DDR4 RAM run­ning at 3200MHz will allow you to smooth­ly run mul­ti­ple apps and brows­er tabs at once and a 4TB PCIe NVMe M.2 Sol­id State Dri­ve (4000GB) and a sec­ond 4TB PCIe NVMe M.2 Sol­id State Dri­ve will pro­vide fast boot, fast data trans­fers and will allow great sto­ry­file agstorstor­age!
[Oper­at­ing Sys­tem] Win­dows 11 is Microsoft­’s lat­est oper­at­ing sys­tem released in 2022 and if you want to down­grade to old win­dows 10, you can down­grade with an easy down­load from the Microsoft web­site. Win­dows Pro comes with every­thing Win­dows Home comes with, plus addi­tion­al fea­tures your orga­ni­za­tion may need like active direc­to­ry device encryp­tion and bit­lock­er (typ­i­cal­ly a $1000 upgrade if lololo­lo is pur­chased).
Addi­tion­al Details] A Wecbam comes inte­grat­ed. Wifi and Blue­tooth are inte­grat­ed.