Price: AED 995.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:43:30 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic


Stay con­nect­ed to what mat­ters most with long-last­ing bat­tery life and thin and portable, micro-edge bezel design. Built to keep you pro­duc­tive and enter­tained from any­where, the HP 39.6 cm (15.6″) diag­o­nal lap­top fea­tures reli­able per­for­mance and an expan­sive dis­play — let­ting you stream, surf and speed through tasks from sun up to sun down.

Win­dows 10 Home or oth­er oper­at­ing sys­tems avail­able

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

HP 15s-fq1019ne Laptop 15 inch HD 10 Gen Intel Core i3 processor 4GB RAM 256GB SSD Intel UHD Graphic

Take it any­where. See more.

With its thin and light design, 6.5 mm micro-edge bezel dis­play, with its 81% screen to body ratio – take this PC any­where and see and do more.

Reli­able per­for­mance for every day

Pow­er­ful enough for your busiest days, this PC fea­tures an Intel proces­sor and reli­able flash-based stor­age at a great val­ue.

Pow­ered up and pro­duc­tive. All day long.

With long bat­tery life and fast-charge tech­nol­o­gy, this lap­top lets you work, watch, and stay con­nect­ed all day. Inte­grat­ed pre­ci­sion touch­pad with mul­ti-touch sup­port speeds up both nav­i­ga­tion and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.


HP True­Vi­sion HD Cam­era

Video chat in vibrant clar­i­ty, even in low light, and make every con­ver­sa­tion a face-to-face expe­ri­ence for a bet­ter way to stay in touch.

Drop­box cloud stor­age

Store and syn­chro­nize your con­tent online with Drop­box. Get 25 GB of stor­age for one year to access, man­age, and share your pho­tos, music, and files from any­where with Inter­net access.

Win­dows 10 in S Mode

Expe­ri­ence the most secure Win­dows ever built. With fast boot times, increased respon­sive­ness, and added pro­tec­tion against phish­ing and mali­cious soft­ware, appli­ca­tions run more smooth­ly.

10th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core proces­sor

Expe­ri­ence pow­er and respon­sive per­for­mance to boost your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Enjoy immer­sive enter­tain­ment and game, stream, and cre­ate con­tent with accel­er­at­ed per­for­mance.

PCIe SSD stor­age

Boot up in sec­onds with light­ning-fast speed with up to 256 GB PCIe SSD stor­age

Bat­tery life for long days

Extend your day into the night with up to 11 hours and 30 min­utes of bat­tery life. Longer bat­tery life means you can keep going beyond your day with­out recharg­ing.

High-def­i­n­i­tion dis­play

See your dig­i­tal world in a whole new way. Enjoy movies and pho­tos with the great image qual­i­ty and high-def­i­n­i­tion detail of 1 mil­lion pix­els.

Anti-glare pan­el

Enjoy the sun and your favorite con­tent with this anti-glare pan­el. Non-reflec­tive and low gloss means you’ll get less glare while you’re out­side.


Designed to run more effi­cient­ly and more reli­ably at faster speeds, DDR4 is the future of RAM. With its high­er band­width, every­thing from mul­ti-task­ing to play­ing games gets a per­for­mance boost.

Super­Speed USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing data rate

Plug in your exter­nal stor­age with this Super­speed USB Type‑A port, fea­tur­ing 5Gbps sig­nal­ing data rate.

SD and Micro SD card read­er

Sim­ply insert an SD or Micro SD card and increase your device’s stor­age for more movies, pho­tos, and music, or eas­i­ly access any con­tent you have stored on an exist­ing card.

Wi-Fi 5 (1x1) & Blue­tooth 4.2

Stay con­nect­ed to Wi-Fi and to Blue­tooth acces­sories with wire­less tech­nol­o­gy.

MU-MIMO sup­port­ed

If you have sev­er­al MU-MIMO devices in your home, MU-MIMO sup­port works in com­bi­na­tion with a MU-MIMO router to max­i­mize net­work traf­fic for a smoother online expe­ri­ence.

Dual front-fac­ing speak­ers

Pump up the vol­ume to your favorite music, movie or game. When your audio is direct­ed towards you, noth­ing comes between you and your enter­tain­ment.

Micro Edge dis­play

By squeez­ing a larg­er screen into a small­er frame, this ultra-thin, bare­ly vis­i­ble bezel rev­o­lu­tion­izes your dis­play’s appear­ance with a beau­ti­ful­ly effi­cient design.

Sleek design

Eas­i­ly take this thin and light PC from room to room or on the road. When your PC goes wher­ev­er you go, stay­ing pro­duc­tive and enter­tained has nev­er been eas­i­er.

Rev­o­lu­tion­ize your dis­play

Rev­o­lu­tion­ize your dis­play and see more of what you love with this slim bezel design. Enjoy an immer­sive mul­ti­me­dia expe­ri­ence with a max­i­mized view­ing area.

Dual array micro­phone

With two micro­phones and advanced noise reduc­tion soft­ware, you’ll always sound crys­tal clear when you video chat or record.

HP Fast Charge

When your lap­top is low on pow­er, no one has time to wait hours to recharge. Pow­er down your device and go from 0 to 50% charge in approx­i­mate­ly 45 min­utes.

Thin, depend­able lap­top with an expan­sive screen:Stay con­nect­ed to what mat­ters most with long-last­ing bat­tery life and thin and portable, micro-edge bezel design.
10th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core processor:Experience pow­er & respon­sive per­for­mance to boost your productivity.Enjoy immer­sive enter­tain­ment & game,stream & cre­ate con­tent with accel­er­at­ed per­for­mance.
Micro Edge dis­play: By squeez­ing a larg­er screen into a small­er frame, this ultra-thin, bare­ly vis­i­ble bezel rev­o­lu­tion­izes your dis­play’s appear­ance with a beau­ti­ful­ly effi­cient design.
Bat­tery life for long days Extend your day into the night with up to 11 hours and 30 min­utes of bat­tery life. Longer bat­tery life means you can keep going beyond your day with­out recharg­ing.