Price: AED103.75 — AED 60.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 00:08:23 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

Fits up to 15″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal laptop.31 x 16 x 45.5 cm0.68 kg

HP Pavilion Gaming Backpack 400

Access your gear. Any­where.

Designed for those who game any­where and every­where, the HP Pavil­ion Gam­ing Back­pack 400 fea­tures a water-resis­tant exte­ri­or, com­fort­able fit, and spa­cious com­part­ments for all your gam­ing gear, includ­ing lap­tops up to 15.6″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal.

Mesh pock­ets on each side for a water bot­tle or umbrel­la. Pro­tect your gear from the ele­ments with a rugged, water-resis­tant exte­ri­or. Car­ry it all com­fort­ably with a padded, mesh back pan­el for air flow and ergonom­ic shoul­der straps. Designed to con­ve­nient­ly stack on top of lug­gage with its trol­ley han­dle pass-through. Stay safe and be seen at night with reflec­tive trim and accents.

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

HP BackpackHP Backpack

Ulti­mate orga­ni­za­tion

Store more with icon labeled slots for 15.6″ (39.62 cm) diag­o­nal lap­top, tablet, phone, mouse, and writ­ing uten­sils.

Holds your head­set and more

Fea­tures a strap to secure­ly hold your head­set in place and a zip­pered pock­et for oth­er acces­sories.

Keep your essen­tials close

Front zip­per pock­et makes it quick and easy to access essen­tials like your phone, keys, and wal­let.

Fea­tures a strap to secure­ly hold your head­set in place and a zip­pered pock­et for oth­er acces­sories.
Car­ry it all com­fort­ably with a padded, mesh back pan­el for air flow and ergonom­ic shoul­der straps.
Tai­lored for trav­el: Designed to con­ve­nient­ly stack on top of lug­gage with its trol­ley han­dle pass-through.