(as of — Details)

HONOR Share It can’t be eas­i­er to share your pic­tures, videos and files to oth­er Hon­or phones, tablets, lap­tops, print­er­sand oth­er devices with­out con­sum­ing data traf­fic. No mat­ter how large the file is, no mat­ter how many pho­tos you have, they can be eas­i­ly trans­mit­ted with­in sec­onds! Sharp Screen Tech­nol­o­gy Adap­tive­ly adjust the dynam­ic range of images, mak­ing dark areas clear­ly vis­i­ble, restor­ing del­i­cate col­ors and mak­ing every frame of the image come to life. Auto-adjust­ing Screen Bright­ness Refined mul­ti-lev­el screen bright­ness adjust­ments based on the envi­ron­men­tal light­ing, to ensure a con­sis­tent­ly com­fort­able read­ing expe­ri­ence.
【Light­weight and Portable】As thin as 7.55mm, as light as 460g, with a 93% alu­minum body and a curved sur­face designed to fit the cur­va­ture of the palm, mak­ing it feel round­ed and com­fort­able to hold.
【Large Screen and Clear Visuals】HONOR Pad X8 equipped with 10.1‑inch HONOR Ful­lView dis­play, with a screen-to-body ratio of more than 80%, sharp screen tech­nol­o­gy for trans­par­ent visu­als.
【Mul­ti-Win­dow of Effi­cient Learning】With the Split-Screen func­tion, you can open mul­ti­ple apps on the same screen at the same time, let­ting you check infor­ma­tion while tak­ing online class­es. No mat­ter how many tasks you have, you’ll be able to han­dle them fine.
【Silky Smooth Experience】The new Mag­ic UI 6.1 sys­tem based on the lat­est android 12, log­i­cal­ly allo­cates sys­tem resources and makes effi­cient use of mem­o­ry space. Equipped with a new 8‑core proces­sor, with com­pre­hen­sive­ly improved high­er run­ning speeds.
【Immer­sive Audio Experience】HONOR Pad using 1620 high-ampli­tude dual speak­ers and Smart PA to deliv­er even more thun­der­ous audio. With the HONOR Histen‘s sup­port, 360° sound field that immers­es you in every sin­gle tone.