Price: AED 672.49
(as of Apr 01, 2024 03:41:08 UTC — Details)

Hon­or Pad X9 4GB RAM 128G ROM Wi-Fi Tablet has the smooth alu­minum alloy tex­ture com­bin­ing the stream­lined edges demon­strates the ele­gant style. The deco design of the sym­met­ri­cal dou­ble rings mir­rors the plan­e­tary light belt, out­lin­ing a lux­u­ri­ous, fash­ion­able, and roman­tic touch of the prod­uct. The all-met­al one-piece design is sim­ple but not care­less. 499g in weight and 6.9mm in thick­ness, the device is always com­fort­able for your grip, mak­ing it the best com­pan­ion for your life. With its 6nm man­u­fac­tur­ing process, the all-new Qual­comm Snap­drag­on 685 unlocks the ulti­mate expe­ri­ence with its excep­tion­al design. With the screen share between phone and tablet, you can drag images and videos seam­less­ly between devices, mak­ing it easy to syn­chro­nize your task from phone to tablet. The 120Hz high refresh rate and the 2K HD res­o­lu­tion com­bine smooth graph­ics with clar­i­ty, load­ing the excel­lent screen with praise. The sur­round­ing 6‑speaker design inno­vates to release the sound from the bot­tom speak­er. In addi­tion to being sym­met­ric left and right, the cre­ative arrange­ment can form a sur­pris­ing­ly good sound effect from bot­tom to top. Besides, the light­weight sub­woofer unit can cre­ate a mul­ti-direc­tion­al sound field from the bot­tom speak­er, mak­ing the music more pow­er­ful while bring­ing a spec­tac­u­lar expe­ri­ence. Mea­sure 11.5 inch screen size and comes in grey colour.
Smooth alu­minum alloy tex­ture com­bin­ing the stream­lined edges demon­strates the ele­gant style
The deco design of the sym­met­ri­cal dou­ble rings mir­rors the plan­e­tary light belt
All-met­al one-piece design is sim­ple but not care­less
All-new Qual­comm Snap­drag­on 685 unlocks the ulti­mate expe­ri­ence with its excep­tion­al design
Light­weight sub­woofer unit can cre­ate a mul­ti-direc­tion­al sound field from the bot­tom speak­er