Look­ing to make an income online? Got a com­put­er / lap­top and an Inter­net con­nec­tion? Then Affil­i­ate Mar­ket­ing could be the sim­plest and quick­est path to ful­fill­ing your dream.

Here, you’ll dis­cov­er the 6 sim­ple steps that will take you from com­plete begin­ner to Affil­i­ate Mar­keter in as lit­tle as 48 hours.


Affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing is a per­for­mance-based mar­ket­ing sys­tem where a prod­uct ven­dor pays an “affil­i­ate” a com­mis­sion when some­one buys their prod­uct. That “some­one” hav­ing been referred to the ven­dor by the “affil­i­ate.”

And it all hap­pens online: You have a web pres­ence, usu­al­ly a web­site, that you attract like-mind­ed vis­i­tors to, where you “warm them up” to the idea that the prod­uct you’re pro­mot­ing (as an affil­i­ate) is the per­fect answer to their press­ing prob­lem or need.

That “prod­uct” could be phys­i­cal (books, CDs, DVDs, cloth­ing, jew­el­ry, nat­ur­al med­i­cines, etc.) or dig­i­tal (e‑books, e‑reports, soft­ware, online cours­es / train­ings, etc.).

When your vis­i­tor clicks on your affil­i­ate link (on your site) they are redi­rect­ed to the ven­dor’s site, where the ven­dor will close the sale; a lot eas­i­er after you’ve warmed them up! When your site vis­i­tor buys the ven­dor’s prod­uct you get paid a com­mis­sion.

For exam­ple, if the prod­uct cost $100 and you get, say, 50% com­mis­sion, you’ll get paid $50! And all for, basi­cal­ly, intro­duc­ing some­one with a press­ing prob­lem or need to some­one who can fix that prob­lem.

Affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing is ide­al for begin­ners start­ing out online as it has a very low bar­ri­er to entry: it’s a very sim­ple process that does­n’t need any par­tic­u­lar tech­ni­cal skills, you don’t have to have your own prod­uct, and it does­n’t cost the earth to get start­ed. In fact, you can get going for less than $20!

And, you don’t have to do sell­ing, or ful­fill­ment, or keep stock, or deal with pay­ment sys­tems, and you don’t have to deal with cus­tomers; the ven­dor does that.

All YOU need is an Inter­net con­nec­tion and a com­put­er / lap­top and you’re good to go.


Because affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing is so prof­itable for both affil­i­ate and ven­dor, over the years many “affil­i­ate net­works” have sprung up to help both affil­i­ates and ven­dors man­age their affairs much more effi­cient­ly and eas­i­ly.

Ven­dors can attract affil­i­ates by adver­tis­ing their prod­ucts on these net­works and affil­i­ates can eas­i­ly find prod­ucts to pro­mote. Once an affil­i­ate decides to pro­mote a cer­tain prod­uct the net­work assigns an affil­i­ate link / ID so that sales of that prod­uct can be linked back to the affil­i­ate.

The affil­i­ate net­work also takes on respon­si­bil­i­ty for man­ag­ing the flow of mon­ey between ven­dor and affil­i­ate either by elec­tron­ic trans­fer or check. It also charges a small fee to both ven­dor and affil­i­ate for the ser­vice.

There are many affil­i­ate net­works to choose from, but a begin­ner to affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing can eas­i­ly get start­ed with “Click­Bank” and / or “Ama­zon.”


1. Choose Your Niche and Product

The first step is to decide which niche you wish to oper­ate in. A “niche” is a group of peo­ple with very sim­i­lar inter­ests, e.g. gout suf­fer­ers, bro­ken rela­tion­ships, look­ing for car insur­ance, how to make mon­ey online, etc. But, of course, it also has to have proven “buy­ers” in it in order to make mon­ey.

So how do you find a prof­itable niche with lots of prof­itable prod­ucts you can pro­mote?

A very quick way to do this is to search affil­i­ate net­works for nich­es that have sev­er­al prod­ucts that their stats tell you are sell­ing well. If there are lots of prod­ucts that are sell­ing well, you now know that the niche is a prof­itable one, and, the buy­ers in that niche like those prod­ucts.

In oth­er words, there’s no sec­ond guess­ing; you know for a fact that you can make mon­ey in that niche and you know for a fact which prod­ucts are suc­cess­ful, unlike if you had to devel­op your own prod­uct!

Once you’re hap­py with a prod­uct, you sign-up as an affil­i­ate for it and are giv­en a unique link that you place on your web­site. When a vis­i­tor clicks on that link they go to the ven­dor’s sales page where, if they buy, you get paid the com­mis­sion assigned to that prod­uct.

2. Get Your Domain Name

Before you set­up your web­site you need to get a domain name based around your niche. For exam­ple, fastgoutcure.com, weightlossforseniors.com. Get the idea? This will become your web­site “address.”

Two of the most pop­u­lar domain reg­is­trars are “GoDad­dy” and “NameCheap.”

3. Get Hosting

Next, you need to get host­ing for your web­site. This is where all your web­site files will be stored and secured. When some­one enters your domain name in their brows­er they will be direct­ed to your web­site.

There are very many web host­ing com­pa­nies out there, but you can’t go far wrong as a new­bie by going with “Host­Ga­tor.”

4. Set-Up Your Website

You then need to set-up your web­site. This needs to be high­ly rel­e­vant to, and laser-focused on, your cho­sen niche and prod­uct. For exam­ple, hav­ing a web­site about “arthri­tis” and try­ing to pro­mote a prod­uct that cures “gout” will nei­ther rank well in the search engines nor make sales.

Although gout and arthri­tis are linked med­ical­ly, most peo­ple don’t know that, so they’ll be search­ing for “arthri­tis” solu­tions or “gout” solu­tions and Google will present web­pages on their search results that reflect that. So always stay laser-focused!

You need a plat­form or spe­cial­ist soft­ware to build your web­site. The most pop­u­lar plat­form today by far is “Word­Press” which is free. Most good host­ing com­pa­nies like Host­Ga­tor allow you to select Word­Press direct­ly from with­in your host­ing con­trol pan­el in just a cou­ple of clicks.

5. Add Great Content

There’s a say­ing in mar­ket­ing that “con­tent is king!” I like to say that “GREAT con­tent is king!” So the con­tent on your web­site has to be high­ly rel­e­vant to, and laser-focused on, your niche, such that your site vis­i­tors get great val­ue (and know they great val­ue) from it.

For exam­ple, if your site is about “gout” you write con­tent about what caus­es it, its symp­toms, how it’s diag­nosed, how it’s treat­ed, any nat­ur­al reme­dies, any spe­cif­ic diets, lifestyle changes, and so on. Give top tips, some recipes, the lat­est stud­ies, news, etc. That is, keep adding “val­ue.”

6. Drive Traffic (Visitors)

Now, you can have the best web­site in the world, the best product(s) to pro­mote that will def­i­nite­ly, absolute­ly, help your tar­get audi­ence; but, if nobody ever lands on your site, you might as well not have both­ered!

So get­ting vis­i­tors (called “traf­fic” in Inter­net mar­ket­ing) to your web­site is absolute­ly crit­i­cal to your suc­cess and to help­ing all those peo­ple who are des­per­ate­ly search­ing for a solu­tion to their prob­lem.

There’s basi­cal­ly two ways to get traf­fic; “pay for it” or “get it free.”

  • Paid traf­fic is things like adver­tis­ing on oth­er niche web­sites, Google, Bing, Face­book, etc. You can also pay peo­ple who have large email lists in the same niche as you to send out a pro­mo­tion­al email of yours to their list.

But pay­ing for traf­fic may not be the best option when start­ing out because you real­ly need to know what you are doing because it’s very easy to get “burnt” when you don’t.

  • Free traf­fic comes from things like Search Engine Opti­miza­tion (SEO) which is the art of get­ting your web­site on page 1 of Google, Bing, and oth­er search engines.

You can also get tons of free traf­fic from post­ing great con­tent (with links back to your site) on Social Media plat­forms like Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Pin­ter­est, etc. When peo­ple click on your link they end up on your web­site.

You can pro­duce sim­ple, short, YouTube videos that can dri­ve traf­fic to your site via your site link in the video descrip­tion.

One very pop­u­lar way to dri­ve free traf­fic to your site is to post com­ments on blogs and forums in the same or sim­i­lar niche to you.

Anoth­er very sim­ple way to get free traf­fic is by pub­lish­ing short arti­cles in Arti­cle Direc­to­ries such as Ezin­eArti­cles. The arti­cle you’re read­ing right now is an exam­ple of this tech­nique.

This also has the added ben­e­fit that oth­er web­site own­ers in your niche are allowed to copy and pub­lish your arti­cle on their sites, but they must leave your web­site link intact so that you can get free traf­fic from THEIR site too!

So, here’s your affiliate marketing checklist:

1. Choose Your Niche and Prod­uct

2. Get Your Domain Name

3. Get Host­ing

4. Set-Up Your Web­site

5. Add Great Con­tent

6. Dri­ve Traf­fic (Vis­i­tors)

If you’re a begin­ner to affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing don’t be over­awed by all this; it real­ly is very easy to get going. Any­body, and I mean any­body, who has an Inter­net con­nec­tion and a com­put­er or lap­top can be up and run­ning, ready to start tak­ing com­mis­sions, in as lit­tle as 48 hours. And all with­out any pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence.


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    Best of luck for the next!

  53. An impres­sive share! I’ve just for­ward­ed this onto a co-work­er who was doing a lit­tle home­work
    on this. And he actu­al­ly ordered me break­fast sim­ply because I found it for
    him… lol. So allow me to reword this.… Thanks for the meal!!
    But yeah, thanx for spend­ing the time to talk about this sub­ject
    here on your site.

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    1. It’s great to hear that you’re enjoy­ing the con­tent on our web­site! We appre­ci­ate your pos­i­tive feed­back. If you have any spe­cif­ic top­ics or fea­tures you’d like to see more of, feel free to let us know. We aim to pro­vide valu­able and engag­ing infor­ma­tion for our read­ers. Thank you for tak­ing the time to check out our site, even dur­ing your lunch break. We hope you have a won­der­ful day in Flori­da! If you have any ques­tions or if there’s any­thing else you’d like to share, feel free to do so.

    1. Great to hear that your sis­ter is find­ing the arti­cle help­ful! If she has any spe­cif­ic ques­tions or if there’s any­thing she’d like to dis­cuss fur­ther, feel free to share them. I’m here to help with any infor­ma­tion or clar­i­fi­ca­tion she might need.

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