Price: AED 4,099.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:03:48 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

MB D16 i5 8/512

MB D16 i5 8/512

Maximize Your Vision

Maximize Your Vision

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Metal Body

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Metal Body

16" Eye Comfort HUAWEI FullView Display

16" Eye Comfort HUAWEI FullView Display

Max­i­mize Your Vision

Work, play, and pur­sue your pas­sions on an effort­less­ly scrol­lable 16:10 gold­en ratio6 dis­play with a stag­ger­ing 90% screen-to-body ratio.

Vast dis­play: 16 inch­es
Gold­en aspect ratio: 16:10
Screen-to-body ratio: 90%

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Met­al Body

Your eyes aren’t lying. This lap­top has a 16-inch screen, but it weighs as lit­tle as a stan­dard 15-inch mod­el, at 1.68 kg light body — mak­ing it portable enough for every meet­ing, work trip, and cafe trip.

16″ Eye Com­fort HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play

TUV Rhein­land Low Blue Light (Hard­ware Solu­tion) Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

Easy on the eyes, with min­i­mal blue light DC dim­ming
Com­fort­able to view over the long haul
100% sRGB wide colour gamut Pro-lev­el colour per­for­mance

High Performance Processor

High Performance Processor

Nimble Numeric Keypad

Nimble Numeric Keypad

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, Ultra-Long-Range Connectivity

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, Ultra-Long-Range Connectivity

High Per­for­mance Proces­sor

The Intel Core i5 proces­sor is a mul­ti-task­ing mas­ter, sup­port­ing more pow­er­ful and sta­ble com­put­ing, and boost­ing sin­gle-core per­for­mance by 23.6% and mul­ti-core per­for­mance by 142.3%. Two fans churn away on the inside, han­dling the heat while stay­ing silent as can be.

Nim­ble Numer­ic Key­pad

The numer­ic key­pad dou­bles office effi­cien­cy in mak­ing reports, writ­ing doc­u­ments, and inputting data, and allows you to input num­bers with only one hand. And more smart keys are here for you to explore, being your handy helper for mobile office.

HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na, Ultra-Long-Range Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

As the first lap­top mod­el to obtain the SGS five-star Wi-Fi sig­nal capa­bil­i­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, HUAWEI Mate­Book D 16 boosts file down­load speeds by 51%.16Its sig­nals trav­el and break through bar­ri­ers with the longest con­nec­tion dis­tance of 270 m. Stay plugged in any­time and any­where.

Super Device

Super Device

SuperHub, Seamless Transfers

SuperHub, Seamless Transfers

70Wh Large-capacity Battery  65 W SuperCharge

70Wh Large-capacity Battery  65 W SuperCharge

Super Device

Drag to con­nect your lap­top to a wide array of devices20 seam­less­ly via Super Device, to bring your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty through the roof with lit­tle effort.

Super­Hub, Seam­less Trans­fers

Drag any text, images, and files to Super­Hub at will, and sim­ply paste, trans­fer, and share them to your con­nect­ed devices in batch­es with remark­able ease.

70Wh Large-capac­i­ty Bat­tery 65 W Super­Charge

65 W Super­Charge and up to 70 Wh large-capac­i­ty bat­tery.

The lap­top’s 65 W mul­ti-pur­pose charg­er comes equipped with Super­Charge, to give your oth­er Huawei devices an instant boost.

AI Camera Follow, Cam That Focuses on You

AI Camera Follow, Cam That Focuses on You

Tried, Test, and Proven

Tried, Test, and Proven

Multiple Ports for Greater Versatility

Multiple Ports for Greater Versatility

AI Cam­era Fol­low, Cam That Focus­es on You

Fol­low­Cam That Focus­es on You

Have a ““face-to-face”” meet­ing with the auto-adjust­ing AI camera19, to stay in the cen­tre of the screen, and main­tain inter­ac­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions via eye con­tact. You can also set the back­ground freely to pro­tect your pri­va­cy with vir­tu­al back­ground.

Tried, Test, and Proven

We sub­ject HUAWEI Mate­Book D 16 to rig­or­ous qual­i­ty test­ing, so you can be sure that it’s equipped to han­dle what­ev­er life throws at it.

Mul­ti­ple Ports for Greater Ver­sa­til­i­ty

Mate­book D 16 comes with Mul­ti­ple Ports for Greater Ver­sa­til­i­ty

Brand: Huawei
Oper­at­ing sys­tem: Win­dows 11 Home
Cpu mod­el Speed: 3.4 GHz
Brand: Huawei
Oper­at­ing sys­tem: Win­dows 11 Home
Cpu mod­el Fam­i­ly: intel_core_i9