Price: AED 1,946.41
(as of Apr 01, 2024 00:21:25 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Noth­ing but screen. And what a screen.

The 2K Ful­lView Dis­play* is engi­neered to max­i­mize impact by push­ing the view­ing area to the lim­it. The result is a broad­er, clean­er, and more intense visu­al expe­ri­ence. The screen cov­ers 100% of the sRGB** colour space, so hues are vivid and pre­cise. The bright­ness is 300 nits*, and the con­trast ratio is 1500:1**, so you get bright, life­like images every time.

*Ful­lView Dis­play is a patent­ed and com­mon­ly used term for HUAWEI/HONOR prod­ucts, refer­ring to devices with a high body-to-screen ratio and reduced bezels. Data comes from Huawei labs.

**Typ­i­cal val­ue.

More ver­ti­cal space for lat­er­al think­ing

The lap­top’s 3:2 aspect ratio gives you much more ver­ti­cal space than a con­ven­tion­al device, which makes it ide­al for design­ing a mas­ter­piece, edit­ing a doc­u­ment, or brows­ing web­pages.

The screen has also been cer­ti­fied by TÜV Rhein­land* for reduc­ing harm­ful blue light**, so you can use it for longer with­out your eyes feel­ing the strain.

*TÜV Rhein­land cer­ti­fi­ca­tion con­di­tions: When Eye Com­fort Mode is active, blue light lev­els must not exceed TÜV Rhein­land’s max­i­mum thresh­old (this does­n’t apply to colour tem­per­a­ture adjust­ment).

**The extent to which blue light is reduced varies with actu­al use. This is not a med­ical device and does not pro­vide med­ical treat­ment.

Tap, swipe, and grab

Cap­tur­ing and edit­ing screen­shots has nev­er been eas­i­er. Sim­ply swipe three fin­gers* to take a screen­grab, and then cap­ture spe­cif­ic areas of the screen by draw­ing shapes**. The lap­top auto­mat­i­cal­ly recog­nis­es any text with­in the space you’ve cap­tured, which you can then quick­ly paste into a doc­u­ment.

*This fea­ture is lim­it­ed to devices run­ning PC Man­ag­er ver­sions 9.1 and above with all the rel­e­vant dri­vers installed.

**Touch sup­port is avail­able as an option. Avail­abil­i­ty may vary by region.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

A lean machine you can take any­where

With its alu­mini­um alloy chas­sis* and sand­blast­ed fin­ish, the HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 com­bines a sleek look with a pre­mi­um feel. We’ve com­plete­ly stream­lined the design, remov­ing every last gram of excess weight. It tips the scales at a mere 1.49 kg**, and even at its thick­est point it’s a svelte 15.9 mm***.

*The LCD cov­er, top cov­er, bot­tom cov­er are made of metal­lic mate­ri­als. The hinge and side cov­ers (where the ports are locat­ed) are made using non-metal­lic mate­ri­als.

**Data comes from Huawei labs. The actu­al weight will vary by prod­uct, as this is affect­ed by man­u­fac­tur­ing and test­ing process­es.

***Data comes from Huawei labs. Thick­ness does not include the foot pads. The actu­al thick­ness will vary by prod­uct.

Huawei Share*

With the Huawei Share tag built into the touch­pad, you can sim­ply tap your phone to the touch­pad to trans­form them into “ONE” super device. Your phone screen will pop up auto­mat­i­cal­ly on your HUAWEI Mate­Book 14, so they can work togeth­er seam­less­ly.

*Huawei Share sup­ports Mul­ti-screen Col­lab­o­ra­tion between a Huawei smart­phone (lim­it­ed to spe­cif­ic mod­els) run­ning EMUI 10.1 or lat­er and a HUAWEI Mate­Book run­ning PC Man­ag­er 10.1 or lat­er. Only some files and smart­phone appli­ca­tions sup­port this fea­ture.

Feel the force of an octa-core proces­sor

The lap­top’s AMD Ryze 4000H Series Mobile Proces­sor is man­u­fac­tured with the 7nm process, and has 8 ultra-respon­sive cores which deliv­er impec­ca­ble per­for­mance when mul­ti­task­ing, or cre­at­ing con­tent on-the-go. The AMD Radeo Graph­ics card makes edit­ing videos and retouch­ing images a breeze, so you have com­plete cre­ative con­trol, wher­ev­er you are.

In Stan­dard Mode, you’ll have more than enough pow­er for every­day tasks, but when­ev­er you need to kick things up a gear, you can unleash Per­for­mance Mode*, and make even the most demand­ing tasks are a piece of cake.

*Per­for­mance Mode can only acti­vat­ed when the pow­er sup­ply is suf­fi­cient. It is not enabled by default. When it is acti­vat­ed, the CPU and GPU func­tion­al­i­ty can be instant­ly increased. This may cause the fans to pro­duce heat and noise, and the sur­face may become hot­ter as a result.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Much roomi­er than it looks

With an expan­sive 16/8 GB* of dual-chan­nel mem­o­ry, and 512/256 GB of PCIe NVMe SSD, you won’t run out of space for your images, videos, or doc­u­ments.

Read­ing, stor­ing, and com­press­ing large files is incred­i­bly effi­cient too, so you’ll have no prob­lems nim­bly hop­ping from task to task.

*There is also a ver­sion with 8 GB of RAM.

Heat has met its match

Heat is elim­i­nat­ed quick­ly and effi­cient­ly, thanks to the upgrad­ed dual-fan HUAWEI Shark fin heat dis­si­pa­tion sys­tem. Its thin­ner, high-den­si­ty S‑shaped blades pro­duce 39% more air flow*, and the dual heat sinks quick­ly redi­rect heat, so the lap­top stays cool under pres­sure. The fans are also whis­per-qui­et, so the lap­top won’t dis­turb you or any­one around you.

*Data comes from Huawei labs and was obtained by com­par­ing the cur­rent HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 with the pre­vi­ous-gen mod­el.

Designed for life on-the-go

In a hur­ry? A 15 minute charge of the 56 Wh bat­tery is good for 2.5 hours of use*. The bat­tery has been designed using our own ener­gy-sav­ing tech­nol­o­gy too, so you can let go of your plug-in anx­i­ety.

*Data comes from Huawei labs. Bat­tery endurance tests were con­duct­ed while the bright­ness was set to 150 nits. Actu­al per­for­mance will vary.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Pow­er in your pock­et

The 65 W USB‑C charg­er is a pow­er­house which weighs just 160 g* and fits right in your pock­et. It pro­vides fast charg­ing for your HUAWEI Mate­Book 14, as well as super-charg­ing for Huawei phones** that sup­port HUAWEI Super­Charge.

*Data comes from Huawei labs. Does not include the weight of the cables, which are 42.5 g. The actu­al weight will vary by prod­uct, as it is affect­ed by man­u­fac­tur­ing and test­ing process­es.

**The 65 W charg­er sup­ports Super­Charge fea­ture for the fol­low­ing HUAWEI Super­Charge phones: HUAWEI P40 Pro, HUAWEI P40, HUAWEI Mate Xs, HUAWEI Mate30 Pro, HUAWEI Mate30, etc. The 65 W charg­er sup­ports many out­put stan­dards includ­ing 5V/2A, 9V/2A, 12V/2A, 15V/3A, 20V/3.25A. The actu­al out­put varies depend­ing on the device.

Jump right back in

Pow­er­ing on the lap­top and get­ting to your desk­top is swift and secure, thanks to the fin­ger­print read­er embed­ded in the pow­er but­ton*. One press and you’re ready to go.

*This fea­ture is lim­it­ed to devices with all the rel­e­vant dri­vers pro­vid­ed by PC Man­ag­er installed.

Impres­sive across the board

Expe­ri­ence what a cut­ting-edge key­board can do. With three lev­els of back­light­ing, opti­mised key trav­el and sur­faces, and a large touch­pad, typ­ing is both com­fort­able and nat­ur­al.

【2K HUAWEI Ful­lView Display】The 2K 14-inch HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play on HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 is your win­dow to a world of true visu­al splen­dour. The ultra-slim bezels on all four sides cre­ate a mes­mer­iz­ing 90% screen-to-body ratio, while the 100% sRGB colour gamut and max. 300 nits bright­ness breathe life into the images on dis­play.
【Light­weight metal­lic body】The sleek alu­mini­um alloy exte­ri­or, a result of pre­ci­sion sand­blast­ing and dia­mond-cut crafts­man­ship, makes HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 a plea­sure to hold, and a vision to look at. And at just 1.49 kg, and 15.9 mm at its thick­est point, it won’t slow you down, wher­ev­er your work or pas­sions take you.
【Huawei Share】The all-new ver­sion of Huawei Share turns your phone or tablet and Mate­Book into “one” seam­less­ly effi­cient unit – where pow­er meets pos­si­bil­i­ty. Enjoy direct access to a wealth of phone apps, files, con­tacts and mem­os direct­ly through the Mate­Book screen.
【56 Wh Bat­tery Life】The 56 Wh (rat­ed capac­i­ty) large bat­tery lets you enjoy 11 hours of 1080p local video play­back. And with the 65 W pock­et-sized charg­er weigh­ing just 160 g, as well as sup­port­ing Super­Charge tech­nol­o­gy across a wide range of Huawei devices, it’s your go-to charg­er for day trips, week-long trips and more.
【AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processor】The all-new 7nm AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Proces­sor fea­tures across-the-board enhance­ments that boost per­for­mance to new lev­els. The handy Fn+P hotkey enables Per­for­mance Mode, for when you need some extra oomph.