Price: AED 6,999.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:37:13 UTC — Details)

【3K Ful­lView Display】A Ful­lView expe­ri­ence, as bor­der­less as your vision. Aspect ratio 3:2, 91% screen-to-body ratio, 3000 x 2000 res­o­lu­tion.
【Light Met­al Chic】With the 1.33 kg light and 14.6 mm thin metal­lic body, plus dia­mond-cut, sand­blast­ed fin­ish, you get an ultra-portable, pro­fes­sion­al lev­el note­book all-in-one.
【HUAWEI Share】The upgrad­ed Mul­ti-screen Col­lab­o­ra­tion fea­ture sup­ports simul­ta­ne­ous dis­play of mul­ti­ple phone apps on your note­book. Whether it’s chat­ting with friends on social media or pick­ing up video calls, you can have it all on a sin­gle screen.
【Pro­fes­sion­al Performance】Packed with 11th Gen Intel Core i7 proces­sor, 16 GB LPDDR4x mem­o­ry and up to 1 TB SSD stor­age, the brand new pow­er­house improves its CPU per­for­mance by 22% com­pared with the last gen­er­a­tion. Accel­er­at­ed image and video pro­cess­ing, mul­ti­task­ing and con­nec­tion speeds of Wi-Fi 6 and Blue­tooth 5.1 are all com­bined for your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty.
【Bat­tery and SuperCharge】Equipped with a mon­ster 56 Wh bat­tery to pro­vide long-last­ing pow­er, the HUAWEI Mate­Book X Pro 2021 is able to pro­vide up to 11 hours of reg­u­lar work* on a sin­gle charge. The ultra-light 65 W pock­et charg­er can quick­ly charge Huawei note­books**, tablets and mobile phones that sup­port USB‑C ports.