Price: AED749.00 — AED 485.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:11:01 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

matepad SE 10.4

matepad SE 10.4



matepad SE family

matepad SE family

MatePad SE surround Sound

MatePad SE surround Sound

MatePad SE 6 nm Octa-core Processor

MatePad SE 6 nm Octa-core Processor

MatePad SE eye soothing

MatePad SE eye soothing

Fam­i­ly The­atre in the Palm

HUAWEI MatePad SE fea­tures a stun­ning 10.4‑inch 2K HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play with 83.6% screen-to-body ratio, pro­vid­ing wholy immer­sive view­ing expe­ri­ence.

Sur­round Sound Tuned by His­ten 8.0

With dual sym­met­ri­cal speak­er sys­tem tuned by HUAWEI His­ten 8.0 tech­nol­o­gy, MatePad SE can widen sur­round sound field and enhance human voice, mak­ing each call, line in the film, and online class crys­tal clear.

6 nm Octa-core Proces­sor

The 6 nm octa-core proces­sor pro­vides sta­ble, fast and smooth expe­ri­ence.

Eye-Sooth­ing Com­fort

Its 2K screen is spe­cial­ly designed to keep your eyes refreshed and rar­ing to go, pass­ing both TÜV Rhein­land Low Blue Light cer­ti­fi­ca­tions. 4096-lev­el bright­ness adjust­ment changes the dis­play in real time to account for the ambi­ent light­ing con­di­tions. From sun­ny liv­ing rooms to dim bed­rooms, you’ll find that each glance pro­vides the com­fort that you deserve.

Kids Corner, Growth Partner

Kids Corner, Growth Partner

light weight

light weight

Matepad SE super Device

Matepad SE super Device

matepad SE multi window

matepad SE multi window

Kids Cor­ner, Growth Part­ner

Kids Cor­ner makes tablet brows­ing safe and fun for chil­dren of all ages, and also lets kids have fun trip into nurs­ery rhymes, sto­ries and games in Baby­Bus. Par­ents can set time, app and con­tent man­age­ments, and enable pos­ture, bright­ness, and bumpy road alerts to help cul­ti­vate healthy dig­i­tal habits.

Light­weight and Durable

This tablet is sur­pris­ing­ly light at just 440 g, and com­fort­able to grip, thanks to the micro-curved mid­dle frame design. The durable body is built to with­stand the occa­sion­al mishaps encoun­tered in dai­ly life, like being acci­den­tal­ly dropped or sat on.

Super Device, Drag to Con­nect

Super Device keeps your devices con­nect­ed with sim­ply one drag. You can then play music through your HUAWEI Free­Buds, or pro­ject­ing a film to HUAWEI Vision on just a momen­t’s notice.

Mul­ti-Win­dow, One-tap Inter­ac­tion

You can swipe to the upper cor­ners to split the screen or bring up a float­ing win­dow. Open more app win­dows at the same time, and swipe to dis­play a video while reply­ing to a friend’s mes­sage or plan a trip while search­ing for a guide.

Groupable and Stackable Widgets

Groupable and Stackable Widgets

high performance

high performance



fun apps

fun apps

Groupable and Stack­able Wid­gets

Both wid­gets and apps can be sort­ed into one group based on sce­nar­ios, like learn­ing or enter­tain­ment, to find exact­ly what you’re look­ing for Large wid­gets can be eas­i­ly stacked and freely switched, help you grab key mes­sages in sec­onds.

High-Per­form­ing Anten­na

HUAWEI MatePad SE comes with bol­stered wire­less per­for­mance while ensur­ing its safe usage, thanks to a patent­ed anten­na design and improved wire­less sig­nal cap­ture capa­bil­i­ties, to keep con­nec­tions and stream­ing media in sync.

Clos­er Mee­Time Com­mu­ni­ca­tions

Make a Mee­Time call and share the screen, to clear up your par­en­t’s tech­ni­cal issue, or to get a friend’s opin­ion on some­thing you’re about to buy. You can even mark up the screen, to com­mu­ni­cate with the same ease as if you’re sit­ting next to them.

More Fun Apps to Explore

【Immer­sive View­ing Experience】Featuring ultra-slim and 83.6% screen-to-body ratio, the HUAWEI MatePad SE gives you ample on-screen room for immer­sive enter­tain­ment. A per­fect tablet for watch­ing your favourite movies and read­ing e‑Books on the go
【Pow­er­ful Chipset, Great Performance】Adopting Qual­comm Snap­drag­on 680 proces­sor, the HUAWEI MatePad SE deliv­ers rapid pro­cess­ing speeds, allow­ing you to get your every­day tasks done effort­less­ly
【Super Device, Drag to Connect】The all-new Super Device enables more devices to con­nect as one cohe­sive unit at the same time, with sharable resources and capa­bil­i­ties.
【Sleek Com­pact Portable】With curved edges gives the HUAWEI MatePad SE an ele­gant look. Weigh­ing just 440g, it is so light­weight that you can eas­i­ly put it in the bag or car­ry it around with just one hand for enter­tain­ment or study.
【2K Eye Com­fort 】HUAWEI MatePad SE comes with 2K Eye Com­fort enabled with TÜV Rhein­land Low Blue Light Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions