Price: AED 1,249.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 01:00:10 UTC — Details)

This pre-owned or refur­bished prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new. How a prod­uct becomes part of Ama­zon Renewed, your des­ti­na­tion for pre-owned, refur­bished prod­ucts: A cus­tomer buys a new prod­uct and returns it or trades it in for a new­er or dif­fer­ent mod­el. That prod­uct is inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new by Ama­zon-qual­i­fied sup­pli­ers. Then, the prod­uct is sold as an Ama­zon Renewed prod­uct on Ama­zon. If not sat­is­fied with the pur­chase, renewed prod­ucts are eli­gi­ble for replace­ment or refund under the Ama­zon Renewed Guar­an­tee
This pre-owned prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed, test­ed and cleaned
Sur­face Lap­top fea­tures 8th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i5 Proces­sor, 256GB Sol­id State Dri­ve, 8GB RAM, 13.5‑Inch Pix­elSense touch­screen dis­play (2256 x 1504) res­o­lu­tion
Thin, light, and pow­er­ful. Graph­ics: Intel HD Graph­ics 620, Usb 3.0, Mini Dis­play­Port, SD card slot., Win­dows 10, Blue­tooth 4.0, Wi-Fi: 802.11AC Wire­less LAN, sur­face Pen not includ­ed
This prod­uct is in “Excel­lent con­di­tion”. The screen and body show no signs of cos­met­ic dam­age vis­i­ble from 12 inch­es away. This prod­uct will have a bat­tery that exceeds 80% capac­i­ty rel­a­tive to new.
Acces­sories will be com­pat­i­ble and ful­ly func­tion­al. Prod­uct may come in gener­ic box. This Mac­Book Pro ships with a charg­er.
This prod­uct is eli­gi­ble for a replace­ment or refund if it does not work as expect­ed.