Price: AED139.00 — AED 99.99
(as of Apr 01, 2024 00:28:21 UTC — Details)

[Con­ve­nient, Secure Work­sta­tion] Spe­cial remov­able adhe­sive means this lap­top stand con­ve­nient­ly attach­es and detach­es from your lap­top with­out leav­ing a sin­gle mark or scratch, reat­tach­ing again and again with the same strength, effec­tive­ness and sen­si­tiv­i­ty. The stand is com­pat­i­ble with a wide range of lap­tops up to 15.6” — includ­ing Mac­Book Air and Pro. [Ergonom­ic Design] Con­ceived and con­struct­ed with the express pur­pose of giv­ing lap­top users greater com­fort, the MOFT Lap­top Stand is equipped with two ele­va­tion adjust­ments that make it easy to find your ide­al height and pos­ture: the high set­ting (3‑inches) is per­fect for a sit­ting pos­ture, and the low set­ting (2‑inches) is great for a stand­ing pos­ture. This flex­i­bil­i­ty helps pre­vent neck and shoul­der pain while look­ing at the screen. [Unique Mate­r­i­al] Con­struct­ed with spe­cial PU and fiber­glass mate­r­i­al, the MOFT Lap­top Stand is strong and sta­ble enough to hold up to 18 lbs., despite its ultra-slim size. The built-in mag­nets allow you to unfold the lap­top stand quick­ly and secure­ly attach it to a flat sur­face. [Ultra Portable] The MOFT Lap­top Stand weighs a mere 3 oz. and is only 1/9” thick — it’s com­pact­ness born of inno­va­tion. Since MOFT is lit­er­al­ly light as paper and slim as a coin, it’s a lap­top stand per­fect for mobile work­ing. [Wor­ry-free Ser­vice] MOFT’s multi­na­tion­al team pro­vides friend­ly, 24-hour cus­tomer ser­vice and a 12-month qual­i­ty guar­an­tee to our con­sumers. Please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us at any time with any ques­tion about our lap­top stand.
Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 22.4 x 17 x 0.3 cm; 85.05 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 17 May 2019
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ MOFT
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07QC29Q4Z
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ MS006-M-GRY-EN01

Paper Thin MOFT lap­top stand is only 1/9″ thick and weighs a mere 3 oz, its small mear­sure­ments makes it unfelt when car­ried and unsee when not in use.
Reli­ably Strong It’s built with unique PU and fiber glass mate­ri­als, ensur­ing that it can hold a lap­top sta­bly with its small body. 18lbs is its weight bear­ing, cov­er­ing most lap­tops. Stick to the bot­tom of device, ensure the lap­top stand is near the hinge.
Exclu­sive Struc­ture It’s one piece when it’s not in use, tak­ing no extra space. It’s a rock sol­id stand when it’s fold­ed up. Trans­for­ma­tion only takes one sec­ond.
Wide Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty With its min­i­mal­is­tic design, there’s not much lim­i­ta­tion on its com­pat­i­ble lap­tops. It works well with lap­tops up to 15.6″.
Adjustable Gold­en Angles It comes with two most need­ed angles, 25 and 15 . The high lift­ing mode raise a lap­top 3in, mak­ing users sit in a right pos­ture. The low lift­ing make the screen 2in high­er to adopt to the stand­ing sit­u­a­tion.