Price: AED 5,243.61
(as of Apr 01, 2024 02:29:34 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

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About MSI

“As a world leader in high-end com­put­er hard­ware solu­tions, MSI is unwa­ver­ing­ly com­mit­ted to cut­ting-edge inno­va­tion and aes­thet­ic design that not only ful­fill cus­tomer needs across indus­tries but also ele­vate human life. MSI is ded­i­cat­ed to empow­er­ing glob­al gamers, cre­ators, and busi­ness elites with solu­tions engi­neered to sat­is­fy their every need.”

“The Essence Of Elite”

Pres­tige 15

MSI taps into the spir­it of explo­ration by design­ing the great­est lap­top col­lec­tion- Pres­tige Series. To keep more effi­cient of the work, these fine­ly- craft­ed machines not only show unique taste but also are immense­ly pow­er­ful. Thin and light yet immense­ly pow­er­ful, enhances your style and work­flow wher­ev­er you go.

Mil­i­tary Grade Dura­bil­i­ty
MSI Cre­ator Cen­tre
True Col­or Tech­nol­o­gy
Light in weight (1.6 kg)
Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty up to 16 hours Bat­tery Life


prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Break­ing the Bound­aries of Per­for­mance.

The Pres­tige Series fea­tures the lat­est 11th Gen. Intel Core i7 proces­sor deliv­er­ing heavy­weight per­for­mance and light­weight porta­bil­i­ty which will keep you in the flow, wher­ev­er you go.

GeForce GTX 16 Series Lap­tops, The Ulti­mate Play

Intel Core i7 Proces­sors with NVIDIA dis­crete graph­ics GTX1650. To keep more effi­cient of the work, these fine­ly- craft­ed machines not only show unique taste but also are immense­ly pow­er­ful.

A Key­board Made for You

Hav­ing a key­board that’s made to be ergonom­ic, with an opti­mized trav­el dis­tance makes all the dif­fer­ence when you’re typ­ing. You can type in com­fort day or night with the back­lit key­board.

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Design for Future

Craft­ed in an ultra-light & slim alu­minum chas­sis, the Pres­tige Series is made portable and styl­ish wher­ev­er you go. With a 180° lay-flat and ultra-thin bezels that max­i­mize screen real estate, the Pres­tige Series makes it easy to share your ideas with clients.

Con­nect & Charge

Paired with mul­ti­ple Thun­der­bolt ports, the Pres­tige Series sup­ports pow­er deliv­ery through its ports so you can quick-charge your devices, trans­fer data at 40Gbps and con­nect to mul­ti­ple dis­plays and periph­er­als. In addi­tion, Pres­tige Series equips with the lat­est UHS-II high-speed card read­er offers fast data trans­fer.

PCIe Gen 4 Stor­age Sup­port

PCIe 4.0 effi­cient­ly boosts the dai­ly work­flow and even has bet­ter sig­nal reli­a­bil­i­ty and integri­ty for improved per­for­mance.

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Mod­ern Expe­ri­ence

With Win­dows Hel­lo, you can sign in with your face or fin­ger­print. Login faster and more secure­ly to your lap­top up to 3 times faster than a pass­word. Enjoy the pass­word-free expe­ri­ence on a sup­port­ed web ser­vice with the lat­est FIDO 2 authen­ti­ca­tion.

Spec­tac­u­lar Visu­al Expe­ri­ence

Visu­al­ize your work with the bril­liant True Pix­el dis­play. The exclu­sive True Pix­el dis­play deliv­ers true-to-life images with 4K res­o­lu­tion, AdobeRGB 100% col­or gamut, fac­to­ry-cal­i­brat­ed Delta‑E <2 the box accu­ra­cy, True Col­or Tech­nol­o­gy, and Ver­i­fied by Cal­Man- tools nec­es­sary for cre­ative work, design, pho­to, and video edit­ing.

Mobil­i­ty with­out Com­pro­mise

Your office can be any­where you need it, this col­lec­tion keeps the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty going through the long-last­ing bat­tery. No mat­ter the loca­tion, whether it’s a cof­fee shop or a long over­seas flight, this lap­top is sure to sup­port those needs when­ev­er and wher­ev­er they arise. The Pres­tige Series boasts the lat­est wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty which ensures the fastest net­work­ing speeds for large file trans­fers or con­fer­ence calls.

Win­dows 10 Home Stan­dard, 11th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Tiger Lake i7-1185G7 Proces­sor: Uncom­pro­mised pow­er and per­for­mance to max­i­mize effi­cien­cy, mul­ti-task work and cre­ativ­i­ty.
Ultra-Portable, Thin Bezel: MSI Pres­tige 15 ful­fills your diverse porta­bil­i­ty needs, the new bat­tery design allows up to 16 hours of use, Long bat­tery life means you can keep going beyond your day with­out recharg­ing.
1TB M.2 PCIe and GTX 1650, GDDR6 4GB Graph­ics for crisp and HD Qual­i­ty: Ded­i­cat­ed graph­ic card for eye-catch­ing view by empow­er­ing pix­el-per­fect pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Plug into Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty: Rapid­ly charge and trans­fer data up to 40Gbps with 2x Type‑C (USB / DP / Thun­der­bolt) with PD charg­ing, 2x Type‑A (USB3.2 Gen2), 1x Micro SD, 1x (4K @ 60Hz) HDMI, and Wi-Fi 6 AX201(2*2 ax) + BT5.1.
Craft­ed with dia­mond-cut edge and sand­blast­ed tex­ture: MSI Pres­tige with 15″ FHD, IPS-lev­el pan­el that sur­prise you with high qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, it is designed to be unique yet ele­gant