Price: AED349.00 — AED 307.66
(as of Apr 01, 2024 04:35:04 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er







The fridge is your film’s best friend. Tem­per­a­ture affects how Polaroid film works. To keep your film in shape for shoot­ing, we rec­om­mend stor­ing it in the fridge (not the freez­er) and allow­ing it to reach room tem­per­a­ture (13–28°C / 55–82°F) before load­ing it into your cam­era.

Clean rollers make for clear­er pho­tographs. Each Polaroid cam­era has a set of rollers inside the film door. If these rollers are dirty, the chem­istry can’t spread as eas­i­ly across the film frame. If they look dirty, give them a gen­tle wipe with a soft, damp cloth.

Whether you’re using nat­ur­al sun­light or a stu­dio set-up, always shoot with the light behind you, or to your side. If you face the cam­era into the light, your pho­tos can end up dark and blown out. We also rec­om­mend to always use the flash to get great results — even if it’s a sun­ny day.

You need light to get the best pho­to­graph, but you need dark­ness to let it work its mag­ic. When you take a pho­to­graph, thou­sands of chem­i­cal reac­tions take place with­in that small film frame. To get the best result, let your pho­to­graph devel­op face down in a warm area that’s shield­ed from light.


Forever Now.





Col­or i‑Type Film

Bat­tery-free col­or film that’s opti­mized for your Polaroid Now cam­era wrapped in that icon­ic white frame.

Black and White i‑Type Film

Artis­tic black and white film wrapped in that icon­ic white Polaroid frame.

Spe­cial Edi­tion Films

Frame your par­ty moments in bold, mat­te black. This i‑Type Col­or film Black Frame Edi­tion makes each col­or pop.

Save with Film Mul­ti-Packs

(Almost) nev­er run out of film with i‑Type film mul­ti-packs. This bulk pack saves on the wal­let too. Com­pat­i­ble with the One Step+, the Polaroid Now, and the Polaroid Lab.

Lan­guage ‏ : ‎ Eng­lish
Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 10.16 x 10.16 x 15.24 cm; 453.59 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 2 March 2020
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ Polaroid
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B084GXXLM7
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ 6010
Coun­try of ori­gin ‏ : ‎ Nether­lands

Updat­ed Clas­sic- The clas­sic Polaroid film is back with a new for­mu­la exclu­sive­ly for I‑Type cam­eras with 40 clas­sic icon­ic white framed pho­tos.
New Clas­sic- I‑Type film uses Polaroid’s lat­est chem­istry to pro­vide rich­er col­ors, tones, and con­trast. I‑Type film is not com­pat­i­ble with vin­tage Polaroid cam­eras.
Light it up- Polaroid instant film loves light. The more light in your shot, the bet­ter your pho­to will turn out. Always shoot in bright light or use the cam­era flash.
Devel­op- Pho­tos will appear blank at first. Pho­tos devel­op with­in 15 min­utes. Shield pho­tos from the light and place them face down as they devel­op.
Cre­ate- Every pho­to you cre­ate is rich, tex­tured, and unique. Unpre­dictable, imper­fect, and impos­si­ble to repro­duce, just like you.