Price: AED674.00 — AED 639.99
(as of Apr 01, 2024 01:38:35 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Samsung Tab A8

Samsung Tab A8

A big­ger view to a broad­er world

The 10.5” wide dis­play, com­plete with sym­met­ric bezel mea­sur­ing only 10.2mm, allows you to stay ful­ly immersed in what’s on the screen. Explore, with­out com­pro­mise. From epic films to how-to con­tents for a hob­by you love, Galaxy Tab A8 invites you to a broad­er world through a big­ger, bet­ter view.

Samsung Tab A8

Samsung Tab A8

Clas­sic. Con­tem­po­rary

Joy­ful­ly aes­thet­ic with a touch of cool, Galaxy Tab A8 is vibrant in its aura and youth­ful in its appear­ance. With a sleek met­al body fea­tur­ing an ultra­thin pro­file of just 6.9mm, it deliv­ers Samsung’s sig­na­ture tablet design in Gray, Sil­ver, and Pink Gold high­light­ing its effort­less charm.

Dive into dynam­ic sounds

Ele­vate your enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ence as quad speak­ers pow­ered by Dol­by Atmos sur­round sound reveal every detail of the audio with excep­tion­al clar­i­ty and depth. Made to deliv­er immer­sion on the go, Galaxy Tab A8 opens up an envelop­ing uni­verse of con­tent, games & activ­i­ties that young ones love.

Samsung Tab A8

Let the high­er pow­er take over

Sport­ing the Octa-core proces­sor paired with up to 4GB RAM and 128GB inter­nal stor­age, Galaxy Tab A8 comes ever ready to take up a chal­lenge with­out drain­ing the speed or the bat­tery. Save more with up to 1TB microSD card, and stay sup­port­ed with a 7,040mAh (typ­i­cal) bat­tery and 15W Fast Charg­ing.

Samsung Tab A8

Abun­dant. Acces­si­ble. All yours

With Sam­sung TV Plus, Galaxy Tab A8 deliv­ers instant, free TV any­time, any­where. Enjoy thou­sands of hours of news, sports, movies, a vari­ety of kids’ con­tent, and more. Sim­ply launch the Sam­sung TV Plus app and use the GUIDE to see what’s on now or what’s com­ing up next.

Samsung Tab A8

Take YouTube Pre­mi­um for a spin

Have your­self a YouTube expe­ri­ence that’s unclut­tered by ads, by redeem­ing a two-month sub­scrip­tion to YouTube Pre­mi­um at no addi­tion­al cost. With the free access that you get upon your pur­chase of Galaxy Tab A8, you can also watch videos while using oth­er apps or when the screen is locked.

Samsung Tab A8

Samsung Tab A8

Samsung Tab A8

Video lessons made easy with Screen Recorder

With Screen Recorder built into your Galaxy Tab A8, record­ing a live online class is sim­ple, seam­less, and always has­sle-free. Stay engaged through­out the ses­sion by mark­ing direct­ly on the con­tent and mak­ing note of key take­aways. Voilà! Your video les­son is ready to be watched when­ev­er you want.

Samsung Tab A8

Samsung Tab A8

Keep your child engaged & safe with Sam­sung Kids

Filled with fun activ­i­ties that encour­age kids to learn, Sam­sung Kids intro­duces a safe envi­ron­ment for your child to explore and con­nect with the world. Using the improved Parental con­trol, you can set lim­its on play­time, give selec­tive access to apps, and see their activ­i­ties at a glance.

Get more done in more ways

Make the most of the enhanced Sam­sung mul­ti-win­dow expe­ri­ence. On Galaxy Tab A8, you can split the screen in half and do two things at once. You can adjust the win­dow focus as need­ed with a sim­ple drag & drop move­ment, share con­tent between apps, and even drag and drop a noti­fi­ca­tion.

Samsung Tab A8

Stay secured by Sam­sung Knox

Start­ing at the hard­ware lev­el, Sam­sung Knox locks intru­sions out. In real-time, the ker­nel which serves as the brain of the device is pre­vent­ed from com­pro­mise. This mul­ti-lay­ered, state-of-the-art plat­form con­stant­ly inspects the core soft­ware and ver­i­fies the integri­ty of the device.

Samsung Tab A8

Nev­er lose track

Pick up right where you left off, when­ev­er you need. By sim­ply being signed in to the same Sam­sung account, you can get back to your notes or inter­net search with­out start­ing all over again while freely switch­ing between your two devices.

Samsung Tab A8

Expand your hori­zons

Pro­duce, deliv­er, and achieve beyond bor­ders by seam­less­ly copy­ing and past­ing across devices. Whether you’re cre­at­ing a mood board or putting infor­ma­tion into Pow­er­Point slides, your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and cre­ative ener­gy will flow more freely and effi­cient­ly.

Samsung Tab A8

Pair up with­out a hold up

Let time-con­sum­ing man­u­al pair­ing of your favorite devices be a thing of the past. From your lap­top and ear­buds to Galaxy Watch, you’ll see all the devices that have been paired with your Galaxy phone auto­mat­i­cal­ly appear in your Galaxy Tab A8’s Blue­tooth device list.

Samsung Tab A8

Nev­er miss a beat

Don’t wor­ry about miss­ing out. Stay in the moment with the music or con­tent you love. When­ev­er a call comes in, your Galaxy Buds will auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch over to your tab so you can take the call right away.

Samsung Tab A8

¹ Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es. ² Col­or avail­abil­i­ty may vary by coun­try or car­ri­er.

³ Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

⁴ Galaxy Tab A8 comes with mul­ti­ple vari­ants of RAM and stor­age options. The basic vari­ant offers 3GB of RAM and 32GB stor­age while the 4GB RAM vari­ant is avail­able in 64GB and 128GB capac­i­ty. *Com­bi­na­tions of mem­o­ry and stor­age capac­i­ty may vary by coun­try or region. *Total amount of avail­able user mem­o­ry is less than the total mem­o­ry due to stor­age of the oper­at­ing sys­tem and soft­ware used to oper­ate the device fea­tures. Actu­al user mem­o­ry will vary depend­ing on the oper­a­tor and may change after soft­ware upgrades are per­formed. *MicroSD card sold sep­a­rate­ly. *Typ­i­cal val­ue test­ed under third-par­ty lab­o­ra­to­ry con­di­tion. Typ­i­cal val­ue is the esti­mat­ed aver­age val­ue con­sid­er­ing the devi­a­tion in bat­tery capac­i­ty among the bat­tery sam­ples test­ed under IEC 61960 stan­dard. Rat­ed (min­i­mum) capac­i­ty is 6,820mAh. *15W Fast Charg­er sold sep­a­rate­ly. *Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

⁵ Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es. *Avail­abil­i­ty of Sam­sung TV Plus may vary depend­ing on coun­try, region or net­work provider. *Net­work con­nec­tion required. *Avail­able chan­nels and pro­grams vary by country/region and are sub­ject to change with­out pri­or notice.

⁶ Avail­abil­i­ty of YouTube Pre­mi­um may vary by coun­try or region. Users must sub­scribe to a YouTube Pre­mi­um account to enjoy all its ben­e­fits. Ben­e­fit applic­a­ble only to devices acti­vat­ed by 2022.03.05, and must be redeemed by 2022.04.05. YouTube Pre­mi­um is a tm of Google. Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

⁷ Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

⁸ Con­tent pro­vid­ed on Sam­sung Kids varies by coun­try and region. *Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

⁹ Screen image sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

¹⁰ Screen images sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.

¹¹ All func­tions are sup­port­ed from One UI 3.1. Avail­abil­i­ty of One UI 3.1 may vary depend­ing on device, coun­try, region and car­ri­er. *Each device needs to have One UI 3.1, have Blue­tooth turned on and be con­nect­ed to the same Sam­sung account. *Con­tin­ue app on oth­er devices is only com­pat­i­ble with Sam­sung Inter­net and Sam­sung Notes. For this fea­ture to work, the two devices you are going to use must be signed in to the same Sam­sung account and con­nect­ed to the same Wi-Fi net­work, with Blue­tooth and Con­tin­ue on oth­er devices fea­ture enabled on both devices. *Screen images sim­u­lat­ed for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es.”

From epic films to how-to con­tents for a hob­by you love, Galaxy Tab A8 invites you to a broad­er world through a big­ger, bet­ter view.
Joy­ful­ly aes­thet­ic with a touch of cool, Galaxy Tab A8 is vibrant in its aura and youth­ful in its appear­ance.
Made to deliv­er immer­sion on the go, Galaxy Tab A8 opens up an envelop­ing uni­verse of con­tent, games & activ­i­ties that young ones love.
Sport­ing the Octa-core proces­sor paired with up to 4GB RAM and 64GB inter­nal stor­age, Galaxy Tab A8 comes ever ready to take up a chal­lenge with­out drain­ing the speed or the bat­tery.
With Sam­sung TV Plus, Galaxy Tab A8 deliv­ers instant, free TV any­time, any­where. Enjoy thou­sands of hours of news, sports, movies, a vari­ety of kids’ con­tent, and more.