Price: AED 13,124.15
(as of Apr 01, 2024 03:59:52 UTC — Details)

Look­ing for a reli­able and durable lap­top for demand­ing jobs? Look no fur­ther than the FZ-G2 Tough­book, built to meet MIL-STD-810H and MIL-STD-461G stan­dards, mak­ing it semi-rugged and ready to with­stand tough envi­ron­ments. Its mag­ne­sium alloy chas­sis, encased with ABS and elas­tomer edges, ensures dura­bil­i­ty and longevi­ty, mak­ing it ide­al for work­ers in auto­mo­tive diag­nos­tic and field ser­vice indus­tries.
With the FZ-G2 Tough­book’s Bridge Bat­tery, you can work for longer peri­ods with­out wor­ry­ing about run­ning out of pow­er, even in haz­ardous loca­tions.
Fea­tur­ing an Intel Core i5-10310U vPro proces­sor clocked at 1.7GHz (boost­able up to 4.4GHz with Tur­bo Boost) and 6MB cache, the FZ-G2 Tough­book offers impres­sive mul­ti­task­ing capa­bil­i­ties and high per­for­mance, allow­ing you to eas­i­ly han­dle com­plex tasks and appli­ca­tions.
The 10.1″ WUXGA dis­play, with anti-reflec­tive (AR) screen treat­ment, deliv­ers clear visu­als, and the capac­i­tive gloved mul­ti-touch + dig­i­tiz­er fea­ture allows easy use with gloved hands, mak­ing it per­fect for work­ers who need to oper­ate it in harsh con­di­tions.
The FZ-G2 Tough­book offers USB‑C 10Gbps (w/PD), USB‑A 5Gbps, and 1Gbps Eth­er­net RJ-45 inter­face options for flex­i­bil­i­ty. It comes pre-installed with Win­dows 10 Pro, pro­vid­ing a pow­er­ful and famil­iar oper­at­ing sys­tem for users. The device is also equipped with WiFi 6 AX201 and Blue­tooth 5.1 for wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty. Please note that the key­board is not includ­ed and must be pur­chased sep­a­rate­ly.
If you need a lap­top that can han­dle the most chal­leng­ing work envi­ron­ments, the FZ-G2 Tough­book is the per­fect choice.
[Built Tough for Demand­ing Jobs] The FZ-G2 Tough­book is built to meet MIL-STD-810H and MIL-STD-461G stan­dards, mak­ing it semi-rugged and ready to with­stand tough envi­ron­ments. Its mag­ne­sium alloy chas­sis, encased with ABS and elas­tomer edges, ensures dura­bil­i­ty and longevi­ty, mak­ing it ide­al for work­ers in auto­mo­tive diag­nos­tic and field ser­vice indus­tries.
[Bar­code Read­er] The FZ-G2 includes a pow­er­ful Bar­code Read­er 1D/2D capa­ble N6603, mak­ing it easy to scan and decode bar­codes and oth­er types of data quick­ly and accu­rate­ly.
[Pow­er­ful Proces­sor for High Per­for­mance] With an Intel Core i5-10310U vPro proces­sor clocked at 1.7GHz (boost­able up to 4.4GHz with Tur­bo Boost) and 6MB cache, the FZ-G2 Tough­book offers impres­sive mul­ti­task­ing capa­bil­i­ties and high per­for­mance.
[Clear Dis­play with Touch Func­tion­al­i­ty] The 10.1″ WUXGA dis­play, with anti-reflec­tive (AR) screen treat­ment, deliv­ers clear visu­als, and the capac­i­tive gloved mul­ti-touch + dig­i­tiz­er fea­ture allows easy use with gloved hands.
[Flex­i­ble Inter­face and Oper­at­ing Sys­tem; Key­board Not Includ­ed] The FZ-G2 Tough­book offers USB‑C 10Gbps (w/PD), USB‑A 5Gbps, and 1Gbps Eth­er­net RJ-45 inter­face options for flex­i­bil­i­ty. It comes pre-installed with Win­dows 10 Pro, pro­vid­ing a pow­er­ful and famil­iar oper­at­ing sys­tem for users. The device is also equipped with WiFi 6 AX201 and Blue­tooth 5.1 for wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty. Please note that the key­board is not includ­ed and must be pur­chased sep­a­rate­ly.