Price: AED 1,239.00
(as of Apr 01, 2024 03:02:02 UTC — Details)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er


Ultra-Portable Design

Mea­sur­ing a mere 0.6″ thick and weigh­ing about 2 pounds, this com­pact mon­i­tor can be eas­i­ly packed and trans­port­ed wher­ev­er you go.

Advanced Touch Capa­bil­i­ties and Screen Per­for­mance

An advanced in-cell capac­i­tive touch­screen pro­vides a smooth and respon­sive expe­ri­ence with every tap, pinch, and swipe, while also deliv­er­ing awe­some front-of-screen per­for­mance and incred­i­ble images.

*One-point touch sup­port for MacOS; does not apply to iOS & iPa­dOS devices.

Full HD 1080p Res­o­lu­tion

This mon­i­tor fea­tures Full HD 1920x1080 res­o­lu­tion for unbe­liev­able pix­el-by-pix­el image per­for­mance. You’ll expe­ri­ence the most amaz­ing clar­i­ty and detail whether it be while work­ing, gam­ing, or enjoy­ing the lat­est in mul­ti­me­dia enter­tain­ment.


2‑Way Pow­er with USB Type‑C

Dual USB Type‑C ports deliv­er fast data, audio, and video over a sin­gle cable. What’s more, these USB Type‑C ports also deliv­er two-way pow­er: a con­nect­ed lap­top can pow­er the mon­i­tor, or the mon­i­tor can pow­er a con­nect­ed lap­top via USB‑C pow­er bank or AC adapter and out­let.

Ver­sa­tile Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

In addi­tion to dual USB Type‑C ports with charg­ing, this mon­i­tor also fea­tures mini HDMI and a 3.5mm head­phone jack for plug-and-play con­nec­tiv­i­ty to a vari­ety of mul­ti­me­dia devices.

Gam­ing On The Go

View­Son­ic portable mon­i­tors pro­vide sim­ple set­up to all your favorite gam­ing devices. Enjoy gam­ing any­where you go!

*Con­nect via USB C or mini HDMI


Por­trait Ori­en­ta­tion

Piv­ot your screen and view con­tent in por­trait mode for eas­i­er view­ing of tables, pro­gram­ming code, pho­to-edit­ing, gam­ing, etc.

Built-In Stand

A con­ve­nient built-in stand enables you to ori­ent the screen in both por­trait and land­scape modes.

Mag­net­ic Cov­er

A detach­able, anti-slip mag­net­ic cov­er pro­tects the screen when closed, and keeps the mon­i­tor from slid­ing away when open.

Con­nec­tiv­i­ty tech­nol­o­gy: HDMI
Dis­play size: 15.6 inch­es
Dis­play tech­nol­o­gy: LED