MSI Prestige 15 Ultrabook Business Laptop, Intel Core I7-1185G7, 15.6 Inch FHD Display, 1Tb SSD M.2 PCiE, 16GB DDR4 RAM, ‎NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Graphics, Windows 10 — Eng/Ar Keyboard, Carbon Black

MSI Prestige 15 Ultrabook Business Laptop, Intel Core I7-1185G7, 15.6 Inch FHD Display, 1Tb SSD M.2 PCiE, 16GB DDR4 RAM, ‎NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Graphics, Windows 10 — Eng/Ar Keyboard, Carbon Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

msi logo

msi logo

About MSI

“As a world leader in high-end com­put­er hard­ware solu­tions, MSI is unwa­ver­ing­ly com­mit­ted to cut­ting-edge inno­va­tion and aes­thet­ic design that not only ful­fill cus­tomer needs across indus­tries but also ele­vate human life. MSI is ded­i­cat­ed to empow­er­ing glob­al gamers, cre­ators, and busi­ness elites with solu­tions engi­neered to sat­is­fy their every need.”

“The Essence Of Elite”

Pres­tige 15

MSI taps into the spir­it of explo­ration by design­ing the great­est lap­top col­lec­tion- Pres­tige Series. To keep more effi­cient of the work, these fine­ly- craft­ed machines not only show unique taste but also are immense­ly pow­er­ful. Thin and light yet immense­ly pow­er­ful, enhances your style and work­flow wher­ev­er you go.

Mil­i­tary Grade Dura­bil­i­ty
MSI Cre­ator Cen­tre
True Col­or Tech­nol­o­gy
Light in weight (1.6 kg)
Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty up to 16 hours Bat­tery Life


prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Break­ing the Bound­aries of Per­for­mance.

The Pres­tige Series fea­tures the lat­est 11th Gen. Intel Core i7 proces­sor deliv­er­ing heavy­weight per­for­mance and light­weight porta­bil­i­ty which will keep you in the flow, wher­ev­er you go.

GeForce GTX 16 Series Lap­tops, The Ulti­mate Play

Intel Core i7 Proces­sors with NVIDIA dis­crete graph­ics GTX1650. To keep more effi­cient of the work, these fine­ly- craft­ed machines not only show unique taste but also are immense­ly pow­er­ful.

A Key­board Made for You

Hav­ing a key­board that’s made to be ergonom­ic, with an opti­mized trav­el dis­tance makes all the dif­fer­ence when you’re typ­ing. You can type in com­fort day or night with the back­lit key­board.

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Design for Future

Craft­ed in an ultra-light & slim alu­minum chas­sis, the Pres­tige Series is made portable and styl­ish wher­ev­er you go. With a 180° lay-flat and ultra-thin bezels that max­i­mize screen real estate, the Pres­tige Series makes it easy to share your ideas with clients.

Con­nect & Charge

Paired with mul­ti­ple Thun­der­bolt ports, the Pres­tige Series sup­ports pow­er deliv­ery through its ports so you can quick-charge your devices, trans­fer data at 40Gbps and con­nect to mul­ti­ple dis­plays and periph­er­als. In addi­tion, Pres­tige Series equips with the lat­est UHS-II high-speed card read­er offers fast data trans­fer.

PCIe Gen 4 Stor­age Sup­port

PCIe 4.0 effi­cient­ly boosts the dai­ly work­flow and even has bet­ter sig­nal reli­a­bil­i­ty and integri­ty for improved per­for­mance.

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

prestige 15

Mod­ern Expe­ri­ence

With Win­dows Hel­lo, you can sign in with your face or fin­ger­print. Login faster and more secure­ly to your lap­top up to 3 times faster than a pass­word. Enjoy the pass­word-free expe­ri­ence on a sup­port­ed web ser­vice with the lat­est FIDO 2 authen­ti­ca­tion.

Spec­tac­u­lar Visu­al Expe­ri­ence

Visu­al­ize your work with the bril­liant True Pix­el dis­play. The exclu­sive True Pix­el dis­play deliv­ers true-to-life images with 4K res­o­lu­tion, AdobeRGB 100% col­or gamut, fac­to­ry-cal­i­brat­ed Delta‑E <2 the box accu­ra­cy, True Col­or Tech­nol­o­gy, and Ver­i­fied by Cal­Man- tools nec­es­sary for cre­ative work, design, pho­to, and video edit­ing.

Mobil­i­ty with­out Com­pro­mise

Your office can be any­where you need it, this col­lec­tion keeps the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty going through the long-last­ing bat­tery. No mat­ter the loca­tion, whether it’s a cof­fee shop or a long over­seas flight, this lap­top is sure to sup­port those needs when­ev­er and wher­ev­er they arise. The Pres­tige Series boasts the lat­est wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty which ensures the fastest net­work­ing speeds for large file trans­fers or con­fer­ence calls.

Win­dows 10 Home Stan­dard, 11th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Tiger Lake i7-1185G7 Proces­sor: Uncom­pro­mised pow­er and per­for­mance to max­i­mize effi­cien­cy, mul­ti-task work and cre­ativ­i­ty.
Ultra-Portable, Thin Bezel: MSI Pres­tige 15 ful­fills your diverse porta­bil­i­ty needs, the new bat­tery design allows up to 16 hours of use, Long bat­tery life means you can keep going beyond your day with­out recharg­ing.
1TB M.2 PCIe and GTX 1650, GDDR6 4GB Graph­ics for crisp and HD Qual­i­ty: Ded­i­cat­ed graph­ic card for eye-catch­ing view by empow­er­ing pix­el-per­fect pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Plug into Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty: Rapid­ly charge and trans­fer data up to 40Gbps with 2x Type‑C (USB / DP / Thun­der­bolt) with PD charg­ing, 2x Type‑A (USB3.2 Gen2), 1x Micro SD, 1x (4K @ 60Hz) HDMI, and Wi-Fi 6 AX201(2*2 ax) + BT5.1.
Craft­ed with dia­mond-cut edge and sand­blast­ed tex­ture: MSI Pres­tige with 15″ FHD, IPS-lev­el pan­el that sur­prise you with high qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, it is designed to be unique yet ele­gant

ROG Strix SCAR 16 G634JZ-NM063W Off Black, Gaming Laptop, i9-13980HX, 32GB, 2TB SSD, NV RTX4080, WIN11 HOME, 16 inch QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA) 240Hz, HD Webcam, RGB-Eng-Arb-KB + ROG Backpack.

ROG Strix SCAR 16 G634JZ-NM063W Off Black, Gaming Laptop, i9-13980HX, 32GB, 2TB SSD, NV RTX4080, WIN11 HOME, 16 inch QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA) 240Hz, HD Webcam, RGB-Eng-Arb-KB + ROG Backpack.

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





13th Gen Intel Core i9-13980HX Proces­sor 2.2 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Lap­top GPU
QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA)

ROG Strix Scar 16

Dom­i­nate the Win­dows 11 Home bat­tle­field with the all-new ROG Strix SCAR 16. Intro­duc­ing a 16-inch screen to the SCAR line­up for the first time, see the ene­my more clear­ly than ever before. Pow­ered by a 13th Gen Intel Core i9-13980HX proces­sor and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Lap­top GPU with a max TGP of 175W, the SCAR 16 eas­i­ly han­dles even the most demand­ing games.








In mod­ern mul­ti­play­er games, a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion is imper­a­tive. The Strix SCAR 16 is ready to join the fight with a ded­i­cat­ed RJ45 port, as well as the lat­est Wi-Fi 6E wire­less stan­dard. On Wi-Fi 6E sup­port­ed net­works, enjoy access to the newest wire­less band, free from clut­ter and inter­fer­ence from your home’s oth­er wire­less devices, ensur­ing you nev­er lag out again.


To accom­mo­date such pow­er­ful com­po­nents, the Strix SCAR 16’s chas­sis and moth­er­board were both redesigned to accom­mo­date our new full-width heatsink, while the cop­per fins were moved even clos­er to the exhaust vents for more effi­cient cool­ing. This unique heatsink is built from three dif­fer­ent sec­tions, sur­round­ing the moth­er­board with dense­ly packed fins for a total sur­face area of 195,509mm², a 82.5% increase from the 2022 Strix SCAR 17. This design max­i­mizes the avail­able pathing for hot air to escape the machine and dras­ti­cal­ly increas­es over­all cool­ing.


For gamers who demand the absolute best motion and image clar­i­ty, the SCAR 16 offers an incred­i­ble Neb­u­la dis­play with a 240Hz refresh rate, 100% DCI-P3 cov­er­age, and a stag­ger­ing 500 nits bright­ness for stun­ning game­play. The 18-inch, 16:10 aspect ratio QHD pan­el pro­vides stag­ger­ing­ly deep blacks for con­tent that jumps right off the screen, whether you’re watch­ing a movie or play­ing a fast-mov­ing are­na shoot­er.








The 2023 Strix SCAR 16 con­tin­ues to embody the dis­tinct style of ROG. With sharp chas­sis designs, unique RGB accents, and a dis­tinct gam­ing vibe, a Strix lap­top will always stand out from the crowd. New for 2022, the Strix SCAR fea­tures a rear glow RGB pan­el, which paired togeth­er with per-key RGB illu­mi­na­tion on the key­board and the light bar make the lap­top a bea­con of gam­ing pow­er from any angle.


Dol­by Atmos-pow­ered speak­ers include two tweet­ers and two down­ward fir­ing woofers to cre­ate an authen­tic sound stage for your games. Hi-Res audio ensures you hear your music in the same qual­i­ty it was record­ed. Two Way AI Noise Can­ce­la­tion process­es both incom­ing and out­go­ing audio to fil­ter any errant back­ground nois­es, mak­ing sure that your calls, chats and streams come through with­out dis­trac­tion.

All Day Endurance

The Strix SCAR 16 is ready to go the dis­tance. Fea­tur­ing a 90Wh bat­tery, the lap­top can eas­i­ly browse the web for hours away from the wall before need­ing a recharge. For flex­i­bil­i­ty on the go, USB Type‑C charg­ing is sup­port­ed up to 100W. When charg­ing using the sup­plied 330W pow­er adapter, the SCAR 16 can recharge from zero to 50% in just 30 min­utes.

ROG Strix SCAR 16 Pow­ered by a 13th Gen Intel Core i9 Proces­sor 2.2 GHz (36M Cache, up to 5.6 GHz, 24 cores: 8 P‑cores and 16 E‑cores) and GeForce RTX 4080 GPU is ful­ly unleashed with a max TGP of 175W, 12GB GDDR6 Graph­ics Card, 32GB DDR5 RAM, 2TB PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 Per­for­mance SSD, 16 inch QHD+ 16:10 (2560 x 1600, WQXGA), RGB Key­board +ROG Back­pack.
ROG Strix SCAR 16 offers an incred­i­ble Neb­u­la dis­play with a 240Hz refresh rate, 100% DCI-P3 cov­er­age, and a stag­ger­ing 500 nits bright­ness for stun­ning game­play.
ROG Strix SCAR’s key­board switch­es are rat­ed to last over 20 mil­lion press­es, and n‑key rollover guar­an­tees your sys­tem will nev­er miss com­mand even if you’re press­ing mul­ti­ple keys at once.
Two Way AI Noise Can­ce­la­tion process­es both incom­ing and out­go­ing audio to fil­ter any errant back­ground nois­es, mak­ing sure that your calls, chats and streams come through with­out dis­trac­tion. The Strix SCAR 16 is ready to join the fight with a ded­i­cat­ed RJ45 port, as well as the lat­est Wi-Fi 6E wire­less stan­dard.
2 Year War­ran­ty

Dell XPS 15 9520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ FHD+ | Core i9-1TB SSD — 32GB RAM — 3050 Ti | 14 Cores @ 5 GHz — 12th Gen CPU Win 11 Pro, Platinum Silver (XPS 9520 Laptop)

Dell XPS 15 9520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ FHD+ | Core i9-1TB SSD — 32GB RAM — 3050 Ti | 14 Cores @ 5 GHz — 12th Gen CPU Win 11 Pro, Platinum Silver (XPS 9520 Laptop)

Dell XPS 9520 Lap­top 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen Plat­inum Silveri9 i9-12900HK Four­teen-Core Proces­sor 3.8GHz (5GHz With Tur­bo Boost)1TB SSD Hard Dri­ve & 32GB RAM Memory1920x1200 FHD+ res­o­lu­tion Non-Touch with an inte­grat­ed Web­cam and an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Graph­ics Card­Wire­less Wifi & Blue­tooth. Win­dows 11 Pro­fes­sion­alFea­tures & Design
[ And Great­est] Released in 2022 The XPS 9520 Lap­top is Del­l’s release in the 15″ XPS fam­i­ly and comes with all the tech­nol­o­gy includ­ing DDR5 Mem­o­ry clocked at a whop­ping 4800MHz and a 12th gen­er­a­tion Intel 14-core Proces­sor. The Four­teen cores on the Core i9-12900HK proces­sor allows for excep­tion­al mul­ti­task­ing. To save pow­er and pro­long bat­tery life the proces­sor will run @ 3.8Ghz under low use but will boost to 5GHz under heavy use for pow­er­ful per­for­mance!
[Dis­play & Graph­ics] This XPS 9520 Lap­top comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with FHD+ (1920x1200) res­o­lu­tion for stun­ning­ly clear visu­als and ‘a Ded­i­cat­ed Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti graph­ics card with 4GB of Ded­i­cat­ed Graph­ics Ram great for gam­ing or pho­to and video edit­ing
[High Speed RAM And Enor­mous Space] The 32GB DDR5 RAM Run­ning @ 4800MHz will let you smooth­ly run mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions and brows­er tabs all at once and a 1TB (1000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Sol­id State Dri­ve will pro­vide fast start­up, fast data trans­fers, and allow for large file stor­age!
[Oper­at­ing Sys­tem] Win­dows 11 is Microsoft­’s Oper­at­ing Sys­tem released in 2022 and if you want to down­grade to the old­er win­dows 10, you can down­grade with an easy down­load from Microsoft­’s website.Windows Pro comes with every­thing that Win­dows Home comes with, plus extra fea­tures your orga­ni­za­tion might require like active direc­to­ry and bit­lock­er device encryp­tion (nor­mal­ly an $100 upgrade if pur­chased seper­ate­ly).
[Extra Details] A Wecbam comes inte­grat­ed. Wifi and Blue­tooth come inte­grat­ed.

Acer Nitro V ANV15 Gaming laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i5-13420H Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR5 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/6GB NVIDIA®GeForce®RTX 3050 Graphics/15.6“FHD IPS 144Hz Display/Win 11 Home/Obsidian Black

Acer Nitro V ANV15 Gaming laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i5-13420H Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR5 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/6GB NVIDIA®GeForce®RTX 3050 Graphics/15.6“FHD IPS 144Hz Display/Win 11 Home/Obsidian Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er









Beyond Per­for­mance

Empow­er your gam­ing and cre­ativ­i­ty with the Nitro

V 15, com­bin­ing a 13th Gen Intel Core i7

proces­sor with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40

Series Lap­top GPUs. These pow­er­hous­es sup­port

up to Gen4 top-speed M.2 PCIe NVMe SSDs and

up to 32GB of DDR5 RAM, equip­ping you with light­speed

capa­bil­i­ties whether you’re orches­trat­ing a

cli­mac­tic bat­tle or craft­ing your next visu­al


An Era of Visu­al Dom­i­nance

Wel­come to a new era of visu­al dom­i­nance. See

your dig­i­tal con­quests unfold in vibrant Full HD on a

15.6″ screen, per­fect­ly timed at a light­ning-fast

165Hz refresh rate and a wide 16:9 aspect ratio

pro­vid­ing 82.64% screen-to-body ratio. It’s like

hav­ing a por­tal to the gam­ing uni­verse right on your


Keep Your Cool

Keep your cool amidst the most fierce gam­ing

galax­ies, thanks to Nitro V 15’s inno­v­a­tive dual fans

and effec­tive exhaust sys­tem. As you nav­i­gate

inter­stel­lar con­flicts, your lap­top stays serene as

deep space. Its gra­di­ent design mir­rors the neon

hues of a futur­is­tic cityscape, immers­ing you deep­er

into your gam­ing uni­verse.







Stay Con­nect­ed

Your gam­ing sanc­tu­ary is wher­ev­er you are. On the

couch? Set­tle in with fast and sta­ble Wi-Fi 6.

Gam­ing cafe? Get an edge online with Giga­bit

Eth­er­net. No mat­ter your loca­tion, Nitro V 15

ensures you’re always in the dri­ver’s seat. With the

pow­er­ful Thun­der­bolt 4 port, you have the tri­fec­ta

of pow­er charg­ing and data trans­fer with

bidi­rec­tion­al move­ment and video dis­play in one


No Lim­its with NitroSense

Chan­nel your inner gam­ing strate­gist with the

NitroSense util­i­ty app. Fine-tune your gam­ing set­up

to match your style, be it adjust­ing fan speeds for

those heat­ed bat­tles or cus­tomiz­ing light­ing for

immer­sive explo­ration. The pow­er is at your

fin­ger­tips, trans­form­ing your lap­top into a per­fect­ly

cal­i­brat­ed com­mand cen­ter for every gam­ing


Always Be Heard and Seen

DTS X: Ultra Audio pro­vides a son­ic advan­tage in

your space-age bat­tles. Expe­ri­ence crys­tal clear

com­mu­ni­ca­tion with AI-pow­ered Acer Puri­fied­View

and Puri­fied­Voice noise reduc­tion tech­nol­o­gy. You’ll

feel like you’re in the com­mand cen­ter of a

space­ship, with pin­point sound accu­ra­cy giv­ing you

the edge in your gam­ing skir­mish­es.

15.6″ FHD IPS 144Hz Slim­Bezel LED LCD with 6GB Nvidia RTX 3050 Graph­ics
Cool­ness Under Fire with Acer Cool-boost tech­nol­o­gy and Quad exhaust port design
Visu­al Inten­si­ty with boost­ed the screen-to-body ratio to 80% with nar­row 7.18mm bezels and life­like col­ors using a 72% NTSC, 300-nit pan­el
Intel Killer E2600 Eth­er­net Con­troller, Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX1650i, and Con­trol Cen­ter 2.0, you have all the tools you need to clear out the online com­pe­ti­tion. You deserve the low laten­cy and reli­able con­nec­tion that only Killer net­works can pro­vide.
Plug all your periph­er­als into the full range of ports, includ­ing HDMI 2.0 and the newest USB 3.2 stan­dard with Gen1 and 2 sup­port.

UGREEN Aluminum Vertical Laptop Stand, Double Desktop Stand Holder with Adjustable Dock Space-Saving Anti Slide Silicone Grips for All Tablet/iPad MacBook/Surface/Samsung/HP/Dell/Chrome Book Black

UGREEN Aluminum Vertical Laptop Stand, Double Desktop Stand Holder with Adjustable Dock Space-Saving Anti Slide Silicone Grips for All Tablet/iPad MacBook/Surface/Samsung/HP/Dell/Chrome Book Black

From the brand




More For You



UGREEN Laptop Stand

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Pack­age Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 16.3 x 8.7 x 5.6 cm; 220 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 10 Sep­tem­ber 2023
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ Ugreen Group Lim­it­ed
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ 25706

【Save Desk­top Space】The ver­ti­cal lap­top cra­dle is 3.1″ wide & 5.9″ long and allows you to fold up or ele­gant­ly dis­play your lap­top, free­ing up desk space and wide­ly suit­able for home and office. You can place your note­book on the lap­top dock stand and tuck it behind your mon­i­tor. It allows you to use closed-dis­play mode for Mac­books. Note: Exter­nal mon­i­tors will work while the lap­top is closed.
【Adjustable Width】Easily loosen the base screws to sim­ply adjust the gap and ten­sion to fit any lap­top with the thick­ness between 0.47″ and 1″.
【Pro­tec­tion & Anti-scratch】Non-slip sil­i­cone pad cov­ers the lap­top slot to avoid scratch­ing your device.he desk lap­top stand hold­er is cov­ered with non-slip sil­i­cone pads inside the slot, per­fect­ly pro­tect­ing your PC from scratch­es.
【Study and Stable】Built with heavy alu­minum alloy, this rock-sol­id durable frame pro­vides the need­ed weight to keep the ver­ti­cal lap­top stand steady. And the rub­ber base pads pre­vent this lap­top hold­er from slip­ping and move­ment.
【Broad Lap­top Compatibility】This UGREEN lap­top dock is com­pat­i­ble with Mac­Book Pro 2021 Air, HP Spec­tre x360 14, Mac­Book Pro 13, Dell xps 13, Leno­vo ThinkPad X1 Nano and oth­er lap­tops under 15.6 Inch­es.
【What You Get】1 * UGREEN Adjustable Lap­top Stor­age (Black), 24-month war­ran­ty, 24-hour cus­tomer ser­vice, life­time tech­ni­cal sup­port.

Toughbook Panasonic FZ-55 MK2, Intel i5-11th Gen, 14 inch Full HD Display, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 64GB, 1TB Opal NVME SSD, 4G LTE, Thunderbolt 4, Finger Print, VGA, Serial, 2nd LAN, Windows 11 Pro

Toughbook Panasonic FZ-55 MK2, Intel i5-11th Gen, 14 inch Full HD Display, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 64GB, 1TB Opal NVME SSD, 4G LTE, Thunderbolt 4, Finger Print, VGA, Serial, 2nd LAN, Windows 11 Pro

Intro­duc­ing the Pana­son­ic Tough­book 55 FZ-55 MK2 — the semi rugged yet sleek pow­er­house designed to excel in the most chal­leng­ing envi­ron­ments. Built to mil­i­tary-grade MIL-STD-810H stan­dards, this lap­top is a true work­horse. It can endure 3‑foot drops, shocks, vibra­tions, extreme tem­per­a­tures, and more, all while main­tain­ing an impres­sive IP53 rat­ing and a spill-resis­tant back­lit key­board. **Uncom­pro­mis­ing Per­for­mance:** Pow­ered by an Intel Core i5-1145G7 vPro proces­sor run­ning at 2.6GHz (with Tur­bo Boost up to 4.4GHz), a 14-inch full high-def­i­n­i­tion dis­play with up to 1000 nits (1920 x 1080), and Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics. The inte­grat­ed 1080p infrared web­cam sup­ports Win­dows Hel­lo for secure and con­ve­nient logins. **Stay Con­nect­ed and Pro­tect­ed:** Enjoy unmatched con­nec­tiv­i­ty with Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201, offer­ing speeds of up to 2.4 Gbps, and Blue­tooth 5.1 (Class 1). The semi-rugged lap­top also fea­tures 4G LTE (Band 14) mul­ti-car­ri­er with satel­lite GPS, ensur­ing you stay con­nect­ed even in remote areas. It’s also com­pat­i­ble with First­Net and CBRS Band 48. For added secu­ri­ty, it includes a Microsoft Secured-core PC com­pat­i­ble Fin­ger Print Read­er (FZ-VFP551W). **Ver­sa­tile Con­nec­tiv­i­ty:** The lap­top boasts a USB‑C Thun­der­bolt 4, 40Gbps 3A (w/PD), USB‑A x2 (10Gbps 1.5A, 5Gbps 0.9A), HDMI 2.0, and Eth­er­net 1Gbps, MicroS­DXC UHS‑I, Audio In/Out 3.5mm, Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF x1, eSIM x1) all neat­ly pro­tect­ed behind port cov­ers. **Expan­sion Rear Port Add On** VGA, Ser­i­al and 2nd LAN Expan­sion xPAK (FZ-VCN552W) **Win­dows 11 Pro Ready:** It comes with Win­dows 11 Pro, offer­ing the lat­est oper­at­ing sys­tem for a seam­less com­put­ing expe­ri­ence. **Long-Last­ing Bat­tery:** Equipped with a high-capac­i­ty Li-Ion Bat­tery (10.8V, 6500mAh typ­i­cal), this lap­top keeps you pow­ered through­out your work­day. The AC 100V-240V world­wide pow­er adapter adds to its excep­tion­al con­ve­nience. **Portable and Durable:** With dimen­sions mea­sur­ing 10.7“x 13.6“x 1.3″ and weigh­ing just 4.9 pounds
Excep­tion­al Dura­bil­i­ty, Ver­sa­til­i­ty, and Secu­ri­ty: The Pana­son­ic Tough­book FZ-55 MK2 is a rugged and depend­able lap­top that goes above and beyond. It’s designed to with­stand MIL-STD-810H tests and boasts an IP53 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, com­plete with a spill-resis­tant key­board. It offers ver­sa­til­i­ty with expan­sion xPAK VGA, Ser­i­al, and a 2nd LAN (FZVCN552W). With 4G LTE sup­port fea­tur­ing mul­ti-car­ri­er satel­lite GPS and the added secu­ri­ty of a Microsoft Secured-core PC-com­pat­i­ble Fin­ger Print read­er
Pow­er­ful Graph­ics & Dis­play: The 14-inch FHD (1920 x 1080) with upto 1000 nit dis­play on the FZ-55 MK2 pro­vides stun­ning visu­als, com­ple­ment­ed by Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics for impres­sive graph­ics per­for­mance. Whether you’re crunch­ing num­bers or enjoy­ing mul­ti­me­dia con­tent, this lap­top deliv­ers excep­tion­al clar­i­ty
Pow­er­ful Intel Core i5 Proces­sor: Equipped with an Intel Core i5-1145G7 vPro proces­sor and speeds of up to 4.4GHz with Tur­bo Boost tech­nol­o­gy. With its siz­able 8MB cache, 64GB RAM and 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD the lap­top effi­cient­ly han­dles data for smooth mul­ti­task­ing and seam­less per­for­mance.
Effort­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Enjoy seam­less con­nec­tions via Intel Wi-Fi 6 and Blue­tooth 5.1. The FZ-55 MK2 boasts a wide range of ports includ­ing USB C Thun­der­bolt 4, USB 3.1 type A, HDMI 2.0, 1 Gbps Eth­er­net, 3.5mm Mini-jack stereo Audio In/Out, MicroS­DXC UHS‑I, and a 24-pin dock­ing con­nec­tor. It even sup­ports Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF, eSIM) for ver­sa­tile com­mu­ni­ca­tion for 4G LTE fea­ture.
Pow­er & Oper­at­ing Sys­tem: With an excep­tion­al bat­tery life of up to 18 hours and rapid 3‑hour charg­ing, stay pow­ered all day long. Plus, with Win­dows 11 Pro as the oper­at­ing sys­tem, you’ll have access to the lat­est fea­tures and enhance­ments for your work­flow

Lenovo B210 15.6 inch Casual Laptop Backpack, Black

Lenovo B210 15.6 inch Casual Laptop Backpack, Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Stand­out from the ‘Pack’

The Leno­vo On-trend Back­pack by NAVA is more than just a mod­ern bag, it’s also a com­ple­ment to both your char­ac­ter and lifestyle.

With NAVA, this bag car­ries an Ital­ian design her­itage respect­ed around the globe. A com­bi­na­tion of present day style and mod­ern prac­ti­cal­i­ty, the bag has con­ve­nient­ly placed zip­pers, pock­ets, and stor­age.

The padded main com­part­ment serves as a hous­ing area for your note­book and/or tablet and fea­tures sev­er­al pock­ets and slots for your favorite acces­sories and per­son­al items.

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Lenovo 15.6 On-trend Backpack by NAVA

Ital­ian Designed

Designed with Ital­ian design­er NAVA, your bag deliv­ers the right bal­ance between urban design and mod­ern day func­tion­al­i­ty.


15.6″ of con­vey­ing design for note­books up to 15.6″, tablets, books and jour­nals, and oth­er per­son­al items nec­es­sary to your lifestyle.

Ver­sa­tile. Prac­ti­cal

One large, padded com­part­ment paired with 2 zip­pered pock­ets, 2 open pock­ets, 4 card slots, and 2 pen hold­ers ensure there’s a place for every­thing.

With pro­tec­tive rein­force­ment in the toe

Jumper Touchscreen Laptop, 13.3 inches HD Slim Portable 8GB RAM 128GB SSD Laptop Computer, EZbook X3 Air, Webcam, WiFi, Bluetooth, DTS 3D Stereo, for Windows 10 PC Notebook(UK)

Jumper Touchscreen Laptop, 13.3 inches HD Slim Portable 8GB RAM 128GB SSD Laptop Computer, EZbook X3 Air, Webcam, WiFi, Bluetooth, DTS 3D Stereo, for Windows 10 PC Notebook(UK)

Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 1 x 1 x 1 cm; 1.94 kg
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 10 May 2021
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ BTER
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B094JX42QY
Man­u­fac­tur­er ref­er­ence ‏ : ‎ BTER1ah­m4uk­f2z5012-12

★【AMAZING VIEWER EXPERIENCE】★ Jumper EZbook X3 Air bring extreme­ly thin expe­ri­ence, the screen pro­vide you wider and brighter dis­play. With the remark­able 89% screen-to-body ratio, the full-view dis­play gives you a mas­sive view in vivid details. Its 16:9 aspect ratio is per­fect for read­ing and writ­ing. And the wide colour gamut makes the images and videos more vibrant and real­is­tic as if it is real.
★【MEMORY & STORAGE】★ A new lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al per­for­mance with for Intel Celeron Gem­i­ni Lake N4100 proces­sor and for Intele UHD Graph­ics 600 graph­ics, up to 8GB of mem­o­ry and up to 128GB of fast SSD stor­age, the Jumper EZbook X3 Air is built to pro­vide all the horse­pow­er you need.
★【EXPERIENCE GREAT PERFORMANCE】★ Pos­sess incred­i­ble mul­ti­task­ing effi­cien­cy, faster image pro­cess­ing and smoother using expe­ri­ences are now all in one. The upgrad­ed 2.4G+5.0GHz Wi‑Fi and Blue­tooth ensures bet­ter con­nec­tion with­out any wor­ries.
★【ELEGANT AND PORTABLE】★ Equipped with craft­ed double‑sided aluminium‑magnesium alloy met­al, with mocha brown colour, which has under­gone 46 process­es such as CNC cut­ting, anodiz­ing treat­ment, bring­ing tac­tile touch, shin­ing lus­ter and del­i­cate tex­ture. Ele­gant, fash­ion, incred­i­bly portable. The ele­gant metal­lic body with exquis­ite CNC dia­mond cut­ting and sand­blast fin­ish­ing is just 11.5mm thin and weighs only 1.06kg, com­fort­able to take any­where.
★【DTS THREE DIMENSIONAL STEREO&100% WARRANTY】★ Clas­si­cal and ele­gant sound catch your ears. The pow­er­ful good-qual­i­ty speak­ers and DTS three dimen­sion­al stereo field offers you woofers with deep and res­o­nant bass and tweet­ers with clear tre­ble, which will bring you an immer­sive lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence. Wor­ry-Free Pur­chase, A Year War­ran­ty, Free Return And Exchange! Click to buy now!

Twelve South HiRise Pro for Laptops and MacBooks | Ergonomic, Height-Adjustable Stand with MagSafe Wireless Capable Charging Base (Silver)

Twelve South HiRise Pro for Laptops and MacBooks | Ergonomic, Height-Adjustable Stand with MagSafe Wireless Capable Charging Base (Silver)

HiRise Pro for Lap­tops or Mac­Books is an ergonom­ic height-adjustable desk­top stand that lets you ele­vate your lap­top to your most com­fort­able view­ing height . HiRise Pro has a leather base and offers space to MagSafe wire­less­ly charge a device and save space on your desk. With its spring-loaded pis­ton, you can cus­tomize the height of your device for reduced neck strain. HiRise has two sil­i­cone-lined arms that grip your lap­top or Mac­Book with upturned ends to pre­vent slip­ping, while open arms pro­vide max­i­mum air­flow. Pair with a key­board and mouse, and get down to busi­ness to cre­ate a work­sta­tion any­where. If you pre­fer two screens, HiRise lets you set the hori­zon of your lap­top to the same height as your dis­play for the ulti­mate dual-screen set­up.
Insert a MagSage charg­ing disk (not includ­ed) under the leather base into a spe­cial chanel to MagSafe wire­less­ly charge your iPhone or Air­Pods with­out tak­ing up extra space on your desk. The charg­ing sec­tion is ele­vat­ed to acco­mo­date larg­er iPhone cam­eras that pro­trude from the back and allow them to lay com­plete­ly flat to charge.
The entire sur­face of each arm is cov­ered with a pat­terned sil­i­cone to hold and ful­ly pro­tect all size Mac­Book’s or lap­tops. To pre­vent acci­den­tal falls or slip­ping, the ends of the arms are upturned.
Rear pis­ton eas­i­ly adjusts the height of your Mac­Book or lap­top up to 6 inch­es for improved ergonom­ics and reduced neck strain.
The arms help to keep your lap­top base exposed to improve air­flow and cool­ing, allow­ing for a qui­eter per­for­mance.
HiRise is made from alu­minum to ensure a stur­dy base and last­ing per­for­mance.

ALLDOCUBE iPlay 40 Pro 10.4 inch Tablet, Android 11, 2000x1200 Resolution Octa Core Tablet, Up to 2Ghz, 8GB RAM, 256GB ROM, 8MP Rear Camera, Bluetooth 5.0, 2.4G&5G Wi-Fi, GPS, Black

ALLDOCUBE iPlay 40 Pro 10.4 inch Tablet, Android 11, 2000x1200 Resolution Octa Core Tablet, Up to 2Ghz, 8GB RAM, 256GB ROM, 8MP Rear Camera, Bluetooth 5.0, 2.4G&5G Wi-Fi, GPS, Black

ALLDOCUBE iPlay40 Pro Tablet PC,10.4 inch 1200x2000 FHD Android11 tablet,8GB RAM 256GB ROM/2TB expand­able, Dual Wifi Tablet, T618 Octa Core CPU, 5MP+8MP Cam­era, GPS, Bluetooth5.0, 6000mAh, Type C, Inter­na­tion­al Ver­sion.
🥇【New Android 11 OS tablet】 The GMS-cer­ti­fied ALLDOCUBE iPlay40 Pro tablet offers the lat­est Android 11 ver­sion with basic Google apps that are already acti­vat­ed and with­out bloat­ware. Get rid of unex­pect­ed ads and have full access to Google Play. Down­load the apps you love, such as: B. Skype, Net­Flix, YouTube, kids app and more.
🥇【High-per­for­mance Android tablet】The 10.4‑inch ALLDOCUBE iPlay40Pro tablet is pow­ered by a 64-bit octa-core high-per­for­mance proces­sor with 2.0 GHz and 8 GB of RAM and offers fast app starts, smooth games and videos and excel­lent over­all per­for­mance .
🥇【Full-fea­tured portable tablet】This 10.4 inch tablet has a light­weight design that you can take with you wher­ev­er you go. Equipped with 5MP front / 8MP rear cam­eras that meet the basic needs of video speak­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. With the tablet’s built-in GPS mod­ule, you can use it wher­ev­er you want while dri­ving or out­doors. Con­nec­tion: WIFI 2.4 / 5 GHz; Blue­tooth 5.0, Type‑C con­nec­tion.
🥇【Vibrant 10.4‑inch 2K display】Enhanced 2000 x 1200 FHD widescreen, high-bright­ness, mul­ti-touch screen that makes you hap­py to scan pho­tos, surf the web and watch videos. Read com­fort­ably at night with Eye Health, an addi­tion­al fea­ture that auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts and opti­mizes the back­light for a more com­fort­able read­ing expe­ri­ence at night.
🥇【Large stor­age space and long bat­tery life】The ALLDOCUBE iPlay40 Pro tablet offers a huge stor­age space of 256 GB ROM as well as a microSD card slot that can expand the stor­age space to 2TB GB. A 6200 mAh lithi­um poly­mer bat­tery, togeth­er with the low pow­er con­sump­tion CPU, offers an aver­age bat­tery life of 8 to 10 hours — a good trav­el com­pan­ion for you.

HP 2023 Newest 15 Laptop, 15.6 Inch FHD IPS Touchscreen Display, Intel Core i7-1165G7 Processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, WiFi and Bluetooth, Windows 11 Home, Silver

HP 2023 Newest 15 Laptop, 15.6 Inch FHD IPS Touchscreen Display, Intel Core i7-1165G7 Processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, WiFi and Bluetooth, Windows 11 Home, Silver

【Proces­sor】 The HP Lap­top equipped with an Intel Core i7-1165G7 proces­sor, enjoy speeds of up to 4.7 GHz with Intel Tur­bo Boost Tech­nol­o­gy. This 4‑core, 8‑thread proces­sor deliv­ers excel­lent mul­ti­task­ing capa­bil­i­ties. Enjoy enhanced graph­ics for mul­ti­me­dia and gam­ing with Intel Iris Xᵉ Graphics.【15.6’‘ FHD IPS Dis­play】 The 15.6’’ FHD touch-enabled dis­play with IPS tech­nol­o­gy offers crisp and vibrant visu­als. With micro-edge design and BrightView fea­ture, enjoy immer­sive view­ing experiences.【Connectivity】 Expe­ri­ence fast and reli­able con­nec­tiv­i­ty with the Real­tek 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1) Wi-Fi and Blue­tooth 4.2 com­bo, enabling seam­less wire­less con­nec­tions for brows­ing, stream­ing, and more, while also enjoy­ing con­ve­nient ports such as a Super­Speed USB Type‑C port, two Super­Speed USB Type‑A ports, an HDMI port, and more, for effort­less device connectivity.【Long-lasting bat­tery】 With a bat­tery life of up to 7 hours and 15 min­utes on mixed usage, you can work, stream, and stay pro­duc­tive with­out wor­ry­ing about run­ning out of power.【Windows 11 Home】 Enjoy the lat­est Win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem, offer­ing a user-friend­ly inter­face and a range of fea­tures to enhance your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and entertainment.System Ram Type: ddr4_sdramWireless Comm Stan­dard: 802_11_ABGNACIncluded Com­po­nents: Lap­top, Acces­soriesTo­tal Usb Ports: 3

Huawei 2024 D16 Laptop + Gift: 16″ Eye Comfort FullView Display, 16GB RAM, 1TB, Intel Core i9-13900H, Win 11 Home, 70Wh Large Battery, Ultra Slim, Mystic Sliver

Huawei 2024 D16 Laptop + Gift: 16″ Eye Comfort FullView Display, 16GB RAM, 1TB, Intel Core i9-13900H, Win 11 Home, 70Wh Large Battery, Ultra Slim, Mystic Sliver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

MB D16 i5 8/512

MB D16 i5 8/512

Maximize Your Vision

Maximize Your Vision

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Metal Body

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Metal Body

16" Eye Comfort HUAWEI FullView Display

16" Eye Comfort HUAWEI FullView Display

Max­i­mize Your Vision

Work, play, and pur­sue your pas­sions on an effort­less­ly scrol­lable 16:10 gold­en ratio6 dis­play with a stag­ger­ing 90% screen-to-body ratio.

Vast dis­play: 16 inch­es
Gold­en aspect ratio: 16:10
Screen-to-body ratio: 90%

1.68 kg Slim and Sleek Met­al Body

Your eyes aren’t lying. This lap­top has a 16-inch screen, but it weighs as lit­tle as a stan­dard 15-inch mod­el, at 1.68 kg light body — mak­ing it portable enough for every meet­ing, work trip, and cafe trip.

16″ Eye Com­fort HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play

TUV Rhein­land Low Blue Light (Hard­ware Solu­tion) Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

Easy on the eyes, with min­i­mal blue light DC dim­ming
Com­fort­able to view over the long haul
100% sRGB wide colour gamut Pro-lev­el colour per­for­mance

High Performance Processor

High Performance Processor

Nimble Numeric Keypad

Nimble Numeric Keypad

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, Ultra-Long-Range Connectivity

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, Ultra-Long-Range Connectivity

High Per­for­mance Proces­sor

The Intel Core i5 proces­sor is a mul­ti-task­ing mas­ter, sup­port­ing more pow­er­ful and sta­ble com­put­ing, and boost­ing sin­gle-core per­for­mance by 23.6% and mul­ti-core per­for­mance by 142.3%. Two fans churn away on the inside, han­dling the heat while stay­ing silent as can be.

Nim­ble Numer­ic Key­pad

The numer­ic key­pad dou­bles office effi­cien­cy in mak­ing reports, writ­ing doc­u­ments, and inputting data, and allows you to input num­bers with only one hand. And more smart keys are here for you to explore, being your handy helper for mobile office.

HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na, Ultra-Long-Range Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

As the first lap­top mod­el to obtain the SGS five-star Wi-Fi sig­nal capa­bil­i­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, HUAWEI Mate­Book D 16 boosts file down­load speeds by 51%.16Its sig­nals trav­el and break through bar­ri­ers with the longest con­nec­tion dis­tance of 270 m. Stay plugged in any­time and any­where.

Super Device

Super Device

SuperHub, Seamless Transfers

SuperHub, Seamless Transfers

70Wh Large-capacity Battery  65 W SuperCharge

70Wh Large-capacity Battery  65 W SuperCharge

Super Device

Drag to con­nect your lap­top to a wide array of devices20 seam­less­ly via Super Device, to bring your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty through the roof with lit­tle effort.

Super­Hub, Seam­less Trans­fers

Drag any text, images, and files to Super­Hub at will, and sim­ply paste, trans­fer, and share them to your con­nect­ed devices in batch­es with remark­able ease.

70Wh Large-capac­i­ty Bat­tery 65 W Super­Charge

65 W Super­Charge and up to 70 Wh large-capac­i­ty bat­tery.

The lap­top’s 65 W mul­ti-pur­pose charg­er comes equipped with Super­Charge, to give your oth­er Huawei devices an instant boost.

AI Camera Follow, Cam That Focuses on You

AI Camera Follow, Cam That Focuses on You

Tried, Test, and Proven

Tried, Test, and Proven

Multiple Ports for Greater Versatility

Multiple Ports for Greater Versatility

AI Cam­era Fol­low, Cam That Focus­es on You

Fol­low­Cam That Focus­es on You

Have a ““face-to-face”” meet­ing with the auto-adjust­ing AI camera19, to stay in the cen­tre of the screen, and main­tain inter­ac­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions via eye con­tact. You can also set the back­ground freely to pro­tect your pri­va­cy with vir­tu­al back­ground.

Tried, Test, and Proven

We sub­ject HUAWEI Mate­Book D 16 to rig­or­ous qual­i­ty test­ing, so you can be sure that it’s equipped to han­dle what­ev­er life throws at it.

Mul­ti­ple Ports for Greater Ver­sa­til­i­ty

Mate­book D 16 comes with Mul­ti­ple Ports for Greater Ver­sa­til­i­ty

Brand: Huawei
Oper­at­ing sys­tem: Win­dows 11 Home
Cpu mod­el Speed: 3.4 GHz
Brand: Huawei
Oper­at­ing sys­tem: Win­dows 11 Home
Cpu mod­el Fam­i­ly: intel_core_i9

Razer Blade 17 Gaming Laptop: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti — 12th Gen Intel 14-Core i7 CPU — 17.3″ FHD 360Hz — 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD — Windows 11 — Chroma RGB — Thunderbolt 4 — SD Card Reader

Razer Blade 17 Gaming Laptop: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti — 12th Gen Intel 14-Core i7 CPU — 17.3″ FHD 360Hz — 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD — Windows 11 — Chroma RGB — Thunderbolt 4 — SD Card Reader

With­in its sleek 15” chas­sis, the new Raz­er Blade 17 is equipped with the lat­est Intel 12th Gen H‑Series proces­sors for max­i­mum per­for­mance. Paired with NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 30 Ti series graph­ics for stun­ning visu­als that are brought to life with a vari­ety of dis­plays.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPU: Play like nev­er before on the new GeForce RTX 3070 Ti, up to 70% faster than RTX 2070 SUPER lap­tops and deliv­er­ing up to 100 frames per sec­ond at 1440p res­o­lu­tion
12th Gen Intel Core i7 14-Core CPU: Expe­ri­ence cut­ting-edge speed on the all-new Intel Core i7-12800H proces­sor with up to 4.8GHz of Tur­bo Boost for unri­valled per­for­mance to take on the most demand­ing gam­ing and cre­ative tasks
FHD 360Hz Dis­play: Com­pete at the high­est lev­el with max­i­mum frames and the fastest refresh rate avail­able to gain the unfair advan­tage
DDR5 4800MHz Mem­o­ry: 50% faster than the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion – enjoy a quick­er, smoother expe­ri­ence when load­ing appli­ca­tions, run­ning games, and per­form­ing oth­er every­day tasks
Next-Gen Vapor Cham­ber Cool­ing: Upgrad­ed with more exhaust fins, qui­eter fans, and a larg­er liq­uid capac­i­ty, the new Blade 17 per­forms cool­er and qui­eter than ever before
Desk­top-Grade Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Nev­er feel the need to com­pro­mise on how to acces­sorize with the built-in HDMI 2.1 port, Thun­der­bolt 4 USB‑C (2 ports), USB‑A (3 ports), 3.5mm audio jack, UHS-II SD card slot, and 2.5GB Eth­er­net Port

Acer Aspire 3 A315 Notebook with 12th Gen Intel Core i5-1235U 10 Cores Upto 4.40GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/Intel Iris XE Graphics/15.6″ FHD IPS ComfyView Display/Win 11 Home/Pure Silver

Acer Aspire 3 A315 Notebook with 12th Gen Intel Core i5-1235U 10 Cores Upto 4.40GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/Intel Iris XE Graphics/15.6″ FHD IPS ComfyView Display/Win 11 Home/Pure Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Acer Aspire 3 A315 Notebook

Choose the ready-to-go Aspire 3 with the lat­est 12th Gen Intel Core Proces­sors made for prac­ti­cal mul­ti­task­ing and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. With ease-of-use at its core, this fam­i­ly-friend­ly lap­top is ready when you are.

Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance

The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est 12th Gen Intel Core Proces­sors with Iris Xe Graphics—ideal for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core. Per­fect to get more out of work, study, or play.

Pur­pose­ful Design

With a sleek met­al cov­er avail­able in new vibrant col­ors, the Aspire 3 is lighter and thin­ner than ever before at 1.6kg and 18.9mm. While a long-last­ing bat­tery allows for the fam­i­ly to get more done between charges.

15.6″ FHD IPS Acer Com­fyView LED LCD
Pow­er­ful Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty For bet­ter per­for­mance, the Aspire 3 uses the lat­est 12th Gen Intel Proces­sor, and deliv­ers enough pow­er to see you through your work­day. Work, play, or relax; do it all with pow­er­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Col­or-rich Dis­play The Full HD dis­play keeps images and videos stun­ning while the nar­row bor­der offers-up more view­able space. To pro­tect user’s eyes from harm­ful blue light, it also includes Acer Blue­Light­Shield
High-speed Stor­age With the Inte­gra­tion of M.2 PCIe SSD users have plen­ty of stor­age for all of their media, work files, and more.
Plen­ty of Ports With three USB ports 3.2 Gen 1, you’re always pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion – whether plug­ging in for a pre­sen­ta­tion or using the lat­est periph­er­als. If need­ed, you can also con­nect to an exter­nal dis­play via the HDMI port when the occa­sion calls for a larg­er screen.

Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 with 13.5″ 2256 x 1504 display, Intel i5-1235U, Integrated Iris Graphics, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Windows 11, Platinum — [QZI-00014], 13.5 Inch UAE Model

Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 with 13.5″ 2256 x 1504 display, Intel i5-1235U, Integrated Iris Graphics, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Windows 11, Platinum — [QZI-00014], 13.5 Inch UAE Model

From the brand

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Shop here

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Sur­face lap­tops and 2‑in-1s with Win­dows 11 are designed to fuel your orig­i­nal­i­ty, ideas and pas­sions. Sur­face 2‑in-1s let you work and cre­ate on light­weight, mobile lap­tops with a kick­stand and detach­able key­board. Sur­face lap­tops get you pro­duc­tive on a proven key­board-attached design. In the office, on cam­pus, and every­where in between, there’s a Sur­face that’s per­fect for you.

Dis­cov­er the widest selec­tion of Sur­face devices to date.

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Shop here

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Microsoft Surface, Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Windows 11

Shop here

Shop here

Sleek and super-light­weight with an excep­tion­al­ly com­fort­able key­board
13.5” Pix­elSense touch­screen for ultra-portable pro­duc­tiv­i­ty
12th Gen Intel Core with Thun­der­bolt 4 con­nec­tiv­i­ty and all-day bat­tery
Warm, sophis­ti­cat­ed Alcan­tara or edgy, cool met­al, and bold col­ors
Stu­dio Mics and enhanced cam­era expe­ri­ences, pow­ered by Win­dows 11
Cin­e­mat­ic enter­tain­ment with Dol­by Vision[4]and Dol­by Atmos
Win­dows Hel­lo, built-in Win­dows 11 secu­ri­ty, and secured OneDrive cloud stor­age with Microsoft 365
Play hun­dreds of high-qual­i­ty games includ­ing day one releas­es with Xbox Game Pass Ulti­mate

ROG Zephyrus G14 GA402RJ-L4211W Moonlight White AniMe Matrix version, Gaming Laptop, R7-6800HS 16GB 512GB SSD, RX 6700S, 8GB VRAM, WIN11 HOME, 14 inch FHD QHD+ 16:10 144Hz, Backlit-RGB-Eng-Arb-KB.

ROG Zephyrus G14 GA402RJ-L4211W Moonlight White AniMe Matrix version, Gaming Laptop, R7-6800HS 16GB 512GB SSD, RX 6700S, 8GB VRAM, WIN11 HOME, 14 inch FHD QHD+ 16:10 144Hz, Backlit-RGB-Eng-Arb-KB.

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





AMD Ryzen 7 6800HS Mobile Proces­sor
FHD+ 16:10 (1920 x 1200, WUXGA)
14’’, 144Hz, Win11 Home


The brand new 2022 Zephyrus G14 is pow­ered by AMD and Win­dows 11 out of the box. Fea­tur­ing new Ryzen 7 proces­sors, this all-AMD pow­er­house is ready for any gam­ing or mul­ti­task­ing you can throw at it. The G14 also lever­ages AMD tech­nolo­gies like Smartshift and Smart Access Mem­o­ry for an extra edge.








Cre­at­ed with a phys­i­cal vapor depo­si­tion process, the Pris­mat­ic Logo name­plate has a lus­trous new holo­graph­ic hue.


The 2022 Zephyrus G14 fea­tures a larg­er touch­pad to match the new 16:10 aspect ratio dis­play for respon­sive con­trol. Over­stroke tech­nol­o­gy trig­gers high­er in each key­stroke for faster respon­sive­ness, and the Ergo­Lift design rais­es the key­board at an angle to make typ­ing more com­fort­able. A daz­zling Pris­mat­ic sheen cov­ers the key­board, which pro­vides ded­i­cat­ed hotkeys that put vol­ume, micro­phone mute, and ROG Armoury Crate soft­ware with­in easy reach. The hotkeys are also ful­ly cus­tomiz­able, and can be pro­grammed to launch apps, set as a func­tion key, or used as a macro.


Ani­Me Matrix and Vir­tu­al Pet OMNI have both got­ten an upgrade. More LEDs mean more ani­ma­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties, and OMNI returns with a whole host of mini games, like the Slot Machine, Shoot’em Up and Whack-A-Mole. The games will also light up the Ani­Me Matrix as you progress, and get­ting high scores will unlock more ani­ma­tions for OMNI as he joins you on the desk­top.



ROG Intelligent Cooling

Pow­er­ful hard­ware requires robust cool­ing, espe­cial­ly in a com­pact chas­sis. The Zephyrus G14 packs a vapor cham­ber for the CPU and GPU with liq­uid met­al ther­mal com­pound for ultra-effi­cient heat trans­fer from the hottest com­po­nents. In the Silent oper­at­ing mode dur­ing low pow­er tasks, 0dB tech­nol­o­gy allows the fans to be auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­abled for a tru­ly silent expe­ri­ence.

ROG Zephyrus G14 is pow­ered by AMD new Ryzen 7 6800HS Mobile Proces­sor (8‑core/16-thread, 20MB cache, up to 4.7 GHz max boost) and Radeon RX 6700S mobile graph­ics, 8GB GDDR6, 16GB mem­o­ry, 512GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD stor­age, 14-inch, FHD+ 16:10 (1920 x 1200, WUXGA), Refresh rate 144GHz/3ms, 720P HD IR Cam­era for Win­dows Hel­lo, Back­lit Chi­clet Key­board 1‑Zone RGB.
Vir­tu­al 5.1.2‑channel sur­round sound pow­ered by Dol­by Atmos tech­nol­o­gy puts you in the cen­ter of the action, with vol­ume 1.78x loud­er than the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion G14. Two-Way AI Noise Can­ce­la­tion fil­ters both input and out­put audio, mak­ing streams, chats, and record­ing clear­er than ever.
Dual USB Type‑C ports, one with pow­er deliv­ery and Dis­play­Port 1.4 sup­port, as well as a pair of USB 3.2 Type‑A ports pro­vide ample con­nec­tiv­i­ty options. The brand-new addi­tion of a Micro SD card read­er is per­fect for cre­ators who need to trans­fer data while on the move.
The hotkeys are also ful­ly cus­tomiz­able, and can be pro­grammed to launch apps, set as a func­tion key, or used as a macro. The games will also light up the Ani­Me Matrix as you progress, and get­ting high scores will unlock more ani­ma­tions for OMNI as he joins you on the desk­top.
2 Year War­ran­ty

HP Spectre x360 Luxury 14T,13.5″ 3:2 WUXGA+ Touch, Intel Core i7-1355U, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, B&O Quad Speakers, Fingerprint, Tilt Pen, Nightfall Black, Win 10 Pro, 64GB TechWarehouse Flash Drive

HP Spectre x360 Luxury 14T,13.5″ 3:2 WUXGA+ Touch, Intel Core i7-1355U, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, B&O Quad Speakers, Fingerprint, Tilt Pen, Nightfall Black, Win 10 Pro, 64GB TechWarehouse Flash Drive

EXPERIENCE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE “This stel­lar 2‑in-1’s screen just has to be seen.” — PCMag “This 2‑in‑1 gets it all right From its pri­va­cy fea­tures to its pen to its per­for­mance, this lap­top hits all the marks.” — Cnet The HP Spec­tre 14T x360 is the lux­u­ry and pre­mi­um con­sumer’s best friend. With its stur­dy and jaw drop­ping design, bold­ly sharp edges and radi­ant accents, the Spec­tre 14T x360 stands out amidst the dense 2 in 1 mar­ket. Its pow­er­ful proces­sor, great pow­er man­age­ment & effi­cien­cy & its exceed­ing­ly pre­mi­um chas­sis and 13.5 WUXGA screen, it’s very close to being deemed the per­fect lap­top. Its not easy to suc­ceed the Steller rep­u­ta­tion set by the Spec­tre 13T x360, but the Spec­tre 14T x360 rais­es that bar and then some. With a high def­i­n­i­tion dis­play, videos come to life in vibrant, crys­tal clear detail. Scroll less on the larg­er than life 3:2 aspect ratio dis­play that gives you more area to work with. Adap­tive col­or auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts hues, light, and ultra-vivid col­ors for the best view­ing expe­ri­ence for your envi­ron­ment. Smart Sense adjusts to your work habits for opti­mal per­for­mance & includes in-bag detec­tion so it even knows when to take a break.Bang & Olufsen speak­ers cre­ate an excep­tion­al­ly rich audio expe­ri­ence. See more of what’s real With a high def­i­n­i­tion dis­play, videos come to Life in vibrant, crys­tal clear detail. Scroll less on the larg­er than life 3:2 aspect ratio dis­play that gives you more area to work with. Peace of mind at your fin­ger­tips Keep it con­fi­den­tial and have total peace of mind with a fail-safe pri­va­cy cam­era shut­ter key. Keep your con­ver­sa­tions pri­vate with the ded­i­cat­ed mute mic but­ton. You’re at the top of the lux­u­ry lap­top tier with the HP Spec­tre x360 14T!
BRAND NEW FACTORY SEALED — You will receive a HP Fac­to­ry sealed Brand New lap­top with 1 YEAR HP (MANUFACTURER) PREMIUM WARRANTY. You can buy with con­fi­dence that the adver­tised specs are Fac­to­ry Installed.
WITH EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE, BATTERY EFFICIENCY & A NEW AND STUNNING DESIGN, THE HP SPECTRE 14T OUTCL THEM ALL: 11TH GENERATION QUAD CORE CPU: Intel Core i7- Intel Core i7-1165G7 (up to 4.7 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache, 4 cores) + Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics. WINDOWS 10 PRO 64 BIT PRE INSTALLED BY HP. Intel’s XE Graph­ics is the best Intel GPU yet & cou­pled w/ 16GB Mem­o­ry & a blaz­ing 1 TB NVME SSD, you real­ly cant pass this up. It deliv­ers prime per­for­mance w/ bet­ter pow­er man­age­ment than ever before.
ASTOUNDING VIDEO AND IMAGE QUALITY WITH A 13.5″ WUXGA TOUCHSCREEN AND A 3:2 ASPECT RATIO FOR OPTIMUM PRODUCTIVITY: The HP Spec­tre 14T x360 deliv­ers stun­ning visu­als & unpar­al­leled qual­i­ty due to its 1920x1280 dis­play which even trumps FHD per­for­mance. Its 3:2 Aspect ratio allows user to do more due to its 90.33% screen to body ratio. The HP Zen­vo Tilt pen with a mag­net­ic attach­ment is HPs best pen yet and deliv­ers “pen point accu­ra­cy” w/ smoother col­or tran­si­tions and enhanced response times.
PREMIUM AESTHETICS & SECURITY: Make a state­ment when­ev­er you work with your HP Spec­tre 14T lux­u­ry touch­screen lap­top. Adap­tive col­or auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts hues, light, and ultra-vivid col­ors for the best view­ing expe­ri­ence for your envi­ron­ment. Smart Sense adjusts to your work habits for opti­mal per­for­mance and includes in-bag detec­tion so it even knows when to take a break. Break­ing edge secu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy fea­tures include the unhack­able phys­i­cal cam­era shut­ter and a fin­ger­print read­er.
Bang & Olufsen speak­ers: The part­ner­ship between Bang & Olufsen and HP brings pre­mi­um sound to your per­son­al com­put­ing device. With HP Quad Speak­ers, HP Audio Boost, and cus­tom tun­ing by the experts at Bang & Olufsen, enter­tain­ment comes to life with sound you can feel. Awak­en your sens­es with PC audio per­fec­tion. Ports: 2 x Thun­der­bolt 4 x with USB4 Type‑C 40Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (USB Pow­er Deliv­ery, Dis­play­Port 1.4, HDMI 2.0, HP Sleep and Charge).1 x headphone/microphone com­bo..

Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ITL6 15.6″ FHD IPS Display Laptop, Intel Core i5-1155G7 |20GB DDR4 Ram |1TB NVMe M.2 SSD |Intel Iris Xe Graphics |Windows-11 With Free Lenovo Bag + BT Headphone (Abyss Blue)

Lenovo Ideapad 3 15ITL6 15.6″ FHD IPS Display Laptop, Intel Core i5-1155G7 |20GB DDR4 Ram |1TB NVMe M.2 SSD |Intel Iris Xe Graphics |Windows-11 With Free Lenovo Bag + BT Headphone (Abyss Blue)

Leno­vo Idea­pad 3 15ITL6 Lap­top, Intel Core i5-1155G7 12 MB Intel Smart Cache Max Tur­bo Fre­quen­cy 4.70 GHz |20GB DDR4 3200 Ram |1TB NVMe M.2 SSD |15.6″ FHDD (1920x1080) IPS 300 nits Anti-glare 16:9 45% NTSC Dis­play |6‑row, mul­ti­me­dia Fn keys, numer­ic key­pad |Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics |High Def­i­n­i­tion (HD) Audio, Real­tek ALC3287 codec |Win­dows 11
The Idea­Pad 3 Gen 6 (15″ Intel) makes stay­ing indoors and work­ing or learn­ing from home even more enjoy­able.
It boasts the per­for­mance of 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sors, along with smart fea­tures that address eye strain and at-home dis­trac­tions. And the 15″ FHD dis­play with ultra-thin bezels on all four sides pro­vides pleas­ing visu­als for work or enter­tain­ment.
Take on any task with the Idea­Pad 3 Gen 6 (15″ Intel) lap­top and enjoy the unmatched speed and intel­li­gence of 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sors, while you take in the views of inte­grat­ed Intel Iris Xe graph­ics.
Strong enough to run the most demand­ing apps and AAA-title games, and smarter than ever to keep your lap­top run­ning opti­mal­ly, these cut­ting-edge proces­sors blaze the trail for in-home enter­tain­ment and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Per­for­mance with no lim­its Take on any task with the Idea­Pad 3i Gen 6 (15’‘ Intel) lap­top and enjoy the unmatched speed and intel­li­gence of 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sors, while you take in the views of inte­grat­ed Intel Iris Xe graph­ics. Strong enough to run the most demand­ing apps and AAA-title games, and smarter than ever to keep your lap­top run­ning opti­mal­ly, these cut­ting-edge proces­sors blaze the trail for in-home enter­tain­ment and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Get more on your screen See more detail with less clut­ter, with nar­row bezels on all four sides of a 15.6’’ FHD dis­play
It’s a plea­sure to watch and use. This com­mit­ment to screen real estate gives the Idea­Pad 3 Gen 6 (15″ Intel) one of the high­est active area ratios of its class.
The Idea­Pad 3 Gen 6 (15″ Intel) lap­top tack­les the phys­i­cal and men­tal effects of increased screen time with smart fea­tures that help rem­e­dy eye strain and envi­ron­men­tal dis­trac­tions.
These include eye care, which pro­tects your eyes from strain dur­ing long bouts of screen time, and noise can­cel­la­tion which elim­i­nates back­ground noise and cross talk dur­ing con­fer­ence calls.
Web­cam acci­dents have become com­mon place these days. Some­times it’s fun­ny, some­times it’s humil­i­at­ing maybe even both. To your pri­va­cy,
the Idea­Pad 3 Gen 6 (15″ Intel) laptop’s built-in pri­va­cy shut­ter safe­guards you from the lin­ger­ing anx­i­ety over whether your cam­er­a’s still rolling after a video call.

SAMSUNG Chromebook Plus V2, 2‑in‑1, 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC, 13MP Camera, Chrome OS, 12.2″, 16:10 Aspect Ratio, Stealth Silver (XE521QAB-K01US)

SAMSUNG Chromebook Plus V2, 2‑in‑1, 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC, 13MP Camera, Chrome OS, 12.2″, 16:10 Aspect Ratio, Stealth Silver (XE521QAB-K01US)

Get more done any­where, any­time, with the light­weight 2‑in‑1 Chrome­book Plus. Stay on top of your projects with the built-in pen, dual cam­era and full Google expe­ri­ence right at your fin­ger­tips. And cross more off your list with­out slow­ing down with a pow­er­ful bat­tery and Intel proces­sor. At just under 3 pounds, The Chrome­book Plus is incred­i­bly light­weight-just slip it into your bag and take it any­where. Plus, it eas­i­ly folds over into tablet mode so you can quick­ly switch between typ­ing and writ­ing down ideas.
LIGHTWEIGHT 2‑in‑1 DESIGN At just under 3 pounds, the Chrome­book Plus is incred­i­bly light­weight. You can eas­i­ly fold it into tablet mode for com­fort­able view­ing and brows­ing
BUILT-IN PEN Expe­ri­ence the pow­er of the incred­i­bly pre­cise built-in pen that nev­er needs charg­ing. It’s always ready to write, sketch, edit, mag­ni­fy and even take screen­shots
DUAL CAMERA Fold your lap­top into tablet mode to cap­ture clear shots and even zoom in for a clos­er look with the rev­o­lu­tion­ary 13MP world-fac­ing cam­era with aut­o­fo­cus
CHROME OS AND GOOGLE PLAY STORE Cre­ate, explore and browse on a big­ger screen with the tools you use every day —all on the secure Chrome OS
GET THE MOST OUT OF GOOGLE: Cre­ate and explore in a whole new way with the tools you use most. Take your expe­ri­ences to the big screen, and nav­i­gate intu­itive­ly with the key­board and touch­pad. Plus, eas­i­ly down­load your favorite apps, movies and games from Google Play. Your Chrome OS expe­ri­ence is sim­ple, secure and fast..DO MORE. STORE MORE: Tack­le any­thing that comes your way, thanks to a long-last­ing bat­tery and an Intel Celeron 3965Y Proces­sor that lets you work on mul­ti­ple things at once.

Panasonic Toughbook 55, FZ-55 MK2, 14.0″ HD, Intel Core i5-1145G7 (up to 4.4GHz) vPro, 16GB, 512GB OPAL NVMe SSD, Intel Wi-Fi 6, BT, Infrared Webcam, TPM 2.0, Emissive Backlit Keyboard, Windows 10 Pro

Panasonic Toughbook 55, FZ-55 MK2, 14.0″ HD, Intel Core i5-1145G7 (up to 4.4GHz) vPro, 16GB, 512GB OPAL NVMe SSD, Intel Wi-Fi 6, BT, Infrared Webcam, TPM 2.0, Emissive Backlit Keyboard, Windows 10 Pro

Pana­son­ic Tough­book 55, FZ-55, lap­top, the world’s ligh­est and thinnest semi-rugged lap­top in its class. The Pana­son­ic TOUGHBOOK 55 breaks new ground offer­ing unri­valed flex­i­bil­i­ty in even the most demand­ing and unpre­dictable envi­ron­ments with its inno­v­a­tive mod­u­lar expan­sion packs. I/O, opti­cal dri­ves, authen­ti­ca­tion read­ers, and even dis­crete graph­ic expan­sion packs are user-upgrade­able. Back­wards com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion of docks pro­tects cus­tomers’ invest­ments while sav­ing time and resources. Built with state of the art tech­nol­o­gy, the TOUGHBOOK 55 offers the lat­est Intel 8th Gen vPro quad-core proces­sors, up to 64GB of RAM, up to 2TB of stor­age, all-day bat­tery life, 4 micro­phones pro­vide unpar­al­leled speech recog­ni­tion accu­ra­cy, col­or-selec­table back­lit key­board, crisp and pow­er­ful 92db speak­ers, faster and more secure Wi-Fi, and a 25% larg­er touch­pad. MIL-STD-810H cer­ti­fied (3′ drop, shock, vibra­tion, sand, dust, alti­tude, freeze/thaw, high/low tem­per­a­ture, high tem­per­a­ture tac­ti­cal, tem­per­a­ture shock, humid­i­ty), IP53 cer­ti­fied, ASTM D4169-16 certified1, Spill-resis­tant key­board, Mag­ne­sium alloy case with han­dle, Stor­age dri­ve heater. About this item: Mod­el Num­ber: FZ-55 MK2 CPU: Intel Core i5-1145G7 (up to 4.4GHz) vPro O/S: Win­dows 10 Pro 64-bit Stor­age: 512GB OPAL NVMe SSD Cam­era: 1080p web­cam with pri­va­cy cov­er Key­board: Emis­sive Back­lit Key­board Mem­o­ry: 16GB DDR4 Dis­play: 14.0″ HD 1366 x 768 Graph­ics: Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics Wire­less: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201, Blue­tooth v5.1 Colour: Black, Sil­ver Case Mate­r­i­al: Mag­ne­sium Alloy Inter­face: USB‑C Thun­der­bolt, USB‑A x2, MicroS­DXC UHS‑I, HDMI 2.0, Eth­er­net 1Gbps RJ-45, Audio In/Out 3.5mm, Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF x1, eSIM x1) Weight & Dimen­sions: 4.9 lbs — 10.7″(L) x 13.6″(W) x 1.3″(H) Bat­tery: Li-Ion bat­tery pack: 10.8V, typ­i­cal 6500 mAh, min. 6300 mAh
Intel Core i5-1145G7 (up to 4.4GHz) vPro, 14.0″ HD 1366 x 768
Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201, Blue­tooth v5.1
USB‑C Thun­der­bolt, USB‑A x2, MicroS­DXC UHS‑I, HDMI 2.0, Eth­er­net 1Gbps RJ-45, Audio In/Out 3.5mm, Dual SIM (Nano-SIM 4FF x1, eSIM x1)
O/S: Win­dows 10 Pro 64-bit
hard_disk_size 512.0 GB
system_ram_type ddr4_sdram
memory_storage_capacity 16.0
display_size 14.0 inch­es
ram_memory_installed_size 16.0 GB

Meega 14.1″ FHD Laptop Computer, Intel Celeron N4020 Processor, 8GB DDR8 RAM, 128GB SSD, Webcam, Wi-Fi, USB, Windows 10 Home, Ipuzzle Mousepad

Meega 14.1″ FHD Laptop Computer, Intel Celeron N4020 Processor, 8GB DDR8 RAM, 128GB SSD, Webcam, Wi-Fi, USB, Windows 10 Home, Ipuzzle Mousepad


Mod­el FE-80
Mate­r­i­al Plas­tic
Sys­tem for Win­dows 10 Home
CPU for IntelIn­tel celeron N4020 , Dual-core


ROM 128GB SSD Dis­play
Screen Size 14.1inch
Dis­play Ratio 16:9
Screen Res­o­lu­tion 1980*1080P

Blue­tooth 5.0

Type Sin­gle Cam­era
Front Cam­era 800 MP

USB 2.0
USB 3.0*1
Micro SD Card Sup­port
HDMI Sup­port
Bat­tery 7.4V 5000mAh for 6 Hours Work­ing Time
Pow­er­plant type AC Adapter, 100–240V
Charg­ing Volt­age DC 12V 2A

Sen­sor No
Speak­er / MIC Built-in stereo speak­ers and micro­phone
Lan­guages pre-installed Eng­lish

Pack­age List:
1* lap­top
1* pow­er sup­ply
1* user man­u­al
1* mouse
【 large picture,HD quality/Delicate exte­ri­or design】The 14.1‑inch screen offers a detailed 1920*1080P pic­ture qual­i­ty and can be con­nect­ed to a TV via HDMI
【High Performance】N4020 qui­et CPU 8G With large capac­i­ty mem­o­ry, it can cor­re­spond not only to every­day use such as stud­ies, but also to var­i­ous scenes such as work .
【Ultra light­weight ultra thin】 It is only 1.2kg, it is the prod­uct of the thinnest 6.66 mm which is com­pa­ra­ble to the major brand
【Con­ve­nient ver­sa­tile use】 Var­i­ous media can be con­nect­ed via wire­less WIFI, built-in Blue­tooth, USB,HDMI, ear­phone / micro­phone port, SD card port ‚net­work cable slot and so on. Con­ve­nience great­ly UP!

HP 15.6 inch Laptop, FHD Display, 12th Gen Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 15-dy5399nr (2023)

HP 15.6 inch Laptop, FHD Display, 12th Gen Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 15-dy5399nr (2023)

With a long bat­tery life and fast-charge tech­nol­o­gy, this lap­top lets you work, watch, and stay con­nect­ed all day. Inte­grat­ed pre­ci­sion touch­pad with mul­ti- touch sup­port speeds up both nav­i­ga­tion and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Enjoy com­fort­able com­put­ing with a flick­er-free screen and expe­ri­ence reli­able per­for­mance thanks to the Intel Core i5 Proces­sor. The HP 15 inch Lap­top comes with a 45 W Smart AC pow­er adapter and goes from 0 to 50% charge in 45 min­utes. Plus, made with the plan­et in mind, this HP not
DO MORE, ALL DAY — Designed to keep you pro­duc­tive and enter­tained from any­where, the HP 15.6 inch Lap­top PC com­bines long last­ing bat­tery life with a thin and portable, micro-edge bezel design
TAKE IT ANYWHERE — A thin and light design lets you take this PC any­where and still enjoy a micro-edge dis­play with vivid and flick­er-free images
EXPAND YOUR VIEW — Micro-edge bezel Full HD IPS screen max­i­mizes the 15.6‑inch dis­play to make use of crisp Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics
EXPAND YOUR VIEW — Micro-edge bezel Full HD IPS screen max­i­mizes the 15.6‑inch dis­play to make use of crisp Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics
STORAGE FOR YOUR MEMORIES — 512 GB sol­id-state dri­ve stor­age is 15x faster than a tra­di­tion­al hard dri­ve and has plen­ty of room to store your pre­cious pho­tos, fun­ny videos and impor­tant per­son­al doc­u­ments

Jumper Tech EZbook X3 Notebook for Kids, 10 RAM 8GB ROM 128GB Laptop 13.1 Inch IPS Screen 1920 × 1080, Laptops with 4250mAh Battery (UK Plug 100‑240V)

Jumper Tech EZbook X3 Notebook for Kids, 10 RAM 8GB ROM 128GB Laptop 13.1 Inch IPS Screen 1920 × 1080, Laptops with 4250mAh Battery (UK Plug 100‑240V)


Item Type: Lap­top
Screen size: 13.3 inch 1920 x 1080
Proces­sor: For N4100
ROM: 128GB
Port: USB3.0 inter­face x1 / USB2.0 inter­face x1 / DC inter­face x1 / HD out­put inter­face x1 / TYPE‑C inter­face x1 / TF con­nec­tor x1 / Head­phone and micro­phone dual-use inter­face x1
Bat­tery capac­i­ty: 7.6V 4250mAh, lithi­um-ion bat­tery
: 2.4G + 5.0GHz Wi-Fi and
Oper­at­ing sys­tem: for 10 Home
How to use:
1. Press and hold the pow­er but­ton to turn on
2. Oper­ate accord­ing to the user man­u­al
Thick­ness: Approx. 11.5mm / 0.5 inch
Weight: 1.06kg / 2.3lbs (Approx.)

Pack­age list:
1 x User Man­u­al
1 x Pow­er adapter
1 x Lap­top

RAM 8GB ROM 128GB Lap­top — A new of pro­fes­sion­al per­for­mance with the Celeron Gem­i­ni Lake N4100 proces­sor and Intele UHD Graph­ics 600 graph­ics, up to 8GB of mem­o­ry and up to 128GB of fast SSD stor­age, the Jumper EZbook X3 is designed to pro­vide all the pow­er you need.
Lap­tops for Trav­el — A pro­fes­sion­al lap­top that’s portable too. , mod­ern, incred­i­bly portable. The ele­gant met­al body with exquis­ite CNC cut and sand­blast­ed fin­ish is only 11.5mm thick and weighs only 1.06kg, con­ve­nient to take any­where.
Jumper EZbook X3 Slim Lap­top — Jumper EZbook X3 pro­vides an extreme­ly slim expe­ri­ence, the screen gives you a wider and brighter screen. With the remark­able 89% screen-to-body ratio, the full-view screen gives you a mas­sive view with vivid detail. Its 16: 9 aspect ratio is per­fect for read­ing and writ­ing. And the wide col­or makes images and videos more vibrant and as if they were real.
Ele­gant Appear­ance Lap­top — Equipped with dou­ble-sided alu­minum alloy met­al craft­ed in mocha brown col­or, which has under­gone 46 process­es such as CNC cut­ting, anodiz­ing treat­ment, pro­vid­ing tac­tile touch, glossy shine and del­i­cate tex­ture.
Note­book PC with Speak­er — Clas­sic and ele­gant sound attracts your ears. Pow­er­ful, good-qual­i­ty speak­ers and DTS three-dimen­sion­al stereo field give you woofers with deep, res­o­nant bass and tweet­ers with clear highs, giv­ing you an immer­sive lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence.

MOFT Invisible Slim Laptop Stand for Desk, Portable and Foldable Laptop Riser with Adjustable Perfect Viewing Angles, Compatible with Laptops Up to 16″ (Blue)

MOFT Invisible Slim Laptop Stand for Desk, Portable and Foldable Laptop Riser with Adjustable Perfect Viewing Angles, Compatible with Laptops Up to 16″ (Blue)

It is 3.04mm thick, light­weight and unfelt, act­ing as a nat­ur­al, seam­less appendage of your lap­top. When you get your work done, car­ry­ing your lap­top with it attached is no dif­fer­ent than only tak­ing your lap­top.
Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 22.4 x 17 x 0.33 cm; 86.75 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 28 June 2021
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ MOFT
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0967TBFCD
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ MS006-1-BU

Paper-Thin: MOFT lap­top stand is only 1/9″ thick and weighs a mere 3 oz, its small mear­sure­ments makes it unfelt when car­ried and unsee when not in use.
Reli­ably Strong: It’s built with unique PU and fiber glass mate­ri­als, ensur­ing that it can hold a lap­top sta­bly with its small body. 18lbs is its weight bear­ing, cov­er­ing most lap­tops.
Exclu­sive Struc­ture: It’s one piece when it’s not in use, tak­ing no extra space. It’s a rock sol­id stand when it’s fold­ed up. Trans­for­ma­tion only takes one sec­ond.
Wide Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty: With its min­i­mal­is­tic design, there’s not much lim­i­ta­tion on its com­pat­i­ble lap­tops. It works well with lap­tops up to 16″.
Adjustable Gold­en Angles: It comes with two most need­ed angles, 25° and 15°. The high-lift­ing mode raise a lap­top 3in, mak­ing users sit in a right pos­ture. The low-lift­ing make the screen 2in high­er to adopt to the stand­ing sit­u­a­tion.

HP 2023 Pavilion 15 15.6″ FHD Business Laptop, 12th Gen Intel 10 Cores i7-1255U, 32GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, Webcam, Natural Silver, Windows 11 Pro, USB 3.0 Extension Cable

HP 2023 Pavilion 15 15.6″ FHD Business Laptop, 12th Gen Intel 10 Cores i7-1255U, 32GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, Webcam, Natural Silver, Windows 11 Pro, USB 3.0 Extension Cable

CPU: 12th Gen Intel Core i7-1255U Proces­sor @ 2.10GHz (10 Cores, 12 Threads, 12M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz).
Dis­play: 15.6″ diag­o­nal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits; Graph­ics: Intel Iris Xᵉ Graph­ics; HP Wide Vision 720p HD cam­era with inte­grat­ed dual array dig­i­tal micro­phones Ide­al for Home, Stu­dent, Pro­fes­sion­als, Small Busi­ness, School Edu­ca­tion, and Com­mer­cial Enter­prise, Online Class, Google Class­room, Remote Learn­ing, Zoom Ready RAM: 32GB DDR4 SDRAM Mem­o­ry; Hard Dri­ve: 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD. This elec­tron­ic gift, hol­i­day gift offers a good expe­ri­ence for watch­ing videos
RAM: 32GB DDR4 SDRAM Mem­o­ry; Hard Dri­ve: 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD. This elec­tron­ic gift, hol­i­day gift offers a good expe­ri­ence for watch­ing videos, brows­ing the web, remote work, or study from home.
Medi­aTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 (2x2) and Blue­tooth 5.2 com­bo (Sup­port­ing Giga­bit data rate); 1 Super­Speed USB Type‑C 10Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (USB Pow­er Deliv­ery, Dis­play­Port 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge); 2 Super­Speed USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate; 1 HDMI 2.0; 1 AC smart pin; 1 headphone/microphone com­bo
Bun­dled with iPuz­zl USB Exten­sion Cable. Win­dows 11 Pro­fes­sion­al (64-bit). Full-size, nat­ur­al sil­ver key­board with numer­ic key­pad; Nat­ur­al Sil­ver.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14 Laptop: 14″ Ultrabook with HUAWEI Eye Comfort FullView Display, 16GB RAM, 1TB, Intel Core i7-13th Gen, 1.39kg Sleek Metallic Body, Mystic Sliver

HUAWEI MateBook D 14 Laptop: 14″ Ultrabook with HUAWEI Eye Comfort FullView Display, 16GB RAM, 1TB, Intel Core i7-13th Gen, 1.39kg Sleek Metallic Body, Mystic Sliver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

matebook D14 2023

matebook D14 2023

Eye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview Display

Eye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview Display

Eye Comfort HUAWEI Fullview Display

90% high screen-to-body ratio**
1920 × 1200 res­o­lu­tion
16:10 gold­en aspect ratio***
TÜV Rhein­land Low Blue Light Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

Sleek Metallic Body

Sleek Metallic Body

New 13th Gen Intel Core Processor

New 13th Gen Intel Core Processor

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna

HUAWEI Metaline Antenna

Sleek Metal­lic Body

This lap­top comes with an all-new sleek design, with its metal­lic body being applied with a sand­blast­ing and anodized process, to deliv­er fine tex­tures while becom­ing resis­tant to wear and tear, tak­ing your on-the-go life to excit­ing new places.

New 13th Gen Intel Core Proces­sor

Mate­Book’s 13th Gen Intel Core proces­sor gives you more pow­er to play with, and fea­tures like Super Tur­bo* and max­i­mum 30 W TDP** allow you to decom­press a 1 GB com­pressed file in an unbe­liev­able 5.4 sec­onds.***

HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 packs a spe­cial anten­na* that expands the con­nec­tion range, increas­es file down­load speed by 43%,**and boosts anti-inter­fer­ence and wall pen­e­tra­tion per­for­mance, so that you can stay online, wher­ev­er life takes you.

Let your fingers fly on this highly type-able keyboard

Let your fingers fly on this highly type-able keyboard



Fingerprint power button

Fingerprint power button

Let your fin­gers fly on this high­ly type-able key­board

1.5 mm high key trav­el pro­vides springy rebounds that give your fin­gers per­fect feed­back, honed by five-mil­lion-tap endurance and touch con­sis­ten­cy tests.*


HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 has passed more than 10 thou­sand times of dura­bil­i­ty tests, which means that key parts such as the screen and key­board are durable enough to resist drops

Fin­ger­print pow­er but­ton

access to desk­top with sin­gle press

56 Wh large-capacity battery, 65 W multi-purpose charger

56 Wh large-capacity battery, 65 W multi-purpose charger

Super Device

Super Device

Mobile Personal Voice Enhancement

Mobile Personal Voice Enhancement

SuperHub,easy cross-device transfer

SuperHub,easy cross-device transfer

56 Wh large-capac­i­ty battery,65 W mul­ti-pur­pose charg­er

The ful­ly charged lap­top can play up to 13 straight hours of local video or tack­le 6 straight hours of inten­sive office work.

With Super­Charge sup­port for a num­ber of Huawei devices, you’ll nev­er have to wor­ry about run­ning out of pow­er when you go out.

Super Device

Drag to seam­less­ly con­nect the lap­top to ear­phones, smart­phones, tablets, mon­i­tors, and HUAWEI Visions, and form a Super Device – your mobile office of the future is lit­er­al­ly at your fin­ger­tips!*

Mobile Per­son­al Voice Enhance­ment

This next-lev­el fea­ture, which fil­ters out unwant­ed noise and chat­ter, is now sup­port­ed on wire­less ear­phones.*

SuperHub,easy cross-device trans­fer

Drag any text, images, and files to Super­Hub at will, and sim­ply paste, trans­fer, and share them to your con­nect­ed devices, such as your smart­phone or lap­top in batch­es with remark­able ease.*

【HUAWEI Eye Com­fort Ful­lView Display】HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 comes with 16:10 gold­en aspect ratio,to serve as the per­fect com­pan­ion for your work, leisure, and studies.Also,this lap­top is designed to relieve eye strain and vision fatigue,thanks to the low blue light and flick­er-free tech­nolo­gies
【Sleek Metal­lic Body】This lap­top comes with an all-new sleek design, with its metal­lic body being applied with a sand­blast­ing and anodized process, to deliv­er fine tex­tures while becom­ing resis­tant to wear and tear, tak­ing your on-the-go life to excit­ing new places.
【HUAWEI Met­aline Anten­na, 270 m long-range net­work connections】HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 packs a spe­cial anten­na that expands the con­nec­tion range, increas­es file down­load speed by 43%,and boosts anti-inter­fer­ence and wall pen­e­tra­tion per­for­mance, so that you can stay online, wher­ev­er life takes you.
【Super Device】Drag to seam­less­ly con­nect the lap­top to ear­phones, smart­phones, tablets, mon­i­tors, and HUAWEI Visions, and form a Super Device – your mobile office of the future is lit­er­al­ly at your fin­ger­tips!
【New 13th Gen Intel Core Processor】MateBook’s 13th Gen Intel Core proces­sor gives you more pow­er to play with, and fea­tures like Super Tur­bo and max­i­mum 30 W TDP allow you to decom­press a 1 GB com­pressed file in an unbe­liev­able 5.4 sec­onds.

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro Laptop Computer, 15.6 AMOLED Touchscreen, i7 11th Gen, 16GB Memory, 512GB SSD, Long-Lasting Battery, Mystic Blue

Samsung Galaxy Book Pro Laptop Computer, 15.6 AMOLED Touchscreen, i7 11th Gen, 16GB Memory, 512GB SSD, Long-Lasting Battery, Mystic Blue

Why can’t lap­tops be more like cell phones? They can when they have PC pow­er that’s smart­phone thin. Com­bin­ing the lat­est Intel 11th Gen CoreTM proces­sor with Win­dows 10 OS and designed on the Intel® EvoTM plat­form, Sam­sung Galaxy Book Pro is a com­put­er that comes in under two pounds, so it’s the per­fect mix of portable and pro­duc­tive. Down­load huge files fast with Wi-Fi 6e. Stream and watch your favorite movie on the move. And you’ll do it all with the sur­round-sound tech­nol­o­gy of Dol­by Atmos audio and 100% col­or vol­ume on a bril­liant, advanced AMOLED touch­screen.
EASY ON THE EYES: Every­thing looks bril­liant with the first 13.3″/15.6” AMOLED screen in a Galaxy Book; Enjoy vibrant view­ing while you work or school inside or in direct sun­light, and it lessens eye strain by reduc­ing harm­ful blue light.
LIGHTEST GALAXY BOOK LAPTOP: Sleek, ultra­thin and avail­able in a styl­ish, dual col­or design, Galaxy Book Pro is the light­est lap­top and won’t weigh you down.
DO IT IN A FLASH: From down­load­ing large doents fast to watch­ing streams with no lag, and more — all with the new 11th Gen Core proces­sor that’s Intel Evo cer­ti­fied, so it works on a pre­mi­um plat­form; With 512 GB of stor­age, you’ll have all the space you need.
LONG-LASTING BATTERY: Pow­er through up to 20 hours on a full bat­tery then recharge quick with our super small, light charg­er.
WORK AND PLAY: Pair your devices and jump from work to per­son­al; Set up com­put­er as a sec­ond screen for more pro­duc­tiv­i­ty; Share files with Quick Share; Do your gam­ing on a larg­er dis­play; Con­nect your Galaxy Buds Pro and smooth­ly switch from video con­fer­ence to catch up with friends; With Sam­sung Smart­Things capa­bil­i­ties, con­trol oth­er devices with a tap..

Msi Gs65 Stealth 9Se Gaming Laptop, Intel® Core™ I7-9750H, 15.6″ Fhd Ips 144Hz, 1Tb Ssd, 16GB RAM, Nvidia® Geforce® Rtx2060 Vga, Win10 Home, Eng-Ara Kb, Black

Msi Gs65 Stealth 9Se Gaming Laptop, Intel® Core™ I7-9750H, 15.6″ Fhd Ips 144Hz, 1Tb Ssd, 16GB RAM, Nvidia® Geforce® Rtx2060 Vga, Win10 Home, Eng-Ara Kb, Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

msi laptop

msi laptop

“OUTPLAY THE COMPETITION” GS65 Stealth is a robust portable lap­top packed with up to 9th Gen.

MSI laptop GS65

MSI laptop GS65

MSI gaming

MSI gaming


MSI is the most trust­ed name in gam­ing and esports. We’ve ded­i­cat­ed count­less hours and com­mit­ted numer­ous resources to sup­port the world’s most aspir­ing and best gamers and use their knowl­edge and exper­tise in our prod­ucts in return. MSI inte­grat­ed all gamer’s aspi­ra­tional func­tions in its gam­ing rigs and push­ing the per­for­mance beyond lim­its.

Graph­ics Cards

“Thin. Beautiful. Powerful”

GS65 Stealth

Best of all, in addi­tion to a slim, 18mm thick­ness, the screen’s 4.9mm Thin Bezel dis­play, Anti-Glare, FHD IPS 144Hz allow for an over­all chas­sis size that’s about 15.6 in size. Against this crowd­ed field, the GS65 Stealth Thin offers top-notch per­for­mance in its class with an Intel Core i7 proces­sor and the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 VGA Graph­ics.

15.6 FHD 144hz Gam­ing Dis­play
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
Intel Core i7-9750H
Ultra-Thin & 4‑sided Razor Thin Bezel Dis­play
16GB DDR4 2666Mhz RAM +1TB SSD
• Win­dows 10


msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65


NVIDIA GeForce RTX deliv­ers the ulti­mate lap­top gam­ing expe­ri­ence. These sleek, pow­er­ful gam­ing rigs are pow­ered by the new NVIDIA Tur­ing GPU archi­tec­ture and the rev­o­lu­tion­ary RTX plat­form. RTX graph­ics bring togeth­er real-time ray trac­ing, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, and pro­gram­ma­ble shad­ing.


Crush the heat with Cool­er Boost Trin­i­ty. 3 fans and 4 heat pipes ensure max­i­mum per­for­mance under extreme gam­ing con­di­tions.


Pow­er up with 40% per­for­mance gains over the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion with the extra cores.

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65

msi laptop GS65


The lat­est and fastest inter­face Thun­der­bolt 3 sup­ports up to 40Gbps data trans­fer rates and 4K dis­plays with daisy chain capa­bil­i­ties. Its USB USB3.1 Gen2 ultra speed inter­face sup­ports up to 5V and 3A cur­rent out­put for charg­ing.

144Hz 7ms Gam­ing Dis­play

Com­plete the gam­ing expe­ri­ence and enjoy flu­id game­play with MSI’s stun­ning IPS-lev­el 144Hz 7ms dis­play.

Per Key RGB

The Per-Key RGB cus­tomiza­tion options pro­vide you with gran­u­lar con­trol over key­board illu­mi­na­tion through the SteelSeries Engine 3 (includ­ed).

Dis­play: 15.6″ FHD, Anti-Glare Wide View Angle 144Hz
Proces­sor: Intel Core i7-9750H Six Core (2.6GHz‑4.5GHz, 12MB Intel Smart Cache, 45W)
Graph­ics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX2060
Brand: MSI

ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506HE-HN018W Graphite Black i7-11800H CPU 2.3GHz, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, NV RTX 3050 Ti, 4GB VRAM 15.6’’FHD 144Hz, HD Webcam, WIN11, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB

ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506HE-HN018W Graphite Black i7-11800H CPU 2.3GHz, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, NV RTX 3050 Ti, 4GB VRAM 15.6’’FHD 144Hz, HD Webcam, WIN11, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





8Core 11th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU 2.3GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050Ti
15.6’’FHD 144Hz, HD Web­cam


Geared for seri­ous gam­ing and rock­ing a slick new style, TUF Gam­ing F15 is a fea­ture-packed Win­dows 11 Home gam­ing lap­top with the pow­er to car­ry you to vic­to­ry. The new GeForce 3050 Ti GPU deliv­ers flu­id game­play on with a 144Hz dis­play, while the potent Intel Core i7-11800H CPU is bol­stered by improved cool­ing that amps CPU per­for­mance and keeps acoustics stealthy.








Always ready for action, the TUF Gam­ing F15 excels at gam­ing, stream­ing, and every­thing in between. Har­ness seri­ous pow­er for demand­ing tasks with up to an 8‑core, 16-thread Intel Core i7-11800H CPU. Game­play graph­ics are smooth with the lat­est GeForce 3050 Ti GPU which reli­ably deliv­ers high frame rates for a ton of mod­ern games. A super­fast NVMe PCIe SSD with 512GB speeds up load times for all your games.


Per­son­al­ize your expe­ri­ence with bold Graphite Black col­or options. A tex­tured hon­ey­comb design on the base adds grip and echoes the hexa­gon rein­force­ments around the chas­sis. Hair­line brush strokes accent the palm area, adding a sub­tle tex­ture that looks pro­fes­sion­al and clean.


Two speak­ers with four cut-outs are loud and pow­er­ful, enabling deep­er audio immer­sion. DTS:X Ultra deliv­ers high-fideli­ty audio for clear, pre­cise sound. Vir­tu­al 7.1‑channel sur­round sound enhances spa­tial aware­ness in-game to help you get the drop on ene­mies. Up to 8 pre­set modes for music, movies, and gam­ing gen­res opti­mize your expe­ri­ence fur­ther, on top of the built-in equal­iz­er that lets you fine-tune your set­tings at will.








No mat­ter where life takes you, keep a reli­able ally at your side. Light­weight, portable, and long-last­ing, this lap­top lets you stay con­nect­ed any­where. Its pow­er-effi­cient Intel Core proces­sor and for­mi­da­ble 48Wh bat­tery com­bine to offer up to 8 hours of video play­back, so you can watch more on the move. Our inte­grat­ed web­cam makes it more con­ve­nient to stream and cre­ate con­tent on the go. Fast and reli­able Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) ensures that you’ll be able to get online and be pro­duc­tive wher­ev­er com­pat­i­ble con­nec­tions are avail­able.


Arm your­self with a desk­top-style key­board opti­mized for gam­ing. Uni­form RGB back­light­ing lets you express your own unique style, while high­light­ed WASD accents give you a visu­al short­cut to key move­ment com­mands. Over­stroke tech­nol­o­gy trig­gers high­er in each key­stroke for faster respon­sive­ness and effort­less con­trol. In true TUF form, each key is durable enough to with­stand over 20 mil­lion press­es for superb long-term reli­a­bil­i­ty and pre­ci­sion.


Com­pre­hen­sive cool­ing sus­tains long-term sys­tem reli­a­bil­i­ty and extends the lifes­pan of your machine. Four heat­pipes and three heatsinks draw heat away from your hard­ware and dis­si­pates it quick­ly, keep­ing com­po­nent tem­per­a­tures at opti­mum lev­els. A self-clean­ing cool­ing design ensures that your cool­ing sys­tem stays debris-free for full func­tion­al­i­ty for the long haul. Tuned oper­at­ing modes bal­ance clock speeds and acoustics for the

ASUS TUF Gam­ing F15, 11th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU 2.3GHz (24M Cache, up to 4.6 GHz, 8 Cores) with 8 core and GeForce RTX 3050 Ti GPU, 4GB DDR6 ded­i­cat­ed graph­ic, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 512GB M.2 NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD, 15.6‑inch FHD (1920 x 1080) 144Hz, HD Web­cam, Back­lit Chi­clet Key­board Per-Key RGB.
A self-clean­ing cool­ing design ensures that each device’s cool­ing sys­tem stays strong for the long run, while oper­at­ing modes bal­ance per­for­mance and noise lev­els for the spe­cif­ic task at hand.
Fea­tur­ing a speedy IPS-lev­el pan­el up to 144Hz, the TUF Gam­ing F15 is per­fect for fast-paced game­play. The ver­sa­tile USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type‑A port sup­ports Dis­play­Port 1.4 tech­nol­o­gy, HDMI 2.0b port sup­ports 4K res­o­lu­tion at up to 60Hz sup­port Dis­play­Port.
Uni­form RGB back­light­ing lets you express your own unique style, In true TUF form, each key is durable enough to with­stand over 20 mil­lion press­es for superb long-term reli­a­bil­i­ty and pre­ci­sion.
2 Year War­ran­ty

HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2004ne,16″ UHD+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel Evo Platform, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 4GB Intel Arc A370M Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nightfall black [7Q7A1EA]

HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2004ne,16″ UHD+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel Evo Platform, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 4GB Intel Arc A370M Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nightfall black [7Q7A1EA]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Glam­Cam with Auto Frame and Appear­ance Fil­ter

Look your best on video calls with HP Glam­Cam, an intel­li­gent 5MP cam­era with Back­light Adjust­ment and Auto Frame.

Screen reminders to help pro­tect your well-being

With screen time and dis­tance reminders, you know when it’s time to take a screen break or if you’re too close.

Made with the plan­et in mind

Because bet­ter feels bet­ter, we’ve includ­ed ocean-bound plas­tic and recy­cled alu­minum in this PC design.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

Get a fresh per­spec­tive

Win­dows 11 pro­vides a calm and cre­ative space where you can pur­sue your pas­sions through a fresh expe­ri­ence. From a reju­ve­nat­ed Start menu, to new ways to con­nect to your favorite peo­ple, news, games, and con­tent – Win­dows 11 is the place to think, express, and cre­ate in a nat­ur­al way.

Excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence, any­where

The Intel Evo plat­form brings togeth­er the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of per­for­mance, respon­sive­ness, bat­tery life and stun­ning visu­als in a new class of lap­tops. These designs are ver­i­fied by Intel for an excep­tion­al lap­top expe­ri­ence, any­where.

Intel Iris Xᵉ graph­ics

Impres­sive per­for­mance for cre­at­ing, gam­ing, and enter­tain­ment. A new lev­el of graph­ics per­for­mance and crisp, stun­ning visu­als – with the con­ve­nience of a thin & light lap­top.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

All-in-One Key­board

Con­trol your pri­va­cy, secu­ri­ty and mul­ti­me­dia with the touch of a but­ton. With all your hotkeys in one area, seam­less­ly nav­i­gate with no dis­trac­tions.

Adap­tive Col­or

Easy on the eyes – Adap­tive Col­or auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts screen col­or and bright­ness based on your envi­ron­ment for more com­fort­able view­ing. To ease eye strain, the screen shows a cool­er light when it’s day­time and gets warmer when the sun goes down.

HP True Vision 5MP with cam­era shut­ter

Video chat with peace of mind with a pri­va­cy cam­era you can close when not in use.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

External I/O Ports

2 Thun­der­bolt 4 with USB4 Type‑C 40Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (USB Pow­er Deliv­ery, Dis­play­Port 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge);
1 Super­Speed USB Type‑A 10Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (HP Sleep and Charge);
1 HDMI 2.1;
1 AC smart pin;
1 headphone/microphone com­bo

The HP Spec­tre x360 Lap­top is pow­ered by an Intel Core 13th Gen­er­a­tion Proces­sor designed on Intel Evo Plat­form that adapts to you for supe­ri­or mul­ti-task­ing. With a taller dis­play, you can view more con­tent with less scrolling
One of HP’s best 2‑in‑1 lap­tops for look­ing and feel­ing your best, and keep­ing pro­duc­tive with intel­li­gent fea­tures like Auto Frame, a pow­er­ful Intel Proces­sor and screen time and dis­tance reminders
With its smart fea­tures and long last­ing bat­tery, the HP Spec­tre x360 16 inch 2‑in‑1 Lap­top PC is pow­er­ful enough to han­dle your whole day
A new lev­el of graph­ics per­for­mance and crisp, stun­ning visu­als – with the con­ve­nience of a thin & light lap­top.
With dis­play tech­nol­o­gy that lights each pix­el sep­a­rate­ly, you’ll get deep­er blacks for rich­er con­trast, enhanced col­or depth, and more pow­er effi­cien­cy than tra­di­tion­al LED screens

Acer Aspire 3 A315 15.6” Notebook- Intel Core i5-1235U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel Iris XE Graphics, Eng-Ab kb, Pure Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er









Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance

The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processors1 with Radeon graphics—ideal for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core. Per­fect to get more out of work, study, or play.

Improved Ther­mals

With a 78% increase in fan sur­face area, enjoy an improved ther­mal sys­tem and an addi­tion­al 17% ther­mal capacity3. Allow­ing for longer, more effi­cient work ses­sions while not plugged in4.

Pur­pose­ful Design

With a sleek met­al cov­er avail­able in new vibrant colors1, the Aspire 3 is lighter and thin­ner than ever before at 1.48kg1 and 17.8mm1. While a long-last­ing bat­tery allows for the fam­i­ly to get more done between charges.





The Dis­play

The 1080p FHD1 dis­play is per­fect for casu­al web brows­ing and stream­ing videos, allow­ing for sharp, detailed images. And with Acer Blue­Light­Shield, low­er the lev­els of blue light expo­sure to you and your loved ones.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 61,2 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for the whole fam­i­ly.

15.6 Inch FHD IPS acer com­fy view LED
Pow­er­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for bet­ter per­for­mance
Col­or rich dis­play, full hd dis­play keeps images and videos stun­ning while the nar­row bor­der offers-up more view­able space to pro­tect user’s eyes from harm­ful blue light, it also includes acer blue­light­shield
Plen­ty of ports with three usb port

Acer Aspire Vero 14 Evo Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U 10 Cores Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD/Intel Iris XE Graphics/14″ FHD IPS/Win 11/Latest WiFi-6E/FingerPrint/Backlit KB/Marianna Blue

Acer Aspire Vero 14 Evo Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U 10 Cores Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD/Intel Iris XE Graphics/14″ FHD IPS/Win 11/Latest WiFi-6E/FingerPrint/Backlit KB/Marianna Blue

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



For Planet Earth

For Planet Earth





For Plan­et Earth

Made from recy­cled mate­ri­als for less harm and more earthy good­ness, we use 30% PCR plas­tic in our chas­sis and screen bezel and 50% on our key­caps to become a pio­neer of full PCR inte­gra­tion into a lap­top device.


Thought­ful­ly designed to adapt to the planet’s needs, upgrade the sys­tem your­self and reduce need­less waste. Flip the lid and see our sig­na­ture ‘R’ and ‘E’ keys, echo­ing: Reduce, Reuse, and Recy­cle.

Pack­ag­ing That Goes a Bit Fur­ther

The 100% recy­clable pack­ag­ing goes fur­ther for max­i­mum reuse, allow­ing for part of the box’s con­tents to reshape into a full-func­tion­ing lap­top stand. This inno­v­a­tive approach to min­imis­ing waste has earned the Vero’s pack­ag­ing a Red Dot Design award.



Rock Solid

Rock Solid





Switch to Eco+

Take con­trol of your ener­gy effec­tive­ness with VeroSense and low­er that car­bon count (and elec­tric bill).

Rock Sol­id

Go the dis­tance with Aspire Vero. Sub­ject to the same rig­or­ous dura­bil­i­ty test­ing and made to last so that you can use less for longer.

Green But Mean

Pow­ered by an 11th Gen Intel Core proces­sor & Intel Iris Xe graph­ics for bound­ary-break­ing per­for­mance in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Keep up-to-date with Win­dows 11 and stay con­nect­ed with the ultra-reli­able Wi-Fi 6, a Type‑C and two Type‑A ports, with one sup­port­ing pow­er-off charg­ing.

Looks Good, Does Good

Looks good with the 15.6” FHD IPS dis­play and sounds bril­liant with Acer True­Har­mo­ny, and Acer Puri­fied­Voice with AI noise reduc­tion. Man­age your day-to-day with Microsoft’s Cor­tana and enjoy con­ve­nient secu­ri­ty at your fin­ger­tip.



Acer Earthion

Earth­ion is Acer’s ini­tia­tive for us all to engi­neer a bet­ter tomor­row. Togeth­er, we can achieve our mon­u­men­tal goal of leav­ing no foot­print behind. To achieve this, we have set our­selves a series of ambi­tious goals:

60% renew­able ener­gy use by 2025 & 100% renew­able ener­gy use (RE100) by 2035
30% PCR plas­tic con­tent in core prod­ucts by 2025
80% car­bon reduc­tion by 2050 (Com­pared with the base­line year of 2009)
100% of note­book pack­ag­ing is made from sus­tain­able mate­ri­als







Acer Earthion

Earth­ion is Acer’s ini­tia­tive for us all to engi­neer a bet­ter tomor­row. Togeth­er, we can achieve our mon­u­men­tal goal of leav­ing no foot­print behind. To achieve this, we have set our­selves a series of ambi­tious goals:

60% renew­able ener­gy use by 2025 & 100% renew­able ener­gy use (RE100) by 2035
30% PCR plas­tic con­tent in core prod­ucts by 2025
80% car­bon reduc­tion by 2050 (Com­pared with the base­line year of 2009)
100% of note­book pack­ag­ing is made from sus­tain­able mate­ri­als









Award Win­ning Prod­uct : iF Design Award 2022, Good Design Award 2021, red­dot Win­ner 2021 & 2022, epeat Sil­ver Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion
For Plan­et Earth With EPEAT Sil­ver reg­is­tra­tion, the envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly Aspire Vero is made with post-con­sumer recy­cled plas­tic.
Switch to Eco+ Take con­trol of your ener­gy effi­cien­cy with VeroSense, our smart bat­tery man­age­ment app.
Rock Sol­id Sub­ject to the same dura­bil­i­ty test­ing, our green PC is made to last so that you can use less for longer.
Green But Mean Pow­ered by 13th Gen Intel Core proces­sors & Intel Iris Xe graph­ics for bound­ary-break­ing per­for­mance in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Stay fresh with Win­dows 11 and stay con­nect­ed with Wi-Fi 6E.

14.1 Inch Laptop, Intel Celeron J4105 Processor, Thin Light Business Student Laptop Computer, FHD IPS 1920x1080 Display, 8GB DDR4 RAM, WiFi, Bluetooth, Windows 10/11, BT (512GB UK Plug 100‑240V)

14.1 Inch Laptop, Intel Celeron J4105 Processor, Thin Light Business Student Laptop Computer, FHD IPS 1920x1080 Display, 8GB DDR4 RAM, WiFi, Bluetooth, Windows 10/11, BT (512GB UK Plug 100‑240V)

【High Performance】The 14.1‑inch lap­top is pow­ered by Intel Celeron high-per­for­mance J4105 proces­sor with 1.50GHz proces­sor fre­quen­cy, which pro­vides amaz­ing per­for­mance and pow­er­ful pro­cess­ing pow­er. Enhance the run­ning speed, free switch­ing with­out lag.
【14.1 Inch FHD screen】The lap­top fea­tures a 14.1‑inch 1920x1080 Ultra HD dis­play, visu­al upgrade, vivid pre­sen­ta­tion, enjoy a wider field of vision.IPS HD screen brings users a more shock­ing visu­al impact and immer­sive visu­al feast.
【8GB DDR4 Memory】14.1‑inch lap­top with 8G DDR4 high-speed oper­a­tion, sol­id state stor­age, game office both, to meet the needs of graph­ic design, busi­ness office, games and enter­tain­ment, smooth use.
【Rich Interface】14.1‑inch lap­top open­ing angle of 0–180 degrees, whether 90 degrees or 180 degrees are com­fort­able and unre­strict­ed; casu­al inter­ac­tion, rich inter­faces, inter­face is com­plete and con­ve­nient to con­nect periph­er­als, expan­sion with­out wor­ry.
【Wide­ly Applications】The lap­top sup­ports Win­dows 10, Win­dows 11, ide­al for con­tent cre­ation, home enter­tain­ment, dai­ly office, gam­ing, stream­ing media, online cours­es, dis­tance learn­ing, meet­ings, video con­fer­enc­ing and more.

CHUWI CoreBook Pro 13″ Laptop with Intel Core i3 Processor 8GB RAM 256GB SSD 2160x1440 Pixels IPS Display, Backlit Keyboard, AC Wi-Fi, BT4.2 Type‑C, Stereo Speakers, Windows 10 Notebook Light and Thin

CHUWI CoreBook Pro 13″ Laptop with Intel Core i3 Processor 8GB RAM 256GB SSD 2160x1440 Pixels IPS Display, Backlit Keyboard, AC Wi-Fi, BT4.2 Type‑C, Stereo Speakers, Windows 10 Notebook Light and Thin

SPEC SHEET of the Core­book Pro

CPU: Intel Core i3-6157U
Graph­ics: Intel Iris Graph­ics 550
Screen: 13-inch 2160 x 1440 FHD+ res­o­lu­tion
Stor­age: 256GB Kingston SATA
Ports: 1 x USB 3.0, 1 x USB‑C, audio jack, MicroSD card read­er
Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Intel Wire­less-AC 7265, 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth 4.2
Weight: 1.360kg
Size: 21.9 x 29 x 1.85cm (H x W x D)
Bat­tery: 46.2Whr
Core­Book Pro tablet pre-installed Win­dows 10 home os, com­bined with Intel core i3-6157u CPU which’s fre­quen­cy is 2.40 GHz and has 4 ‑threads to han­dle desk­top soft­ware and appli­ca­tions. Inte­grat­ed Graph­ics 550 pro­vide impres­sive 3D gam­ing expe­ri­ence for you.
LPDDR4 8G RAM+256 SSD ROM: Dual chan­nel 2133MHz RAM deliv­er­ing quick app launch­es, smooth games and videos. 256GB SSD hard disk ide­al for down­load­ing tons of files, apps, songs, sup­port SSD expan­sion to 1t. TF card inter­face sup­ports up to 128G.
13-inch 2K full-screen dis­play: With 2160*1400 res­o­lu­tion it’s a sharp and clear dis­play, per­fect for every­thing. The full-screen design with nar­row bezels and aspect ratio 3:2, suit­able for almost all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty sce­nar­ios. The col­or gamut of the screen reach­es 100% of SRGB stan­dard, so the col­or repro­duc­tion is pret­ty accurate.tion is pret­ty accu­rate.
Long Last­ing Bat­tery Life: The­o­ret­i­cal use time over 4 hours. Choose pow­er sav­ing mode that you would have more than 10h using time. Whole body approx 1.72lbs and thick­ness is 0.27″, ultra light weight and slim. Fur­ther more, it sup­ports 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth 4.2
Mul­ti­ple I/O Pro­duc­tive Inter­face: Includ­ing A large touch­pad, a Type‑C port can use for 20 watt PD charg­ing and 3.0 data trans­mis­sion, a Micro SD slot, a head­phone jack, a Type‑A USB port and a pro­pri­etary port for bar­rel charg­ers, built in stereo speak­ers is. The back­lit fea­ture will help you work in the dim light con­di­tion.

Huawei Matebook 13S Laptop,Windows 10 Home,13.4 Inch 2.5K Fullview Display,90% Screen-To-Body Ratio,90 Hz Refresh Rate, 16GB Ssd+512GB Rom,11Th Gen Intel Core I7 Processor,Mystic Silver

Huawei Matebook 13S Laptop,Windows 10 Home,13.4 Inch 2.5K Fullview Display,90% Screen-To-Body Ratio,90 Hz Refresh Rate, 16GB Ssd+512GB Rom,11Th Gen Intel Core I7 Processor,Mystic Silver

Dis­tinc­tive­ly Light :HUAWEI Mate­Book 13s unveiled in three dis­tinc­tive colours — Mys­tic Sil­ver, Space Grey, and Huawei’s lat­est colour, Spruce Green. the light­weight 1.32 kg*with stur­dy alu­mini­um-alloy body** , get the fin­ish you want and take it with you any­where.
Rev­el in the Nar­row Bezel: you can take in every image, delight in every sight on the 2.5K Ful­lView dis­play. And with a 90% screen-to-body ratio***, via the 4 super-nar­row bezel sides, plus deep­er 3:2 aspect ratio, you can dis­cov­er more of what you want to see.
At Your Own Rate:The 90 Hz refresh rate allows videos, games, or live streams to flow much more smooth­ly. Eas­i­ly switch between 90 Hz, for improved per­for­mance, and 60 Hz, for improved bat­tery life, with a sim­ple tap of the Fn+R keys.
Impres­sive Com­fort: With the full-size key­board ‚high 1.5 mm key trav­el and nat­u­ral­ly respon­sive, Let your fin­gers feel at home. And don’t be put off by the dark when you’re work­ing late with the smart back­light adjust­ment fea­ture****, which lights up auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the lights go down.
The Pow­er of Con­ve­nience: HUAWEI Mate­Book 13s has the pow­er to endure with its super-high capac­i­ty 60 Wh bat­tery*****. Even use the com­pact 65 W USB‑C adapter to fast charge your phone and tablet too.

Aspire 5 A515 NB with 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U 10 Cores Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD/4GB Nvidia RTX2050/15.6″ FHD IPS ComfyView Display/Win 11 Home/WiFi-6E/Steel Gray

Aspire 5 A515 NB with 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U 10 Cores Upto 4.60GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD/4GB Nvidia RTX2050/15.6″ FHD IPS ComfyView Display/Win 11 Home/WiFi-6E/Steel Gray

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator

Made to Do it All

Made to Do it All

RTX. It’s ON.

RTX. It’s ON.

Smooth Oper­a­tor

Make light work of your dai­ly tasks, with a full line-up of fea­tures to ele­vate your day-to-day—like TwinAir Cooling1, a 1080p web­cam, an air inlet key­board, and alu­minum cov­er in mul­ti­ple vibrant colors1.

Made to Do it All

Max­i­mize your mul­ti­task­ing and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with the lat­est 13th Gen Intel Core Processors1 for accel­er­at­ed per­for­mance. And with onboard LPDDR5 mem­o­ry and M.2 SSD storage—the Aspire 5 is made to do it all.

RTX. It’s ON.

Step up your game with an Aspire 5 equipped with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX ded­i­cat­ed GPU, which is the most advanced plat­form for ray trac­ing and AI tech­nolo­gies that are rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the ways we play and cre­ate.

Clear and Comfortable Viewing

Clear and Comfortable Viewing

Collaborate Confidently

Collaborate Confidently

The Connectivity

The Connectivity

Clear and Com­fort­able View­ing

See more and do more with a 16:10 aspect ratio and nar­row bezel—choose 14”, 15” or 17” 1080p IPS dis­plays, or step it up with 1440p QHD—all equipped with Acer’s suite of visu­al tech­nolo­gies for dynam­ic col­or and view­ing com­fort.

Col­lab­o­rate Con­fi­dent­ly

Enjoy crisp images and sound while video call­ing using Acer Puri­fied View advanced AI solu­tion and dual dig­i­tal micro­phones with Acer Puri­fied Voice. Smart solu­tions devel­oped for you to col­lab­o­rate con­fi­dent­ly.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your devices with a wide range of port options. Giv­ing you increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for any task.

15.6″ FHD IPS Acer Com­fyView LED LCD
The Design The Aspire 5 fea­tures a met­al cov­er and an ele­vat­ed hinge design with ergonom­ic fea­tures. Avail­able to fit your style, with an option­al back­lit key­board so you can do more from wher­ev­er, when­ev­er.
Make. It. Hap­pen. The lat­est 13th Gen Intel Core Series Proces­sors pow­er the Aspire 5 for mul­ti­task­ing and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. And expe­ri­ence accel­er­at­ed pho­to and video edit­ing with Nvidia RTX2050 graph­ics
Keep Your Cool Expe­ri­ence engi­neered solu­tions to max­i­mize cool­ing with dual fans sup­port­ing mul­ti­ple cool­ing modes and dual cop­per ther­mal pipes. Expel up to 10% more heat with the air inlet key­board to keep your cool when it counts
The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Fea­tur­ing the next gen­er­a­tion in con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Wi-Fi 6E per­fect for high-speed file shar­ing and smooth 4K stream­ing, and Blue­tooth 6.0E And with a USB Type‑C Pot, Thun­der­bolt 4

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15.6” Laptop| QLED Display and Intel Core i7 Processor | 8 GB Memory | 512GB SSD | Long Battery Life and Windows 10 Operating System | (NP950XCJ-K01US)

Samsung Galaxy Book Ion 15.6” Laptop| QLED Display and Intel Core i7 Processor | 8 GB Memory | 512GB SSD | Long Battery Life and Windows 10 Operating System | (NP950XCJ-K01US)

Take the mag­ic of QLED and move to the world of PCs with the Sam­sung Galaxy Book Ion. Expe­ri­ence up to 100% Col­or Volume1 which stays vibrant even in direct sun­light. The for­mi­da­ble 10th gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i7 proces­sor lets you enjoy min­i­mal lag and 512GB of stor­age. The fast-charg­ing bat­tery lasts up to 21 hours2 and its Wire­less Pow­er­Share func­tion lets you charge your wire­less-com­pat­i­ble devices right on its surface3. The Galaxy Book Ion’s slim design ele­vates the key­board as you tilt the screen, cre­at­ing a more com­fort­able angle for typ­ing and nav­i­gat­ing. Down­load con­tent in sec­onds and 3x4 faster with the sixth gen­er­a­tion of Wi-Fi. Built-in and ready to go, Win­dows 10 Home OS has all the pow­er and famil­iar pro­grams you know and love. Have access to one Thun­der­bolt 3 ports and two USB 3.0 ports. Addi­tion­al fea­tures like the AKG stereo speak­ers and Win­dows Hel­lo secu­ri­ty top off a very inno­v­a­tive lap­top com­put­er. 1) DCI-P3 99.6%, sRGB 99.9% 2) Bat­tery life may vary depend­ing on net­work envi­ron­ment, usage pat­terns and oth­er fac­tors. 3) Com­pat­i­ble with Qi wire­less charg­ing sup­port­ed devices. 4) 802.11ax 2x2 160 MHz enables 2402 Mbps max­i­mum the­o­ret­i­cal data rates, ~3X (2.8X) faster than stan­dard 802.11ac 2x2 80 MHz (867 Mbps) as doc­u­ment­ed in IEEE 802.11 wire­less stan­dard spec­i­fi­ca­tions and require the use of sim­i­lar­ly con­fig­ured 802.11ax wire­less net­work routers.
QLED DISPLAY — Stream, browse, and expe­ri­ence gor­geous detail with the mag­ic of QLED which touts vir­tu­al­ly 100% col­or vol­ume and stays vibrant even in direct sun­light
POWERHOUSE PROCESSOR — Enjoy min­i­mal lag, near-instan­ta­neous start­up, and 512GB of mem­o­ry with the for­mi­da­ble 10th gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i7 proces­sor
LONG-LASTING BATTERY — Work and stream to your heart’s con­tent thanks to the fast-charg­ing bat­tery that lasts up to 21 hours
WIRELESS POWERSHARE — Keep the charg­ing going strong now that the track­pad charges your oth­er wire­less-com­pat­i­ble devices right on its sur­face
ELEVATED EXPERIENCE — The Galaxy Book Ion’s slim design ele­vates the key­board as you tilt the screen, cre­at­ing a more com­fort­able angle for typ­ing and nav­i­gat­ing
WI-FI 6 — Down­load con­tent in sec­onds with net­work speeds up to 3x faster than pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion Wi-Fi
WINDOWS 10 HOME OS — Built-in and ready to go, Win­dows’ most pow­er­ful oper­at­ing sys­tem fea­tures all the famil­iar pro­grams you know and love
SOUND BY AKG — Bring your con­tent to life with lay­ers of rich, tex­tured sound that per­fect­ly com­pli­ments the bril­liant QLED screen
SMART AND SECURE — Improved secu­ri­ty fea­tures now backed by Win­dows Hel­lo means you can trust the impor­tant things will stay safe
THUNDERBOLT PORT — Have access to one Thun­der­bolt 3 ports and two USB 3.0 ports

MICR0SOFT Surface Laptop 2 | Intel Core i5, 8th Generation | 8GB RAM, 256GB | 13.5 Inches Touchscreen | Intel UHD Graphics 620 — Platinum | Charger For Microsoft Surface (Renewed)

MICR0SOFT Surface Laptop 2 | Intel Core i5, 8th Generation | 8GB RAM, 256GB | 13.5 Inches Touchscreen | Intel UHD Graphics 620 — Platinum | Charger For Microsoft Surface (Renewed)

This pre-owned or refur­bished prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new. How a prod­uct becomes part of Ama­zon Renewed, your des­ti­na­tion for pre-owned, refur­bished prod­ucts: A cus­tomer buys a new prod­uct and returns it or trades it in for a new­er or dif­fer­ent mod­el. That prod­uct is inspect­ed and test­ed to work and look like new by Ama­zon-qual­i­fied sup­pli­ers. Then, the prod­uct is sold as an Ama­zon Renewed prod­uct on Ama­zon. If not sat­is­fied with the pur­chase, renewed prod­ucts are eli­gi­ble for replace­ment or refund under the Ama­zon Renewed Guar­an­tee
This pre-owned prod­uct has been pro­fes­sion­al­ly inspect­ed, test­ed and cleaned
Sur­face Lap­top fea­tures 8th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i5 Proces­sor, 256GB Sol­id State Dri­ve, 8GB RAM, 13.5‑Inch Pix­elSense touch­screen dis­play (2256 x 1504) res­o­lu­tion
Thin, light, and pow­er­ful. Graph­ics: Intel HD Graph­ics 620, Usb 3.0, Mini Dis­play­Port, SD card slot., Win­dows 10, Blue­tooth 4.0, Wi-Fi: 802.11AC Wire­less LAN, sur­face Pen not includ­ed
This prod­uct is in “Excel­lent con­di­tion”. The screen and body show no signs of cos­met­ic dam­age vis­i­ble from 12 inch­es away. This prod­uct will have a bat­tery that exceeds 80% capac­i­ty rel­a­tive to new.
Acces­sories will be com­pat­i­ble and ful­ly func­tion­al. Prod­uct may come in gener­ic box. This Mac­Book Pro ships with a charg­er.
This prod­uct is eli­gi­ble for a replace­ment or refund if it does not work as expect­ed.

ROG Zephyrus G14 GA403UI-OLED7WPW Platinum White, Gaming Laptop, R7‑7 8845HS 16GB 1TB PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD, RTX 4070, 8GB VRAM, WIN11 Pro, 14 inch 3K 16:10 129Hz, Backlit-RGB-Eng-Arb-KB

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





Enjoy effort­less Win­dows 11 Pro gam­ing and cre­at­ing expe­ri­ence with an AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS proces­sor
Game and cre­ate with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Lap­top GPU
ROG’s first 3K OLED 120Hz/0.2ms Neb­u­la Dis­play, with VESA Dis­play­H­DR True Black 500 sup­port
ROG Intel­li­gent Cool­ing, Tri-fan tech­nol­o­gy, liq­uid met­al, improved heat­pipes and 2nd Gen Arc Flow Fans
Ultra slim 1.59cm 1.5kg 14” Pre­mi­um alu­minum chas­sis

2024 ROG Zephyrus G14
Per­for­mance Meets Pre­ci­sion

Pow­er, pre­ci­sion, and ele­gance define the 2024 Zephyrus G14. Thin­ner and sleek­er than ever before, the Zephyrus G14 still has the same sense of style and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty that has always set it apart from the crowd.







The Future is Here

Game and cre­ate with ease on this Win­dows 11 Pro pow­ered machine. Fea­tur­ing an AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS proces­sor with AI accel­er­a­tors and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Lap­top GPU, this 14-inch machine can eas­i­ly han­dle the lat­est games and cut­ting-edge cre­ative soft­ware alike. Whether you’re in a video call, edit­ing a video, or in a next gen­er­a­tion game, AI accel­er­a­tors are work­ing tire­less­ly behind the scenes to improve your expe­ri­ence.

OLED is Here

For the first time on an ROG lap­top, enjoy the ultra-fast response times and incred­i­ble con­trast ratios that are only pos­si­ble with OLED tech­nol­o­gy. This ROG Neb­u­la pan­el also boasts a 3K res­o­lu­tion, giv­ing it incred­i­ble pix­el den­si­ty on a 14-inch screen, with a 120Hz refresh rate that makes all of your games look silky smooth. With 100% cov­er­age of the DCI-P3 col­or space, a delta E col­or accu­ra­cy of less than 1, and VESA HDR True Black 500 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, pre­pare to be immersed in HDR con­tent so life­like that the screen melts away.


The Zephyrus G14 has always been defined by its porta­bil­i­ty, and the 2024 mod­el is no excep­tion. This incred­i­ble gam­ing machine is a true thin-and-light, weigh­ing in at just 1.5kg, with some mod­els mea­sur­ing as low as 1.59cm thick. Paired with a 73Wh bat­tery that sup­ports fast charg­ing from 0–50% in just 30 min­utes and sup­port for Wi-Fi 6E wire­less net­work­ing, the Zephyrus G14 is the ulti­mate gam­ing and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty machine for those on the move.







Keys to Mas­tery

The track­pad and key­board are crit­i­cal for con­trol­ling your lap­top, so we spared no expense with the design of the Zephyrus G14. Despite being just a 14-inch device, the G14 boasts a large 16:10 aspect ratio track­pad for supe­ri­or typ­ing, pre­ci­sion scrolling, and flu­id gam­ing. We’ve also increased the key­cap size by 12.24% for smoother typ­ing as well, thanks to extra rigid­i­ty from the CNC machin­ing. An extra long 1.7mm trav­el dis­tance gives the key­board a pre­mi­um typ­ing feel, and with a life­time of 20 mil­lion press­es, it’s a per­fect long-term part­ner.

Sleek Design

The new Zephyrus G14 catch­es your eye the moment you see it. Pre­ci­sion CNC-machined from alu­minum alloy, this high strength mate­r­i­al accepts com­plex shapes and also looks absolute­ly gor­geous after being anodized in either Eclipse Gray or the all-new breath­tak­ing Plat­inum White col­or­way. The sleek chas­sis and mat­te fin­ish of the Zephyrus G14 sim­ply beg to be touched.

Pump Up The Vol­ume

Get lost in the music with the new and improved woofers on the Zephyrus G14. With a stag­ger­ing 252% vol­ume increase and an ultra-low bass fre­quen­cy of 100Hz, the G14 pro­duces clear and vibrant sound that you wouldn’t expect from an ultra-slim 14-inch machine. Whether you’re vib­ing to your favorite pod­cast or sav­ing the world in the lat­est games, the Zephyrus G14 is ready to pump up the vol­ume.

ROG Zephyrus G14 2024 is pow­ered by AMD AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS Proces­sor 3.8GHz (24MB Cache, up to 5.1 GHz, 8 cores, 16 Threads); AMD Ryzen AI up to 38 TOPs and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 graph­ics, 8GB GDDR6, 16GB mem­o­ry, 1TB PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD stor­age, 14-inch, 3K (2880 x 1800) OLED 16:10 aspect ratio Refresh rate 120GHz/0.2ms, 1080P FHD IR Cam, Back­lit Chi­clet Key­board 1‑Zone RGB.
ROG’s list of cool­ing tech­nolo­gies, includ­ing improved heat­pipes, Tri Fan Tech­nol­o­gy, 2nd Gen­er­a­tion Arc Flow Fans and a redesigned high-effi­cien­cy air out­let
Dual USB Type‑C ports, one with pow­er deliv­ery and Dis­play­Port 1.4 sup­port, as well as a pair of USB 3.2 Type‑A ports pro­vide ample con­nec­tiv­i­ty options. The brand-new addi­tion of a Micro SD card read­er is per­fect for cre­ators who need to trans­fer data while on the move.
This ROG Neb­u­la pan­el also boasts a 3K res­o­lu­tion, giv­ing it incred­i­ble pix­el den­si­ty on a 14-inch screen, with a 120Hz refresh, With 100% cov­er­age of the DCI-P3 col­or space, a delta E col­or accu­ra­cy of less than 1, and VESA HDR True Black 500 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

IdeaPad Flex 5 14ALC7, 2 in 1 laptop with pen, 14.0″ WUXGA (1920x1200) IPS Touch, RYZEN 5–5500U, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, INTEGRATED GRAPHICS, Win 11, Eng Arb Backlit KB, GRAPHITE GREY (82R9006XAX)

IdeaPad Flex 5 14ALC7, 2 in 1 laptop with pen, 14.0″ WUXGA (1920x1200) IPS Touch, RYZEN 5–5500U, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, INTEGRATED GRAPHICS, Win 11, Eng Arb Backlit KB, GRAPHITE GREY (82R9006XAX)

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



Power plus restraint

AMD Ryzen U Series Mobile Proces­sors give the per­for­mance you need for con­tent cre­ation and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Up to 16GB LPDDR4x mem­o­ry and 1TB PCle SSD stor­age offer faster read and write speeds, with stor­age for all of your files. Intel­li­gent Cool­ing ensures cool temps and qui­et fan noise; bal­ance your ses­sions to opti­mize bat­tery life or bol­ster per­for­mance with Lenovo’s AI tech­nol­o­gy.



Next-level technology

Full-func­tion USB‑C 3.2 Gen 2 ports sup­port pow­er deliv­ery, dis­play out­put to 4K screens, and fast data trans­fer. Rapid Charge Boost adds two hours of bat­tery life with only 15 min­utes of charg­ing. A fin­ger­print sen­sor gives you login secu­ri­ty. And an option­al Stan­dard Leno­vo Pen cap­tures real-world objects with ease.



Elegant, durable design

Testd 25,000 times for dura­bil­i­ty, the 360-degree design allows work­ing and play­ing in four modes: lap­top, tablet, tent, or stand. The unique drop-down hinge pro­vides a com­fort­able typ­ing angle on this thin and light lap­top, avail­able in gor­geous Storm Grey, Cloud Grey, or Stone Blue.



Visual clarity

Enjoy ultra­sharp images and clear read­abil­i­ty and colour accu­ra­cy from up to a 2.2K, 300-nit dis­play with 100% sRGB. Its 16:10 aspect ratio with 90% AAR means more screen real estate for your work, enter­tain­ment, and con­tent cre­ation, while TUV cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ensures your eye com­fort and safe­ty.

Ver­sa­tile 2‑in‑1 lap­top with sty­lus pen includ­ed
Pow­ered by speedy & pow­er­ful AMD Ryzen 5000 Series proces­sors
FHD cam­era & smart noise-can­celling for improved video­calls
15-minute Rapid Charge gives two hours of bat­tery life
Vivid hues & wide field of vision on 14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) touch­screen dis­play

HUAWEI Matebook D 14 2021 Laptop, Windows 11, Inch Ultrabook With 1080P Eye Comfort Fullview Display, 11Th Gen Intel Core Processor, 8Gb+512Gb, Mystic Silver, Nobeld Wdh9D, Space Gray

HUAWEI Matebook D 14 2021 Laptop, Windows 11, Inch Ultrabook With 1080P Eye Comfort Fullview Display, 11Th Gen Intel Core Processor, 8Gb+512Gb, Mystic Silver, Nobeld Wdh9D, Space Gray

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

Beau­ti­ful in Every Way

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 is fit­ted with a remark­able 1920 x 1080 IPS screen and the bezels have been stripped back to just 4.8 mm, mak­ing the 14-inch Ful­lView dis­play look near­ly end­less. While div­ing into a cin­e­mat­ic expe­ri­ence or prepar­ing a mul­ti­me­dia pre­sen­ta­tion, you are in for a visu­al treat with the vivid, beau­ti­ful screen.

Light, Sleek and Styl­ish

Weigh­ing in at just 1.38 kg and with a thick­ness of 15.9 mm, the stream­lined design does­n’t just look great, it means you can push the hinge to near­ly 180°. You’ll get the best view in the house, whether you’re kick­ing back or right at the edge of your seat.

Open­ing Angle: 180°

Thin: 15.9 mm

Light: 1.38 kg

Feel the Force

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 is pow­ered by the AMD Ryzen 74700U/AMD Ryzen 5 4500U proces­sor, which adopts a cut­ting-edge 7nm process node, achiev­ing sig­nif­i­cant cal­cu­la­tion accel­er­a­tion and per­for­mance enhance­ment. Cou­pled with its Radeon Graph­ics, you can mas­ter dai­ly work or enjoy enter­tain­ment with flu­id, effort­less fun.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

The Cool, Silent Type

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 is equipped with our Shark Fin 2.0 fan design. It effec­tive­ly opti­mizes air flow and dis­si­pates heat, cool­ing the lap­top rapid­ly and qui­et­ly, so it can han­dle what­ev­er you throw at it with­out break­ing a sweat, ensur­ing an undis­turbed, hushed ambi­ence for a pro­duc­tive work­flow or some relax­ing per­son­al time.

Empow­er Your Day

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 is equipped with an 56 Wh bat­tery, whether you’re fac­ing exten­sive meet­ings or back-to-back class­es, it will get you through effort­less­ly. And if you’ve got a long haul flight, don’t set­tle for inflight enter­tain­ment. Binge-watch a series instead, with up to 10.5 hours of 1080P local video play­back.

Huawei Share

With just a sim­ple tap, your smart­phone and HUAWEI Mate­Book will trans­form into “ONE” super device. Your phone screen appears on your lap­top, so you can enjoy the big­ger screen to make real-time video calls, check pho­tos, drag and drop files between the two devices, and then edit them with the same key­board and mouse. Thanks to Huawei’s dis­trib­uted tech­nol­o­gy, your smart­phone can also use the PC’s micro­phone and cam­era, mak­ing life and work much eas­i­er and more enjoy­able.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

Pow­er in Your Pock­et

HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 comes with a 65 W USB‑C charg­er that fits right in your pock­et, so you can charge on the go. It can charge your lap­top bat­tery to 46% in just 30 minutes.Also it sup­ports HUAWEI Super­Charge and data trans­fer for your phone.

For Your Eyes Only

Stay unin­ter­rupt­ed for longer in the bor­der­less world of HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14. The TÜV Rhein­land cer­ti­fied dis­play reduces eye-impair­ing blue light sig­nif­i­cant­ly, and deliv­ers a flick­er-free expe­ri­ence that ensures your view­ing plea­sure and long-term opti­cal health.

Indulge in Immer­sive Sur­round Sound

With new and improved dis­tor­tion cor­rec­tion, the immer­sive sur­round sound will trans­form your lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence into an authen­tic live sen­sa­tion. HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 takes the audio enjoy­ment from movies, music and games, and brings it clos­er for your every­day rou­tine.

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

HUAWEI MateBook D 14'' Laptop,HUAWEI laptop, laptop, MateBook D 14, Matebook, HUAWEI

Unlock the World at Your Fin­ger­tip

The pow­er but­ton of the HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 has a built-in fin­ger­print read­er. With just one press, you can pow­er on and login secure­ly to your desk­top.

Inno­v­a­tive Recessed Cam­era

Pops up only when you need it. Flip it down to pre­vent poten­tial remote access and secu­ri­ty breach­es.

Fn+P Dual-mode Switch

To han­dle CPU-con­sum­ing soft­ware or inten­sive work, press Fn+P to enable Per­for­mance Mode for enhanced pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Press again to switch back to Stan­dard Mode for less demand­ing dai­ly use, while enjoy­ing qui­eter and long-last­ing expe­ri­ence.

【Eye Com­fort HUAWEI Ful­lView Display】IPS anti-glare 14 inch HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play, 16:9 aspect ratio and 1080p res­o­lu­tion. Designed to relieve eye strain and vision fatigue, with Flick­er Free and Low Blue Light cer­ti­fi­ca­tions from TÜV Rhein­land.
【Pow­er­ful Performance】The 11th Gen Intel Core Proces­sor makes every­thing that much faster, enhance your effi­cien­cy. The Intel Iris Xe paints your favourite con­tent in glow­ing colours, send­ing graph­ics per­for­mance through the roof.
【Fin­ger­print Pow­er Button】Your fin­ger is your pass­port to ful­ly access HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14. Press the Fin­ger­print Pow­er But­ton it will read your fin­ger­print, to pow­er on and log in instant­ly, giv­ing you the faster and more secure way to start up.
【Huawei Share】Sync up your phone screen to the Mate­Book screen with a sim­ple tap on the track­pad. You can drag and drop files on your phone from the phone screen to the Mate­Book screen and then edit them while answer­ing phone calls on Mate­Book.
【Light and Com­pact Charger】The 65 W USB‑C charg­er for HUAWEI Mate­Book D 14 is light and com­pact enough to slip eas­i­ly into your pock­et, while pow­er­ful enough to pro­vide 2 hours’ office use from a quick 15-min charge.

Razer Blade 15 Gaming Laptop, Intel Core I7-9750H, 15.6 Inch, 512 Gb Ssd, 16 Gb Ram, Nvidia® Geforce Rtx™ 2070 Max‑Q, Win 10 Home, Eng Kb, Black

Razer Blade 15 Gaming Laptop, Intel Core I7-9750H, 15.6 Inch, 512 Gb Ssd, 16 Gb Ram, Nvidia® Geforce Rtx™ 2070 Max‑Q, Win 10 Home, Eng Kb, Black

From the man­u­fac­tur­er




Ultra Fast. Ultra Small. Ultra Powerful.

The new Raz­er Blade 15 (Select Advanced Mod­el) is now avail­able with the world’s first opti­cal lap­top switch­es in a gam­ing lap­top. All mod­els have options for the lat­est 6‑Core Intel Core proces­sors and NVIDIA GeForce RTX graph­ics, com­bined with ample mem­o­ry and fast stor­age options. The Base Mod­el fea­tures a Full HD dis­play up to 144Hz, while the Advanced Mod­el offers Full HD pan­els up to 240Hz or 4K Touch options, includ­ing a new OLED pan­el for vibrant col­ors and deep blacks. The pre­ci­sion craft­ed alu­minum chas­sis is com­pact and durable, while remain­ing as thin as 0.70-inch in select mod­els.







The World’s First Opti­cal Lap­top Switch

In Our Select Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mod­el

Our new opti­cal lap­top switch har­ness­es the pow­er and speed of light to instant­ly cap­ture your inputs.* Every key­press deliv­ers sat­is­fy­ing mechan­i­cal tac­tile feed­back, and each key­cap is indi­vid­u­al­ly back­lit with Raz­er Chro­ma RGB light­ing.

*The new Raz­er Opti­cal key­board switch­es are avail­able first in the Raz­er Blade 15 Advanced Mod­el with GeForce RTX 2070 con­fig­u­ra­tion.

Ultra-thin Anodized Uni­body Alu­minum Frame

The pre­ci­sion craft­ed alu­minum chas­sis is packed with features—despite being as thin as 0.70”

Expand Your Bat­tlesta­tion

Direct­ly con­nect up to three exter­nal dis­plays for an expan­sive work­space through Thun­der­bolt 3, Mini Dis­play­Port, and HDMI. Com­plete the set­up by con­nect­ing desk­top periph­er­als to the three USB‑A ports, and get Giga­bit Eth­er­net on the Base Mod­el. The Advanced Mod­el with 9th Gen Intel Core proces­sor steps up the USB speed to 10Gbps and fea­tures Wi-Fi 6 AX200 for wire­less speeds up to 2.4Gbps.







It’s All Screen

Get more out of your view­ing expe­ri­ence with min­i­mal bezel dis­trac­tion and col­or accu­rate indi­vid­u­al­ly cal­i­brat­ed dis­plays.

With a Full HD, 1920 x 1080 dis­play and refresh rates of up to 240Hz, on-screen action is incred­i­bly smooth and flu­id. Enjoy col­or­ful and accu­rate visu­als with the thin bezel, fac­to­ry cal­i­brat­ed 15.6“ dis­play, with sup­port for 100% sRGB col­or.

Noth­ing Else Like A Blade

Designed for a cus­tomiz­able, immer­sive expe­ri­ence, the Raz­er Blade is loaded with inno­v­a­tive fea­tures.

Left Image: Advanced Mod­el Per Key RGB Light­ing
Mid­dle Image: Base Mod­el Sin­gle-zone RGB Light­ing
Right Image: Mer­cury White Per Key RGB Light­ing

More games. More fun.

Win­dows 10 is the biggest PC gam­ing plat­form out there. Deliv­er­ing more pow­er, fea­tures, and you guessed it, games. Play every­thing from the Microsoft Store, Ori­gin, Epic, and Steam—in fact, most games on Steam are built espe­cial­ly for Win­dows. So whether you’re a sea­soned gamer or just get­ting start­ed, Win­dows gives you more choic­es and chances to play.



Edge-To-Edge Action: 240Hz refresh rates deliv­er fast, col­or­ful and accu­rate visu­als
Bio­met­ric Secu­ri­ty: Sup­ports Win­dows Hel­lo instant facial unlock with inte­grat­ed web­cam and IR sen­sor
Pre­ci­sion craft­ed CNC alu­minum uni­body, just 0.70″ thin

Acer Aspire 3 A315 laptop with AMD Ryzen 7–5700U Octa Core Upto 4.30GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/AMD Radeon Graphics/15.6″ FHD ComfyView Display/Win 11/WiFi‑6/Pure Silver

Acer Aspire 3 A315 laptop with AMD Ryzen 7–5700U Octa Core Upto 4.30GHz/8GB DDR4 RAM/512GB SSD Storage/AMD Radeon Graphics/15.6″ FHD ComfyView Display/Win 11/WiFi‑6/Pure Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er









Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance

The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processors1 with Radeon graphics—ideal for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core. Per­fect to get more out of work, study, or play.

Improved Ther­mals

With a 78% increase in fan sur­face area, enjoy an improved ther­mal sys­tem and an addi­tion­al 17% ther­mal capacity3. Allow­ing for longer, more effi­cient work ses­sions while not plugged in4.

Pur­pose­ful Design

With a sleek met­al cov­er avail­able in new vibrant colors1, the Aspire 3 is lighter and thin­ner than ever before at 1.48kg1 and 17.8mm1. While a long-last­ing bat­tery allows for the fam­i­ly to get more done between charges.





The Dis­play

The 1080p FHD1 dis­play is per­fect for casu­al web brows­ing and stream­ing videos, allow­ing for sharp, detailed images. And with Acer Blue­Light­Shield, low­er the lev­els of blue light expo­sure to you and your loved ones.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 61,2 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for the whole fam­i­ly.

15″ FHD Com­fyView Slim­Bezel LED LCD
“Pow­er­ful Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty For bet­ter per­for­mance, the Aspire 3 uses the lat­est AMD Ryzen Proces­sors, and deliv­ers enough pow­er to see you through your work­day. Work, play, or relax; do it all with pow­er­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.”
“Col­or-rich Dis­play The Full HD dis­play keeps images and videos stun­ning while the nar­row bor­der offers-up more view­able space. To pro­tect user’s eyes from harm­ful blue light, it also includes Acer Blue­Light­Shield”
“High-speed Stor­age With the Inte­gra­tion of M.2 PCIe SSD users have plen­ty of stor­age for all of their media, work files, and more.”
“Plen­ty of Ports With three USB ports, includ­ing two USB 3.2 Gen 1 and one USB 2.0, you’re always pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion – whether plug­ging in for a pre­sen­ta­tion or using the lat­est periph­er­als. If need­ed, you can also con­nect to an exter­nal dis­play via the HDMI port when the occa­sion calls for a larg­er screen.”

2023 CHUWI FreeBook 2‑in‑1 Touchscreen Laptop 13.5″, 12GB RAM 512GB SSD, 12th Gen Intel N100(up to 3.4GHz), 1TB SSD Expand, Windows 11 Laptops, FHD 2256*1504, Backlit Keyboard, WiFi 6, BT5.2, Webcam

2023 CHUWI FreeBook 2‑in‑1 Touchscreen Laptop 13.5″, 12GB RAM 512GB SSD, 12th Gen Intel N100(up to 3.4GHz), 1TB SSD Expand, Windows 11 Laptops, FHD 2256*1504, Backlit Keyboard, WiFi 6, BT5.2, Webcam

✨【12GB LPDDR5+512GB SSD】 CHUWI Free­Book Win­dows 11 Lap­top with newest 12th Gen Intel N100(4C/4T, Up to 3.4GHz, TDP 6W), and the 12th Gen­In­tel UHD Graph­ics, meets your mul­ti­task­ing, gam­ing, and web brows­ing needs with ease. 12GB LPDDR5 and 512GB SSD pro­vide ample stor­age and ensure effi­cient mul­ti­task­ing. Sup­port M.2 2280 SSD expan­sion up to 1TB.
✨【12GB LPDDR5+512GB SSD】 CHUWI Free­Book Win­dows 11 Lap­top with newest 12th Gen Intel N100(4C/4T, Up to 3.4GHz, TDP 6W), and the 12th Gen­In­tel UHD Graph­ics, meets your mul­ti­task­ing, gam­ing, and web brows­ing needs with ease. 12GB LPDDR5 and 512GB SSD pro­vide ample stor­age and ensure effi­cient mul­ti­task­ing. Sup­port M.2 2280 SSD expan­sion up to 1TB.
✨【2‑in‑1 Touch­screen Lap­top】 CHUWI Free­Book lap­top 360° flip design allows for a vari­ety of usage modes, includ­ing tent and tablet mode, per­fect for stream­ing movies, read­ing long-form arti­cles, or even draw­ing. Full met­al uni­body chas­sis cov­ered with avi­a­tion-grade alu­minum alloy mate­r­i­al. The thinnest part at just 8mm and a light 1.3kg weight, gives it a high-end appear­ance and a remark­able hand feel.
✨【Stun­ning 2K Visu­als】 This 13.5 inch­es touch­screen lap­top with a 2256*1504 res­o­lu­tion, ensures a supe­ri­or visu­al expe­ri­ence. 100% sRGB cov­er­age and a 3:2 aspect ratio, it offers a larg­er dis­play area, enhanc­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and ensur­ing every detail is crys­tal clear. Full-sized back­lit key­board fea­tur­ing a 3mm ultra-nar­row bezel lay­out, extend­ing the typ­ing area, and you can work effi­cient­ly even in the dark. “Fn+F5” can be used to tog­gle the back­light on or off.
✨【WiFi 6 & Blue­tooth 5.2 】 Dual-band WiFi 6 and Blue­tooth 5.2 offers fast and sta­ble wire­less con­nec­tions for seam­less online expe­ri­ences. WiFi 6 is faster, more pow­er­ful, more reli­able, more ener­gy-effi­cient, and per­forms bet­ter in han­dling mul­ti­ple devices com­pared to WiFi 5. The con­vert­ible lap­top offers mul­ti­ple con­nec­tiv­i­ty options, includ­ing a full-func­tion­al Type‑C port, a USB 3.0 port, a USB 2.0 port, and a 3.5mm head­phone jack.
✨【Supe­ri­or Audio 】 Enjoy an immer­sive audio expe­ri­ence with the four high-qual­i­ty speak­ers, deliv­er­ing bal­anced out­put from high to low fre­quen­cies. Sup­port HiPen H7 stylus(sold sep­a­rate­ly), offer­ing increased accu­ra­cy and speed while writ­ing or draw­ing, thanks to its 4096 lev­els of pres­sure sen­si­tiv­i­ty. ★ One-year reas­sur­ing qual­i­ty assur­ance. CONTACT US: Ama­zon account > choose “Your orders” > find the order > Con­tact sell­er.

Aspire 3 NB AMD Ryzen 7–5700U Octa Core Upto 4.30GHz/16GB DDR4/512GB SSD/AMD Radeon Graphics/14″ WUXGA IPS SlimBezel/Win 11/WiFi‑6/Silver

Aspire 3 NB AMD Ryzen 7–5700U Octa Core Upto 4.30GHz/16GB DDR4/512GB SSD/AMD Radeon Graphics/14″ WUXGA IPS SlimBezel/Win 11/WiFi‑6/Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er









Ready-to-Go Per­for­mance

The Aspire 3 is ready-to-go with the lat­est AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processors1 with Radeon graphics—ideal for the entire fam­i­ly, with per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the core. Per­fect to get more out of work, study, or play.

Improved Ther­mals

With a 78% increase in fan sur­face area, enjoy an improved ther­mal sys­tem and an addi­tion­al 17% ther­mal capacity3. Allow­ing for longer, more effi­cient work ses­sions while not plugged in4.

Pur­pose­ful Design

With a sleek met­al cov­er avail­able in new vibrant colors1, the Aspire 3 is lighter and thin­ner than ever before at 1.48kg1 and 17.8mm1. While a long-last­ing bat­tery allows for the fam­i­ly to get more done between charges.





The Dis­play

The 1080p FHD1 dis­play is per­fect for casu­al web brows­ing and stream­ing videos, allow­ing for sharp, detailed images. And with Acer Blue­Light­Shield, low­er the lev­els of blue light expo­sure to you and your loved ones.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 61,2 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for the whole fam­i­ly.

14″ WUXGA Slim­Bezel LED LCD
Pow­er­ful Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty For bet­ter per­for­mance, the Aspire 3 uses the lat­est AMD Ryzen Proces­sors, and deliv­ers enough pow­er to see you through your work­day. Work, play, or relax; do it all with pow­er­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.
Col­or-rich Dis­play The Full HD dis­play keeps images and videos stun­ning while the nar­row bor­der offers-up more view­able space. To pro­tect user’s eyes from harm­ful blue light, it also includes Acer Blue­Light­Shield
High-speed Stor­age With the Inte­gra­tion of M.2 PCIe SSD users have plen­ty of stor­age for all of their media, work files, and more.
Plen­ty of Ports With three USB ports, includ­ing two USB 3.2 Gen 1 and one USB 2.0, you’re always pre­pared for any sit­u­a­tion – whether plug­ging in for a pre­sen­ta­tion or using the lat­est periph­er­als. If need­ed, you can also con­nect to an exter­nal dis­play via the HDMI port when the occa­sion calls for a larg­er screen.

Lenovo 15.6″ Laptop with Intel i5-1235U, IdeaPad 1i, 15.6″ FHD Anti-Glare Display, 12th Gen Intel Core i5-1235U 10-core Processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home(16GB RAM | 1TB SSD)

Lenovo 15.6″ Laptop with Intel i5-1235U, IdeaPad 1i, 15.6″ FHD Anti-Glare Display, 12th Gen Intel Core i5-1235U 10-core Processor, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home(16GB RAM | 1TB SSD)

Proces­sor: Intel Core i5-1235U (10 Cores (2P + 8E) / 12T, P‑core 1.3 / 4.4GHz, E‑core 0.9 / 3.3GHz, 12MB) Graph­ics: Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics Oper­at­ing sys­tem:Win­dows 11 Home 64-bit Mem­o­ry: 16GB DDR4 SDRAM Hard Dri­ve: 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 Sol­id State Dri­ve Dis­play: 15.6″ FHD (1920x1080) Anti-glare Dis­play, TN, 220nits Ports: 1 x USB 2.0 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 1 x USB‑C 3.2 Gen 1 (sup­port data trans­fer only) 1 x Pow­er con­nec­tor 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x Head­phone / micro­phone com­bo jack (3.5mm) 1 x Card read­er Con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Wi-Fi 6 (11ax, 2x2) and Blue­tooth 5.0 Audio: Stereo speak­ers, 1.5W x2, Dol­by Audio Key­board: Stan­dard Key­board, Full size, US Eng­lish Built-in HD Web­cam: HD 720p with Pri­va­cy Shut­ter Media Dri­ve: Mul­ti-for­mat SD media card read­er Bat­tery: 65W Round Tip (3‑pin) Col­or: Grey Dimen­sions L x W x H (inch­es): 14.18 x 9.29 x 0.70 inch­es Weight: 3.59 lbs
A LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE – Expe­ri­ence best-in-class pro­cess­ing pow­er as well as stun­ning visu­als with your note­book computer’s 12th Gen­er­a­tion Intel Core i5-1235U proces­sor and Intel Iris Xe Graph­ics.
1TB SSD & 16GB RAM Enjoy up to 15x faster per­for­mance than a tra­di­tion­al hard dri­ve with 1 TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD stor­age and expe­ri­ence improved mulask­ing with high­er band­width thanks to 16 GB of RAM
EFFORTLESSLY CONNECTED – Enjoy a smooth wire­less expe­ri­ence whether you’re stream­ing or work­ing, at home or on the go with a depend­able Wi-Fi 6 (2x2) and Blue­tooth 5.0 com­bo
REVOLUTIONARY ENTERTAINMENT – Enjoy ultra-wide view­ing angles and seam­less­ly per­form mul­ti-mon­i­tor set-ups with a 15.6‑inch, Full HD, and anti-glare dis­play
FULL-SIZE KEYBOARD – Work com­fort­ably with a full-sized key­board, inte­grat­ed numer­ic pad, and a Pre­ci­sion Touchpad.System ram type: ddr4 sdram

(GENUINE) HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2005ne, 16″ 3K+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Intel® UHD Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nocturne blue — [7Q7A0EA]

(GENUINE) HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop 16-f2005ne, 16″ 3K+ touch screen, 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Intel® UHD Graphics, Windows 11 Home, En ‑Ar KB, Nocturne blue — [7Q7A0EA]

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

HP Glam­Cam with Auto Frame and Appear­ance Fil­ter

Look your best on video calls with HP Glam­Cam, an intel­li­gent 5MP cam­era with Back­light Adjust­ment and Auto Frame.

Screen reminders to help pro­tect your well-being

With screen time and dis­tance reminders, you know when it’s time to take a screen break or if you’re too close.

Made with the plan­et in mind

Because bet­ter feels bet­ter, we’ve includ­ed ocean-bound plas­tic and recy­cled alu­minum in this PC design.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

Get a fresh per­spec­tive

Win­dows 11 pro­vides a calm and cre­ative space where you can pur­sue your pas­sions through a fresh expe­ri­ence. From a reju­ve­nat­ed Start menu, to new ways to con­nect to your favorite peo­ple, news, games, and con­tent – Win­dows 11 is the place to think, express, and cre­ate in a nat­ur­al way.

Excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence, any­where

The Intel Evo plat­form brings togeth­er the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of per­for­mance, respon­sive­ness, bat­tery life and stun­ning visu­als in a new class of lap­tops. These designs are ver­i­fied by Intel for an excep­tion­al lap­top expe­ri­ence, any­where.

Intel Iris Xᵉ graph­ics

Impres­sive per­for­mance for cre­at­ing, gam­ing, and enter­tain­ment. A new lev­el of graph­ics per­for­mance and crisp, stun­ning visu­als – with the con­ve­nience of a thin & light lap­top.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

All-in-One Key­board

Con­trol your pri­va­cy, secu­ri­ty and mul­ti­me­dia with the touch of a but­ton. With all your hotkeys in one area, seam­less­ly nav­i­gate with no dis­trac­tions.

Adap­tive Col­or

Easy on the eyes – Adap­tive Col­or auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts screen col­or and bright­ness based on your envi­ron­ment for more com­fort­able view­ing. To ease eye strain, the screen shows a cool­er light when it’s day­time and gets warmer when the sun goes down.

HP True Vision 5MP with cam­era shut­ter

Video chat with peace of mind with a pri­va­cy cam­era you can close when not in use.

HP Spectre x360

HP Spectre x360

External I/O Ports

2 Thun­der­bolt 4 with USB4 Type‑C 40Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (USB Pow­er Deliv­ery, Dis­play­Port 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge);
1 Super­Speed USB Type‑A 10Gbps sig­nal­ing rate (HP Sleep and Charge);
1 HDMI 2.1;
1 AC smart pin;
1 headphone/microphone com­bo

The HP Spec­tre x360 Lap­top is pow­ered by an Intel 13th Gen­er­a­tion Proces­sor that adapts to you for supe­ri­or mul­ti-task­ing. With a taller dis­play, you can view more con­tent with less scrolling
One of HP’s best 2‑in‑1 lap­tops for look­ing and feel­ing your best, and keep­ing pro­duc­tive with intel­li­gent fea­tures like Auto Frame, a pow­er­ful Intel Proces­sor and screen time and dis­tance reminders
With its smart fea­tures and long last­ing bat­tery, the HP Spec­tre x360 16 inch 2‑in‑1 Lap­top PC is pow­er­ful enough to han­dle your whole day
3072 x 1920 res­o­lu­tion deliv­ers incred­i­ble details and life­like col­ors. And with touch, you can con­trol your PC right from the screen.
Designed to make you look good with uncom­pro­mised con­nec­tion

Acer Aspire 3 Spin 14 Convertible Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i3-N305 8 Cores Upto 3.80GHz/8GB LPDDR5 RAM/256GB SSD/Intel UHD Graphics/14″ WUXGA IPS Touchscreen/Win 11S/WiFi‑6/Pure Silver

Acer Aspire 3 Spin 14 Convertible Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i3-N305 8 Cores Upto 3.80GHz/8GB LPDDR5 RAM/256GB SSD/Intel UHD Graphics/14″ WUXGA IPS Touchscreen/Win 11S/WiFi‑6/Pure Silver

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

Aspire 3 Spin

Aspire 3 Spin

Thin, Light, and Versatile

Thin, Light, and Versatile

Easy-to-Use Touchscreen

Easy-to-Use Touchscreen

Practical Performance

Practical Performance

Thin, Light, and Ver­sa­tile

With its ver­sa­tile 360° hinge design, eas­i­ly tran­si­tion between lap­top or tablet mode—or any­thing in between! And at 18.9 mm thin and 1.5 kg1 light, this 2‑in‑1 con­vert­ible lap­top is made to keep up with you!

Easy-to-Use Touch­screen

Take notes, sketch, or share your work with ease on the ultra-respon­sive 14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS touchscreen1—with Acer Active Stylus2 sup­port, Acer Blue­Light­Shield, and a 16:10 aspect ratio to boot.

Prac­ti­cal Per­for­mance

Meet your dai­ly tasks head-on with the reli­able per­for­mance of the lat­est Intel Core i3 N‑Series Processors1—along with 8GB1 RAM and 1TB1 SSD to set your ideas in motion.

The Smarts

The Smarts

The Connectivity

The Connectivity

The Smarts

Get it done with Win­dows 11, fea­tur­ing new ani­ma­tions, but­tons, and tog­gles. And expe­ri­ence clear video call­ing with Acer TNR Solu­tion and Puri­fied­Voice with AI noise can­cel­la­tion.

The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty

Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 6 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for what­ev­er life throws at you.

14″ WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS Touch Screen LED LCD
The slim and con­vert­ible Aspire 3 Spin 14 is made for all-around pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. With its ultra-respon­sive touch­screen and Active Sty­lus sup­port, it eas­i­ly flips, stands, folds, and spins to the way you work.
Easy-to-Use Touch­screen Take notes, sketch, or share your work with ease on the ultra-respon­sive 14” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS touch­screen —with Acer Active Sty­lus sup­port, Acer Blue­Light­Shield, and a 16:10 aspect ratio to boot
The Smarts Get it done with Win­dows 11, fea­tur­ing new ani­ma­tions, but­tons, and tog­gles. And expe­ri­ence clear video call­ing with Acer TNR Solu­tion and Puri­fied­Voice with AI noise can­cel­la­tion
The Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Con­nect or charge your newest devices on the full-func­tion USB Type‑C port. In addi­tion, Wi-Fi 6 and HDMI 2.1 pro­vide increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty for what­ev­er life throws at you.

Huawei Matebook 14 2021 2K 14 inch HUAWEI FullView Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U Series, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, AMD Radeon Graphics, 56 Wh Battery, Space Gray, grey, 53013APT, KelvinM W5851W, 8GB+512GB

Huawei Matebook 14 2021 2K 14 inch HUAWEI FullView Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U Series, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, AMD Radeon Graphics, 56 Wh Battery, Space Gray, grey, 53013APT, KelvinM W5851W, 8GB+512GB

From the man­u­fac­tur­er

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook,

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Noth­ing but screen. And what a screen.

The 2K Ful­lView Dis­play* is engi­neered to max­i­mize impact by push­ing the view­ing area to the lim­it. The result is a broad­er, clean­er, and more intense visu­al expe­ri­ence. The screen cov­ers 100% of the sRGB** colour space, so hues are vivid and pre­cise. The bright­ness is 300 nits*, and the con­trast ratio is 1500:1**, so you get bright, life­like images every time.

*Ful­lView Dis­play is a patent­ed and com­mon­ly used term for HUAWEI/HONOR prod­ucts, refer­ring to devices with a high body-to-screen ratio and reduced bezels. Data comes from Huawei labs.

**Typ­i­cal val­ue.

More ver­ti­cal space for lat­er­al think­ing

The lap­top’s 3:2 aspect ratio gives you much more ver­ti­cal space than a con­ven­tion­al device, which makes it ide­al for design­ing a mas­ter­piece, edit­ing a doc­u­ment, or brows­ing web­pages.

The screen has also been cer­ti­fied by TÜV Rhein­land* for reduc­ing harm­ful blue light**, so you can use it for longer with­out your eyes feel­ing the strain.

*TÜV Rhein­land cer­ti­fi­ca­tion con­di­tions: When Eye Com­fort Mode is active, blue light lev­els must not exceed TÜV Rhein­land’s max­i­mum thresh­old (this does­n’t apply to colour tem­per­a­ture adjust­ment).

**The extent to which blue light is reduced varies with actu­al use. This is not a med­ical device and does not pro­vide med­ical treat­ment.

Tap, swipe, and grab

Cap­tur­ing and edit­ing screen­shots has nev­er been eas­i­er. Sim­ply swipe three fin­gers* to take a screen­grab, and then cap­ture spe­cif­ic areas of the screen by draw­ing shapes**. The lap­top auto­mat­i­cal­ly recog­nis­es any text with­in the space you’ve cap­tured, which you can then quick­ly paste into a doc­u­ment.

*This fea­ture is lim­it­ed to devices run­ning PC Man­ag­er ver­sions 9.1 and above with all the rel­e­vant dri­vers installed.

**Touch sup­port is avail­able as an option. Avail­abil­i­ty may vary by region.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

A lean machine you can take any­where

With its alu­mini­um alloy chas­sis* and sand­blast­ed fin­ish, the HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 com­bines a sleek look with a pre­mi­um feel. We’ve com­plete­ly stream­lined the design, remov­ing every last gram of excess weight. It tips the scales at a mere 1.49 kg**, and even at its thick­est point it’s a svelte 15.9 mm***.

*The LCD cov­er, top cov­er, bot­tom cov­er are made of metal­lic mate­ri­als. The hinge and side cov­ers (where the ports are locat­ed) are made using non-metal­lic mate­ri­als.

**Data comes from Huawei labs. The actu­al weight will vary by prod­uct, as this is affect­ed by man­u­fac­tur­ing and test­ing process­es.

***Data comes from Huawei labs. Thick­ness does not include the foot pads. The actu­al thick­ness will vary by prod­uct.

Huawei Share*

With the Huawei Share tag built into the touch­pad, you can sim­ply tap your phone to the touch­pad to trans­form them into “ONE” super device. Your phone screen will pop up auto­mat­i­cal­ly on your HUAWEI Mate­Book 14, so they can work togeth­er seam­less­ly.

*Huawei Share sup­ports Mul­ti-screen Col­lab­o­ra­tion between a Huawei smart­phone (lim­it­ed to spe­cif­ic mod­els) run­ning EMUI 10.1 or lat­er and a HUAWEI Mate­Book run­ning PC Man­ag­er 10.1 or lat­er. Only some files and smart­phone appli­ca­tions sup­port this fea­ture.

Feel the force of an octa-core proces­sor

The lap­top’s AMD Ryze 4000H Series Mobile Proces­sor is man­u­fac­tured with the 7nm process, and has 8 ultra-respon­sive cores which deliv­er impec­ca­ble per­for­mance when mul­ti­task­ing, or cre­at­ing con­tent on-the-go. The AMD Radeo Graph­ics card makes edit­ing videos and retouch­ing images a breeze, so you have com­plete cre­ative con­trol, wher­ev­er you are.

In Stan­dard Mode, you’ll have more than enough pow­er for every­day tasks, but when­ev­er you need to kick things up a gear, you can unleash Per­for­mance Mode*, and make even the most demand­ing tasks are a piece of cake.

*Per­for­mance Mode can only acti­vat­ed when the pow­er sup­ply is suf­fi­cient. It is not enabled by default. When it is acti­vat­ed, the CPU and GPU func­tion­al­i­ty can be instant­ly increased. This may cause the fans to pro­duce heat and noise, and the sur­face may become hot­ter as a result.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Much roomi­er than it looks

With an expan­sive 16/8 GB* of dual-chan­nel mem­o­ry, and 512/256 GB of PCIe NVMe SSD, you won’t run out of space for your images, videos, or doc­u­ments.

Read­ing, stor­ing, and com­press­ing large files is incred­i­bly effi­cient too, so you’ll have no prob­lems nim­bly hop­ping from task to task.

*There is also a ver­sion with 8 GB of RAM.

Heat has met its match

Heat is elim­i­nat­ed quick­ly and effi­cient­ly, thanks to the upgrad­ed dual-fan HUAWEI Shark fin heat dis­si­pa­tion sys­tem. Its thin­ner, high-den­si­ty S‑shaped blades pro­duce 39% more air flow*, and the dual heat sinks quick­ly redi­rect heat, so the lap­top stays cool under pres­sure. The fans are also whis­per-qui­et, so the lap­top won’t dis­turb you or any­one around you.

*Data comes from Huawei labs and was obtained by com­par­ing the cur­rent HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 with the pre­vi­ous-gen mod­el.

Designed for life on-the-go

In a hur­ry? A 15 minute charge of the 56 Wh bat­tery is good for 2.5 hours of use*. The bat­tery has been designed using our own ener­gy-sav­ing tech­nol­o­gy too, so you can let go of your plug-in anx­i­ety.

*Data comes from Huawei labs. Bat­tery endurance tests were con­duct­ed while the bright­ness was set to 150 nits. Actu­al per­for­mance will vary.

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

HUAWEI MateBook 14, huawei laptop, computer, MateBook 14,Laptop 2K FullView Display Ultrabook

Pow­er in your pock­et

The 65 W USB‑C charg­er is a pow­er­house which weighs just 160 g* and fits right in your pock­et. It pro­vides fast charg­ing for your HUAWEI Mate­Book 14, as well as super-charg­ing for Huawei phones** that sup­port HUAWEI Super­Charge.

*Data comes from Huawei labs. Does not include the weight of the cables, which are 42.5 g. The actu­al weight will vary by prod­uct, as it is affect­ed by man­u­fac­tur­ing and test­ing process­es.

**The 65 W charg­er sup­ports Super­Charge fea­ture for the fol­low­ing HUAWEI Super­Charge phones: HUAWEI P40 Pro, HUAWEI P40, HUAWEI Mate Xs, HUAWEI Mate30 Pro, HUAWEI Mate30, etc. The 65 W charg­er sup­ports many out­put stan­dards includ­ing 5V/2A, 9V/2A, 12V/2A, 15V/3A, 20V/3.25A. The actu­al out­put varies depend­ing on the device.

Jump right back in

Pow­er­ing on the lap­top and get­ting to your desk­top is swift and secure, thanks to the fin­ger­print read­er embed­ded in the pow­er but­ton*. One press and you’re ready to go.

*This fea­ture is lim­it­ed to devices with all the rel­e­vant dri­vers pro­vid­ed by PC Man­ag­er installed.

Impres­sive across the board

Expe­ri­ence what a cut­ting-edge key­board can do. With three lev­els of back­light­ing, opti­mised key trav­el and sur­faces, and a large touch­pad, typ­ing is both com­fort­able and nat­ur­al.

【2K HUAWEI Ful­lView Display】The 2K 14-inch HUAWEI Ful­lView Dis­play on HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 is your win­dow to a world of true visu­al splen­dour. The ultra-slim bezels on all four sides cre­ate a mes­mer­iz­ing 90% screen-to-body ratio, while the 100% sRGB colour gamut and max. 300 nits bright­ness breathe life into the images on dis­play.
【Light­weight metal­lic body】The sleek alu­mini­um alloy exte­ri­or, a result of pre­ci­sion sand­blast­ing and dia­mond-cut crafts­man­ship, makes HUAWEI Mate­Book 14 a plea­sure to hold, and a vision to look at. And at just 1.49 kg, and 15.9 mm at its thick­est point, it won’t slow you down, wher­ev­er your work or pas­sions take you.
【Huawei Share】The all-new ver­sion of Huawei Share turns your phone or tablet and Mate­Book into “one” seam­less­ly effi­cient unit – where pow­er meets pos­si­bil­i­ty. Enjoy direct access to a wealth of phone apps, files, con­tacts and mem­os direct­ly through the Mate­Book screen.
【56 Wh Bat­tery Life】The 56 Wh (rat­ed capac­i­ty) large bat­tery lets you enjoy 11 hours of 1080p local video play­back. And with the 65 W pock­et-sized charg­er weigh­ing just 160 g, as well as sup­port­ing Super­Charge tech­nol­o­gy across a wide range of Huawei devices, it’s your go-to charg­er for day trips, week-long trips and more.
【AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Processor】The all-new 7nm AMD Ryzen 5000 Series Proces­sor fea­tures across-the-board enhance­ments that boost per­for­mance to new lev­els. The handy Fn+P hotkey enables Per­for­mance Mode, for when you need some extra oomph.

HP Newest Laptop , 15.6″ HD Display, Dual Core Intel i3-1115G4 (Upto 4.1GHz,Beats i5-1030G7), 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, HD Webcam, Bluetooth, WiFi 6, 11+ Hour Battery, Win 11 (Upgraded)

HP Newest Laptop , 15.6″ HD Display, Dual Core Intel i3-1115G4 (Upto 4.1GHz,Beats i5-1030G7), 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, HD Webcam, Bluetooth, WiFi 6, 11+ Hour Battery, Win 11 (Upgraded)

The 2022 HP 15 Lap­top com­bines long-last­ing bat­tery life with a thin and portable, micro-edge bezel design to keep you pro­duc­tive and enter­tained from any­where. Whether you’re tak­ing video calls, play­ing games, or read­ing the news, the micro-edge bezel dis­play lets you see and do more. The Intel proces­sor is pow­er­ful enough for your busiest days, with a sol­id-state dri­ve for quick boot­up and speedy over­all expe­ri­ence. CPU : Intel Core i3-1115G4 Proces­sor (Base clock at 3.0GHz, up to 4.1GHz with Intel Tur­bo Boost Tech­nol­o­gy, 2 Cores, 4 Threads, 6 MB Intel Smart Cache) Graph­ics : Inte­grat­ed Intel UHD Graph­ics Mem­o­ry : Upgrad­ed to 16GB DDR4 RAM Stor­age : 256GB PCIe NVMe Sol­id State Dri­ve Oper­at­ing Sys­tem : Win­dows 11 Home in S Mode Dis­play : 15.6’‘ HD (1366 x 768) LED Dis­play, micro-edge, BrightView, 250 nits Ports : 1 x Super­Speed USB Type‑C 2 x Super­Speed USB Type‑A 1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x Mul­ti-for­mat SD Media Card Read­er 1 x Headphone/Microphone Com­bo Key­board : Full-size Key­board with Numer­ic Key­pad Media Dri­ve : SD Card Read­er Hard Dri­ve : None Audio : Built-in Two Stereo Speak­ers Web­cam : Built-in 720p Web­cam Opti­cal Dri­ve : No Wire­less Con­nec­tiv­i­ty : Wi-Fi 6 and Blue­tooth Bat­tery : 3‑cell, 41 Wh Dimen­sion (L x W x H) : 14.11″ x 9.53″ x 0.71’’ Weight : 3.75 lb Col­or : Nat­ur­al Sil­ver Acces­so­ry : Marx­sol­Ca­bleAc­ces­sories.
Upgrad­ed to enhance per­for­mance: Orig­i­nal Seal is opened for upgrade ONLY and are test­ed, inspect­ed post installing the upgrades to achieve the spec­i­fi­ca­tions as adver­tised.
1 Year Sell­er War­ran­ty
【15.6″ HD Display】15.6″ HD (1366 x 768) LED Dis­play, micro-edge, BrightView, 250 nits. High def­i­n­i­tion dis­play with BrightView pan­el for bright visu­als in any indoor envi­ron­ment. HP True Vision 720p HD cam­era with inte­grat­ed dig­i­tal micro­phone. Marx­so­lAc­ces­sories includ­ing HDMI Cable, USB exten­sion cord and Mouse Pad for Home, Stu­dent, Pro­fes­sion­als, Small Busi­ness, School Edu­ca­tion, and Com­mer­cial Enter­prise. Online Class, Google Class­room, Remote Learn­ing, Zoom Ready.
【Autho­rized w/MarxsolBundle 】14.11″ L x 9.53″ W x 0.71″ H, 3.75 lbs; 1 x Super­Speed USB Type‑C 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate / 2 x Super­Speed USB Type‑A 5Gbps sig­nal­ing rate / 1 x HDMI 1.4b / 1 x Mul­ti-for­mat SD Media Card / 1 x headphone/microphone com­bo; Wi-Fi 6 and Blue­tooth; Inte­grat­ed 720p Web­cam; Nat­ur­al Sil­ver + w/MarxsolCableAccessories Includ­ed.

ALLDOCUBE iPlay 50–2023 Android 13 Tablet 2k Ultra HD10.4 Inches,14GB(6+8) RAM, 128GB ROM, Dual Camera, Octa-Core Chip, 6000mAh, with free Glass protector and flip cover, international Version.

ALLDOCUBE iPlay 50–2023 Android 13 Tablet 2k Ultra HD10.4 Inches,14GB(6+8) RAM, 128GB ROM, Dual Camera, Octa-Core Chip, 6000mAh, with free Glass protector and flip cover, international Version.

ALLDOCUBE iPlay 50–2023 Android 13 Tablet 2k Ultra HD10.4 Inches,14GB(6+8) RAM, 128GB ROM, 4G LTE & 2.4/5G WiFi, 5MP+8MP Dual Cam­era, Octa-Core Chip, 6000mAh, with free Glass pro­tec­tor and flip cov­er, inter­na­tion­al Ver­sion.
Lat­est 2023 Android 13 Table­tALL­DOCUBE 14GB(6+8) RAM tablet built in Unisoc Tiger T618 Octa-Core chip with 2.0GHz fre­quen­cy, pro­vides you with a super smooth expe­ri­ence. Mali G52 3EE gam­ing-grade chip brings faster appli­ca­tion response and smoother video decod­ing per­for­mance for tablets.
14GB(6+8),128GB Stor­age Mem­o­ry­Tablet 10.4 inch is equipped with 14GB(6+8) LPDDR4 run­ning mem­o­ry which can switch between appli­ca­tions smooth­ly; 128GB stor­age, instal­la­tion of MicroSD cards can be expand­ed to 512GB to accom­mo­date more games, video, and media files you like.
Dual Cam­era for More Won­der­ful Moment­sEx­cel­lent 8MP rear cam­era + 5MP front cam­era, which is con­ve­nient for record­ing dai­ly life and video calls/record; 6000mAh large-capac­i­ty bat­tery and intel­li­gent pow­er sav­ing tech, online video play­back reach­es 7 hours, local video play­back time reach­es 10 hours, no longer wor­ry about tablet 14GB(6+8) RAM insuf­fi­cient pow­er.
2k Ultra HD 10.4 Inch­es Eye Pro­tec­tion Screen2000 × 1200 res­o­lu­tion HD screen, mak­ing the full per­spec­tive of Android tablet 10.4 inch­es more open; open­ing the eye pro­tec­tion mode to make your view­ing more com­fort­able and reduce eye fatigue.
Pack­ag­ing Con­tent & War­ran­ty Peri­od 1 x tablet, 1 x screen pro­tec­tive film (Tear off), 1 x USB‑C cable, 1 x 5V-2A charg­er, 1 x card nee­dle, 1 x man­u­al, 1X Flip Cover,1 X Glass Screen Pro­tec­tor . (We pro­vide a one-year war­ran­ty for the fail­ure of the machine itself, Please notice that man-made dam­age is not cov­ered by the war­ran­ty. If you have any ques­tions about the use of Android 13 tablets, please con­tact us at any time.)

MOFT Laptop Stand, Invisible Lightweight Laptop Computer Stand, Compatible with MacBook, Air, Pro, Tablets and Laptops up to 15.6”, Patented (Starry Grey)

MOFT Laptop Stand, Invisible Lightweight Laptop Computer Stand, Compatible with MacBook, Air, Pro, Tablets and Laptops up to 15.6”, Patented (Starry Grey)

[Con­ve­nient, Secure Work­sta­tion] Spe­cial remov­able adhe­sive means this lap­top stand con­ve­nient­ly attach­es and detach­es from your lap­top with­out leav­ing a sin­gle mark or scratch, reat­tach­ing again and again with the same strength, effec­tive­ness and sen­si­tiv­i­ty. The stand is com­pat­i­ble with a wide range of lap­tops up to 15.6” — includ­ing Mac­Book Air and Pro. [Ergonom­ic Design] Con­ceived and con­struct­ed with the express pur­pose of giv­ing lap­top users greater com­fort, the MOFT Lap­top Stand is equipped with two ele­va­tion adjust­ments that make it easy to find your ide­al height and pos­ture: the high set­ting (3‑inches) is per­fect for a sit­ting pos­ture, and the low set­ting (2‑inches) is great for a stand­ing pos­ture. This flex­i­bil­i­ty helps pre­vent neck and shoul­der pain while look­ing at the screen. [Unique Mate­r­i­al] Con­struct­ed with spe­cial PU and fiber­glass mate­r­i­al, the MOFT Lap­top Stand is strong and sta­ble enough to hold up to 18 lbs., despite its ultra-slim size. The built-in mag­nets allow you to unfold the lap­top stand quick­ly and secure­ly attach it to a flat sur­face. [Ultra Portable] The MOFT Lap­top Stand weighs a mere 3 oz. and is only 1/9” thick — it’s com­pact­ness born of inno­va­tion. Since MOFT is lit­er­al­ly light as paper and slim as a coin, it’s a lap­top stand per­fect for mobile work­ing. [Wor­ry-free Ser­vice] MOFT’s multi­na­tion­al team pro­vides friend­ly, 24-hour cus­tomer ser­vice and a 12-month qual­i­ty guar­an­tee to our con­sumers. Please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us at any time with any ques­tion about our lap­top stand.
Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 22.4 x 17 x 0.3 cm; 85.05 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 17 May 2019
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ MOFT
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07QC29Q4Z
Item mod­el num­ber ‏ : ‎ MS006-M-GRY-EN01

Paper Thin MOFT lap­top stand is only 1/9″ thick and weighs a mere 3 oz, its small mear­sure­ments makes it unfelt when car­ried and unsee when not in use.
Reli­ably Strong It’s built with unique PU and fiber glass mate­ri­als, ensur­ing that it can hold a lap­top sta­bly with its small body. 18lbs is its weight bear­ing, cov­er­ing most lap­tops. Stick to the bot­tom of device, ensure the lap­top stand is near the hinge.
Exclu­sive Struc­ture It’s one piece when it’s not in use, tak­ing no extra space. It’s a rock sol­id stand when it’s fold­ed up. Trans­for­ma­tion only takes one sec­ond.
Wide Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty With its min­i­mal­is­tic design, there’s not much lim­i­ta­tion on its com­pat­i­ble lap­tops. It works well with lap­tops up to 15.6″.
Adjustable Gold­en Angles It comes with two most need­ed angles, 25 and 15 . The high lift­ing mode raise a lap­top 3in, mak­ing users sit in a right pos­ture. The low lift­ing make the screen 2in high­er to adopt to the stand­ing sit­u­a­tion.


UGREEN Revodok 106 USB C Hub Multiport Adapter 6‑in‑1 with 4K HDMI, SD/TF Card Reader, 3 USB 3.0 Ports Type C Hub for MacBook Pro/Air, iPad Pro, Dell, iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max, Samsung S23/S22U Grey

Price: (as of — Details) From the brand UGREEN USB C Hub 4K HDMI UGREEN USB C Hub Mul­ti-Ports UGREEN USB C Dock­ing Sta­tion UGREEN USB C Lap­top Acces­so­ry Describe our brand in 3 words. Val­ue, Inno­va­tion, Warmth What makes our prod­ucts unique? At UGREEN, we believe there’s an opti­mal com­bi­na­tion of val­ue and inno­va­tion.…

UGREEN USB 3.0 Hub, 4‑Port USB Splitter 3.0 Extension Adapter 5Gbps High-Speed Data Extender USB Multiport Hubs Compatible for Surface Pro, MacBook,Mac Mini, iMac,XPS,PS5,USB Flash Drive — 1M Cable

UGREEN USB 3.0 Hub, 4‑Port USB Splitter 3.0 Extension Adapter 5Gbps High-Speed Data Extender USB Multiport Hubs Compatible for Surface Pro, MacBook,Mac Mini, iMac,XPS,PS5,USB Flash Drive — 1M Cable

Price: (as of — Details) From the brand USB Hub 3.0 USB Exten­sion Hub USB Hub Mul­ti­port Adapter USB Hub USB Port Exten­der Describe our brand in 3 words. Val­ue, Inno­va­tion, Warmth What makes our prod­ucts unique? At UGREEN, we believe there’s an opti­mal com­bi­na­tion of val­ue and inno­va­tion. Why we love what we do?…

ASUS Vivobook GO 14 E140FA-NK185W (Mixed Black) Slim Laptop, R5 7520U 8GB 512GB PCIE G3 SSD, AMD Radeon, WIN11 HOME, 14-inch, HD Webcam, Fingerprint, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB.

ASUS Vivobook GO 14 E140FA-NK185W (Mixed Black) Slim Laptop, R5 7520U 8GB 512GB PCIE G3 SSD, AMD Radeon, WIN11 HOME, 14-inch, HD Webcam, Fingerprint, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB.

From the man­u­fac­tur­er





Win­dows 11 Home
AMD Ryzen 5 7520UMobile Proces­sor
8 GB LPDDR5 mem­o­ry
512 GB PCIe 3.0 SSD stor­age
14″ FHD NanoEdge dis­play
US Mil­i­tary-grade dura­bil­i­ty

ASUS Vivo­book Go 14 (E1404F)
Be pro­duc­tive as you Go

It’s light. It’s com­pact. It’s the ASUS Vivo­book Go 14, and it’s designed to make you pro­duc­tive and keep you enter­tained wher­ev­er you go! With its 180° lay-flat hinge, phys­i­cal web­cam shield and loads of thought­ful design fea­tures, Vivo­book Go 14 is the lap­top that sets you free!







Mis­sions accom­plished!

Vivo­book Go 14 is pow­ered by an AMD Ryzen 5 proces­sor, 8 GB of speedy LPDDR5 mem­o­ry and 512 GB of stor­age to help you com­plete all your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty mis­sions.

Clear­ly supe­ri­or dis­play

Vivo­book Go 14 has beau­ti­ful­ly clear visu­als with its NanoEdge slim-bezel dis­play that pro­vides more screen space for mul­ti­task­ing and immer­sive view­ing. It also reduces the risk of eye strain dur­ing long view­ing ses­sions with its TÜV Rhein­land eye-care cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

US mil­i­tary-grade lap­top dura­bil­i­ty*

ASUS lap­tops* are engi­neered with extra­or­di­nary tough­ness meet the exact­ing US MIL-STD-810H mil­i­tary-grade stan­dard, under­go­ing 12 rig­or­ous test meth­ods and 26 pun­ish­ing test pro­ce­dures — exceed­ing indus­try stan­dards. The upshot is a range of prod­ucts that are renowned for reli­a­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty. These fac­tors also inher­ent­ly ben­e­fit longevi­ty and thus sus­tain­abil­i­ty, so you can work, trav­el or relax with the con­fi­dence that your ASUS lap­top is ready for the real world — today, and long into the future.







Out­stand­ing audio to hear the world

Vivo­book Go 14 pro­vides incred­i­bly pow­er­ful, crys­tal-clear sound with ASUS Son­ic­Mas­ter and DTS Audio Pro­cess­ing. The com­bi­na­tion of hard­ware and soft­ware boost the vol­ume, and remove noise to improve audio clar­i­ty so you get tru­ly immer­sive sound.

Per­fect in every detail

Vivo­book Go 14 keeps you ful­ly con­nect­ed with its com­pre­hen­sive I/O ports. There are a USB‑C 3.2 Gen 1 port, a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type‑A ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI out­put and an audio com­bo jack — so it’s easy to con­nect all your exist­ing periph­er­als, dis­plays and pro­jec­tors.

Fast charg­ing

Vivo­book Go 14 sup­ports fast charg­ing, so you can charge a low bat­tery to 60% in as lit­tle as 49 min­utes*. You’ll be up and run­ning quick­er than ever!


* TÜV Rhein­land eye-care cer­ti­fi­ca­tion may vary accord­ing to device con­fig­u­ra­tion.

* Charges the bat­tery to up to 60% with­in 49 min­utes when the sys­tem is off or in Stand­by mode. Pow­er adapter with a min­i­mum capac­i­ty of 45 watts is required. After charg­ing has reached 60% capac­i­ty, charg­ing will resume at nor­mal rate. Charg­ing time may vary +/-10% due to sys­tem tol­er­ance.

* The test­ing regime includes the require­ments of both mil­i­tary-grade stan­dards and ASUS qual­i­ty tests, and varies depend­ing on device. MIL-STD-810 test­ing is con­duct­ed on select­ed ASUS prod­ucts only. Note that the MIL-STD-810 test­ing helps to ensure the qual­i­ty of ASUS prod­ucts but does not indi­cate a par­tic­u­lar fit­ness for mil­i­tary use. The test is per­formed under lab­o­ra­to­ry con­di­tions. Any dam­age caused by attempts to repli­cate these test con­di­tions would be con­sid­ered acci­den­tal, and would not be cov­ered by the stan­dard ASUS waran­ty. Addi­tion­al cov­er­age is avail­able with ASUS Pre­mi­um Care.

* Select­ed prod­ucts are using enhanced mil­i­tary-grade MIL-STD-810H dura­bil­i­ty stan­dards, with 12 test meth­ods and 26 test pro­ce­dures, to ensure extra­or­di­nary tough­ness. Based on ASUS inter­nal mar­ket research using avail­able infor­ma­tion and test­ing reports from main lap­top brand web­sites on Oct 28, 2022, ASUS con­sumer lap­tops use a regime con­sist­ing of 26 test pro­ce­dures, which is the con­sumer lap­top industry’s strictest and most exten­sive test regime for the MIL-STD-810H stan­dard.

Vivo­book Go 14 E140 is pow­ered by up to an AMD Ryzen 5 proces­sor, 8GB of speedy LPDDR5 mem­o­ry and 512GB M.2 NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD, AMD Radeon Graph­ics, 720p HD cam­era ; With pri­va­cy shut­ter, Fin­ger­Print, 14.0‑inch, FHD (1920 x 1080) 16:9 aspect ratio.
Vivo­book Go 14 con­nect­ed with USB‑C 3.2 Gen 1 port, a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type‑A ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI out­put and an audio com­bo jack.
ASUS Num­ber­Pad 2.0 which makes every­thing much eas­i­er when it’s time to crunch num­bers: sim­ply tap the touch­pad icon to enable num­ber input.
Vivo­book Go 14 fea­tures a pre­ci­sion-engi­neered, 180° lay-flat hinge that makes it easy to share con­tent or col­lab­o­rate with oth­ers.
2 Year War­ran­ty

CHUWI 2023 GemiBook Plus Laptop 15.6″,12th Gen Intel Alder Lake N100 (Up to 3.4GHz), 8GB RAM 256GB SSD, Windows 11 Laptops, 1TB SSD Expend, FHD 1920 * 1080, HDMI/WiFi 6/BT5.2/Webcam/38WH/Speakers

CHUWI 2023 GemiBook Plus Laptop 15.6″,12th Gen Intel Alder Lake N100 (Up to 3.4GHz), 8GB RAM 256GB SSD, Windows 11 Laptops, 1TB SSD Expend, FHD 1920 * 1080, HDMI/WiFi 6/BT5.2/Webcam/38WH/Speakers

CHUWI Gemi­Book Plus 15.6″ Lap­top Com­put­er, Win­dows 11 Lap­top 12th Gen Intel Alder Lake N100 (Up to 3.4GHz), 8GB RAM 256GB SSD, 1920X1080 Full HD Dis­play Ultra Thin Lap­top, HDMI/WiFi6/BT5.2/Webcam/38WH
【High Per­for­mance Laptop】CHUWI Gemi­book Plus lap­top is equipped with 12th Gen Intel Alder Lake N100 proces­sor, tur­bocharged to 3.4GHz with 4 cores and 4 threads to load appli­ca­tions smooth­ly and pro­vide sta­ble per­for­mance.
[8GB LPDDR5+256GB SSD] CHUWI lap­top is equipped with LPDDR5 8GB Ran­dom Access Mem­o­ry, plen­ty of space and faster read­ing speed, allow­ing it to effi­cient­ly han­dle mul­ti­ple pro­grams and tasks simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Equipped with 256GB SSD, the com­put­er lap­top pro­vides huge stor­age space for your doc­u­ments, media files and oth­er data. Lap­tops with plen­ty of space to record your life and col­lect your favorites.
【15.6″ FHD IPS Display】15.6 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) lap­top com­put­ers with 85% screen-to-body ratio, 16:9 aspect ratio, and nar­row bezels. The tra­di­tion­al lap­top com­put­ers have vivid col­ors, show­ing you high-qual­i­ty, clear and life­like images. Immerse your­self in a wider, more cap­ti­vat­ing view on a 15.6″ nar­row bezel note­book com­put­er screen. CHUWI lap­top allows you to enjoy the ulti­mate view­ing feast.
【Con­ve­nient And Portable Design】The sleek body weighs just 1.75 kg and is only 2 cm thick, mak­ing it easy to car­ry around all day. Equipped with a 5000 mAh lithi­um-ion bat­tery with up to 8 hours of bat­tery life. It has a long-last­ing bat­tery and reli­able per­for­mance. Per­fect for an easy way to enjoy your lifestyle on the go.
【Wor­ry-free After-sales Service】CHUWI has strict stan­dard for all stages of pro­duc­tion to ensure the qual­i­ty of our 2023 new lap­tops. All lap­top com­put­ers are sub­ject­ed to 200 hours of machine aging tests before ship­ment to make sure each frame is work­ing flaw­less­ly. We offer ONE-YEAR lim­it­ed war­ran­ty. Any ques­tions about our CHUWI lap­tops, please con­tact us for an easy solu­tion or a fast replace­ment!

CREATMOR Wireless Mouse, Rechargeable mouse wireless,2400 DPI Precision Control ergonomic mouse with USB A to C Adapter, Silent Clicks Rechargeable mouse For Mac OS Windows Office Home Black

CREATMOR Wireless Mouse, Rechargeable mouse wireless,2400 DPI Precision Control ergonomic mouse with USB A to C Adapter, Silent Clicks Rechargeable mouse For Mac OS Windows Office Home Black

2.4G Wire­less Con­ve­nience: The CREATMOR wire­less mouse offers seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty with its advanced 2.4G wire­less tech­nol­o­gy. Expe­ri­ence the free­dom of wire­less con­trol as you nav­i­gate through your tasks with­out the has­sle of tan­gled cords or lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty. Say good­bye to restric­tive cables and enjoy the con­ve­nience of wire­less free­dom.
Bat­ter­ies ‏ : ‎ 1 Lithi­um Ion bat­ter­ies required. (includ­ed)
Prod­uct Dimen­sions ‏ : ‎ 11.4 x 6.3 x 3.5 cm; 120 g
Date First Avail­able ‏ : ‎ 3 Novem­ber 2023
Man­u­fac­tur­er ‏ : ‎ CREATMOR

Effort­less Set­up for Any Work­space: Our wire­less mouse ensures plug-and-play sim­plic­i­ty with reli­able 2.4 GHz con­nec­tiv­i­ty. Per­fect for cre­at­ing a clut­ter-free work­space, ide­al for both office and home users.
Extend­ed Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with Pow­er-Sav­ing Design: Fea­tur­ing a 600mAh recharge­able bat­tery, our mouse com­bines seam­less per­for­mance with pow­er-sav­ing effi­cien­cy. Enjoy unin­ter­rupt­ed usage, per­fect for long work hours or on-the-go tasks.
Ergonom­ic Com­fort Wher­ev­er You Go: Designed for com­fort and mobil­i­ty, our wire­less mouse adapts to var­i­ous usage sce­nar­ios. From desk­top work to on-the-move pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, it pro­vides ergonom­ic sup­port for any envi­ron­ment.
Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Solu­tions Tai­lored to You: Receive a com­pli­men­ta­ry USB A to TYPE C adapter, adding ver­sa­til­i­ty to your con­nec­tiv­i­ty options. Per­fect for users with devices fea­tur­ing lim­it­ed USB A ports, ensur­ing a smooth expe­ri­ence in diverse setups.
Seam­less Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty Across Devices: Expe­ri­ence has­sle-free com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Win­dows, macOS, Lin­ux, Chrome OS. Our mouse is craft­ed to adapt effort­less­ly to your pre­ferred devices, enhanc­ing your work­flow.
Reli­able Sup­port for Your Unique Expe­ri­ence: Enjoy peace of mind with our ded­i­cat­ed after-sales sup­port. Whether you’re set­ting up a home office or work­ing on-the-go, our team is ready to assist, ensur­ing a reli­able and sat­is­fy­ing expe­ri­ence with your ergonom­ic wire­less mouse.

ASUS Vivobook 14 X1404ZA-NK271W (Quiet Blue) Slim Laptop, i5-1355U 8GB 512GB PCIE G3 SSD, Intel UMA, WIN11 HOME, 14-inch, HD Webcam, Fingerprint, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB.

ASUS Vivobook 14 X1404ZA-NK271W (Quiet Blue) Slim Laptop, i5-1355U 8GB 512GB PCIE G3 SSD, Intel UMA, WIN11 HOME, 14-inch, HD Webcam, Fingerprint, Backlit-Eng-Arb-KB.

From the man­u­fac­tur­er



Win­dows 11 Home12th Intel Core i5-1235U Processor8 GB DDR4 memory512 GB SSD stor­ageA­SUS web­cam shield for instant privacy180° lay-flat hinge for diverse usage

ASUS Vivo­book 14 (X1404) Make every day your day

Turn every­day tasks into some­thing spe­cial with Vivo­book 14, your essen­tial tool for get­ting things done eas­i­er, any­where. It’s com­plete­ly user-friend­ly too, with its 180° lay-flat hinge and phys­i­cal web­cam shield. ASUS Antimi­cro­bial Guard Plus pro­tects fre­quent­ly-touched sur­faces from harm­ful bac­te­ria, safe­guard­ing your health. Make all your days more enjoy­able with Vivo­book 14!




Pow­er on tap

With Vivo­book 14, you’re always ready to take on any every­day task, whether it’s work, play or enter­tain­ment. What­ev­er you need to achieve, there’s always plen­ty of com­put­ing pow­er on tap with the 12th Gen Intel Core proces­sor, 8 GB of fast mem­o­ry, 512 GB of speedy SSD stor­age and com­pre­hen­sive range of wire­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty up to WiFi 6E allows you to load online con­tent in the blink of an eye.

Clear­ly supe­ri­or dis­play

Vivo­book 14 deliv­ers beau­ti­ful­ly clear visu­als with its three-sided slim-bezel NanoEdge dis­play. The wide view­ing angles main­tain great qual­i­ty even for off-cen­ter view­ing, and the TÜV Rhein­land eye-care cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ensures low blue-light lev­els that reduce the risk of eye strain dur­ing long view­ing ses­sions.

A new per­spec­tive on lap­top audio

Designed with help from the audio experts at Dirac, a pro­fes­sion­al audio solu­tion provider, the audio sys­tem deliv­ers the most immer­sive, clear, and bal­anced sound expe­ri­ence you’ve ever heard on a PC, lap­top or tablet. You’ll hear a wider and deep­er sound­scape than you could imag­ine, unleash­ing the full audio poten­tial of your lap­top.




Sil­ver ions pre­vents 99% repro­duc­tion

Inhib­it 99% of flu virus & bac­te­ria*

ASUS Antimi­cro­bial Guard Plus is applied to fre­quent­ly touched areas of your lap­top to help keep it hygien­ic. This tech­nol­o­gy uses a denser treat­ment* that inhibits virus­es and bac­te­ria. And it is sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly shown — using the ISO 2170211 and 2219612 stan­dards — to inhib­it virus and bac­te­ria growth by more than 99% over a 24-hour period4.

* Treatments14 are approved by US FIFRA15 & EU BPR16.

Per­fect in every detail

Vivo­book 14 keeps you ful­ly con­nect­ed with its com­pre­hen­sive I/O ports. There are one USB‑C 3.2 Gen 1 port, two USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type‑A ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI out­put and an audio com­bo jack — so it’s easy to con­nect all your exist­ing periph­er­als, dis­plays and pro­jec­tors.

Mil­i­tary-grade lap­top dura­bil­i­ty

ASUS lap­tops* are engi­neered with extra­or­di­nary tough­ness meet the exact­ing US MIL-STD-810H mil­i­tary-grade stan­dard, under­go­ing 12 rig­or­ous test meth­ods and 26 pun­ish­ing test pro­ce­dures — exceed­ing indus­try stan­dards. The upshot is a range of prod­ucts that are renowned for reli­a­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty. These fac­tors also inher­ent­ly ben­e­fit longevi­ty and thus sus­tain­abil­i­ty, so you can work, trav­el or relax with the con­fi­dence that your ASUS lap­top is ready for the real world — today, and long into the future.

ASUS Vivo­book 14 pow­ered Intel Core i5-1355U Proces­sor 1.3 GHz (12MB Cache, up to 4.6 GHz, 10 cores, 12 Threads) with 8GB RAM, 512GB M.2 NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSD, Intel UHD Graph­ics, 14-inch FHD (1920 x 1080) 16:9, Fin­ger Print, HD web­cam.
Vivo­book 14 fea­tures ASUS AI Noise-Can­cel­ing Tech­nol­o­gy that employs machine learn­ing in order to iso­late unwant­ed noise from human speech.
There’s a USB‑C 3.2 Gen 1 port, two USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type‑A ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI out­put and an audio com­bo jack. Vivo­book 14 sup­ports fast charg­ing which allows you to charge a low bat­tery to 60% in as lit­tle as 49 min­utes.
ASUS 3D Noise Reduc­tion (3DNR) Tech­nol­o­gy sig­nif­i­cant­ly upgrades the web­cam image clar­i­ty for clear­er con­fer­ence calls.
1 year war­ran­ty